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Sorry for this being a tad late; my dad had hernia surgery, but had to spend the night at the hospital, so I was running around like a headless chicken for a day plus.

First thing I want to address, we had a sudden, and pretty massive, uptick in pledges and patrons! I want to thank everyone for their support, especially those who have stuck around; I don't know if it's because of Eli advertising on their FurAfiinity page, or maybe people have taken a liking for the Director's Cut pages (or maybe even the Zelda comic commission), but we hope to have a nice variety of content, for August!

Eli's computer had some problems, towards the latter half of the month, due to the fans breaking down (twice), but they think they might have found the real cause: The case was probably making everything overheat, and thus making the fans work much harder than they should be, especially whenever they were playing a graphically intense game. It kinda reminds me of when I got that new graphics card, last Christmas; my dad thought Best Buy would be able to fit that 4080 into that compact case, but I told him it wouldn't work, due to how gigantic that series is, and surprise, surprise, I needed a new case... which turned into needing a new main SSD because the one I was using died... and a new cooling system for these new parts. I already talked about that in detail, months ago, but hopefully Eli doesn't have to worry about going through what I went through! XD

The point is, we should be able to go back into posting updates more regularly, this month, and we have a bunch of fun stuff planned! We're hoping to finally make that drawing that commemorates Moonlit Brew's 10th anniversary, as well as a nice variety of pages of various comics! I've talked about this on my Discord, but on the NSFW front, now that the original Moonlit Grind comic is finished, we can now concentrate on finishing Fuzzy Slithers and the Dorm!Sam comic; once those two comics are finished, I'm going to use those empty slots left over on a new NSFW comic, as well as finally getting to remake Chapter 1 of ACES!

My hope is that with ACES Chapter 1 being re-worked (in tandem with Chapter 3 being made, of course!), we'll not only have a more consistent art style with the rest of the comic, but also fix some things that weren't interpreted the way they should have been. It would be awesome if this is what helps attract new readers, as those who have read MB and are curious to check it out; Moonlit Brew is perfectly healthy in terms of readership, but I would absolutely love it if people read both comics, as they're both connected to each other, and also show everyone that I can write more than just werewolf stuff, you know? 

For now, we'll see how this month goes; hopefully we can upload more consistently, and we can make new pages every week again. Oh, and before I forget, IntroducingEmy (of Trying Human fame) made a new sketch based on an ancient drawing from ACES' infancy for their Redline Tuesday series! Be sure to check it out here, and once I receive the sketch, I will upload it here and on my DA page!

That will do it for this post. We got some exciting stuff for you, this month, so keep your eyes peeled!


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