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Dante wandered through the streets, getting back from a contract. One of the reasons why he had taken it was because it had been a bit since he had last heard from his nephew, and it was time he figured out what was going on.

“Wonder what could be keeping you kid. Haven't heard back from that strange call you put a girl up to.”

He snickered at the memory, wondering what Nero was thinking. Nero could handle himself just fine and had managed to get more than a few good hits against him. If there was some giant monster or something, he would have been invited to that party a while ago.

A growl from his stomach made him stop and look at his belly. “You know what? I could use a bite, and a drink sounds good right now.”

Dante looked around, wondering if there was anywhere promising he could eat at. A flashing sign in the window caught his attention, showing they had opened just a few minutes ago.

“That name seems familiar for some reason.” He tried to think of where he had heard about it, but no matter how hard he pondered, it didn’t come. “Meh, maybe if I give it a moment or two and just focus on something else it will come to me.”

Dante stepped inside the bar, wondering what the inside of it would be like. Old rock music filled the bar, making him grin. “Man, this takes me back.”

Immediately he could tell the bar was well cared for. It made him feel as if he had entered a cabin out in the woods for a job a long time ago.

The place was mostly dead, save for the owner behind the bar. He was taking stock of the bottles they had and marking things down on a clipboard. “Oh looks like I came at just the right time then. I won’t have to deal with any tough guys, or someone trying to prove their manliness.”

Just above the bar, by several kegs, he noticed hanging on the wall was Nero’s sword. “Well looks like he was here, though I wonder why he left his sword here. With how he acts, there’s no way he had to pay off some debt.”

Dante plopped by the front of a bar. “Hey man, mind telling me what you got around here that would be worth something. Just came back from a job and I could use something nice about now.”

“Sure and welcome to….” The bartender turned and froze the moment he saw him. All the color in his face disappeared. A tiny squeal came from him. “Oh good lord, not you again!”

Dante blinked. On his chest, he noticed the bartender’s name was Cicero. “We met before pal?”

“You got into a fight with one of my patrons, and you wound up destroying my bar years ago!”

“...You’re going to have to be a little more specific there if you’re going to need to be a little more specific there. I have had to go through a lot of bar fights over the years.”

“More specific…You used one of the demon skulls I had around the building and managed to SOMEHOW make it land on their head and slide across the room into the pool table, killing three of them!”

“Oh now I remember. Man, it has been a good bit since that happened. But yeah that doen’t rank on my list of insane things. Been through a lot weirder stuff since then.”

“Yeah, and I had to work my ass off to build this place. You ran out before you could even pay the bill. Do you have any idea of all the trouble I had gone through because of your antics?”

“No, not really, but things seemed to have turned out well for you. You got a nice bar going.”

“Yeah no thanks to you and all of the chaos you brought when you first came here. I had to go back and do some odd jobs since the insurance wouldn’t cover the damage.”

“C’mon man, that was years ago, and besides, I can make things worth your time. Good food and drinks deserve a nice bill.” Dante pulled a five out of his wallet and slid it over.

Cicero stared at the bill and then at Dante’s face. “Seriously?”

“You can consider that a tip until you give me the best drink you got.”

“What a lovely tip.” Cicero pinched the brow of his nose. A heavy sigh came out of his lips. Scathing eyes bore into Dante’s eyes. “Just find an empty booth, and my waitress will serve you in a minute.”

Dante chuckled. “Alright, sounds like a good plan. Though, before I do, could you tell me where you got that sword from.”

Cicero looked over his shoulder at Nero's weapon. “I got it a while back from a guy who looked like you. Had a fiery attitude and started some shit with a couple of guys here. Thankfully my pub is still standing. Went on to prove his manliness and wound up losing his sword because of it.”

“Has he stopped by ever since then?”

“Haven’t seen him since.”

Dante could tell he wouldn’t get more from the guy right now. ‘If I buy a couple of drink that will probably loosen his tongue enough for him to tell me about Nero.’

Cicero pulled out several bottles and began mixing them. "Just get the damn drinks done."

Dante went to the nearest booth and plopped his feet on the table. His eyes roamed around the bar, taking it all in. “If the drinks are nice, I'll have a new place to go to whenever I’m passing through.”

