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The Puppeteers are rising... A secret power in the shadows who's willing to control everything by subtly destroying social values and morals. Nobody knows them. Nobody sees them. They're moving between the shadows but their tentacles are already everywhere. People love and happily welcome social new trends without suspecting anything about their dark intentions. Corruption is already everywhere. From governments to even schools. Corrupted politicians, corrupted teachers, corrupted cops... And people are living in this world happily, being slaves without knowing it. Slaves of The Puppeteers...

Due to new fashions, milfs are on fire in this city !! So do girls ! Studies and research provided by laboratories secretly financied by The Puppeteers assure that proteins from sperm can keep them young and beautiful for a longer period in life. And the younger and closer the stud the better. It's a DNA question and seems like nobody can stop The Puppeteers' dark plans... And here you are! Your name is Brawl, a young man studying in the Liberty High School. You are not a bad student... but definitely your passions and skills are martial arts... and the ladies. Apparently your house is a safety area and everybody lives pacefully there. But apparences could be deceiving. Trends and society preasure are knocking the door and it's gonna be up to you if you open the door or if you try to keep your hormons and DNA in a safety place. One peaceful day, you have to go to the Post Office for picking up a box from who is supposed to be your father, a coronel from the army in service in Thailand. Unexpectedly, you find two boxes but... one is not to your house but to another young lady...!! Curiosity wins you and you choose to pick them up to home... You would never imagined what was on the second box... a strange kind of... but that is only the beginning and you are starting to wonder if you really know your own father, his past, his present or if he is actually your real father!

Mysteries are growing and you choose to investigate and even travel to... 'unexplored places'... but on your way some obstacles are starting to appear. On the other hand, you have to keep living your life in high school, trying to pass the exams with 'different methods' and preparing the fighting tournament of the next summer. On both lives, you will have to use your brain and body to complete each mission and lots of different enemies from different levels will try to stop you and make you fail on your targets! Did you think you could do it all by yourself? Fortunately you will have friends to help you! Your crazy best friend, a hacker, a mad scientist, a mechanical engineer, a rich boy, a beautiful nerdy girl, a ninja girl, a Kung Fu Master..... what a team !!! You can win every fight with your fists but... against your hormones and basic insticts... Who can win against those energies !? We will see it on the game !

Join MrVision and play Who's The Father? https://www.patreon.com/mrvision 



Angelo B.

🤔 hmmm, intrigued by the premise.