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Hey besties. Sorry this is a long post 😩

I have some news! R.U. Screwed was invited to participate in Early Access on Tapas!

They apparently attempted to contact me about joining Early Access 2 years ago but if you know me, I'm always losing track of my messages and I never saw their email 😂

When this launches, Tapas readers will be able to access the next 3 episodes using their Ink.

Right now Patreon is ahead of public episodes on Tapas and Webtoons by 6 weeks. I want Patreon to maintain that edge over Early Access.

It's important to me that you guys stay ahead of Webtoons and Tapas because patreon support is truly the only reason I can work on this comic, and I'm so thankful to you guys for giving me that opportunity. I worry that it comes across as an exaggeration when I say things like this but I mean it with all my heart.

So essentially what this means is that you guys will be getting 3 extra updates in December to get ahead of Tapas Early Access (plus one extra update as my usual end-of-the-year thank you). We'll update on Mondays 10am EST as usual, and again on Thursdays 10am EST, starting tomorrow. This will last through December.

I've been working my tushy off on new episodes to prepare for this lol.

As always thank you for everything❤️



*understood (?) Idk

Mackenzie Childers

Thank you!!! So excited! I adore this comic!