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The entire Beneos arsenal can be searched online. There, you can conveniently search through battle maps, tokens, spells, and items using keywords and tags.


Every Patron Tier has exclusive access to its own DOWNLOAD LINKS where you will find alls links to our webspace and all assets you have access to.

I made a welcome video for you where I explain how this Patreon works, how to access the content and ho you set up your games with my assets!

This Patreon is part of the "Beneos" P&P Asset Universe. If you like my assets, you also might love my animated Tokens.

  • Beneos Tokens: LINK
  • Show Case Trailer: LINK

If you have any issues, please post your request in our troubleshooting channel on our Discord! We will help you in no time!


Andres Yuhnke

Using your wonderful maps in Foundry VTT with Moulinette. I have a question, do we ever need to update the content once its installed in our world?


Hey Andres, no, not very often. We only update specific maps if there are issues, for examples with teleports. In order to get that update, you would need to redownload the specific scene, yes. But usually there is no need to update maps. In case you redownload a map, make sure to delete the scenes before you do so. Moulinette will never overwrite existing assets in your world.


Hey! None of the handouts are working for me. When I right click or left click, I don't get any options to view/show them.


Hey Sylvacron, handouts are opened with a double click. In case you have any issues (thankfully with Moulinette there is not much that could go wrong) post it on our Discord and we will help you in no time =) Best Ben

Cordelia Tobin

Hi sorry to bother, I can't figure out how to turn off the sound for your maps? I really like it but my players find it distracting.


Hey Cordelia, you do not bother at all =) Unfortunately Foundry has no core feature to globally mute map sounds. But the god thing it is very easy - every player just needs to mute the "Ambient" slider in your Playlist tab top right in Foundry. Mind that every player has to mute it once (and it keeps this setting forever). FYI: The last releases for the Foundry Tier do not even have sound because of that and to safe storage =) I hope that helps, thank you very much for your support, Ben

Chris Andric

Hi Ben, thank you for your amazing CoS maps. I have set them all up in Foundry, but would like to know what best server to run my game on? Is The Forge compatible? As i know they have a size limit. thanks for your time.

Dallas Bradford

you can convert them using VLC and remove the audio from it, then convert the video to audio using a converter, and upload the mp3 to whatever you use for audio so that you can control the volume/turn it off.

E Rad

Hello, Beneos. I'm a brand new subscriber because Fantasy Grounds just added support for WebM files and I was incredibly excited about the idea of using your animated maps in my game, but Fantasy Grounds only supports WebM (VP8). Do you offer those file types or plan to in the future? If you don't currently, I think it may be a huge opportunity for you since there is a huge new crop of players able to utilize animated maps.

Beneos Tokens

Hey Rad, here it is again, the old VP8 / VP9 topic. The Unity engine unfortunately still doesn't support VP9 encoded videos. That means all programs like Fantasy Grounds that run on Unity suffer from it as well. VP9 is a very advanced format that produces the best compromise between quality and file size yet. VP8 files are essentially much larger (up to 30%) and have poorer quality. It just doesn't make sense to offer a worse product because of a single application. I have already thought about offering a special archive with VP8 webm files especially for Fantasy Grounds. But that would mean to render all ever released maps again, which is almost impossible, because it would cost a disproportionate amount of time. I also tried to reencode VP9 files with different libraries (libvpx-vp8, libvpx) and pixel formats (e.g. yuv420p), but the quality is either subterranean or there are massive image errors. As you can see the problem is unfortunately not trivial and not reasonable to solve for me. I would rather hope that Unity moves with the times and offers current formats. I hope this gives you some clarity. Best regards Ben

E Rad

Hi, Ben. I certainly understand where you're coming from and I would love for you to provide animated maps and assets for FG, but I can make do with converting your maps to WebM(VP8) using Handbrake (which does a near-flawless job for me). However, now is the first time in the history of Fantasy Grounds that it has supported animated maps and I think it's a missed opportunity to not provide your high-quality maps to those customers. FG has a large, active base waiting to be tapped into. There are very few animated assets currently available to use for FG (without user conversion), but over the next few months I expect some creators to seize that opportunity. E Rad


Thanks for the message. Can you send me over your handbraked webm for me to analyze its format Strukturen? I have thousands of maps and sceneries, convert them manually not viable for me. But I'd love to (at least) provide usable files (but without all the Foundry VTT Innovations though).

