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“Are you kidding me!” Asakura said, his voice brimming with heat.

Kazuma sighed. “I wish I was man, but nope. Corporate wants us to put more priority on the romance elements and shift closer to a dating sim now.”

“The game will be coming out in just a few weeks! This is the time we should be making changes to refine the game, not going back and trying to change the damn genre of the game. People are going to be pissed when they hear about the sudden changes.”

“I know, I know, but this is what they want. We’re just middle management at best and have to do our job to try and follow through on those changes.”

Asaukra ran his hands down his face. Right after doing so he slammed his head on the table. “It’s going to be a bitch to make the changes.”

“Not necessarily. Due to the new program. It will make the changes to the game a lot easier, but we’re going to be here for quite a while.”

“That doesn’t make me a happy man. We better be making some extra cash from this.”

“You know as well as I do, that we’re not with the new program.”

“I hate that you’re right. Honestly this is going to suck, but we gotta do what we got to do.”

Kazuma went to the computer and activated the newest program the company had developed to try and make development easier. The program came to life and they saw folders, depicting the game's storylines, the characters, the finer mechanics and everything else involved. There was a map of the city and a timeline next to it, showing what events would begin on what day.

Asakura stared at the screen, his eyes going over the boys. He ran his hand through his hair., looking as if someone had just destroyed all of their hard work. “Looking back at this doesn’t sit right with me man. Just all of the hard work we came up with getting the designs for them, the storylines, and personalities. It feels almost like a betrayal.”

“I know, but we gotta do what we gotta do. At the very least they’re giving us free reign to change them so long as it leans more into the dating sim aspects. Do you want to go first or shall I?”

Asakura sighed. “You do it. I need some time to cool down before I do anything else, man.”

“Alright then, I’ll get to work on changing Morgana first. I have a pretty clear idea of what to do with him.” The program shifted to a scene of Morgana, who was walking down the street by himself.

“Did they say how long it took them to make it, or even the company?”

“Nah, but it’s made our lives easier, so I ain’t going to complain too much about it.”

Unknown to the two of them, the software they were using had pinpointed the world, and focused on the cat.

Morgana walked down the street, giving Joker some time alone to build his relationship. He kept his ears perked for anything interesting. “Wonder if I can find some nice lute, or maybe learn about a new target.”

“Alright everything is ready, we can get started.”

Morgana blinked. “Who said that?”

He looked around, trying to find the source. None of the people he passed by, even seemed to give him a moment’s pause as they continued on their way.

Asakura asked. “Ok so how are you going to do this Kazuma?”

“Morgana always wanted to be a human, well now he’s finally going to get it. You remember those designs we had of a human Morgana right.”

“Yeah. I assume you’re going to use those as a base.”

Morgana’s eyes bulged out of their socket. “Wait what?”

“Yeah I do. Plan to base his new form off that. Might as well use that so it doesn’t go to complete waste.”

“At least something good will be coming out of this.”

A warmth came over Morgana. He blinked rapidly as his sense of balance was completely thrown off for a moment. He stumbled to the side.


The world got smaller to him as his paws gained more mobility. They leghened and became normal human digits. Human ears poked out of the side of his head, replacing the animal ones he had originally. Elegant nails appeared at the end of them. It was getting stranger for him to remain on all four limbs. He looked at his lengthening back legs and breathed out. With a deep breath, he shoved himself onto his back.

Morgana leaned back and stood on his hind legs, stumbling at first. The new weight of his posterior and the shorter tail bone threw him off. He stumbled back, struggling to keep his feet balanced. Then he crashed into a wall as he struggled to keep his balance. Everything seemed so much smaller and continued to do so as he got taller, his body becoming more human. His bottom paws gained normal toes that wiggled with a mobility they never had before.

The fur on his body rapidly disappeared, revealing fair skin with nary a blade on them. Small locks of hair brushed against his scalp, and remained. He ran his hand through his hair and could tell that unlike the rest, what was there would remain.

For a moment, worry went through his body at the thought of being naked in public, but clothes formed around his body. A beige shirt appeared around his torso along with a black jacket. A thin yellow necklace formed around his neck. Black sneakers formed on his feet.

“This is so weird.” Morgana pulled on his clothes, grabbing pieces of them.

When Morgana no longer felt his body shifting around he raised his hand and was greeted by the sight of a normal human hand. He moved his digits and was surprised by the ease of doing so and the clean nails in his vision.

Morgana grinned. Elation filled his eyes, despite the surreality of the situation. “I’m…human.”

The moment he heard his voice, he stopped. It was higher, softer then it should have been. It sounded more feminine, even higher then it did before.

He looked down and saw small little lumps that were almost unnoticeable underneath his shirt. There was a flare to his hips, which shouldn't have been there and his waist was slim. His hands went between his legs and didn’t feel anything there except for new folds between his legs. For a moment, Morgana’s mind was unable to process it. A slow burn formed on his cheeks, as he struggled to make a realization.

Morgana rushed over to the nearby mirror and saw a fair beauty with dark blue hair with side-swept bangs and bright blue eyes. She ran her hands down her cheeks, her reflection in the mirror copying her. The previous cheer she felt gone. She cried. “Why am I a girl?”

“Wow this program is working wonders for sure. I didn’t think it would turn out so well.”

Kazuma said. “Makes a good starting place for sure. There are some aspects I want to make some small tweaks here and there, but yeah can’t argue with how much of a base this is.”

