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“God damn stupid piece of fucking shit! I don’t need another damn Astolfo! Give me another Five Star or nothing!”

Quinn lounged in his dorm room, lamenting the latest results from his Ten Draw. None of the Servants he got from this attempt were needed or wanted. All of the ones he got were already fully ascended and maxed out.

“With how much money I had thrown at this you think they would just give all five star stuff or something.”

He pressed down for another ten draws, watching and looking for any sign that he would get another Five Star Servant from this event. Draw after draw passed, with some being Craft Essence, others Servants, but nothing worth his time.

“Reminds me of when I had to throw money in order to get Fujino with how this shit is going. Well at least I maxed her out before that ever was over. All of the looks I got from the boys more then made up for it. Not my fault they weren’t lucky enough to get as much.”

Quinn chuckled as he thought about his friends' faces sour looks. All the jealousy came from them since they couldn't throw money at his problems like he could and focus on the game.

The ten draws ended, and he scoffed at the lackluster results. The only thing he got this time was a four-star Craft Essence. He went to do another ten draws but stopped when he noticed he didn’t even have enough to perform a single pull.

“Damn, you think after paying in enough to go to literal thousands I would have gotten her. Looks like it's time to throw a little more money at you until I get what I want.”

He went to the store and paid for the highest package to get the most Quartz. Then, a golden spark came from the screen, making him pause.

“What the fuck? Something better not be wrong with my phone? I am not going to loose my log in rate because of a fucking glitch.”

“Due to the sheer amount of money you have spent on the game! You have been given the special God Quartz! With this, you can summon one Servant into the real world!”

“Well shit, that’s an easy choice, but that’s got to be a hoax or something. No way they can just give a waifu, especially a fictional one, and make her real. Still though, might as well see where this goes.” He scrolled through the servants. “Ishtar’s got all of Rin's good looks and then some. Swear they gave her some more cake, especially in the OVA.”

Quinn's lips curved into a perverse grin as he recalled a few scenes from the OVA and the Unlimited Blade Works series, some excellent fan art of hers, especially one of his favorites, which did not give her any exaggerated curves. Blood rushed below, and he got hard within seconds. His hand went to his erect member and played with it.

“Maybe I should rewatch those scenes and have a little fun later. God it would be fun to play with an ass like hers in real life. Though if there is some truth to this, then that could lead to some even more fun ways to spend my time.”

Quinn pressed down on Ishtar. An error screen flashed.

“Unfortunately, Pseudo Servants can only be summoned through a host body molded. Due to the lack of other alternative hosts, your body will be altered to host her!”

To his shock, a summoning circle appeared in the center of the room. A bright golden glow came over it. Power surged, and a rainbow stream filled the room like the animation.

“Oh, hell no!” Quinn ran to the door, desperate to get away before whatever could happen did. The summoning circle exploded, and he could feel its energy enter his body. “What the fuck!”

Quinn looked around the room. Every corner of the room was scoured, looking for any indication of it being a setup. Yet there was no sign there was. Not even a burned imprint of the symbol remained in his room.

“Bullshit, I refuse to believe I just imagined all of that shit! How the fuck could they have pulled that off?”

A new wave of energy surged through his limbs. He spasmed and ran his hands over his body. Itchiness came over him.

“Relax, breathe. Whatever the fuck it was has passed. Just calm down, and watch some porn or something. That will help you get over all of this weird ass shit you saw, and then you can figure it out. Besides your pile hentai and doujins has been getting pretty big lately, so now's a good time to go through it.”

Another itch came over him, and he scratched it, yet his mind was focused elsewhere. A few of the doujins he read in his past came forward, some more wholesome than others. Yet the get fucked look most of them had in the time remained. The scratching got worse, and he looked himself over.

To his shock, every trace of hair on his body was gone. His hands explored his body, pulling on his clothes and examining his body. No matter where he looked, all of the body hair on his body, from the hair on his arms and legs to the ill-maintained facial hair, had vanished. Even the messy patch of hair above his junk and on his butt were gone as if they had been waxed off.

A woman’s voice said. “Oh thank me all of that is gone. Can’t believe a body this hairy could be human in the first place.”

Quinn looked around the room. “Who the fuck said that?”

There was something eerily familiar about it, but worse was that it sounded like it was coming from another room.

One of his pinups of a scantily clad girl made his heart ease. With how little clothing she wore, it was easy to imagine her clothes being torn off and exposing her naughtier bits to the world.

‘I’ll admit she is pretty, but she is nothing compared to me. She does have a nice rack though. Never thought I would hear the language used that way to describe breasts.’

The words made him pause. Still, they maintained their distance, but now it seemed like it was coming from all around him.

“Calm down. Your mind is just making you think it is something else when it is just the stress of the situation getting to you. Pull up a nice porno, lose yourself in a fantasy of plowing a waifu or two like Ishtar and then go from there. God just thinking about that ass, gets my blood flowing a little. Wish I could squeeze an ass like that.”

Another shudder came over him as if a cold wave had gone through the room, yet it did little to stop the glee at the thought of playing with her butt.

“Fucking AC, might have to call the staff or something to get it looked over on top of this weird shit.”

Quinn pulled out his phone and looked at his saved comics. The image of Caenis with exaggerated portions helped him relax as he stared at her exposed dark nipples and wet crotch.

To his shock, he could see his nails were growing longer. His fingers curled, all sense of control gone. A daintiness appeared in his digits, which became more prevalent. Cracking noises came from his fingers and a pop from his wrist. They jolted, and his phone fell. His sense of control was lost as his arms bent into random angles. Warmth assaulted the rest of his limbs as his forearms and biceps thinned.

“What the fuck is happening to me!”

The moment he held it still, he noticed his arms were thinner than they should have been. It was as if someone had replaced his flabby arms with a girl's.

Quinn ran his hand over the tip of his nails, horrified. Then he poked his bicep and was disgusted by the slight stern muscle hidden in its deceptively thin frame. He pinched and twisted his flesh, but his altered body remained no matter how hard he pulled.

“This is real. All of this bullshit is real!”

Again, the woman’s voice said. ‘There we go. Now, with these arms, I can work on the next part without any issue.’

Quinn looked around again, trying to find the source. All of his furniture and clothes were looked over. Every piece of technology listened and examined, wondering if someone had bugged it. Yet when he tore it open, he couldn’t find any sign that it had been tampered with.

“Where the fuck is this voice coming from? Did someone leave a show on or something? Maybe my phone is acting up after that damn…light show.”

It sounded bull, even to his ears, yet it helped provide a logical explanation he could grasp.

Once more, his mind went wild at seeing his phone's lock screen. It was an image of Musashi laying on a bed in a blue bikini, her trim stomach exposed. A grin formed as he stared at the delectable figure she had, wondering what it would be like to smash his face between her tits and trail kisses down to her stomach.

A groan of disgust resounded through his ears, and blood went cold.

“As if you could ever get with someone like that with how you are currently. We have to do something about this gut. It's way too fat you chunky boy.”

Another rumble came from his stomach as his protruding gut diminished. He poked and prodded it; every time he did it, it bounced slightly. Seeing it reduce, Quinn tried to pull it back out, but no matter how hard he tugged, it returned to its original place and went further. Soon, there was hardly even a ripple from it as it became flat as a board with a defined tone. His fingers could barely move.

Quinn ran his hands over his stomach, horrified by the new fitness it had gained now. No matter how hard he tried to pull it back to its previous proportions, it only returned to its slim appearance.

“There we go, now that is much better to look at. With this you’re far more likely to get attention. Especially if you were a nice little top to show off all the goods you have. Something like those girls on the wall.”

Quinn’s eyes darted to the wall and another custom pin-up he had gotten done. This time, a picture of Rias Gremory from DxD. While she might have been a breast girl, the thighs in the shot were exaggerated to the point they looked almost as broad as her waist.

They lingered on her tim stomach for a moment before they went lower and examined the sensual legs. Once more, blood rushed to his dick at the sight of the plush thighs and what it would be like to play with them.

“Oh you want to have some nice legs? Well don’t worry you lustful boy. I’m going to have some fun making yours worth something?”

“Wait no!”

Cracking noises came from his feet, destroying his sense of balance. Pops came from his ankles as they altered, and his sense of balance was thrown off. Before he could fall over, he leaned against the desk he had. Pens and papers went flying all over the room. A charley horse erupted from his calves, making him spasm as he struggled to move them as he wished. When he looked down, he gasped at the sight of smaller lower legs, which gave his body an almost chicken-like appearance.

Yet there was no peace for him as it continued up his legs. This time, unlike before, where there was pain, it felt like someone was massaging and pulling on his muscles. With every ghostly rub of them, they changed further, becoming more feminine. Definition appeared in his thighs as they ripened. With every prod, they rippled less and gained a sexier tone. Gone were the fatty thighs, replaced with the toned, thick ones befitting a model.

