Discord - New Patreon supporter perk! (Patreon)
We've finally setup an InRangeTV Discord server and associated a role with the $5 and above Patreon level supporters.
This means that people in "The Muscle" and "The Starchamber" (or above) now should receive an invite via Discord to join the InRangeTV server.
I'm going to be brutally honest here, I'm new to Discord so this is a learning experience for me. It's our goal that this perk will afford fans of InRangeTV a more valuable collaboration space to discuss our content, or anything else (within reason, of course!).
Please let me know how this works for you guys and I'm all ears in regards to suggestions on how to improve, or what else to do, with this Discord integration.
Seriously, I'm always thinking about ways to reward you guys...and hopefully between the giveaways, the audio podcasts, meetups (when possible) and Discord, (along with the videos, of course), you're enjoying being a part of this project with us!
If you're having issues, please check this out: