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Hey guys. I'm really sorry but unfortunately this week's 2nd tier reward will be delayed. I will get it posted late tomorrow tonight. Thank you so much for your patience 😭

My clinic is severely understaffed and they have had me working overtime regularly the past few months. My days off are especially sparse lately and I've been struggling. This company doesn't pay us well and the hours are very long (15 hours a day typically, sometimes more) so working overtime like this is really getting to me. I'm sad these days.

I was trying to hold this job until next March or so because I was planning on moving out of the state. If I'm moving less than a year from now it doesn't make sense for me to leave this job. However, if things don't get better, I may have to leave this company regardless because of my mental health.

The comic will be updated tomorrow as usual. Stay safe love you ❤️


Yoo hoop

Its okie!! Take all the time you need! We can wait, take care of yourself!🥰🥰


I know it might seem pointless to leave your job if you plan on moving in less than a year, but it sounds like your job is really taking it out of you, don’t be afraid to take advantage of the healthcare worker shortage and shop around for a different job!! I stuck with a job that made me miserable for entirely too long, and even if a few more months doesn’t sound like a long time, if it’s making you miserable then it’ll likely feel a lot longer. Put yourself first and do what you need to do! We all love and support you 💕


Take care of yourself 🥺🥺❤️❤️


Your mental health is important

Andrew Brown

Always take care of yourself. We love you! ❤️

Cloey Hilliker

Understandable, and no worries we're subbed to u to help support u as not just an another for a comic we like but u as a human being as well. Plz take whatever time u need to focus on ur mental and physical health, as I work those type of hours as well and know just how tiring it can be☺☺☺

Jordyn Probst

So weird how so many places are understaffed yet so many people are looking for jobs. The chemistry laboratory I work at is having the same problem. I hope you figure things out. Long weeks like that take a toll. Make sure to take a break if you need too!


The first step is always the hardest. Do what makes you happy. Take a hiatus from the comic and relax. I hope you understand that we care more for you than you think. We love your comic, but it’s not worth your health and mental well being if it adds more stress to your plate. We support you all the way! My job is the best I’ve ever had but being understaffed since COVID isn’t burning us all out. While we do do our best to keep afloat, it sometimes makes me wonder if I’ll be happier if I leave it behind and look for something better. I traveled a lot this year and I think I’m coming to an answer for it myself. I hope you do too in your future endeavors. Much love ❤️

Desiree Furze

Fighting, you got this. Please take care of yourself. I hope things get better really soon or an amazing opportunity comes tour way thatbwill make things better.


You should think about a traveling nurse. I made the switch and am so much happier abd less stressed ❤ your mental health comes first. You can't help anyone if you go down. Much love. 😊


So sorry you’re in such a rough place. I have been there, it’s never easy. Put yourself and your mental health first. We’ll always be here for you.


Please please please take care of yourself!! The comic can wait, and so can we. Your health is more important, you are not a robot! We know that, and we care about you. If you need to take a break, please take it. I know from experience that extreme stress leads to severe burnout, and it fucking sucks. Please take care, Kimmi! 💜