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Big thanks to Hiros53 for proofing!

“You think a witch would be smarter about covering their tracks, but apparently not.”

Alex followed the trail he found, thinking about his job and wondering what would be the best way to ambush her. It was lucky he found it in the first place. Yet now that he did, the prints in the ground had become more noticeable.

‘She had dropped the idea of erasing her tracks by this point. Still, I shouldn’t relax. Only a fool does so when hunting a mage, especially in their own home. At the very least, the pay for this job would be worth it.’

A rogue sorceress had stolen a precious artifact from one of the temples, and he had been hired by some of the priests to retrieve it. The artifact she stole was a statue, which allowed them to copy and transfer the skills and characteristics of one person to another.

‘There are a few reasons why they would want something like that. By using it they could make their partners just as skilled as they are in whatever field they are.'

From what he had been told, he wasn’t the first one they had hired for this job. ‘Though I intend this to be the last time they would need to hire anyone. Wonder how much longer it will be before I reach their lair.’

Alex examined his belongings in his bag of holding. There was enough rations to last him for 2 days. And the villages around here were far and few between each other. After taking stock of his belongings, he put it over his shoulder.

‘Not to mention if she used her magic to make her hideout harder to reach, then I’ll need to think of a way to get the drop on her.’

When he reached the next hill, he noticed a cave with a small gate and fence to keep out predators. Alex drew his sword and hid behind some trees.

'With how far out it is, this has to be someone's lair. Still better safe than sorry. If it is, then one mistake and I'll be turned into a frog or something.’

A woman stepped out of the cave, and he stopped at the sight of her. The woman before him was a beauty unlike any other. Long beautiful red hair trailed down her back and touched her buttocks. A thin tapered waist with not even a slight ripple of fat, which looked even smaller with her immense breasts, which easily rivaled her head. She wore a thin dress that did nothing to veil her supple figure.

Alex’s mouth watered at the sight of her massive bust. Blood rushed to his fifth limb despite the situation. His hands ached, wondering what it would be like to explore her exceptional form, but he remained still.

‘Red head, fair skin, and a well developed figure. She matches the description to a T.’

The sorceress had a cigarette in her hand, and once she was done with it, she lit it on fire and tossed it to the side.

He waited a few minutes and then pulled a small rune to let him know if there were any traps. A yellow glow came from it, telling him that while there was magic in the area, it was safe to continue.

Alex crept into the cave, making as little noise as possible. With every step closer to the entrance, his heart tightened a little more. Every small clank of his armor unnerved him as if someone had wrapped their hands around it. The pounding of his heart resounded through his ears.

‘Just because she doesn’t have any traps or security doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be wary. This is the real hard part. One mistake and it’s going to reverberate throughout the cave as if I yelled for her.’

Alex’s eyes darted around the cave, looking for any sign of her or the artifact. Multiple doors were in the back of the cave, but the closest open door caught his attention, and shuffling noises in its direction made him go still.

He peeked inside the room and saw the woman, her staff was next to her on a small table was the statue.

‘There it is. Alright then it looks like I don’t need to worry about finding it.’

Courage swelled in Alex's breast and strengthened his resolve. He snuck into the room, but a  a crack of wood made her jump and he swung his weapon at her.

The sorceress’s eyes widened as she grabbed her staff. With a surprising bit of speed, she raised it to protect herself. However, the edge of his blade dug into her shoulder, making her scream. She tried to put some distance between them. Purple magic formed in her hand, and she opened her mouth to say something.

He tackled her into the wall before she could finish. “As if I would let you cast a spell.”

A growl came from her as she tried to shove him away, but with his bulk, it proved to be impossible for her. He knocked her staff out of her hand.

“Fuck!” She cried. Before she could do anything else, he stabbed her with his sword.

“Bastard!” The witch snarled as she stepped back into the table, knocking the artifact onto the ground.

The sorceress moved quickly, aiming for his weak points, while he moved without worry . Every strike she made, he either blocked with his sword or trusted in his armor. Whenever she tried to cast a spell, he prevented her, by throwing her off balance and ramming into her.

