(IMPORTANT NOTICE!) The new $3 and $5 tiers are now in effect. (Patreon)
2017-06-30 06:50:41
2017-06-30 07:19:47
So, I have a bit of bad news: Patreon decided to make things a little complicated by not letting me simply edit the price of the pledge tiers, so I had to unpublish and remove them before I re-added them. It was a real pain.
With that being said, you guys will have to re-select the Regular and Amigo tiers if either one of them was your pledge level.
I apologize for the inconvenience! : (
PS, it took me a while to update the stretch goals, but I finally did it! I made it a bit more simpler (only three stretch goals right now). If the Patreon becomes a huge success, I'll start thinking about adding more when we get there. ;)