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I will cut straight to the chase: When I received the touch-ups for C3P25 today, Karolyne informed me that she got accepted into a program that involves important people in the comics industry, and that she would be working with a mentor who has experience with Marvel and DC to improve her art.

Unfortunately, because of this, she informed me that she would no longer be able to make new pages for Moonlit Brew, and would only be able to work on touching up the remaining pages before she started her tenure with this comic (in other words, up to Chapter 4 Page 15).

I wish Karolyne nothing but the best in her future endeavors, and that she deserves to be where she will be going!

So, what does this mean for this comic? I'm going to try and see if I can find a successor who can stay consistent with what the readers expect with a story like Moonlit Brew (I'll probably search on DA at some point, but I'm also open for suggestions, if you have any!); at the same time, however, I worry that it might not be realistically possible with what I'm able to afford, and with what I currently have per month on this Patreon. Worst case scenario, if I am not able to find someone, then I will have to put MB on hiatus and concentrate solely on ACES. Hopefully, it won't have to come to that, but if it does, at least I can still keep this page active and still give you folks content with another comic, even if I'm not able to work on this one, at the moment.

I know that this isn't the news a lot of people want to hear, but I should mention that I've had absolutely no intentions of abandoning MB in favor of working on another comic; as I've mentioned in the past, in a perfect world, I would have been able to give you 4 pages of MB and ACES every month to satisfy everyone, but unfortunately, that didn't happen. 

Even when I didn't make enough for a certain amount of pages every month, I would bite the bullet and spend the difference out of my own pocket to make sure everyone would keep getting the same amount every month (to a point), even when I started adding ACES pages to the mix, and could only afford one MB page, per month.

This isn't the first time that a situation like this has played out, but at least this time, I've had 4 amazing years to spend with a great artist like Karolyne to make Moonlit Brew as great as it should be, and I hope that I/we can find someone who will be able to keep this momentum going.


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