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Ryuko said. “What a day.”

Her head throbbed in pain as the lessons she learned today jumped around in her skull like an unruly child. The headache attacking her skull worsened, making her groan.

It had taken some time, but she had managed to put those days behind her and relax. She had even managed to get into college. Right now, it was only a community one to get the basics done, but in time, she hoped to go to a better one that offered her what she wanted. With how long she had devoted herself to revenge and figuring out the mystery of who killed her father and the events at Honnoji, she had little time to figure out what she wanted to do.

She stepped inside her room. The slight clicking of the door made her head wince again. “I need a bed, or some medicine or something. Anything to help with this damn thing.”

Ryuko went to the cabinet where she kept her medicine and downed a pill. “Please work quickly.”

Her eyes went to her bag. There was still work she needed to do. With a heavy sigh, she went over to pick it up. As she lifted her head, her eyes landed on the pictures she had kept on the wall.

She looked at the pictures she had on the wall. A frown formed when her eyes rested on the oldest image of the bunch. In the center of them was a photo of her, Senketsu, and Mako together. The heaviness on her body increased as a wave of sadness overcame her.

Ryuko’s body walked forward of its own will. Trembling hands reached out and picked up the picture. Even though she held it in her hands, the picture didn’t seem real.

Memories of the final battle and her goodbye to her best friend came to her. It has been several years since her final battle with her mother and Senketsu’s death. The time they spent together, both the good and the bad, rushed forward. Despite the time that passed, the pain in her heart felt like she was seeing it happening again. Tears crashed onto the picture. “Wish you were here buddy.”

Ryuko breathed heavily as she put the picture down. A part of her wanted to slam the photo down to take the memories away, but since it was of Senketsu, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Memories of Senketsu kept coming to the forefront of her mind. She snatched her bag and threw it onto the table. All of the homework was in front of her, but she couldn’t bring herself to focus. The only thing on her mind was Senketusu and all they had done together.

Somehow she was even more tired than she had been initially. All of the strength she had spent. Seeing that one picture was enough to drain her of the will to do anything else for now. She crawled into her bed, closed her eyes, and let sleep take her.

Unknown to Ryuko, red threads moved underneath her door. They looked around as if they had a head of their own. The tip of the threads turned to the picture and moved closer.

A warped womanly voice came from them. “Finally.”

Again they slithered around the room, zooming from one part of the room to the other as if they were on a mission. They slid under the bedroom door and moved across the room like a serpent toward the slumbering Ryuko. The threads wrapped around one of the legs of the bed, using it like a ladder until they got to the top.

The threads moved closer to Ryuko’s head. For a moment, they stood still, the tip of them staring at Ryuko’s face. They shuddered in delight.

Suddenly the threads wrapped around Ryuko’s body, seemingly expanding as she did as they entered her clothes. They touched and entered her arms, legs, spine, and even her face was wrapped around by them.

Ryuko’s eyes shot open, and she saw the life fibers moving around her body. A gasp came from her lips. The threads tightened around her body, despite her struggles to break free.

“Life Fibers? What the hell? I thought they were all destroyed!”

Suddenly she went still, but not of her desire. Her body refused to move. The only part of her that followed her wishes were her eyes, which darted around the room, trying to think of any way she could break free.

“It has been such a long time since our last encounter my daughter, but now we meet again after so long. You have hardly changed despite how long it has been since we last met.”

Ryuko gasped. The voice in her head she would know anywhere. Memories of the final battle came to the forefront of her mind again. “No way…Mom!”

“Yes. I am happy to see that despite how much time has passed you are able to remember the sound of your mother’s voice.”

“I thought. I thought that you were killed!”

“I almost was. It was close…sooooo close. Only a few small strands were able to evade your final attack. It has taken me years to gather the strength needed to act. These few strands that have entered your body are all that are left of them. Now it is time that you receive your long overdue punishment for what you’ve done.”

“That isn’t going to happen!”

Ryuko tried to force her body to move, her rage fueling her desire to act. Yet again, she could only move her eyes and mouth.

“Oh my darling daughter. I think it will.”