James Long

Just want to throw my two cents in.. While I'll give you credit for not choosing Roll20 (who actually promote sub-par standards for their content) ..as you can see, Fantasy Grounds isn't much better. I mean.. Roll20 ignores their customer base, and only produces new features that generate new streams of revenue (unless they lose market share). Fantasy Grounds is about half and half. However, if you want an absolutely stunning experience for your players, and extensible limitless features, you've just GOT to go with FoundryVTT. Their development team, third party developers and community is absolutely unparalleled. I mean.. MapTool is still a thing if you want to hand code everything.. but the number of active people using FoundryVTT is stunning. Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds are going to cave eventually, I'm afraid. WELL.. Roll20 is on their way out the door. Fantasy Grounds will probably cave in someday if they don't change their ways, because people like you (and me) simply want better features. ;)

E Rad

I have major issues with the business decisions of Smiteworks, but Foundry is definitely not without its own set of problems. Foundry certainly has a lot to offer, but many features of FGU require add-ons to provide similar functionality in Foundry. For Foundry to really shine it requires dozens and dozens of add-ons and managing conflicts between modules, abandoned modules, etc. becomes a part-time job before you even begin to work on managing a campaign. Also, running anything other than the basic Foundry client requires a decent understanding of a couple different types of code. Lastly, unless you're playing PF2 using a full suite of mods, Foundry doesn't even come close to the automation of FGU for every other ruleset. Again, I'm not saying FGU is perfect. It's absolutely not. In fact, I regularly admonish their team for the mismanagement of what could be the best platform if it wasn't so poorly handled. That said, things are improving, but the pace is glacial. Still, what Foundry offers is not enticing enough for me to take on a part-time job to keep the client from blowing up in my face and I have absolutely no interest in a base-line Foundry client because it's objectively inferior to FGU. All said, at least we agree on Roll20 being complete and total garbage.

John Drinkall

Loving the maps Ben, Awesome work -- currently running CoS -- party have just moved into the evil part of Death House. Brilliant work, so impressed with how much it adds to the experience.

James Long

Sorry I didn't see your reply earlier. You absolutely don't have to learn any programming languages. As far as the add-ons go, FoundryVTT adopts features when they upgrade certain areas of the platform. All of the best features that people need and want get adopted in to the core as time goes on. Also, there is a third party team of independent developers, called the Extraordinary League of FoundryVTT Developers that is dedicated to keeping all of the core add-on features that DMs and GMs -NEED- running until those features can get adopted in to the core. Honesty, the only thing you need to know in advance is to NOT upgrade FoundryVTT right when a new version becomes available. You wait until all of the add-ons that you need have been upated to work with it. That's all. Of course, if you've got the hard drive space, it's even better to do a fresh install of the new version. That way you keep the old version as a backup, no matter what. That's something you can't do with an online version like FG. You're stuck with whatever decisions they pass down. With FoundryVTT, your game is YOUR game. ;)

James Long

Ahy reason why you didn't just use "Virtual Tabletop" instead of "Online Play" tier? I've never heard the term used for Tabletop RPG games, and it (seems like it) excludes local VTT gaming. Digital Assets would work. You might consider "Printable Maps" instead of "Table Play" as well.

Ronald Köber

Hi there, I am really interested in joining you as a patreon but I can't find an info I need first. What happens if I decide I don't want to support you anymore after a few months. Will I loose access to the maps I am using in foundry or do I keep anything I got while I subscribed?


