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We're finally in the homestretch of this... "year", and not only are we starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel for that, but we're also inching closer to the end of Chapter 1 for ACES!

This month, we will be updating Moonlit Brew with Chapter 5 Page 39, and for ACES, we will be updating with Chapter 1 Pages 39-42!

Pending no delays, November will bring the first chapter of ACES to a close, and Uma will be leaving the project to work on her own comics. That being said, we still have the reference sheets for our main characters! Frankie's is being worked on first, and it should be finished by the end of this week! I will be using these ref sheets to hopefully give the potential next artists a step in the right direction, so they will be available to the public here, on Twitter, and on DA.

In other news, I just got my copyright certificate for both comics, just yesterday! I honestly thought I was going to have to wait a couple more weeks for it to arrive, but now I can take a breather, knowing that these stories are now legally protected. As I've said before, this had to be done, as I have big plans for them in the future!

In the meantime, I'm gonna be waiting for Crash 4 to be released, and hoping my connection at Best Buy can pull through with that PS5 pre-order. >>


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