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Ugh he said the thing.

And just one page this time:(

ALSO here's the dealio. In two days I am going to Australia for two weeks!! My plan is to upload one more comic page, one more $5+ reward, and one more page of "Tutor" before I leave. Unfortunately I will not be able to draw anything for you guys while I am traveling so updates will not resume until I get back:( However, just so you know, since Smackjeeves allows me to set up automatic updates they will get updates while I am away (you guys will always be an update ahead of them though) I hope you guys stick around until I get back!!




Oh boy this hurts my heart. Have fun in Australia!


Oh hey! You're going to be in Aus?! Cool! I'd say if you end up in bris I'll shout ya lunch but that might be a little weird >_>


Aw you're so sweet!! I'm not gonna be in that area though, we're gonna be in Melbourne, Sydney, and Carins :3