Hi Ronald, active supporters have access to everything in the Foundry VTT (Online Play) Tier, including the convenient Cloud download directly into your Foundry VTT world (via the Moulinette Cloud). If you decide to stop supporting, you will lose access to these services, as I have monthly costs for each user (server and traffic), which are already integrated in the Patreon contribution. But you will of course keep everything you have already downloaded. We never delete anything in your world. You can also use your download list here on Patreon to download the source data directly as a backup. Then you won't have the convenient 1-click installation via Moulinette, but you'll still have all the content. I think that's super fair and without any hidden pitfalls ^^

Ronald Köber

Yeah thats more than fair! Thanks for the info!

yoshua gontscharoff

Hey i've been looking to start supporting, i was just wondering where you think the patreon is headed in the future. Are you looking to make more general maps or campaign specific.


Hey Yoshua, we will continue what we are currently doing. Spectacular maps that can be used in many types of campaigns. The purpose of the maps is not to dictate how to use them, but to inspire DMs. Often you give your campaign a special spin to use a map you didn't even think of. Just because a map is called Astral Plane Castle, it could be used in a thousand other settings.


Beneos: Is it possible for you to alter the Death House activated scenes so that the spinning blades leave gaps through which players could jump?


Right now it looks impossible to get through.


The idea is to have it look impossible because you need to make a saving throw in order to get through. The map is just a visual expression, if your players make the save let them move through or give them damage. I do not see the need to change it, in the end it is a narrative game and it is real whatever you tell them is =)

Jim R

Gorgeous content! I’m interested in purchasing content for my CoS game. Do you have a listing of all maps you’ve created for CoS? Scrolling through content I saw Blood on the Vine Tavern but I’m sure you’ve done much more. Thanks!


Hey, what is the current supported Foundry version for all the CoS maps + Moulinette download?

Yann Artho

Just wow. I ran 2 sessions with the "old" version of Beneos maps and my players enjoyed it so much. I can't wait to reinstall the all thing for the next session, they mind will blow :D Thank you so much ! This is so much worth it !!!

Stefano D'Elia

How can I download a folder with all the maps and scenes in it ? i wanna keep it in my backup hard drive in case I have to reset my PC

Bruno Duchesne

Hi, I dont use Foundry VTT. I use a flat TV screen with minis. I would like to become a Patreon but before I need to know if your maps can be display on my flat TV screen using the Dynamic Dungeons Editors and if so are the map gonna be animated? (Sorry for my poor English writing"

Chris McDonough

Yes the maps are animated and I don't see any reason they wouldn't load in dynamic dungeons.

Frank (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 17:16:25 They load, but the aspect ratio means you lose some unless you scroll out. Then you have black space on left and right side.
2024-03-29 17:16:25 They load, but the aspect ratio means you lose some unless you scroll out. Then you have black space on left and right side.
2024-03-02 13:54:32 They load, but the aspect ratio means you lose some unless you scroll out. Then you have black space on left and right side.

They load, but the aspect ratio means you lose some unless you scroll out. Then you have black space on left and right side.


I use Dynamic Dungeons Editor every week for my games and can confirm that the animated scenes run just fine. I have not used the maps but I believe they should also work.


yes, I use them on a flat TV with minis. I also use another tv as display for his scenes. I just run the animated maps running off the windows player and there is also still maps.


Yes you can use all mp4 files with dynamic dungeon based on the feedback of our Patrons =) And yes, the maps are animated - but you'll miss all the features Foundry has to offer of course (including the one click installation, connected scenes, etc).

James Long

Just for the record, you can use FoundryVTT for that as well, if you wanted to. In fact, two different companies have developed sensor systems that detect mini's being moved on the screen.

Jeremy Heyer

Hello! I am interested in using your maps for a Pathfinder 2E campaign. Can I load the maps into a PF2E campaign? Or are they built for D&D 5e only?


Hi! I just subscribed. I've linked my Patreon and downloaded all the modules you listed. When I went to do the seamless one-click download, I can see the maps...but they're all bordered with buttons that don't work, etc. I've heard these are supposed to come pre-lit. There's no pre-lighting, no soundtrack, nothing. I also can't figure out how to get the intro scenes to play, as the button seems to just be an image rather than something that actually works. Very confused and a little frustrated with how user unfriendly this has been for me! Any helpful tips on how to actually set all of this up? (I'm using on FTT, by the way!)


