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Even first reward a bit faster but still end up spending so much time on this one;; poor me;v;
Still I'll try to finish all the rest on 24th! thank you so much for being patience everyone / v \

oh right and the poll of next month reward 'll be posted in next 2 hrs, so don't forget to participate okay! and as this is the last set of waifus from last time suggestion. The charas suggestion'll be opened again next month on 18th / 7 \/ Have a nice day guyss

The sample can be viewed here > twitter<


- This reward consists of 78 images of Tiki (nsfw)
[23sequences with 3 alternative outfit]
- Only Tier 2 supporters ($8) will get the high resolution images set and nudity version



Chace Fisher99

She looks great! No need to rush yourself, we'll all be patient. Have a great day too!


Truth be told, I was so worried about her pose, Chacesan. lol so I ended up didn't post the wip XD;; so thank you saying it's great / v \,, &lt;3


Wow she looks fantastic! I'm really excited to see the finished results. Take your time, it's definitely worth the wait. Hope you have a great day!😁


Amazing and Great Job! Just at your own pace, I can wait for your great arts.


Good stuff Muunaisan. Keep up the fight you’re almost there!


Nicely done, Tiki looks great. It might not be the focus of this artwork but I really like how her hair is drawn. Keep up the great work and dont worry too much about the time you spend, your art is always worth the wait.


This is so unbelievably hot~! Love it, and the caption on it too! 😍


Nice! Tiki looks amazing, lots of detail, and I really like the pose, good job mate


Thank you Knightsan ; v ; Now it just one more left, gotta keep fighting for abit more &gt;:3 9


Awww thank you Komingsan // v \\ Thank you for being patience with my snail speed really ; w ;


Eh!? really, Tinysan? / v \! Guess my time spend on her fluffy hair 's worthy then lol And thank you for always waiting with patience Tinysan &lt;3 / v \


lol I tried to mimic her personality a bit, Arklossan. Guess it's work //L v L//


Glad you like it as always, Alansan // v \\ It's only one work left now, so I can finally sent rewards to you Q w Q


Drink this elixir it should patch you up real quick (^_-)

Kamen Glider

Yes, Tiki! She looks fantastic


How do I get these pictures