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Before you read further into this post, I highly recommend reading my DA journal that I just posted a second ago. ( http://midnightclubx.deviantart.com/journal/Desperate-times-call-for-desperate-measures-586939815 )

With that out of the way, I can tell you that I now have just about enough on Patreon (All of you who have helped contribute are awesome, and I am eternally grateful of you peeps!)  to only worry about paying the Paypal fees to Atari for the month, and if this total stays the way it is for a very long time, I'll be able to save up on my personal bank account and recover from the losses I've been making over time. 

With that being said, for those that still want two pages a month, I have been thinking about increasing the costs of the payment tiers and goals; I know that you people might not want to do that, and if you don't, that's completely fine! You're still gonna get at least one page of the comic per week, regardless!

With that being said, I have a question I would like to ask, and I want you all to be 101% honest: What's the most would you be willing to pay for the tiers? I know that if I double, or even triple the costs, I would be able to have enough money on Patreon to pay for the comic and only spend little (at most) out of my own bank account. However, I know that doing that would probably upset most of you.

I don't want to sound greedy at all, but I have to do either one or the other to keep myself financially stable at this point, and I sincerely hope you understand the situation.


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