Hey Tiffany, it's just as simple as we show it in the videos. At what point in our setup guide are you having problems? Some maps don't have light sources because they don't need them. We hardly ever included a soundtrack, but we placed ambient sounds on every map, which you can hear when you control a token and don't have the sound sliders in "Playlist" set to 0. But we have addressed all of this in the setup guide. If you still have problems, or still don't know how to interact with the content, write to us on the Discord, it's much easier to help there, and I'm sure we'll be able to help you in no time =) Best regards Ben


What program do you use yourself as a DM to put more maps together?


You cant put them together (yet) like drag and drop. Normally you show one map at a time on your table TV or on your VTT. In my Case i use Foundry VTT.


Your maps are awesome Beneos! By the way, but I've also gotta ask.... where on earth did you get that 3D animated mini in your demo video?


@Jesper, I see you around all over all my favourite Patreons-- it's good to see you here too! ;D


What exactly Do you mean?I animate everything with the Unreal Engine, or the asset already has a fitting Animation when i bought it. :) Best Regards Ben


Thx Niel. I am a big fan and collector of animated maps. If the quality is ok, im there. If I am missing someone, let me know :D I have close to 2000 animated maps now, that I use for my 3 groups, on a 55" TV. Cant get enough maps lol :D


Hi! I think an extremely spooky scenery that would be nice to see is the Old Bonegrinder in curse of strahd! It is one of the most horrifying locations in Barovia in my opinion. Regardless, I am loving all the content and my players especially love the sceneries during our games.

Colin St George

CoS Players do not read this - [ A pivotal encounter in St Andral's Church of Vallaki with the devil himself surely justifies one of your masterpieces ;-) ]


I was also slightly hoping we'd get a map for St. Andral's Church or St. Andral's Orphange in Vallaki since he has been including so much from the extra content Reddit has churned out. Currently trying to find something online that even slightly fits the style of the rest of the stuff he puts out lol.

Colin St George

Orphanage, nice. Useful if not essential. Church? (WotC suggests using the same map as the church in Barovia, seriously? For possibly the first appearance of Strahd? Dissappointing WotC).

Mark Wilson

I am using Astral Tabletop for my CoS Innistrad game, and used your free Old Bonegrinder HD still gridded maps last night for the first time. They loved it so much, I joined your Patreon today so that I can enhance my CoS campaign even more! Any plans for future tweaks for the Plane Shift: Innistrad version of Cos?

Gal Cohen

Hey Ben! First of all, I just want to say that you're doing amazing work! Secondly, I manually installed the Ravenloft maps (which are beautiful) but when the scene packer imported the journal entries they don't appear to be linked to whatever it is they're supposed to be linked to. Would appreciate any advice! Thanks!

James Long

I can help with that!! The Journal entries DON'T import and export. ..or rather, they didn't used to. The creator of Moullinette and Scene Packer have gotten together to add the feature. Now, RIGHT now, every major cartographer for FoundryVTT is busily adding all of the missing Journal entries in. That's why there are SO so many crickets out there right now. Beneos for example had like 15 miscellaneous maps, then the entire breadth of Barovia to fill in. I can't even imagine the workload. It should go without saying.. it's going to take a few minutes. ;)

Nix & Checkers

So are you saying that the journal entries saying "navingate to X" aren't supposed to work yet? Or do I have something messed up?


All prepared maps (Release 1,2,3,5,6,9,18,24+) are working. That mneans all PoI are working and al MLT are working. You get the full experience with that packs and FoundryVTT even via Moulinette. The "missing" ones will be updated one by one =)


Hey Justin, Issues are thankfully not very common, so I am sure we get it fixed in not time! Make sure you've updated all modules and check if you see any errors (F12 console). If you still have issues please post it in our troubleshooting channel on discord_ https://discord.gg/EDQqvk4k Troubleshooting in the comments or via DM is not very convinient ^^ -Ben


Hey, the discord invite url doesn't work. Does someone know why?