“Dear god.”

Quinn poked and prodded his sensual thighs in mute horror. Any awe and lust he would have gained from them being on someone else was nowhere to be found.

“There we go, now those are far better than what you had before. With these, you can strut these legs around and make sure to get all of the attention you want.”

“Oh my god!”

“It’s goddess! You think with how much I have been speaking you would understand that, but it seems I overestimated your intelligence, especially when it is your favorite…waifu? Such strange modern terminology.”

“Favorite waifu?… Ishtar, is that you?”

“And finally you say my name, though you di not address me properly. Still I shall let it slide, considering the situation. You are going to be my host. Even if your original form leaves much to be desired, but that can be fixed easily.”

“Why the hell are you making me your host? It wasn’t supposed to be this way!”

“Then you should have had another person on standby so I would have been able to take over you idiot. I refuse to wait when you have given me this opportunity. Not when there's so much love to be given to the world and sexy to explore.”

An idea came to him, and a mad smile of hope formed. Quinn grabbed his phone and began going through every part of the game. “If this stupid thing was the cause, then maybe it knows how to stop this! Waifu, you may be Ishtar, but I will keep my dick!”

Every part of the game he looked through to try and find any hint of the God Quartz turned up empty. He went online, hoping he would be able to find anything to give him some insight into this, but was met with failure. As he searched, an image of Nitocris appeared, and her thin waist caught his attention.

“Now there’s a cutie to admire. Such a nice waist, but we can do better.”

The sides of his waist caved in from the power, making him groan. It was as if someone was roughly massaging the sides of his body. Yet with every harsh pull on his body, a wave of relief followed soon after that made his skin crawl. When it was over, Quinn ran his trembling hand down his now slender waist, emphasizing his smooth stomach. Buds of pleasure poked through with every motion of his hand, making him relax.

"There we go, now that is much better! Oh, much smoother and even gives your body something nice to see!’’

“No! This isn’t better! This is fucking worse! You need me to be horny to get things moving don’t you? Well guess what! I’m not going to let myself get turned on by anything else ever again!”

Quinn tore his posters off the wall and looked around the room for any other sexy art he had. Everything that could have aroused him, he tossed them around the room. With them out of sight, he thought about a couple of fat chuds making out with dead fish eyes.

He looked disgusted as he focused on them, hoping the contempt would be enough to keep the sexual stimulation away. Yet the more his imagination focused on their wobbling flesh, the more he wanted to think about something else.

‘Gotta keep focusing on that, Quinn, No matter how much you want to think of anything else.'

Yet his thoughts began to betray him. The fat bastards in his mind began to change. All off the blubber, the two of them had shifted throughout their bodies, yet their hips and thighs remained just as broad, though toned with new muscle. Both of their short, thinning hair lengthened, its volume increasing. New colors entered it as it shined with new life. Gone were the fat, disgusting bastards he had envisioned. Now, an oversexualized version of Scathach and Raikou were fucking in his head.

“No!” Quinn cried as power washed over his body.

“Well we already gave you the legs, now we gotta expand on that, and give you a nice set of hips to go with it. You need something to help make sure you know how to strut those legs, and swing that butt.”

“No! I don’t want to swing or strut anything, god damn it!”

“Too bad! It would be a shame if there isn’t anything there to compliment it.”

His short, boring hips pushed out with a loud snap, making him whimper. Sharp pain resounded through his lower body as if something had slammed into it.  With him no longer holding them, his pants could no longer remain and fell, exposing the ill-fitting underwear dangling from his legs.

Quinn pulled his hands away and continued to look for Ishtar’s card amongst the servants. Ereshkigal's picture caught his attention; despite being fully ascended and maxed out, he kept in her base form because of her tapered waist and plush thighs.

Suddenly, he couldn’t breathe. A hoarse gasp came from him as he struggled to fill his lungs. His hands clawed at his throat, but nothing was wrapped around it.

Ishtar screamed, her voice burning with loathing. “As if Ereshgikal could compare to me at all!”

A sudden heat came from his third leg, which made him quiver. Blood rushed toward it, and it stood proud. Right at its height, it slithered inside his body. Quinn whimpered, feeling like someone was digging their heel into his crotch. A pair of wet lips took their place, yet the pain remained.


