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 Hi folks! 

To pass this maze you will have to pass tests. Scammers, thieves, stench, bandits, etc. If you don’t want to wander, or if you’re tired of all this, you can break through the walls of dwellings or climb onto roofs, but then all the gangs of these slums will attack. Here, with strangers who do not follow the rules, the conversation is short. That is a difficult battle and a large number of rogue enemies.


Fighter tier [$1] - VTT optimized 

Warrior tier [$2] - Printable 

Battle mage tier [$5] - Extra VTT / Extra printable 

To download additional versions of maps,  Become a Patron!  

I changed the way I post new maps. Now it will be one post so that there is no unnecessary spam for you (otherwise 4 posts were too much). Thanks to Spellarena for helping me figure out how to do this. If I did something wrong, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can fix it.



Michael Crary

I can't find the roofs version of this map. Do you need to be Battle Mage tier for that? I signed up for Fighter tier specifically to get the roofs for this compared to the free version, but I can't seem to find it.


Version with roofs on the Battle Mage tier. I made this map 4 years ago. Back then there was a slightly different tier system.


Guys, download links in the description.


Is there a gridless version of this? I'm on the Fighter tier and downloaded VTT optimized, but wasn't able to find a gridless one in there.


At that time, I had not yet made maps without a grid. I'll send a simple version of the map in a personal message. But by the way, if there are still people who need these maps without a grid, I will update this post.


Is there a link to the other verions of this map?


All versions are available from the links in this post. Do you need a version of this map that is not available?


Yes please. I would like a link to the other versions of this map. I’m only seeing the link to the original version and none of the variants


In the description of this post, there is a link to the archive. Duplicate here: https://www.patreon.com/file?h=37358672&i=6391448


Awesome! Thank you very much. I appreciate the help

Heiner de Wendt

Just bought this on Roll20. It will be a district of Sigil's Hive in my Planescape campaign. So happy I found this, it's just perfect! And with Dynamic Lighting and Restricted movement, it'll be awesome for my players to explore this.


It's nice. City mazes will need to be included in the next poll.

A Fox

I would indeed love a gridless version if it isn't too much bother.