Suddenly she leaped for the statue and poured her magic into it, causing it to fire at him. Magical energy came out from it and pierced his body as his blade pierced her throat. A struggling gasp and a fresh batch of blood came out of her.

Alex gasped as he could feel the magical energy run through his body. Black spots entered his vision as he tried to force himself to stand. With heavy breaths, he focused on his lungs. The stars and pressure dispersed with every breath every time.

With all his will, he forced himself to remain conscious and focus on the witch. The sorceress pawed at the blade and tried to pull it out with a malicious smirk. More gurgling noises came from her as her hands went slack, and the life in her eyes disappeared.

The sorceress's form caught on blue fire, and Alex shielded his eyes. After a moment, he watched as her body burned. Within a few seconds, the skin and meat on her body disappeared, leaving only bone. Yet not even that remained as it began to blacken and break down, leaving not even ashes.

Alex patted his body. “Please tell me this won’t go anywhere. I just want to return the statue and claim my reward."

A warm feeling overcame Alex’s face. Sweat formed on his body and ran down his frame. He ran his hand over his face and was thrown off by the lack of hair he felt on his chin. Gone was even a shadow of the stubble he had before. He looked at the vanity and saw his face was softer.

Itchiness invaded his body as if something was crawling all over him. His hands moved of their own accord. They curled and opened as if trying to wrap around something.

“I thought this thing was just supposed to copy over traits! Not change someone’s body like this. Why didn’t they tell me it could do that!”

He removed his gauntlets, and to his shock, there was no trace of hair on them. Not even some of the small scars he had gained from his training sensations were left. Flames appeared at the edges of his fingers, and he waved them off.

“Wait… I can use magic now?”

Segments of Alex’s armor slanted as his stature reduced. Alex pulled the chainmail on his hand up and saw the hair there had been removed.

Alex looked at the statue. It glowed in his hands, and for a moment, he could feel the magical power it had inside. A faint memory of the witches told him how to mold it. Despite the oddity of the situation, Alex let it guide him and poured his energy into the statue.

Immediately he winced as the full power of the artifact came over him, but still, he persisted.

Alex growled. “No, there has to be a way to stop this.”

Alex’s head throbbed as more magical knowledge appeared in his mind. Yet he welcomed it. “Alright then, let’s see if this magic can be put to something useful.”

He poured his magic into it and tried to cut it off, hoping it would stop the transformation process. He could feel his magic vie for dominance with the artifact’s own for a moment, only for it to overwhelm his power.

Alex recoiled, his fingers twitching as he focused inward, trying to cut off the power flowing within him. The more he concentrated, he could feel it flowing with him, like warmth from a bonfire. Another wave of energy surged him as he struggled to fight against it. “C’mon.”

Despite all of his efforts and the control he had, it still overwhelmed his magical power. Sweat poured down his body. His eyes landed on the artifact, and he growled.

“Looks like we’re going with the classic option this time!”

Alex slammed it against the cave wall, hoping to do something to it, but nothing happened. Still, the artifact continued to shine as the power within it continued.

Alex lifted his great sword and brought it down on the relic as hard as he could, but not even a tiny scratch had been made to the artifact.

“Damn it! There has to be something I can do.”

Alex groaned as he could feel his legs change, starting with his thighs. A curve came to them as they expanded. Some of the muscles within them disappeared while a trim appearance remained.

He could feel his member push against his ballooning thighs, and he winced at how tight it was getting. It pressed against the armor like someone digging their heel into it, trying to grind it out of this world. A small rip came from them as they struggled to contain his thighs.

“Oh come on. I don’t need something like this on top of it!”

Alex tried to slip his hands underneath his greaves, but his armor kept getting in the way. The tension in the straps dug into his thighs as if trying to cut off the circulation within them. Thankfully, he could fiddle with the back straps and got the lower parts coming off with little issue.

There was no reprieve as the transformation went down his legs. Alex pressed down on his thighs and calves and was greeted with a little more plush than expected. Every wiggle from them gnawed at his heart and made him pause with how forign it was. For a moment, he could only stare as they began to tremble.