His hands inadvertently pushed his balls into his body, making him scream as if he had been punched between his legs. Quinn pulled her hands away and saw a new vagina, eager to be put to use.

A burning feeling overcame her throat. The intensity of it only worsened, earning hacking coughs. Pitiful, high, high-pitched whimpers escaped. Thankfully, the pain in her throat eased, and she spoke. “Stop this please!”

Right when the words left her mouth, she gasped at the voice that came out. Gone was his normal voice, and Ishtar’s came from her lips.

“No, I don’t want to.”

Quinn blinked. Unlike before, Ishtar's voice sounded like it came from in front of her.

“We are going to see this through now. There’s a whole new world to explore and I want to see it and the handsome men in it.”

The words came out of Quinn's mouth, but she didn’t say them. Quinn tried to move her body as she wished, but nothing followed her command. Not her arms, her legs, or even her lips.

“Now then, since I’m the one in charge now. It’s time for me to have some fun.”

Ishtar picked up Quinn’s phone and looked through it. Images and videos of some Fate Servants and girls from various other franchises being fucked in many positions filled its gallery. Their large breasts were on full display and getting massaged in ways that would have made her dick harder than stone if she still had it.

“You really do like your big tits, huh? Well then, don’t worry, you will see mine soon enough.”

Ishtar placed her hand on her pecs, and her nipples perked against them. They grew against her fingers, and she played with them. A needy moan came from her as she played with her developing bosom.

The sensation of their chest being played with rocked their body, making Quinn spasm as if she was playing with his junk. She tried to fight Ishtar's control with all of her will, but no matter how hard she tried, her fingers went against his wishes. Small lumps formed on her chest and rapidly swelled. A round shape became apparent to them. Just as quickly as the procedure began, it ended when they became a perfect C-cup to rival oranges, with only a slight pull on her back muscles.

Ishtar laughed. “Who needs big tits when you can have a perfect set that fits perfectly in your hand?”

Quinn could only moan from her place in the mind. The sexual bolts reverberated through her body, making her squirm as if she were blowing her load repeatedly.

Ishtar ran her hand through their hair. Pale blonde hair appeared in her vision, and she frowned. She grabbed a lock and scoffed at the rough texture it had. The dull, lifelessness it had made her feel as if she was looking at a patch of mud rather than blonde hair.

“Now that I’m here we have to do something about this hair. It is far to ugly and short.”

Ishtar went through the phone again and blinked when she saw a gif of herself playing with her longer locks. It then led to a shot of her swaying hips as her ass swayed from side to side.

“Well, seeing myself like this is a little strange, but at least they showed off my hair, even if it’s in this…style.”

“God damn it no!” Quinn cried. “Not that damn gif!”

Even now, he couldn’t help but admire how her butt moved and the long black locks of hair. The roll of her hips and the shape of her buttocks called out to him, especially how she moved her hair like an explosive climax.

Black streaks appeared in their hair. Ishtar ran her hands through her hair, and it darkened against her digits. A healthier sheen appeared in it as it brushed against her back. All of her delicate fingers wrapped handfuls of her longer hair around them, admiring the silky, softer texture to rival velvet as it lengthened. It brushed against her buttocks, eliciting a sexual thrill through her body.

“Much better. At the very least, your body is easy to mold, and we have plenty to work with. Though I saved this part for last human since you admired my buttocks so much earlier. It seemed fitting to make it the final act.”

Ishtar clenched her butt and grabbed a handful of her bony rear end. Right after she grabbed it, her buttocks ballooned against her fingers. Immediately, she was forced to adjust her hold on it with how big it had gotten and continued to expand. As her fingers dug into it, the flabbiness of her rear disappeared the more she held it. It kept getting tighter as it grew until she had a giant bubble butt with the firmness of a ripe peach.

“There we go, now this is a butt worthy of a goddess like myself.”

Quinn wanted to deny it but couldn’t. Not with the tight tone her posterior had. Even though his physical body had lost

Ishtar giggled. “Enjoying the feel of my body?”

Quinn stuttered. “D-don’t talk like this is your body! This was my body before you came along!”

Ishtar scoffed. “Please there is nothing left to show it was your’s. It is and will now always be my perfect form. Now then, with this body finally worthy of being a vessel for me, it's time to see if there is anything worth putting on.”

At the sight of the clothes inside, a frown formed. Ishtar pulled out a random shirt and tossed it over her shoulder. Another was pulled out, and she was met with an old shirt with holes in it. A button-down shirt came after and was just as disappointing to her.