For the first time since Ryuko revealed herself, her body moved, but not of her accord. Like a puppet being controlled by an amateur, her limbs flopped off the bed.

The steps at first were sloppy, and she almost performed a split with how sudden and distinct the changes were. Ragyu forced her to take another step, almost tripping again from how far her leg went out. Ryuko’s heel twisted from a sloppy landing, but she recovered. Ryuko was forced to put one foot in front of the other as she marched.

With every step, Ryuko’s stride cleaned up a little. The steps became more refined and cleaner. Their sloppiness diminished with every stride, and they gained a little grace. The door to the bathroom was thrown open, slamming into the wall, and she shuffled into the room with every step she took.

Ryuko’s body stopped in front of the mirror and stood still. Only slight twitches were all she could do.

“What the hell are you up to? Why did you stop in front of the mirror?”

Her eyes darted around, looking for anything that could help her. There was little she could use here to help herself at the moment, and with what her money was doing her, she didn't know how she could get her out without hurting herself too severely.

“I’m just taking the moment to examine you darling…It’s such a shame how a beautiful daughter of mine wastes her beauty by being a tomboy.”


“Don’t worry dear. Despite what has happened, I will help you. I’ll make you into the perfect daughter, and I’ll succeed this time. Now then, from what I see there is nothing here we can do to amend your appearance. Thankfully from what I can see the mall is the perfect place to amend that.”

Again, Ryuko’s body moved against her will. She tried to restrain her steps but couldn’t. What little control she had earlier disappeared, yet the awkwardness of her movements remained. Some people they passed gave her an awkward look but continued.

“Where the hell are you taking me?”

“The mall my dear.”

“The mall? Why would you want to go there of all places?”

"There you can find just about anything you need there. And you need a lot of work done if you will be my perfect, wonderful daughter."

They entered the mall, and Ryuko’s body went cold as if she had entered a freezer. A chuckle resounded through Ryuko’s mind, worsening the pit in her stomach. “What are you laughing about?”

“It seems, despite all of your imperfections. You are still able to get the attention of boys. Why don’t we give them something nicer to notice with your current state?”

“No stop! Don’t you dare!” Ryuko tried to retake control of her body and force herself to remain still, but she couldn’t.

A smile blossomed on Ryuko’s face. With every proud, confident step she took, she rolled her hips made her behind as she walked. Due to her acute senses, she knew the boy was watching her walk away along with the rest of the people interested.

“What the hell are you doing!”

“I am just making sure that you gain the attention you deserve. Since you are my daughter, you must be the center of attention, even in your imperfect state. Relish in the attention you gain. Think of how much better it will be once you are.

Ragyo’s chuckle was met with a snarl, yet Ryuko wondered what her mother was plotting. Ragyo made Ryuko’s body smile at one of the boys, and his face darkened. Another young man who was interested in her stared. With no hesitation, Ragyo made Ryuko’s body blow a kiss at them that made his face turn scarlet.

Ryuko screamed as her face darkened. If she could, she would have slammed her head into a wall with all of the various flirtatious actions she was doing. A part of her forced herself to pay attention and power through the embarrassment that made her wish a hole would form underneath her and devour her.

Her body brushed up against one boy, and for a moment, she slowed. Ragyo made her body lean slightly closer to give him a better view of her busts. Ryuko’s hands brushed against his body, even the hardening lump between his legs.

Ragyo laughed while Ryuko’s embarrassment grew. Ryuko's body walked away before he could do anything. Yet she continued to roll her buttocks around from side to side.

Ryuko demanded in her head. “Why the hell are you acting like such a tease?!”

“I am simply letting them all enjoy themselves. All of them are wrapped around your finger already and you don’t need to do anything. It is only fitting that you are able to get all of their attention since you are my daughter. Even if your current form is imperfect. Look, there’s another boy who seems interested in you. Why don’t we give him a little thanks for such interest?”

Every boy who showed even a tiny bit of interest in Ryuko, Ragyo, flirted with them as if they were a long-time lover. She bounced Ryuko’s bust and rolled her hips to get the maximum sensual appeal.

Something in the corner of Ragyo’s eye caught her attention, and a smirk formed on Ryuko’s face. “And at last I have found what I was looking for.”