Footsteps caught his attention, and a smile crossed his face when he saw the source. “Hello beautiful.”

Walking up to the bar was a beautiful, voluptuous redhead that looked too good for a small join like that. Everything about her was sexy. The redhead had the biggest bust he had ever seen, which bounced and rippled like pudding. Her broad hips swayed delightfully, and she was sporting one of the best behinds he had ever seen. To top it all off, she was wrapped up in a tight revealing crimson bunny suit that complimented her long scarlet hair. The only thing that marred it was the dour annoyed expression she had on her face.

Cicero pointed to his booth, and the woman grumbled something under her breath as she put the mug on her tray. Then, with a forced smile, she turned to Dante. The redhead jumped. All of the control she had disappeared. Her lips returned to form a captivating smile that almost enraptured him seconds later. Right after she recovered, she strutted over to him, emphasizing the delightful sway of her hips.

“Here is your drink sir.”

She placed his beverage down, giving him a perfect eyeful of her deep cleavage.

Dante didn't even wait a moment and picked it up. As he drank, his eyes were locked on her gigantic bust and how the tight fabric smooshed her bosom together.

“Man this is some pretty nice stuff. Place has everything a guy could dream of. Great drinks, nice music, and a wonderful babe like you being a server. You gotta be a big draw for business I bet."

The redhead gaped. “D-Dante don’t just say something like that?”

“Well that was unexpected. Wouldn’t mind hearing my name come out of your pretty mouth again babe, but still its a little weird how you know it just like that.”

The girl recoiled, and her expression immediately shifted into disgust. Her jaw dropped as her face turned into a lovely shade of red to rival her face.

“Well that’s not the response I was expecting. Usually girls swoon a little when I look at them.”

“Dante, it's me Erza!” An ugly snarl crossed her face when the words left her mouth. “Fucking hell, even now I can’t say what’s going on.”

“Okay beautiful, while I don’t mind an admirer, as pretty as you, you’re weirding me out a little.”

Again Erza looked as if someone had shoved a lump of old rotting food in front of her face. “Quit it! Stop with the flirting damn it! I'm trying to tell you who I am, but I can't because of this stupid shitty spell!”

“Alright then, why don’t you tell me where we first met. Maybe hearing that will work for a loophole.”

Erza slammed her hands down on the table, glaring at him. “The first time we met was in Fortuna. You shot the head of the Order of the Sword in the head, and we had a fight. I threw a big stone sword at you and then stabbed you with your own sword! Is that proof enough of who I am.”

Dante’s eyes bulged out of their sockets. There might have been a lot of people around for the first half of that fight, but it was only Nero and him when they were alone.

“Look i know this is a big shock and all, but…”

Dante snickered, unable to help himself despite how strange it was. “Oh my god Nero! That’s you! I thought you were joking when you said you had been turned into a girl.”

“Stop fucking laughing! It wasn’t a fucking joke! I’ve been stuck here being eye candy for these perverted bastards for weeks because of you! Why the hell would I even joke about something like this?”

“Yeah I thought it was out there, but I wasn’t going to question it too much. Figured you would be able to handle whatever else you came across. I didn’t think you would wind up running into something or someone that would make you a sex pot. Guess you couldn’t handle the cut as well as I thought you could. ”

Her face scrunched as if she was struggling to get herself under control. The rage in her eyes dulled and was replaced with a calm confidence that made her smile.

“How did you wind up turning into a woman? Did some demon get the better of you or something? Don’t worry, kid. Just tell me what did it and I’ll do what I can to get you your balls back. Well get the balls between your legs back. Maybe we can trade the ones on your chest for them.”

Again, the forced smile she had returned. Her smile's cold hard edge gained prominence. The outline of blue demonic power appeared around her frame for a moment before it disappeared.

“Relax kid, I’m just…yanking your chain a little.”

Dante took a sip of his drink, the pleasant beverage going down his body in just the right way to make him feel alive. The blueberry taste of his beverage was immediately followed by a dash of alcohol which enhanced the fruity taste. “Now, this is a good drink.”

Cicero grunted. "Whatever."

