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Karolyne decided she would like to hear back from you guys regarding what Lydia's werewolf design should look like, once we see that form properly in the comic. Here's what she wrote to me below the image:

"I want to get in agreement with the readers too ... what is the design that they like lydia werewolf ... Saw that the old artist drew her in several versions, in cover of chapters and pages ... and I made my version! I wonder if they want her more realistic and brutal, or if they want a more friendly, feminine werewolf ... Remembered that part of the romance between her and Sam in chapter one, I think it would be strange lydia with a very brutal appearance in that scene ... only if she has the versions according to the event haha I would like to hear your opinion! "

Personally, I think designs 1 and 3 fit her the best, and the short snout seems more natural to the design. But what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments as well!



Personally I like the longer muzzle in profile, plus I like her hairstyle in wolf form