Ryuko saw a popular clothing store had gained her mother’s attention and frowned. “What the hell are we doing here?”

“We are going to start working on that wardrobe of your’s. Everything you own is such a bore and only insults you.”

“You don’t even know what clothes I had in my closet!”

“My dear I can just look through your memories because of your current situation. Your wardrobe needs a complete overhaul since you're my daughter.” Ragyo stepped inside, looked around, and acted like she was on a life-or-death mission. “Now then, let’s see where everything is. There is a long list that we need to get done. It’s a good thing you have quite a bit of money on you to pay for everything.”

As she walked around the boutique, Ragyo grabbed a pair of lace panties and several thongs. “We will most certainly need to get you some new underwear if we are going to set you up. All of the underwear you had before is far too childish and doesn’t do anything to help you.”

“Hey there is nothing wrong with my underwear!”

“There is a lot wrong with your underwear. All of these little childish prints on them and stripes. You must wear something far more mature and fitting. Something that will get the blood of all those interested in you going. Now then let’s get some clothes fitting for your new self as well. Something daring and will grab people’s attention.”

Ragyo looked around at the rest of the clothes, taking shorts, dresses, low-cut tops, skirts, and anything else that caught her attention. Every item was placed with the rest of her growing pile of clothes in her hand and continued. No matter how big the pile became, she continued without issue, her being a hybrid making the mile weigh as little as a pile of feathers to her.

“It has been a long time since I have been able to have a proper fashion show moment like this. I have longed to have the feeling of clothes brushing against my skin.”

“Shut up, this isn’t even your body!”

“Maybe, but that won’t stop me from enjoying this. It's the simple things you miss when your body is reduced to string.”

Another slight headache came over Ryuko’s mind that made her stumble in her mind. She shook her head, trying to regain her focus. Again she looked at her attire, and her embarrassment died slightly at how revealing it was.

“I think we have reached the minimum amount required to form the foundation of your new wardrobe.”

Ragyo made Ryuko go to the dressing rooms and locked herself inside. With a naughty chuckle, she stripped herself down to her nude. A coy smile formed on her face.

“Now then why don’t we put these on, and see how well they fit you. I think this bra would be a nice place to start.”

Ragyo slipped on a bra and underwear after another. Each one she wore was more revealing and racier than the previous one. Without hesitation, she pulled up a thong that looked more like floss between her butt cheeks than anything else and small triangles that barely hid her nipples.

Ryuko’s shame grew the longer it went on, along with her frustration. Despite everything, she couldn't help but stare at how the skimpy underwear moved across her body made her want to throw herself into a dark hole she could never escape. None of them provided much support to her bust. It did little to hide the outline of her nipples. Even the shape of her nipples were only vaguely hidden, as if they were teasing any would-be watchers. The various lacy and revealing bras emphasized her bust and made them look larger than they were.

“Now then let’s try this out and see how it goes.”

Despite Ryuko’s efforts to fight back, her body slipped on Ragyo's chosen clothes. A blush formed as she slipped on a tiny little top that did little to hide her cleavage and was one trip away from revealing her breasts in their entirety. She pulled on her top and frowned at how much was exposed.

Seconds later, Ragyo made her grab one of the shorts she had chosen. Immediately the shorts rode up her bottom cheeks and made them look bigger as they clung a little tighter to her bottom. The shorts brought attention to her broad hips, and even the outline of her camel toe was plain to see.

A dark blush formed on her face. Despite the outfit being far less revealing than Senketsu's battle form, this was something else. “I look like a fucking slut!”

“Daughter, trust me when I say that your clothes are no shame at all. I would say they are perfect for you with how they show off your body in just the right way. They only help bring out your beauty.”

Again Ryuko felt a headache come over her while Ragyo chuckled. Ryuko looked at the clothes again, and her stomach tightened as she stared at her attire. Yet the embarrassment and despair she felt died as she examined herself in the mirror.

‘She’s got a point there. All of these clothes do show off my body nicely.’

At the very least, with her top, she didn’t have to worry about a single cut happening to the straps and sending her top flying.