Dante went back to his drink, enjoying this beverage. A content sigh came to him as he tried to stop himself from taking another. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop himself from taking sip after sip of it.

Unknown to him, his light blue eyes darkened slightly. Every gulp of the drink altered his eyes a little more. Their shade kept getting darker until they became midnight blue eyes, looking like freshly cleaned blueberries.

Erza noticed this, and her smile brightened. The tension in her body eased. “What’s wrong Dante? Do you have a fever. Do you feel under the weather?”

Dante laughed. “Worried about me? Guess this place has been softening you a little more. Well more than normal with how your body is right now.”

“Just wondering since you seem a little out of sorts.”

Erza’s eyes went over Dante’s body, and noticed something was off about it. Even though it was just a glimpse, she could see the hair on his chest was gone and replaced with a smoother exterior. However, it wasn't just the body hair that was changing. His skin paled slightly and became fairer while his rougher complexion softened.

Dante went to take another swig of his drink, but the beverage moved faster than intended, and he almost bonked himself in the head with it. “Well that was unintended.”

Every curl of his fingers went unnoticed by his nerves, and he never felt it move. Finally, it stopped before him, and he slowly curled his digits. Despite seeing the move, Dante didn’t feel them do so. He moved his other arm, and just like with his other limb, there was no sensation of moving coming from his body.

“Ok, Nero, I think you might have been right when you said. Something is up with me. Feeling a little funny.”

The room began to spin around to him. His limbs swung from side to side, and yet he hardly noticed them do so. Everything was getting larger to him. “Okay yeah, something is off with me right now.”

Dante turned to her, the grip on his drink loosening. The mug's handle slipped from his fingers as he leaned forward. 

“Now you don’t want to make a mess. I might have to clean it up if you do, and then you'll be in some real trouble.” Erza grabbed the mug before it could make a mess, the smirk in her eyes growing as she placed it on the table across from them. “I don’t think you’ll need this. With how you’re acting right now, the last thing you need in you is more booze.”

Now Dante noticed his skin's new shade and complexion. He pulled on it, trying to make it revert to its original appearance, but it stayed the same no matter how hard he pulled.

“Nero, you’re right, something is up with me. You seeing what I’m seeing?”

“Oh I do.”

"How is this happening?"

“Because of a nice little treat from me.” Cicero stepped out from behind the bar. “I’m going to have some fun messing with you for what you did all those years ago.”

Erza raised her arm, preventing Cicero from getting closer. “No, considering how long I have been stuck here because this bastard thought I was joking, I’m going to transform him!”

Cicero blinked, and even Dante found himself shocked by the change. Neither could say or do anything else but stare at Erza. Cicero stared at her, trying to see if something was wrong, but couldn’t find any. “You know what, you can do it. So long as he winds up as another new lovely babe, and you don’t try to pull any tricks. I think I can allow it.”

A glint entered Erza’s eye, making Cicero chuckle and Dante pale. She turned to Dante, whose heart fell into his stomach. Her smile hadn't changed, but he could feel a maliciousness rivaling Vergil’s. “Now then let’s have some fun.”

Dante shuddered. ‘You're reminding me too much of your father right now Nero.’

"Ever since I turned into a woman, I’ve struggled to deal with all of these new impulses and needs from my body. I've had to deal with such a damn heat between my legs for weeks and haven't been able to do anything about it! It's about time you learn how bad it was for me!”

Popping noises came from his cheeks as they rose higher. Dante shook his head, his breathing picking up as he tried to regain some sense of feeling in his body. A slight bout of pain came over his face for a moment, as if someone was roughly massaging his face, trying to press down on his skull. Then, new vigor appeared in it as the age he had reduced. What crow's feet he had around his eyes vanished. Again a nipping feeling came over him as his jaw felt like someone was digging their nails into it as they pulled on it. The sharp features he had softened, losing some of their aged roughness. A wet plop came from his lips as they opened, filling with the same delightful mass tempting kissers.

A sigh escaped his lips as release finally came for him. No lingering sensations came over him, and yet Dante knew whatever had just happened did.

He sloppily raised his hands to his face and could only feel a faint tingling sensation. No matter how hard he pressed his skull, there was no indication to show him how much his face had altered.