His new smaller legs disrupted his sense of balance and made footwear feel like bottles on his legs as he struggled to remain standing. Before he could topple over, he stabbed his sword into the cave's ground, using it as a support beam. Alex’s grip tightened as he forced himself to remain standing. More looseness appeared in his shoes as he wiggled his toes.

When it was over, his legs had gained a softness and curve that contrasted heavily with the sculpted mighty trunks he had before. Again Alex tried to squeeze them and shuddered as a burst of heat went through them and filled his loins. His member hardened slightly, and he breathed to try and keep his body from getting too excited and making their tightness even worse.

“Oh no!”

A sudden snap came from his hips, and he stumbled again as the tears in his pants widened even more. Slight relief came from him as he did so, but the tightness returned a second later. Popping noises came from them as they expanded, gaining another inch with every one. Alex placed his hands on them and moaned at their new broadness.

"Fuck I won't be able to go anywhere without swinging this thing."

Even through the armor, it was easy to visualize a pear-shaped hourglass figure.

A low gurgle came from Alex’s core. In a mad rush, he tried to feel his stomach, but the breastplate and chainmail he wore prevented him from doing so. Still, it was easy for him to visualize what was happening to it with how his tunic brushed against a smooth flat stomach instead of the defined muscles.

“Please still let me be fit down there. I worked hard to gain those abs and I don’t need any damn flab!” Again Alex’s eyes went to the artifact, and he picked it up. “Couldn’t I just keep the magical abilities and knowledge you stupid thing. I don’t need or want any of her physical traits as my own!”

His head felt as if he had thrown himself into a tub of water. Alex placed the statue down, ran his hand through his hair, and was thrown off by its unexpected softness. Usually, his hair was a little oily, especially since he hadn’t had a proper bath since his last stop. Yet now there was a volume to it. More hair brushed against his fingers and enveloped them. It continued down his back, trailing against his armor.

Small dark auburn locks appeared in his vision and became longer. Yet what caught his attention the most wasn’t its growth but the shade of his new hair. They continued to brighten, the darkness of his hair being replaced. He grabbed more strands of his hair and saw they were the same shade of red hair as the first.

“Well looks like I'm now getting that bitch of a witch's locks now.”

Ice went through his heart. The pain in his head intensified as more magical knowledge filled his brain. Stars entered his vision as memories of learning how to cast spells in the woods filled his head.

Tingling erupted all over his body as it began to soften. The large, powerful muscles he had trained reduced. His once-fitting attire loosened as he shrunk. Looseness went through his feet, making his greaves and boots feel too large. Slight ripples came from his biceps and thighs as the muscle in them loosened.

“Oh no!”

The weight of the armor pulled on his body and got heavier. He threw off the segments on his arms and stumbled from the weight throwing off. Yet the chest plate still weighed heavily on his body, and he struggled to get it off.

Mentally, he reviewed all that had happened to his body and compared it to the witch's. From how small his build was, to his longer hair. With everything changed, making his heart fall deeper into his gullet.

Alex picked up the relic and tried to think of a way to undo what was happening to him. Despite all of the failures he had already, he refused to give up. Even as another wave of arcane information came over him, he couldn’t think of a way to reverse it.

A pull between his legs made him wince as he squirmed. Alex rubbed the front of his pants, sending lightning bolts through his body. Seconds later, he could feel his male anatomy slither into his body, making him squeal.

With such force and sexual arousal hitting her, the world blurred as her legs trembled in delight. She tipped forward but could barely recover her sense of balance before she fell to the floor. Despite her tiredness, she forced herself to stand and struggled with it, despite it only being her breastplate and shoulder pads.

Something was happening to her rump, making her stand up straight easier. It only took her a moment to realize what was happening to her. She placed her hand on her buttocks and jumped at the slight wiggle coming from her butt.

“Oh fuck. I'm getting those boulders attached to my backside!"

The strain of her pants increased with her ballooning cheeks. Even her pants seam dug into her buttocks, unable to do anything else.

