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Battle-worn and treasure-hunting adventurers wandering the dungeon are happy to find a place where they can upgrade their gear and buy supplies. Having lightened their wallets, they are ready for new difficulties.

And the vile artisan makes their order with a flaw, so that at the decisive moment the equipment fails. And as soon as the happy adventurers leave to explore the dungeon, a group of marauders follows them to rob the bodies of brave fools.

However, if the deception is revealed, then the battle in the craft district of the town cannot be avoided.

- Recruit tier reward 

- Fighter tier reward 

- Battle mage tier reward (PDF printable) (Foundry VTT Module will be later...)

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I just realised this set connects! That's very cool. Really hoping to see a part four that can work as either a town center or the boss area in the ruined/empty/attacked versions!