Erza raised her tray with a vindictive smirk. “With those new looks of yours, you’ll be getting all sorts of attention.”

Dante stopped and stared at her reflection. The visage staring back at him in the tray wasn’t his own but that of a beautiful young woman with high cheekbones and a heart-shaped face. Everything about her appearance rivaled Erza’s own, with soft, plump lips and beautiful blue eyes.

“All of the perverts who come here will definitely go crazy when they see such a lovely face. Perhaps you’ll get some of the heat off me, and I won’t have to worry about anyone smacking my ass or trying to cop a feel of my breasts for once.”

“That’s a fool’s hope Erza and you know it.”

Erza’s expression dimmed slightly, but Dante could see the hellish rage in her eyes grow as her face hardened. A scratching noise came from the table as her nostrils flared. Her eyes went down, and she noticed her nails digging into the table, making tiny marks. She moved her hands away from the table and focused on Dante.

A slight burn came from his throat, followed by a hacking cough. Dante’s hand shot to his throat and wrapped around it, making him wince. The insides of it shifted around, and his coughs rose in pitch. It tightened further, making him let out a moan as it worsened. For a moment, he imagined someone had wrapped their hands around his throat and dug their thumb into his larynx. Seconds later, the burning and scratchiness of his throat eased, yet he couldn't feel his Adam's apple anymore.

“Gahh!” Gone was the original suave masculine voice he had. Now there was a tenor voice belonging to a young woman. He reached for his throat and shuddered, only feeling the sides of his throat. From what he could tell, there were no traces of his Adam's apple.

“How is this stuff changing my voice now?” Dante grimaced at the feminine voice coming from him.

Erza chuckled. “Oh my, not quite as good as mine, but yours will certainly get some attention as well. I wouldn’t worry so much. It goes much better with that new face of yours. Maybe if some people were to see you now, they would think you've always been a girl. Even if you're lacking in the curved department.”

Cicero said. “Agreed with that. I want to hear you talk a little dirty when this is done. You’re new voice sounds so cute."

“Now then, what will be the next thing to change about you? You’ve certainly come a long way since you started. Feel like making a bet Erza.”

Erza crossed her arms under her bust. “Not happening. Considering what you have me do already and what I put up with, I’m sure you’re going to make me do something perverted.”

“Aww. Why do you have to go and ruin my fun like that?”

Erza looked at Cicero flatly. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

Light blue streaks appeared in Dante’s hair. A silky shine appeared in it and became more apparent. Its growing length was obvious to Dante as it brushed against his body. They tickled his cheeks and the back of his neck, curling. It was almost soothing how it touched and stroked his body as if someone was rubbing circles and teasing him. Yet despite its softness, every soft lock made him feel like someone was digging the tip of a knife against his skin. The locks brushed past his shoulders and continued down his back, the curls of his hair curling, almost as if they were caressing his skin until it reached the middle of his back.

Cicero whistled. “Well I'll be, blue hair. That wasn’t expected, but nobody can complain. It makes a nice counterbalance to Erza and adds more to her exotic appeal.”

He played with several locks of hair and was just as pleased by it. “Wow, Erza, it’s just as soft as your hair.

Erza ran her hand through Dante’s longer hair, humming as she did. “Well it is rather nice. With this feel and shade maybe some of the hair lovers will leave me alone for now.”

Dante sloppily tried to smack their hands away but couldn’t hit them. “Stop playing with my hair!”

Cicero chuckled. “Aww I guess with such a cute face it’s hard to say no to you. If that’s what you want then I’ll stop for now.”

Erza ran her hands through Dante’s hair again. “I won’t its so nice and fun to play with.”

Dante blinked when he noticed the cushions of the seats felt like they were brushing against his skin, but that couldn’t be right. Even though his body was still and he wasn’t moving around the booth much, it felt like he was moving around. The stiff fabric of his clothes dragged down his body. Everything was looking a little larger to him. Cicero and Erza looked as if they were growing before his eyes.

His attire brushed against his diminishing body. The sleeves of his coat covered his wrists and crawled down his arms, hiding his hands, while his boots loosened. All his control over his legs disappeared.

