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So some new information has come to light! Apparently, my Patreon page is being leaked on some website, and as to take actions in advance, just in case they don't respond to the emails I've sent. I will now switch my method of reward distribution. I will now send you a Google Drive (may change) link on your inbox on Patreon individually! This is because the website has been leaking the posts that I make themselves on the page, letting non-patrons access it for free, which is unfair to you patrons who are paying! 

I've already did plenty of actions to mitigate this, such as sending DMCA emails to them, and to Patreon itself. I've also removed all past rewards from the posts. They will be moved on a GDrive folder that I'll be also sending you through DM! 



Please do not leak Patreon-exclusive contents to public websites, be it legal or illegal. You can repost public works that can be found on Pixiv, Twitter, and FB, but remember to do credit properly.


And by that, I mean, don't share the links that I'm sending you on DM's! Thank you for your cooperation.