Once more, Ragyo looked through all of the clothes she had chosen. She grinned. “Now then I think we have finished building the foundations of your new wardrobe. In time we will continue, but there is so much more we need to get done first.”

Ragyo gathered all of the clothes and paid for them. Due to her strength, it was easy to lift them all. A frown formed as she was forced to adjust her grip.

A loan young man caught her attention, and Ragyo smirked. She marched over to him like a hunter. The boy immediately went slack-jawed at her approach. His eyes darted everywhere as a dark blush adorned his face as if someone would swoop in from the side and steal her attention.

Ragyo made Ryuko’s body put on a demure, weak expression. “Excuse me, could you help me?”

Again the young man looked around, ensuring there wasn't anyone else around him. He raised his hand and pointed at himself. “You mean me?”

“Of course I am. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you help me with my bags? This is all a bit too heavy for me, but you seem like a strong guy so....would you be willing to hold my bags for me?”

“It wouldn’t be any problem at all!”

Like a wretch eager to please their master, he took her bags without hesitation. He flinched at the sudden weight but put up a brave face as he stared ahead.

Ryuko clapped happily. “Oh thank you so much for the help! It means a lot to me.”

“No problem at all!”

Ragyo made Ryuko’s body turn her back to the boy. The moment it was, a cunning smirk formed. A fit of laughter desperately wanted to come out, but she stopped herself from doing so. Pride surged through her when she could feel his eyes resting on her buttocks.

Ryuko yelled. “Hey you shouldn’t just trick a guy like that! It isn’t right!”

Ragyo scoffed. “And why not my daughter. He should feel lucky that he even had the moment to bask in your presence. Even if he’s nothing more than a mule to do what we wanted. It's disgusting how he thinks if he throws himself to this level that he will even have a moment of true intact with you. Look at him and tell me I’m wrong daughter.”

Ryuko looked back at him and couldn’t help but be disgusted at his mere presence. It was like looking back at one of Satsuki’s weirdo fan club members with how happy he was, despite being taken advantage of.

“This guy... might not be cool, but still…you shouldn't use him like that!”

“Give it time daughter and you will come to see that I am right. Now just be happy you don’t have to deal with carrying those bags, and letting someone else do it for you.”

Still, Ragyo continued to flirt with everyone they passed along the way. With a delightful sashay, she rolled her hips and bounced her butt like a hungry sexpot, garnering much attention. Some of the girls they passed shot her looks of disgust while the men continued their open admiration of her.

“Ahh, there is our next destination.”

Ryuko was surprised to see the location her mother had been talking about was a spa. Despite the time of the day, there was hardly anyone inside. It was clear from how it was decorated, the numerous devices, and even the tanning booths in the back this was a high-class one where only the wealthy could go.

“Perfect, we can have the whole place to ourselves during this time. All the better when we leave and can astound everyone with how pretty you are dear.”

Ryuko said. “A spa? Just what are you up to?”

Ragyo said. “After so long coming back to a spa like this will be a wonderful way to relax.”

Ryuko stepped inside, and one of the workers immediately went over to her. With a practiced smile, she went over to the front desk.

The employee said. “Hello, is there anything I can help you with? Would you like to get a pedicure? Get your hair done perhaps?”

Ragyo said, with Ryuko’s mouth. “Give me everything. Though I was hoping we could do something about my hair. I think it's time that I change my hair color. I’m thinking blonde, and change this one little red stripe into a hot pink.”

“Oh I can see what you are going for and I think it would look nice! We can certainly get that done for you!”

Right after Ragyo paid for it, the employees led her away. Ragyo sat in one of the chairs, crossing her legs with a small smile. Ryuko’s body shuddered in thinly veiled expectation.

"I don’t need to do this! And how the hell is this part of your vengeance? You already ruined my wallet. Do you just plan to make me look like some dumb slut?"

“It has been so long since I had a nice treatment like this. Even if this is your body, I’m sure the two of us will enjoy this very much. Tell me, when was the last time you had a moment to relax my dear? Trust me, even your sister had allowed herself to have respite when she came to a spa like this.”

