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So, I'm still trying to figure out how to handle this early access thing for you guys; I think how I did it last time worked, where I upload the first page to everyone, but give you guys the 2nd page for 3 days (give or take) before I show it off to everyone else. What do you peeps think?

Also, a few changes are gonna happen to this page: The first line's totally getting replaced since it's a repeat of the last line from page 20, and there's also a spelling error. Lastly, one of the panels is getting replaced with a one-panel flashback of Lydia eating breakfast while having that fishy smell, hopefully that will give Lydia's bubble more space if it's separated.

22 WIP is coming in a jiffy.




We should get a NSFW one or two page of her transforming back, when Atari feels better.


I don't think that's gonna happen; if there's an fanservicey page that can be made into an NSFW version, it's because it makes sense in the plot; otherwise, that stuff is gonna be separate from the comic itself (much like the NSFW versions of the pages I posted in the past. ^^; ) Sorry. : (


I think that's a solid enough plan of action.


Yeah, I wanna make sure you guys get the early access a few days early, even if one of the pages gets delayed because the artist is sick or whatever. : P