“Will you stop growing! I don’t need to be even more feminine than I already am!”

Thankfully, the expansion of her rear came to an end, and she was able to relax. She patted her ass and marveled at the massive plush her bottom cheeks had now. The booty flesh she had now was far too big for her hands to even hope to contain.

“How the hell am I going to hide this damn thing? With how big it is, I could use it like a damn club.”

Warmth invaded her chest, and she braced herself. “Here we go, please let them be a normal size.”

Small segments of her top perked underneath. She winced as the fabric brushed against them, irritating them. There was a weight on her chest, outside of her armor now. Like two bags being filled, they weighed her body down.

“Why do I have to get those massive jugs?”

She could feel her new breast pushing against her armor. It was getting harder to breathe. Burning filled her lungs as she struggled to take deeper breaths. Scratchy feeling came from them and her lungs, making her wince. A faint ripping sound was heart, and she could feel cold metal pressing against her exposed chest.

Again Alex tried harder to get her armor off. “I am not going to let the reason I die be because of breasts!”

With a deep breath, she forced herself to relax, and she was finally able to undo the strap. The moment it loosened, her breastplate went flying off. It clanged onto the ground, but she hardly registered it. Alex gasped, filling her lungs with precious air. Color returned to her fair face. She noticed the prominent bounce coming from her chest as her breathing resumed.

Alex stared at the new immense breasts she had now. Both fair orbs rivaled her head with ease and were just as large and lovely as the late sorceress’s. They pulled on her upper body like two giant round sacks of flour.

“She had to be able to remain standing because of her ass. Damn thing acts like a counterbalance.”

Alex pulled and tried to adjust some of her clothes, but it proved useless. Without thinking, she moved some of her longer hair behind her ears.

Again Alex attempted to pick up her blade but struggled to do so. Even lifting the edge was troublesome and unwieldy with her new frame. “Damn, I paid good money to have that sword made.”

With her no longer having the same power she had before, using her sword would be impossible. Again Alex ran her hand through her hair. “What am I going to use to protect myself now? I might have magic, but a melee option would help.”

A possibility came to her when she recalled her target's staff. She picked it up, and it felt perfect in her hands. Another memory came, this time of the witch breaking into the cathedral, and getting into a small fight with some of the priest.

Alex recalled a fighting sequence when she was training, and her body went through it with remarkable ease. There was no sense of awkwardness as she fought imaginary foes, but she was again reminded of her current situation by her ruined clothes and curves. A light layer of sweat was on her frame, and she wiped her brow.

“Well at the very least I can defend myself. If any of my old crew saw me now, I know those bastards would have a good laugh. And that's not even including these damn jugs flying all over the place. I don’t have the same stamina as I did before, but I can work around that. Wish I had a spear though. If I run into any large groups I’m screwed.”

The magic she conjured earlier made her pause. “Ok, let’s try intentionally pulling off some magic.”

With the knowledge she had gained she could use it as a focus for her spells. She tapped the bottom of her staff on the floor, and skeletons burst from the floor, making her jump.

“Well that's going to even the odds. Maybe if I focus hard enough, I can think of something to deal with these clothes or change back.”

Alex closed her eyes and tried to tap into the mystical knowledge she had gained.

Most of the spells she recalled were necromancy, some animal transformation spells like turning people into frogs, and some elemental magic. Outside of that, they were simple things, like changing the color of someone’s clothes and cleaning them, but nothing to alter someone's attire.

“Damn it, I can’t believe I’m going to be stuck like this.”

Alex looked at the mirror and froze when she saw herself. The chainmail and armor pieces she wore hung off her body loosely, exposing a tasty amount of her cleavage. Even the outlines of her nipples were a little visible. Some of her stomach was exposed due to how massive her tits were. At the same time, her belt and pants struggled to remain and were one good tug away from having her lower parts exposed.

“I can’t go anywhere dressed like this, I look like a cheap seductress trying to roleplay something. People are going to think I’m a whore if I go around like this.”

Alex’s eyes went to the wardrobe. The image of her wearing the witch’s attire made her face darken, but then she looked down at her clothes. “Please let this damn witch have something more than two bits or rope tied together.”

