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How's everyone?

Let me first thank everyone here for their continued patience; May and especially June were not exactly great months for us, especially for Eli. Both of their grandparents died within a couple weeks of each other, and on top of that, they were forced to finish a book for another client with a hard deadline. 

On top of all that, the 24-hour stream we were doing last week had to be canceled due to their computer not working, and ultimately needing a new hard drive and RAM, because the former was failing. Thankfully, everything seems to be back to normal, and we're streaming right now, as I'm typing this!

The next Moonlit Brew page is already finished; it just needs the text, and Eli's been working on the next 2 Director's Cut pages as we speak. After a couple of requests, the ACES, Fuzzy Slithers, and final Moonlit Grind pages will be worked on next, and hopefully, if there's time, we'll have more Interrogation and Alfred/Dorm!Sam/Frankie stuff, as well (if not, we have the rest of the week, as well.)

If you missed this 24-hour stream, don't worry! We have another one planned for the latter half of the month!

Hopefully later tonight (or tomorrow), we will have some good stuff uploaded, and we will have a more consistent uploading schedule again. I was honestly worried a lot of people were going to bail out when all that crap was happening to us, but thankfully, 98% of you understood what was happening was out of our control, and we hope to pay off your patience and understanding in due time! 

We're hoping that once the dust settles, we can go back to the schedule we had, back in late April/early May, and we can make some more MB/ACES pages, plus some extra NSFW comic pages/content, to make up for lost time.

On a personal level, I've been doing alright. My dad is officially cancer-free at the moment, and aside from needing a checkup in October to make sure it's gone for good, we talked a bit about finally going on that Japan trip; I was really hoping we would go in November, because I loved the idea of being able to spend my birthday in Tokyo, especially after 3 years of being forced to wait due to COVID, and then dad getting that lymphoma mass right after they re-opened their borders, but my dad wanted to go during Cherry Blossom season (which starts around late-March in 2024). 

I had my reservations about going during that time of year because 1. that's THE most popular time of year to go there, and because of that, 2. prices on everything are jacked up, just like how Las Vegas jacks up their hotel prices to ridiculous levels whenever CES or EDC come to town. 

I would've stomped my foot on the ground and told him that I wasn't gonna wait another 9 months to go to Japan and pay double/triple the price it normally costs on stuff, if it weren't for the fact that, a day later, a friend of mine offered to meet up in-person, in Las Vegas, this November. We've been online friends for 15 years, but never met IRL because either we didn't have the money, or had other priorities.   So, at least I have one thing to look forward to, this year, and since this would be a 3-night trip, I can easily make back the money spent on a hotel, just in time for Japan in 2024. I didn't go on vacation at all, last year, and now that this Patreon will be heading in the right direction again, I won't have to worry about so many things, as much.

We got a lot of fun stuff planned for this month and beyond, so stay tuned!


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