"Why dont i post things ive commissioned here" + open for flat color comms (Patreon)
Ive been asked that from a buddy of mine in regards to the lack of stuff being here so thought id put it up for people that wanna know
The prime reason i dont is mostly because while i have commissioned it, the art itself isnt mine and would feel weird to post it somewhere where you'd only be able to access it via a paywall like ive seen some big time commissioners do which is kinda stupid, its why i add full res links to every post i make so twitter/FA/whatever dosent stuff up the quality of the image aswell
its also why at the very least what gets posted here are flat color WIPs for bigger projects so at least theres something to show that i did on it
But still let it be known i appreciate the support of yall towards helping towards aquiring cooler commissions (though for now more this AC i gotta help pay off)
speaking of that if anyone would like some flat color work done im open for taking commissions provided the lineworks something of around this quality so i can do it reasonably quickly and cheap for you, even more so with your patreon discount
and for everyone else, have a dancing shirley i did
look at her go