Alex went through her wardrobe, looking for anything she could wear. To her dismay, the closet was filled with various outfits which would have complimented her figure and brought attention to it.

“Damn it.”

The least perverse thing she could find was a black corset-like top that exposed her breasts with white lace on the edge of the chest area. Complemented by black detached sleeves with white lacing at the top. She wrapped a purple skirt with a long slit from her upper thigh to her ankles and wrapped a tight orange sash around her waist. As for footwear, she could only find a pair of black heels.

“You have to be a pervert if you’re willing to go out dressed like this lady.” A large black hat with a purple cloth around it caught her attention. With a sigh, she grabbed the hat and placed it on her head. “I might as well complete the look if I’m going to dress as the part.”

Alex picked up the staff and twirled it around. Again she looked in the mirror and struck a small little pose. A grimace formed as she ran her hand down her face.

“There’s no way I’m going to be able to sneak into places like this. Not with how beautiful and curvy I am now. Probably going to have to deal with people attempting to grope me wherever I go.”

“Maybe there’s something else here I can find to make things worth…this.”

Alex went into the back and saw a massive treasure trove of items. Golden statues, ore bars, gold piles, jewelry, jewels, and various magical artifacts.

“Well might as well begin looting. To the victor go the spoils.”

Alex marched to the room with a massive grin. The bright smile she had died as the bounce of her bust and butt made themselves known again, along with the sway of her hips.

“Damn you, you stupid curvy sorceress for making me sway these damn hips.”

Yet again, the sight of her new treasure made her forget her troubles, at least for a while.

“After I got back to the city, I talked with a mage to see if they would be able to help me. But sadly they couldn't. No one could. And now I’m here to get my reward.” Alex said.

The guard said. “I…see…Still thank you for completing the mission…ma’am?”

Alex sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. Hearing him call her that was something she had braced herself for, but listening to it did now hit her with all the force of a wild carriage.

“You're welcome.” Alex started, waiting for them to bring out her money, but the guard stared at her, lost in another world. “Hello? Can I get my money please?”

The guard jumped. “Right…you’re reward.”

He quickly stepped away, though he looked over his shoulder.

Alex crossed her arms and tapped her foot while waiting for them to return. However, she stopped as again her body's bounce became apparent. “Even something like this earns a jiggle. For fuck’s sake.”

After a moment, he returned from the vault. He plopped the chest down in front of Alex, but there seemed to be a glazed look in his eyes. The guard’s eyes were firmly locked on Alex’s bust. A dour look crossed her face.

“My eyes are up here.”

“Yes, but my eyes are down there.”

Alex glared at the guard, who didn’t even flinch. A growl escaped as she scooped up all of her hard-earned money. “You are lucky we are out in public.”

When she had gotten every gold piece stored in her bag of holding, she stomped out of the room. The bounce of her knockers and bottom made themselves known again, earning an annoyed sigh. Despite the day’s worth of travel, she still wasn’t comfortable with how voluptuous her figure was. Even with her back to him, she could feel the man eyeing up her bakery, admiring how the cloth did nothing at all to hide how fat her butt was.

With every step, her temper cooled, and her mind returned to her hard-earned reward and the loot from the witch's cave.

‘Well I have enough to get a nice manor and a new wardrobe set up from the money alone. Now I can leave the adventuring life behind whenever I want, even if I’m stuck in this damn curvy form. Though I have to admit, seeing everyone go crazy is a little amusing.’

Even now, she could feel people eyeing her figure as she passed. A smirk crossed her face. ‘I wonder how long it would last if they knew I was a guy not too long ago?’

Again Alex rifled through her bag and pulled out some of the ore she had gained from the witch’s lair. It weighed far lighter than she expected. With her new powers, she could feel magical energy coming off it in waves.

“Well I’m sure at the very least this ore could help me make something nice. And I know just the guy to do it.”

It would be some time before she reached her friend’s home, but it would be worth it. With how good of a smith he was, she knew he would be able to make something remarkable.


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