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UPDATE: I found about 2 more artists who look very promising as well, but I will wait until I hear back from them to make a proper update. ;)

So, I've had about a good handful of interested candidates send me notes on DA over the past week, and at the moment, I've narrowed my selection down to two:

First is an artist named KARNxJiro ( http://karnxjiro.deviantart.com/ ); I think he would be a perfect fit for the comic, and the sketch I've seen of one of the characters (which I've now attached to the post), I think he would be the right guy for the job! 

The only con with this person is that he is wanting $60 per page, which is obviously double what Atari charged, and I don't think I would be able to afford the pages, especially with the current amount the Patreon has at the moment. HOWEVER, he has agreed he would start charging $30 per page and progressively raise it to $60 once I'm able to afford it (which will hopefully be in a few months, regardless if the Patreon starts doing well again or not)!

The other artist is from Spain, and her name is Nana-Bid ( nana-bid.deviantart.com ).  All I can say about her is that she impressed me right off the gate and made a sketch of Lydia and Sam without even asking! And the craziest part? She replicated Ataribetch's style almost completely DEAD-ON: http://fav.me/dbbmv8e 

She would also be a good fit for the comic, though she has said it's not her usual art style, though she can adapt to it. Hopefully it won't pose as a problem later down the line. If she's able to draw those characters the same way she did with those sketches, she will be a shoe-in.

So, I figured I would bring this up because 1. It's been a while since I last kept you guys in touch, and I figured you peeps should be the first to know, and 2. I want your honest opinion on these guys? Who do you think I should go with, and why? Keep in mind while you could sway me one direction or another, it won't exactly guarantee I will pick that person. Indecisiveness works like that in my brain for some reason. ;)

So yeah, please leave a comment on who I should hire! I'll try to make an announcement within a few days... unless a new artist from out of nowhere impresses me, but it seems doubtful at this point.




My vote is for nana-bid