Dante forced his mind to focus, noticing his nails had extended slightly and gained a more elegant appearance. It was easy for him to envision the female limbs he now had, which were hidden underneath his drooping clothes. A tension formed in his pants as his thighs ballooned, making him wince. The sides of his pants were stretched as they got larger, growing twice their size into thick meaty pillows.

Erza leaned closer to get a better look at Dante. “With how loose those clothes are, you clearly aren’t meant to wear them now. Why don’t you step out of your seat and let us see what we’re working with.”

“No wait!”

Erza pulled Dante out of the booth. He couldn’t even put a token of resistance. It was as if he was a ragdoll that had its strings cut. He crashed into Erza, smooshing her boobs right against his chest like a pair of airbags, he was forced back, but Erza's grip prevented him from falling.

"Don't worry, Dante. I got you."

The world spun to Dante as if he was on a speeding merry-go-round. Before he could try to get away, Erza grabbed her shoulders. When he regained some control over himself, he noticed Erza now stood just an inch taller than him.

Dante tried to break out of Erza's grip, but he could barely work up the strength to stand. Even keeping his vision straight proved to be more challenging than expected.

“My oh my. It seems like those clothes of yours just aren’t fitting you’re body anymore. I wonder what will be happening to you next. I'll admit, it threw me off when I first went through transformation, but my clothes changed to suit my body. Hey Cicero, why isn't his clothes transforming to suit his body like mine did?”

“With your’s I had a little prep time. I wasn’t going to take any chances with this one.”

“Makes sense.” Erza grabbed the front of Dante’s shirt, and in one quick motion, she tore it and his coat off.

"Stop!" Dante tried to cover his chest, his face burning red.

“We can get rid of these too. Might as well show of the rest of your body since its just us.” Erza grabbed the hem of Dante’s pants and underwear and pulled. Again they were torn right off her body, leaving her naked as the day she was born.

Cicero clapped his hands together, staring at Dante. “Oh lala, that is such a lovely look! Thank you for the wonderful show so far. While you might still be on the manly side, I know I’ll be seeing some good things in the future.”

Dante glared at Cicero as he struggled against Erza, but wobbling legs killed whatever threatening presence he had. “As if! This has gone far enough!”

Erza smirked vindictively. “No it hasn’t. Considering all of the comments I got, I think letting us see everything is a good way to start making up for all I’ve been through. Maybe then you’ll be able to understand why you need to get moving when someone tells you something is up.”

“C’mon Nero you don’t need to to this. You can fight whatever influence that bastard has over you!”

The smirk Erza had vanished instantly and was replaced with a cold glare. “Don’t think I haven’t tried. Even now its a struggle at times. And considering how long I had to put up with this. We’re only getting started.”

A gurgling noise came from Dante’s stomach. Everyone looked down, fearful in Dante’s case. The defined abs he had diminished, looking as if they were disappearing into his body.

Erza cooed. “Just look at those muscles go away.”

Erza’s fingers prodded them, and they gave in slightly. There was still some tightness, but none of the previous power remained. Yet the firmness they had was there. Every little tap of Erza’s digits did nothing to help Dante relax. “Such a nice toned stomach. It might look off wit the rest of your body, but give it a little bit of time, and it will look perfect on you I’m sure.”

Dante slurred. “S-stop it!”

“No, I don’t think I will, and besides, we are just getting started on that hourglass figure. We can’t stop now.”

A craving noise came from the sides of his waist. Dante winced as his waist caved in. The sides of his waist kept trimming, making his boring hips look broader than they were. Even his upper body had a subtle curve with how much smaller it was now, giving him a slight but noticeable hourglass figure.

“Let me take a closer look at this. I want to get a nice feel for that figure.” Erza wrapped her arms around it and ran her hands around his waist. Dante jumped and prepared herself for whatever she would do. But, before Dante could try to break away again, Erza pulled her forward until they were almost touching lips. Erza’s massive breasts were squished against Dante’s chest. Dante’s face darkened, and he couldn’t help but stare at the enormous cleavage pressed against his chest.

