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Hello everyone! sorry for the late announcement. As I said, I'll pause Patreon on December2021(next month). However, as everything got delayed recently, next month I'll still need to work on November rewards ;;v;; so I decided to pause Patreon on Jan2022 also for a full rest.

This announcement 'll be separated into 2 parts,
1st part : important note to all patrons both current and future.
2nd part: my plan on December2021 and January2022


For current patron
You won't be charged on December and January, so there's no need to unpledge. Please stay as it is so you can participate on next month old-ex reward GA event without any extra cost.

For new patron(DEC2021) (who're gonna pledge on December)
You can start pledge me on December2021 if you want to mV Vm The rewards you get will be the 'November 2021' which I'm still working on (they'll be sent as soon as I finish them) Moreover, you also can participate in GA event if you pass the condition. For more details about the GA event please read below.

For new patron(JAN2022) (who're gonna pledge on January)
Please don't start pledging on January2022 as I won't give out any rewards, and my payment method is still charged-up-front. so you'll got charged right away when pledge me.


About plan on December 2021

1. November rewards:
The November 2021 rewards (which I'm still working on) will be sent within December for patrons who successfully pledge on Nov & Dec.

2. Characters suggestion: The character suggestion 'll be open again on 18th December. So if you have any waifu in your mind, don't forget to voice out her name on this 18th!

3. Poll for February rewards: As I'll pause Patreon until January, the poll that open on December will be for February 2022 instead.

4. Give-away(GA): The give-away event 'll be arranged as usual, so it'll be start on the 1st of December and sending after November2021 reward sent.  For who new to this event, please click here for more information.

About plan on January 2022

No plan:  have no plan on January really, I just need to spend time play game and rest properly;; However, there's still be some chance I might draw a pic, but please don't expect anything from me in this month ;; v ;;


I'm sorry that I'm being late and can't do anything within my schedule as I should. Both mood, health and burn out problem quite affect on me recently ; v ; I'll try to recover myself on January, hope everything 'll be better.

Even I'm not quite in a good mood these past few months but thank you so much for all your loves ;; v ;;. You guys always give me strength and power. Thank you for being patience and supportive to someone like me. m V V m ❤️❤️ 



Chace Fisher99

Be sure to take good care of yourself and rest well. Were all here to support you!


Hope you get well soon! Probably a bit early but have some great and relaxing holidays during your break! ヽ(〃・ω・)ノ


Muunai!!! I’m so glad you’re still here with us, especially meeeee!


Im glad youre finally taking the long break you deserve be sure. Be sure to take good care of yourself and more importantly relax and have some fun, you deserve it after all the hard work youve done


We’ll miss you so much! It’s so unfortunate how often we see posts like this among artists on Patreon, I’ll have to make sure to pick up a pack or two I missed on gumroad to make sure you’re still supported!


Oh, your Apology Bunny is so polite 🥰 Totally alright, best you take your time off for now and we wish you a get well soon 😊 https://twitter.com/paruDevelop/status/1435164288633606148?s=20


We'll miss you, but at the same time glad you are taking a brea, rest a lot, play a lot and eat a lot. Take your time and hope you are feeling better and full of christmas turkey by the time we meet again!


Breaks are necessary. Don't want you burning out on us.

Ahn Arsa

Take a good rest! You deserved it <3


im sorry to hear that you got health problems.however i paid just moment (2022-1-04) and then see this post. The question is that I need to pay then I have access to see this post.So ,what does "you'll got charged right away when pledge me" means ?


No worry, Onesan. as the November rewards still in progress, you'll get the November reward as reward from pledging me instead.


Muunai…. Where are you? :(