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So, Ataribetch emailed back to me, and he is now back and ready to continue the comic! However, with that said, I should get the elephant in the room out of the way: You might have seen that I added a new $120 goal to the Patreon, where if/when we reach it, we will be back to 4 pages a month. As I mentioned on the last post, we've had a couple of our biggest backers drop out while I was on vacation, and I was in a bit of a panicky mood. That's because $120 was the minimum amount to break even with the pages, and until now, it wasn't a big deal if we were only $5-$10 behind that amount, because I could easily pay the difference out of my own pocket.

Since we are now at $72, I would need to pay $50+ out of my own pocket this month, and I just don't have that kind of money, at least at the moment. Believe me, it's very frustrating, to say the very least; I want more people to pledge, no matter the amount, and be able to pay Atari to work on the monthly wallpapers, and work on 5-8 pages per month. I WANT to have that worry that, "Oh man, I better write the next chapter while I still can, because the 8 pages per month is gonna zoom by and make the stuff I've already written into reality much faster than I anticipated!". And I especially want people, backers or not, to think that these pages are worth the wait. To say that I'm desperate to get this comic out there so that we can have a good chance of people liking the comic, and even a few willing to back the project, would be an enormous understatement.

So, here's the gist of what Atari wrote on the email earlier today:

" I have to tell you honestly, im trying to maintain a fix amount every month as for my income, i understand we are undergoing such slope but its ok, im confident we can get back on track. and so, i took another commission work to sustain my income, i guess we need to compromise a bit just to continue with the manga pages, i can draw colored pages but we wont be strict with the backgrounds, i might be using some plain colors for the bg but apply detailed bg on important scenes only. "

I'm assuming he is meaning if we kept doing 4 pages per month with the current amount we have; if that's the case, it would not be acceptable nor fair for the reader, especially for you guys; I'm someone who would rather take quality over quantity, and I am 101% positive that none of you would want lazily-drawn pages 4 times a month to make up for the lack of funds. 


I am deeply sorry about this; I've been trying to be as flexible as I possibly can with the budget I have, and I don't even want to imagine this patron getting even worse than it has been lately.  Again, I would really like for people to spread word about the comic, be it reviewing the comic on youtube/some forum/etc., linking it to friends and family, or even just saying, "this comic is in desperate need of funds to continue" and simply linking to this page.

I can only hope things will get better from here...


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