Cicero sat in one of the chairs and lounged in it. A lump formed as the blood in his body boiled, eager to be touched. “Damn, she’s not even done and this would already be a wonderful sight for many to see. Tell me Dante what do you think will be the next change to change about you? Do you think it will be your dick, or will your breasts and butt come in first?”

Dante’s face darkened further as Erza giggled. “No I don’t want to have breasts or a big butt.”

Cicero chuckled. “Such a cute blush you’re sporting now Dante.”

Dante gasped as his firm member reduced. A roll came to his hips that he tried to stop from doing so, but they continued to bounce despite his best efforts. The worst part of it was that he enjoyed the delightful slight bursts from them. Then, right when his mind went elsewhere, his hips went back to sashaying back and forth.

Erza stepped back and watched in eager anticipation. “Well, looks like we got our answer. But, trust me when I say this, loosing it feels like something else when it first happens. Its strange, but you’ll get used to it surprisingly quick.”

Cicero leaned forward, the shit-eating grin he had growing.

Dante’s shrinking member was plain to see. It quickly retreated into his body, brushing against his thighs. Even the tip of his member entered his body without issue and formed a new hole. Right after doing so, his knees trembled like a faun learning to walk for the first time. The trembling in his legs became more pronounced as his balls trailed and entered his new opening. Juices came out between her legs. For a moment, Dante didn’t do anything. She stared at it, unable to bring herself to do anything as she struggled to process her new female anatomy, which was eager to be used.

Erza clapped her hands with a mocking smile. “Congratulations on becoming a woman, Dante.”

Cicero clapped with a grin gracing his face. “I have to say you make a mighty fine woman, Dante. Even if your transformation isn’t done, and you lack a nice fuckable ass and a set of breasts to make your hourglass stand out, you got a nice body."

Dante’s fingers inched closer to it. A morbid part of her wanted to slip her digits in and see for herself what it would be like to put her fingers down there, but with how different it was, she stopped herself from doing so.

Cicero laughed. “Well, go on. Feel free to explore. I’lll enjoy the free show, and I’m sure Erza will get a little buzz watching you play with yourself like that.”

“A little bit, but I’ll enjoy watching…Juvia go through a little of what I did.”

“Why do you call Dante…Why is Davia speaking in third person? What are you doing to Davia’s head!”

Trying to get the D out of her original name tested her resolve. Her nipples perked up the more her small digits touched them and her areola. Heat erupted from them, making her nipples perk. Slowly the areola widened and became the size of quarters while the fine tips became more pointed. A round shape appeared and became more prevalent with every passing second. Another whimper came from her as the flame in her nethers and bust burned hotter.

A slight bit of padding appeared on Davia’s chest, making Davia stop. She patted her chest, and to her horror, more padding appeared on her chest with every little pat. The blush on her face deepened, and her lips trembled. “Davia’s chest is swelling!”

Erza smirked. “Indeed it is.”

Cicero snickered. “Don’t worry with a little luck you might have a nice large set to be ogled by everyone to. Doesn’t that sound great?”

“No it sounds terrible to Davia!”

Erza reached around and forced Davia’s hands away. “Let me sweeten the deal. Maybe they’ll be so big they’ll bounce wherever they go! Doesn’t that sound wonderful.”

Davia’s small mounds grew against Erza's hands, forcing her hands away like a pair of airbags. They pushed Erza’s hands further out, forcing her to adjust how she held them. If it weren’t for Erza holding Davia up, she would have lost her balance and toppled over from how weak her knees were becoming and the increasing weight of her bust. Her ballooning bosom swiftly became too large for Erza’s hands to hold, and she was forced to adjust them. A small grunt came from her at the increasing weight, and even when they rivaled ripe apples, they continued to inflate like balloons.

Davia flailed around, trying to throw Erza off. “Stop!”

Erza leaned closer, her breath tickling Davia’s ears as she continued to play with Davia’s body. “Stop? But we barely even started…tell me what’s your name again?”

“Ahh ! Juvia! Juvia’s name is Juvia! Noooo! Juvia's name is not Juvia!”

“Oh no I’m sure Juvia is your name! Wouldn’t you agree Cicero?”

“Yes, I agree. There’s no way you could have ever had a name like Dante. A pretty girl like you deserves a name like Juvia, especially with a heavy set of tits like this.”

