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I lied... sorta. Don't worry, Sam still has his yellow jacket, but Karolyne suggested that he should have a different jacket for the scene where he meets Lydia at the park; I think it would be a nice contrast for the setting sun, and it makes sense for the scene since it's the day after the previous scene.

So, I'm keeping the emblem that was on the sketched version of 11 and 12 too. 

A little bit off-topic, but I'm honestly very tempted to have Karolyne remake Chapter 2 onwards every 2 months, kinda like what we are doing with this chapter. It's mainly because as I've mentioned in the past, I didn't really like some of the backgrounds, and the photocopied posters are an absolute HUGE no-no because I'm planning on finding a publisher later down the line. On the other hand, I could just have Karolyne replace the posters and improve the existing backgrounds, and it would be a much quicker/easier job. What do you guys think?



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