Despite it all, Ryuko couldn’t help but feel her focus daze. The tension in her body eased the longer it went on. Every worry she had seemed to get further away as if it was lifetimes ago.

“No, I can’t…falll…asleep.”

Ryuko’s eyelids got heavier, and she struggled to keep them open, despite all of the efforts she did so. The calming music of the spa soothed her worries. Every little brushstroke that went through her hair put her at ease.

Soon, they got too heavy for her to resist, and her eyelids closed.

A cheerful cry made her jolt. “And we’re done!”

Ryuko blinked. “Huh what? What do you mean we’re done.”

“We’re done working on your hair. You had gotten so comfortable that we decided to let you sleep while we worked on your hair, and I have to say it turned out marvelous.

The stylist turned her chair around so Ryuko was facing the mirror. Ryuko couldn’t help but stare at her altered hair in horror. A gasp came from Ryuko the moment she saw herself in the mirror.

Gone were the dark black locks of hair, and in their place were bright sunny blonde locks. Every blade of hair shined with new life, making it look almost like it was absorbing all the light around it. What stood out the most to her was her former bright red lock of hair was now a bright hot pink that contrasted heavily with her bright blonde hair.

That alone would have been enough, but now her face was covered in a dark eyeshadow, making her eyes stand out more. Her lips now had a bright pink lip gloss, and her fingernails were adorned in a matching color. In the mirror, it was as if she was staring at a Gyaru Barbie doll version of herself.

“I think your hair turned out wonderfully. The way the pink and the blonde hair came out great. You would think that was their original hair color with how they look now.”

Ryuko couldn't react to her words. The more she stared at herself, the more her stomach twisted in on itself. Bile rose in her mouth as her head began to feel lighter than it already had been. The chair squeaked as her fingers tightened on the armrests.

“Indeed, she is right on that. The blonde and pink do a lot better to bring out your beauty better than the red. It replaces your fierceness with a more feminine appeal. It will go much farther into endearing yourself to others I’m sure.”

Ryuko stared at herself in the mirror, her eyes drawn to it, their words ringing in her head again. A slight throbbing came over her that made her whine. The world spun a little faster, making her feel like she was on a roller coaster.

They had a point, as much as she would like to deny it. Her hair did look nice. The way her altered hair shimmered from how the light moved. Ryuko’s hand moved and ran through her hair. She stilled as the tops of her fingers brushed against her locks. It was softer and silkier than she had ever expected it would be. All of the sheets and clothes she had couldn’t compare to the fluffiness of it.

"What? No...Somethings...Not...right."

“It’s alright to love it. Consider it my gift to you.”

A grin formed as the disgust she had for her new hairstyle disappeared. The way it sparkled continued to gain her attention with every second that passed.

Ryuko said. “It’s everything I could have wanted. Gaahh. No!”

The moment the words left her mouth, Ryuko bit her lips. Rage quickly consumed her, yet the same spark of glee that overcame her seconds ago returned. It smothered the fury and made herself.

The employee said. “Now then you said you wanted to do your skin next?”

“What I….,” Ryuko went to deny it, but suddenly all her control over her mouth was gone. “Yes I would like that. I need a new tan.”

“Alright then, let’s head over there, and then you can change.”

“Now just change in here, and we can set you right up in the tanning booth.”

Ragyo had Ryuko’s body strip off her clothes and then went inside the booth.

“Now, just relax and enjoy yourself. When your time is done, I’ll go and get you.”

Ryuko tried to get up and leave but couldn't despite her efforts. All she could do was lay there as her fingers curled in rage.

“God damnit!”

“Now, now, think of it just like resting underneath the son. Just relax and breathe. Listen to the sound of your heart as it continues, and you’ll enjoy it very much.”

Again the same calm relaxing sensation she had returned as she struggled to resist the hold over her body. The slight beat of her heart and the rhythm of her breathing kept soothing her as if she was listening to a lullaby. Again she tried to fight the tiredness, but it proved to be a losing battle like last time. Her eyes shut, and momentarily, she couldn't perceive anything around her.

“And we’re done!”

Ryuko shot awake, her eyes blinking rapidly. Someone grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the tanning bed. "Wh-What?"

