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Karolyne sent me the sketch of this page earlier today, but before I had the chance to upload it on Patreon, she finished the page itself. So there ya go. XD

Also, I have a slight announcement to make: I'm gonna be going to Las Vegas from the 20th-24th this month; I'll have free wifi at the hotel, so I don't think it will impact any schedules regarding here or on DA/FA/ComicFury too much, but I'd figure I would make mention of this, just in case. ;)




Jees Simon, way to give lil ol cupid a run for its job ;P


That sun is taking forever to set.


I imagine it's towards the end of dusk by now (and it also probably doesn't help that, since they're in the Pacific Northwest, the sun sets later than here in SoCal; I should know since I was in Vancouver a couple years ago. XD )