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-insert obligatory Nsync joke here-

How's everyone doing, today? I'm doing alright, all things considered! We had a bit of a slump, the past couple months, but I think our new schedule we announced last month is working, even when Eli had a vacation for a couple weeks! It seems like feedback for concentrating a bit more on the SFW pages has been positive, so far, so I came up with a tentative schedule for how I would like things to work in the short-term:

We'll still make 8 total pages per month, but what we could do, this time, is make 3 Moonlit Brew pages, 3 ACES pages, and 2 NSFW comic pages per month, and then whatever simple things we might happen to draw, in between! I think having that buffer for MB, these past couple of weeks, has helped significantly, as well, so hopefully we'll be able to keep that going, at least for a good while! My hope is that if we keep this up, we'll be back to where we need to be, in no time!

I'm still waiting to hear back from Eli in regards to if we're splitting page 21 and 22 or not, since I added a lot more detail for those pages after they asked to have more visualizations in the script. 

I've also been working hard on ACES Chapter 3, which we will hopefully see, this month! That chapter will start off with a brief "catch-up" with the trio since the events of Chapter 2 before they get a call about an artifact causing havoc in Las Vegas.... a real artifact; one that doesn't have legs, nor was under the ownership (or lease) from a certain car salesman you've seen on TV. ;P

And, of course, the request stream from yesterday was a hit, so I'd like to start posting those sketches, once Eli sends them over to me. So, the schedule I'd like to see would be this:

Monday/Tuesday: 1 MB and 1 ACES page complete

Wednesday/Thursday: 1 or 2 NSFW comic pages complete (this coming week, I'd like to work on the penultimate page for Moonlit Grind, and a Fuzzy Slithers page)

Friday: Misc. SFW/NSFW drawings

Saturday: Requests from patrons and viewers!

Since Eli is not on vacation this month, I think this would doable, but we'll see how it goes!

In terms of what's been going on IRL, I'm still waiting to hear the results of dad's chemo for the end of this month; I'm still hoping he's in remission now, and we can start planning that trip, but in the meantime, there's a lot of stuff that's coming out in May that I'd like to get my hands on. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is coming to theaters, Tears of the Kingdom is finally coming out, I still need to play Jedi Survivor (hopefully they fix the PC version by the time I can afford it), and I wanna play more real pinball.

This hasn't quite been a lengthy WTE post, but at least nothing super bad has happened, and like I mentioned, hopefully these changes we made last month will only turn things around for the better!


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