The employee led her to a full-body mirror. "Tada introducing the new you!"

Ryuko stared at her new flawless skin. The bright tan made her body stand out all the more. She tried to fight against how much nicer it was but couldn’t. The darker color of her skin made her preen. It gave her an exotic appeal that almost clashed with her hair.

“I…I look like a fake barbie doll someone had played with!”

Despite the anger in her words, a wave of glee and awe came over her. Another giggle came out of her with how nice it was.

“Why is it a problem? Doesn’t it feel good? You have such nice skin, and with your new hair, you are bound to rightfully get all of the attention from everyone.”

“Its…I…didn’t want!”

Ryuko smiled. No matter how angry she was, she couldn’t help but beam.

“Why don’t you look yourself over in your clothes? Perhaps then you might see how good the new look you have is.”

Ryuko began to put her attire back on. Again the way the fabric rubbed against her body made her shiver in triumphant glee. When they were fully back on, her jaw dropped at how well they showed off her body and how clean and exotic her look was now.

"I...I look sooooo good."

“Indeed you are. Now then, I think it's enough, dear. It's time that we head back. You have more than enough clothes for now.”

As they walked back, they could feel the young man she had roped into being her pack mule, eyeing her figure the entire time. Never once did he utter a peep of complaint. All he did was continue to watch her as they walked. The whole time his eyes were on her bodacious rump and bouncing bosom. Both could hear him giggle in glee and rolled their eyes at his lust.

“Such a wretch. Even if it's you, to allow himself to fall so low makes him worth less than dirt. Just as expected for a worthless human like him.”

Ryuko thought. “Oh, totes. He must be so desperate if he’s willing to do something like this. As if I would do something with a loser like him.”

“A good question my dear, but not something to do at this time. Perhaps if you see him again then you could  see how much influence you have over his actions.”

Eventually, the two of them finally returned to Ryuko’s apartment. Ryuko skipped inside her home while the boy followed after her, covered in sweat, struggling to hold up the bags.

The boy questioned. “Where do you want these?”

Ryuko pointed to the kitchen and said. “Just place the bags here please.”

“Got it.”

The boy looked around the room, taking it all in. He turned back to her, a dark red blush on his face. Again his eyes went over her lewd body, taking in every exposed part of her body, especially as Ryuko skipped over to him.

“Thank you for all the help you gave me. You sure are strong for being able to hold out for this long!”

“This is nothing. So is there anything else I can do for you…or is there something else you want to do.”

The hope in his voice was palpable and made her giggle at the hope he had. Ryuko took his hand and led him out of the room. With a cutesy look, she gently guided him to the door. “Sorry, but I got stuff to do. Maybe we can meet up later or something.”

“Oh yeah maybe we could-"

Before he could finish, Ryuko pecked him on the cheek, making him stammer. The boy walked out of the room like a zombie. Before he could say anything, she shut the door behind her and grinned. A naughty giggle came from her as she shimmied where she stood. It quickly developed into full-blown mocking laughter.

“Oh puh lease as if he ever had a chance of getting with someone like me.”

“Indeed. You are so far above him that even giving him a glance was far too good for someone like him.”

“Maybe but it was so amusing seeing him do everything I want and then some. He made the day so much easier.”

“True my dear, and if there are ever more sheep like him around, you should take advantage of them. Today has been wonderful, wouldn’t you agree my darling daughter.”

“Yuppers, momma! Today has been such a good day. I got so many new clothes, and I look so much better now. Things couldn’t have gone better.

Ragyo laughed, vindictive glee filling her at Ryuko’s current state. Gone was the fool of a daughter who had ruined everything, and now she was a perfect beautiful daughter who filled her with pride.

Seeing how much of a rambunctious flirt, who knew her superiority against others, but was far too stupid to do anything else, made everything better as if she was watching a sideshow. Another knock came from the door, surprising the two of them.

“Oh now who could that be? Why don’t we take a look my dear? It would be rude to keep a guest waiting.”

Ryuko nodded her head like a lovely derp. She skipped to the door and grabbed the handle, her bimbofied mind wondering who it was.


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