“There has to be something in here that isn’t worth ugly and will show off my good looks.” She pulled out one of the shirts and grimaced. With a look of disgust, she tossed it away. “C’mon where is the good stuff. Even a slob like you has to wear some nice clothes from time to time.”

The dorm room door opened, making her stop. Ishtar peeked out of the room and saw John standing by the door. Drool formed at the edge of her mouth as she ogled his defined, broad muscles covered in sweat. His strong legs and form were fully exposed with the shorts and sleeveless top he wore.

“John? Get out of here asshole! I don’t need you to make things worse!”

Ishtar composed herself. “Well looks like I’m going to have a wonderful start to this new world.”

“No do not fuck him! I’m not into D!”

“Well, too bad, because I am, and I need to get used to this body again.” Ishtar left the room. “Why hello there, handsome!”

Ishtar tossed her shirt to the side, exposing her body. John’s eyes bulged out of their sockets and studied her nude body. A noticeable tent formed in his loose gym shorts, and her smirk turned into a grin. Before he could hide it, Ishtar rushed forward and moved his hand away. With her other hand, she ran it down his strong pole.

“Now, now, you don’t need to worry about hiding it. It looks like you’re packing something nice and long down there. I wouldn’t mind getting a better look at it. Why don’t we have a little fun handsome?”

John seemed to fight with himself and what he should do. Ishtar stood on the tips of her toes and pulled him down, roughly planting his lips on her. With that kiss, all sense of restraint he had was destroyed. With a mad hunger, John lifted her by her ass, kneading it as he took her to his bed.

“No! John you fucker stop!”

Ishtar said. “Keep going, big boy! I need a good fuck, and it seems like you’ll give me it!”

She smirked as Quinn threw out various profanities but focused on John. The length of his pole was fully exposed to her. Glee shot through Ishtar while horrified disgust reverberated from where Quinn’s consciousness was stored.

“Oh my you weren’t disappointing at all. Now put it in me big boy, and I’ll make sure you know how to use it.”

While Ishtar adjusted, John followed her order, much to her glee. He was clumsy at first, but that didn’t matter to her. “Don’t worry, big boy. With how you’re making me feel, I will return to you and give you plenty of experience to please your future lovers."


Ishtar admired herself in the mirror and how much of her body was displayed for all to see. All that supported her modest bust was a small ornate white and gold top, which did nothing to hide her cleavage and the shape of her breasts. A small black bikini bottom hugged her ass and showed off the marvelous curves of it. Even though she might not have the most prominent bust, it was enough to make up for it from how she swayed her broad hips.

“If only John was here to have some fun with this body. Looks like I’ll have to send him some pics for when he gets back.”

Suddenly, she stumbled, a dull look in her eyes. Her eyes fluttered open. Quinn shuddered at the state of her appearance. “Jesus Christ, I look like a fucking slut! I need to get on some new clothes fast.”

She rushed to her room and frowned at her swaying hips. Gone were her old belongings. There were feminine products and a vanity in the corner of the room. Various sex toys were on her old desk, making her shudder. All the clothes in her closet had been replaced with slutty garments, which would have accentuated her figure.

Quinn ran her hands through her hair, seeing nothing decent she could wear. “How the hell will I wake up from this nightmare?”

It was getting harder to distinguish where she began and where Ishtar ended. The experiences they had were blending and merging. All of the glee Ishtar experienced, she did as well. Even though she had no control, every move Ishtar made felt like she was the one who commenced it.

Flashes of Ishtar shopping for the sexiest custom clothes, enthusiastically using a dildo, and many nights in bed rutting with someone came to the forefront of her mind. “Oh good lord, how many guys did she sleep with?”

The memories became more intense as she recalled how deep those men got into her, how they held her breasts and hips. She bit her lips, rubbing her thighs together. Even now, her core and crotch burned, hungry for more.

Quinn unconsciously played with her entrance. Then a grin formed as her fingers pressed into it. Again, her eyes glazed over for a second.

Ishtar growled. “I cannot believe he is still in there. How the hell is he hanging on for so long? It might have been worrisome if he wasn’t going against a goddess like me. Whatever, let’s go out and have some fun.”

Ishtar flew from her bedroom window with a hungry, lustful smile. ‘The night is young and it's time to go out and find a couple of hunky boys to spend the night with!’


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