Juvia’s bust slowed its growth and finally reached its end. Every ripple and the way Erza pressed down on her bust was apparent. Yet they continued to get heavier, even though they weighed like a pair of milk jugs on her chest. Finally, Juvia's bust finished growing when they had become a just as impressive F-cup that rivaled Erza’s, looking like giant balloons. 

Erza smirked. “It seems like these have finally finished growing. I think we can let you go now and take a nice look at those puppies."

Erza let go of Juvia’s breasts, causing them to drop into a natural perky bell shape. Any sense of balance Juvia had left was thrown out of whack. Juvia tried to stabilize herself and almost toppled forward, but Erza grabbed her before she could. “There we go, can’t have you toppling over now, can we?”

Juvia panted, her body twitching in erotic glee. Every heavy breath she took made her must bounce somewhat. The dark blush on her face darkened when she realized she couldn't see past her new mountains with how vast they were now.

Cicero whistled, admiring Juvia’s new bust. “Damn, she’s almost as big as you Erza.”

“Maybe, but I’m the superior one.” A grimace formed on Erza's right after the words left her mouth.

“Heh, well someone's feeling a little boastful. It’s taken a bit, but it seems like you’re finally taking some pride in that curvy body of yours.”

“Shut it.”

“Now then all that’s left is for her to get the booty, and then she’ll be done.”

A sudden heat came over Juvia's butt, making her squeal. Instinctually, she clenched her buttocks as if she was trying to prevent something from sneaking between her cheeks.

"Oh, no what's happening to Juvia's butt?!"

Juvia’s buttocks expanded, and one of Erza's hands immediately explored every new little curve it had. Despite its growing size, it lost none of its toned definition despite its growing. The shape of what it would be like as it expanded flashed in Erza's mind, making her chuckle. Erza was forced to step back and adjust how she stood from the growth. Juvia’s new behind kept pushing Erza back like an airbag going off.

Erza chuckled. “Oh this certainly is a nice butt. I already know this is going to be rolling everywhere you go.”

"Juvia doesn't want it to roll wherever she goes! Juvia wants it back to normal."

"Not happening. It would be a sin to take that ass away."

After a minute, which seemed like an hour, Juvia's rear end slowed. Juvia's hand reached down, and Erza moved her hands away. As soon as her hands explored her rear, she could imagine its new heart shape. Her fingers barely went in despite how hard she squeezed them, making her whimper. It finished growing into an impeccable size that rivaled the ripest of peaches and would have bounced with every action she made. 

“Now it's finally done, let me get a nice feel for that butt.” Erza smacked her on the ass, making Juvia stumble from the blow. Instinctively, Juvia’s hands went to her rump. She held it, squeezing the tight butt flesh. Even so, it rippled and bounced, yet it was surprisingly firm. “It’s got a nice ripple to it, just like mine.”

Cicero gawked. “Damn, feel free to keep going and explore Juvia’s body, Erza. I could use a new show like this, and it would help break her in. If you want to keep playing with that butt, go right ahead. That behind seems like a booty worth playing with."

Cicero’s eyes darted to the clock, and he frowned when he noticed the time. He looked at the door and then sighed. “As much as I would love to see where this goes, since she’s all nice and ready, I think it's about time we put the final touches. As nice as it would be to see you working in the nude, this is a respectable establishment. Erza, would you be a dear and get Juvia here some new clothes.”

Erza looked down at her clothes and then back at the nude Juvia. A devilish smirk appeared on her face. “I know just the thing.

Cicero and Juvia watched Erza saunter off, swaying her hips as she did. Their eyes were locked on her swaying rear. A devious chuckle from Erza made Juvia's heart fall, and Cicero's smile grow.

“God, I can’t tell which of you has the better ass. Both of you got cheeks you can use to suffocate a man. I wonder what she might be getting. With how pissed she is at you, I’m sure its going to be something nice for me to see.”

Footsteps caught their attention, and they turned to see Erza. In her hands were a pair of bunny ears and a matching bunny suit, similar to Erza’s, except this one was a dark blue.

Erza said with malicious triumph. "This is perfect for you, Juvia.”

