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Sorry I haven't been around; I've spent the past few days clearing stuff out of the house because of the 4th of July. X_X

Anyway, now that we've been finished with Chapter 1's remake, there are some people who are going to ask what the schedule will be, moving forward. As I've mentioned plenty of times throughout June, my plan is to "improve" upon the Chapters 2/3 pages (i.e. not have the backgrounds be a white sky, buildings/trees not look like they're cut and paste objects from an art program, replace the copyrighted film posters in Lydia's room with original ones, etc.), rather than remake the pages from scratch like we did with Chapter 1.

So, I'm wanting to keep the same schedule we've been doing for the past year where we dedicate one month to improving the pages and then the next month we make Chapter 4 pages, and we alternate back and forth. So, tl;dr, the schedule will be the exact same as the current one!

Speaking of Chapter 4, we're at the home stretch! I just need to write the ending involving everyone's favorite PXS agents, and we should get to starting Chapter 5! I'm in the preliminary stages of what will happen in the next chapter, but I definitely know how I want to start it (We briefly look at Sam/Simon/Lydia's first day of their fall semester at U-Dub, etc.)!

It feels great that we're finally back to making 4 pages per month like we intended from day one, and I hope we can keep it that way! I obviously have you guys to thank for making this possible, and as always, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as Karolyne and I enjoy making it!


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