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Sorry this is late. I was sick to my stomach stressed out this week bc my reproductive rights are being taken away




They’re both so hot but damn Howie is a stud


I'm terrified for what's happened. I had my daughter while on birth control. We don't talk much about it but I seriously almost died. I'm scared of the possibility of it happening agin. I can't even initiate intimacy anymore, it all feels wrong. I don't want to live in this country anymore. I want my peace of mind back. The peace of mind knowing that if my health is in danger I'd be valued even before I start seizing out or flat lining.

Juju M B

They are just up for each state now honey. Which is way better and constitutional. I’m not from US and even I know no right was taken away. Lol


The end goal is a nationwide ban. As a nurse I know that state bans are going to cause boundaries for people who need access to abortions for their own safety. It's going to cause delayed treatments. Everyone knows that delays in treatments are a dangerous thing. Doctors are going to decide how to treat patients based on their legal standing, not that they think is right. They are going to wait until the mother is sick or until the baby has died in the womb before they act, which will have a negative impact on the mother's health. The doctors are going to put themselves first to protect their licenses and to protect themselves from jail time. Not everyone has the means or capacity to simply go to another state to receive an abortions if they need one. Domestic violence between partners will go up over pregnancy. Child rape victims have been denied abortions. Multiple women have faced complications during pregnancies but were denied abortions and have suffered because of it. The ban is so dangerous for women. The maternal mortality rate in the US was sky high before this, way higher than any other developed nation, and studies indicate that the ban is going to make it wore. They have some nerve doing this when the maternal mortality rate in the US was already so high. There are other ways to reduce abortions. Improve sex Ed in this country, but no one wants to do that because they don't want to talk about sex in schools. Or promote healthier mothers by giving them access to healthier food and environments, but no one wants to do that because capitalism.