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TBH I've been pulling a lot of Soochs lately bc I've been drinking too much coffee and staying up all night




Please, someone give this baby a snickers with a Xanax inside to calm his mad sleepy was down. I know he's working hard to be a better man and partner to take care of his man but I don't think Howie would like this method.


Been there. Done that. Definitely not healthy. Take care of your man Howie🥺♥️♥️


I have processing and memory disorders so I have to try twice as hard to just get something bordering on acceptable in exams, my friends never could understand why I’d spend hours working and not succeed lmao so definitely been where sooch is, with an education system that prizes academic achievement through an ablest teaching method it’s no surprise we get so frustrated and exhausted! 🥴


I hope both you and Sooch get some rest! All nighters are never pleasant :/


Sending you love feel better and lay off the coffee💖

J.K. Hogan

Creaky Sooch is cranky.


No! Cranky Sooch! I get what Howie's saying, but the night's already over and Sooch is not in a position to take time for himself right now. With ADHD, things take twice the effort and still take twice as long, just to meet regular standards. A class with 15-20hr/week of expected study time takes us 30-40hrs to complete the same. And still have to get it turned in on time. So... no. Taking time for himself would be disastrous for Sooch. And that's the real tragedy here. People wonder why ADHD and depression/anxiety have high rates of comorbidity. I present to you, this situation. 😩


ok well that was disappointing


Studying for your NCLEX?


Oof. You’re smart and talented. I’m sure you slayed it! It’s a lot of work though.. I hope you get a break after this!!! Time for me to get you some coffee on tapas again 😂😂


I’ve been so stressed over my boys all freaking week, I can’t wait for Monday!


I hope so! I haven’t found out if I passed yet so I will continue to be stressed out until then 😭😭

Syn Vicious

Awww poor Sooch. And sending good vibes for school news.