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Some of you might have already seen this on my twitter but I passed the NCLEX! Ya girl is an RN!




Congrats Kimi!!! I can relate to Sooch so hard. My first semester of college I failed half of my classes. I couldn’t figure out why I had such a hard time paying attention. I brought it up with my doctor, he asked some questions, ran a couple tests and diagnosed me with ADD. Started me on some medication and I started seeing a counselor for help focusing and have been able to pass every single class since then! Even managed to get straight As one term. ;) Hopefully Sooch will be able to find methods of being able to work with his disorder.

Doddz Co

Aw puppies!

Gracie Bou

Sooch needs help from disability services. I did THIS EXACT THING. I was too stubborn to look into if I had a learning disorder and then too stubborn to actually get help. And made myself miserable for no reason. In my third year I finally god allowances for my condition and it made me a much better student! I desperately hope hope he gets help


CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🥳 And I’m glad Sooch realized what he was doing so fast and now they can have a calm discussion on how best to help him so he can get the rest he needs ❤️


Congratulations. This is great news. I love how Sooch explodes, I can't wait to see Howie can help him through this.


Yaya RN! Poor Sooch. He is so tired and working his way towards a very large break. He's not going to be able to go like this forever. He will crash eventually and this spit of anger is probably just the tip of the iceberg.


Congratulations!! 👏


Way to go!!!!!!




AAA congratulations on passing the NCLEX!!!! Thats awesome!

Megan Pawlak Arts

I think it’s a first good step that he had a friend to tell him to stop pursuing subjects he had no interest in. And it got him to a class with an understand professor, which also helps! I hope that professor can be a mentor for him. :)