Cicero laughed. “Oh, I agree. Put it on Juvia. You might as well get used to the new clothes you’ll be working in."

Juvia said. “No Juvia will not put them on. Juvia, no wear bunny outfit!”

Cicero said. “You will.”

Juvia’s body betrayed her, and she began to put on the clothes. The black stockings clung to her legs, making her shudder. Like spiders crawling up her body, her legs trembled. Right after doing so, she slipped on the cufflinks. She pulled the blue leotard up her body, still trying to stop herself from doing so, and struggled with the zipper, with how it was just out of her reach.

Erza grabbed the zipper. “Don’t worry about the zipper. I can help you with that.”

Juvia squealed at how sharply it was pulled up. She was pulled off the ground for a moment before landing on her feet, barely managing to regain her balance.

Cicero brought his hands together and prayed. “Lord, thank you for the wonders you have blessed my bar with this day.” 

Juvia examined herself. The flushed expression she had darkened further. Small whimpers came from her as she studied herself. The dark blue leotard propped her breasts up, making them look larger than they were.

“Now, we can’t forget the cherry on top of an outfit like that.” Erza slammed the top of the bunny ears on Juvia’s head. “Now you’re a perfect blue bunny girl, ready to serve drinks and bounce all over the place.”

“What the?” Juvia tried to pry them off her head, but they remained put no matter how hard she pulled. “No, Juvia doesn’t want to be a sexy bunny girl! Why won’t they come off Juvia’s head?”

“Sorry, but those will only come off once your work shift is over. If that little magical security measure wasn’t in, then Erza would have thrown them off long ago.”

“Shut up.”

Cicero chuckled at the pout on her face. “Good thing you came when you did, Juvia, because tonight is our special night. Devil Hunters get half off, and ever since Erza came, things have only gotten busier. Don’t worry, Juvia, you’ll get used to it quickly.”

Juvia grabbed her dark blue heels and slipped them on her feet. “Must resist! Have to help serve customers for Master so Juvia can! Nooo!”

Cicero picked up Rebellion, along with Dante’s guns. He heaved the giant sword over his shoulder and examined his firearms. “As for these. I’ll think about what I’ll do with them. I’m sure I could make a nice penny or two from your gear. Might even be able to pay back all of the damages you did to my bar years ago. Then again, keeping them as trophies to line the wall sounds good too.”

“Now then, Erza, keep an eye on Juvia and show her the ropes. The last thing we need is for her to trip or something and make a mess. Though I’m sure, someone would be happy to see either of you in compromising positions like that.”

Erza leaned closer, her face almost touching Juvia’s spandex-clad buttocks. “I’ll make sure to do that, though she’ll have plenty of eyes already with that butt of hers. Especially with that little cotton tail above her butt.”

Outside the window, Cicero noticed people walking to the door. He filled two mugs with his finest booze and handed them to the girls. “Now then, why don’t we give everyone another nice wonderful thing to walk in on before they go. Stand together and show off your sexy bodies when they come in. I'm thinking of something that has the two of you mush your wonderful jugs together.”

The sour expression on Erza and Juvia’s were replaced with happy smiles as they turned to the door. To their mixed delight, the patrons stopped when they saw Erza and Juvia.

As one, Juvia and Erza turned to them with saucy smiles that melted their hearts and made blood rush between the patrons' legs. Erza and Juvia raised their mugs of ale and mushed their breasts together, just as instructed. “Good evening, everyone. Welcome back to the bar. As you can see we got a new employee. Say hello to my sister, Juvia!” 

Juvia could see the lust in their eyes, but her smile didn’t dim despite the disgust twisting in her stomach. ‘No! Don’t look at Dante with those h-horny eyes. Why is Jante’s body getting hotter the more you look with those hungry ogling eyes!’

One of the members said gleefully. “Wait, there's two of them now?”

Another chuckled. “Well, you know what they say about bunnies. I’ll take the blue one.”

“Sounds good. Scarlet is more my color anyway.”

Erza went to take the patron more interested in her to a booth while the other customer went to an empty table. He looked back at Juvia. “Are you coming, lovely?”

Juvia jumped as her body went on autopilot, eager to fulfill their wishes. “Juvia is coming, masters!”


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