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Just wanted to let you guys know that as I have been uploading earlier pages on Taptastic, I have been editing the expressions of my characters so that they are more consistent with my current style. I have been uploading the new pages on Smackjeeves as well if you want to see. The edits aren't good or anything I just wanted to reduce the inconsistency of the comic at least a little.

I know a lot of you liked the old art more because the eyes were smaller blah blah blah.... but I don't and I couldn't bring myself to upload pages that I wasn't happy with. I mean I know I have been all over the place with facial proportions these days, but I'm not a professional (obviously) and I'm still exploring styles and learning, so give me a break lol. 




I had personally commented about the eyes and and how different your art is from before. But it was just a personal opinion that I liked your old style better. Everyone's style changes especially when you're doing a long running comic. What really matters is what YOU like. And people who are going to hate on and write mean messages to you don't deserve to read your wonderful comic! Your art style will always grow and change and I can't wait to see how yours progresses! Just keep doing what you do and fuck people who can't appreciate all the hard work you put into this comic!!


Don't get me wrong I wasn't condemning anyone for sharing their opinion of their personal preference! Everyone's got opinions and I love hearing about other peoples opinions. I was only a bit annoyed because certain individuals were going out of their way to write rude messages to me about how my style has changed. I'm totally open to critique and I always appreciate the input, but I don't appreciate rude commentary. And you're absolutely right, I'm just gonna keep on shaping up my style and see where it takes me!


Exactly! That's what I was saying. I have seen you react very well to constructive criticism which is great! I too like when people express things like that about my art. I just wanted to add in that those people that have been sending you rude and hateful messages don't deserve to enjoy your comic!