“Hey, change me back! I might want to be a human, but I’m not going to be your plaything!”

No response came to her. The people passed her by, lost in their own little worlds as if she was screaming nothing at all.

“Hey I’m talking to you!” Morgana looked around, glaring at all the people around her, who paid her no thought at all. “Where are you cowards! Show yourselves!”

“Okay now that we got a base to work with. Let’s make the hair a little longer and brush it to the side. Try to get a similar appearance to Naoto, but distinct.”

Morgana glared at the clouds, looking for the speakers. “Naoto! Whose Naoto? Stop it! Change me back!”

Small strands of hair brushed against her cheeks and scalp. It trailed down her body. Her bangs grew longer and reached the end of her chin. She touched her soft silky black hair and shuddered at the pleasantness of it. It was even softer than the fur she had as a cat. She looked in the window again, and blinked in shock when she saw her longer hair. It complimented her features and helped her beautiful features stand out.

“I know the series isn’t usually about having the most curvy girls, but I think a little extra something would be pleasant to have. To help her stand out at least and it would help fit more with the Phantom Thief Appearance.”

“Suuuuurrreee it would. It’s alright to say you just would like her to have a little more.”

“Don’t judge me. We both know you like curvaceous women too.”

“Never denied it and ain’t judging man. Just have the program do its thing. Wonder how it will look with the art style and all.”

“Program? Wait no! Stop!”

Morgana winced as her figure became slightly more pronounced. Her bust swelled a little in size. Her attire conformed to the changes, showing off her delicate curves. Yet her clothes adjusted to the chance to heer clothes without any issue. Her pants legs shrunk, and crawled up her legs, showing of the curves of her developed thighs. They quickly became aspire of sporty denim shorts that ended just above her thighs. The new pants she had tightened, around her lower body, emphasizing the curve of it. She pressed her digits around it, and her face burned in excitement.

Morgana wanted to scream, demanding the causes show themselves, but her mouth remained still, only tiny squeaks came from her. All she could do was stare at her new self and her attire. Words slipping out in a slow drawl. “I look as if I could rival Lady Ann now.”

It was a strange thing to admit, yet it was true. Again she looked around, trying to find the source for why the changes were occurring, but no one stood out. The people passed her by with nary a care. Some even stood still, having conversations with themselves, but none noticed her.

Morgana looked up at the clouds as if she was speaking directly with the gods. “Why are you doing this?”

Asakura said. “Ok, now what is her relationship going to be like now with Joker? How are you going to make it so she falls in love with him”

“Oh yeah definitely.”

“Joker? Love him? He’s a great guy but…I’m not into him that way.”

Morgana’s face burned. She imagined the two of them sharing a bed now. Again memories came forward. How she would hop into his bed next to him at first. Then when she took a human form she would do the same.A flash of the other night came rushing forward. Her face burned as she imagined, Joker holding her in his strong arms. Her getting to feel his chest.

“Do you have anything in mind for the personality, or keeping that as is?”

“I got a few ideas in mind. Since Morgana was the first thief and all, might as well play into that a little more. Especially the whole her having been a cat before. This way we can still play into the whole her questioning herself on what she is and her true origins. We can just say that she gained the ability after a certain event like Teddy in Persona 4.”

“Careful, you might be taking too much from Persona 4.”

“Maybe, but some might enjoy it too and find it interesting.”

“Teddy? Whose Teddy?”

Again questions rushed forward. If this Teddy was able to change into a human then what did that mean for her?

“Some might think its predictable and make the comparison since he was a Shadow that had become a human, but hey, one more nonhuman girl wouldn’t be an issue at all.”

“A Shadow! No that can’t be true! I’m a human...Am I?” Morgana couldn’t finish the words. The mere thought alone making her heart freeze at the thought of being a Shadow.

“That’s actually going to be thre reason why I’m thinking. She tries to play it off and pretend that it doesn’t matter, but she is worried. The two of them spend some time, Joker uncovers her insecurities about her wondering if she’s a human, and puts them to rest the further in the Social Link we go. At the same time she continues to teach and help his Phantom Theif skills grow and become better, while she adapts to her new body.”

She could feel her knowledge and skills growing in her new form. However, this time, she recalled training in her new human form instead of her original one. After she had gained a human form, Joker helped her adapt. He showed her around town and helped her adjust to her human frame.

“Okay that’s something.”

“Considering how you’re keeping Morgana sleeping on the bed, why not make her a bit more of a tease. Make her flirty and like to show off. I don’t think we have anyone who acts like a flirt anyway so it might help round up the cast anyway and how they react.”

“Yeah, that’s a good point.

Morgana groaned. “Joker is just…so warm.”

More memories came forward of the time they had spent together. How when she was a cat and she would snuggle against him. It was something that hadn’t stopped despite her new humanity. She would sneak into his bed and snuggle against him. His arms would wrap around her and pull her closer to him. She groaned. “Those are always good mornings.”

“Think it would be ok, if we had a set of her with, and without the cat ears?”

“Yeah why not. Wouldn’t hurt to have a nice cute cat girl in the game. We already have robot girls so we might as well throw in a neko.”

“Fair point. Besides, a lot of people like them anyway.”

A set of cat ears formed on her head, and a white and black cat tal formed just above her butt. Her tail swayed back and forth behind her. A happy purr came from her.

Asakura said. “Heh bet she would be weak to headpats because of them wouldn’t you agree?”

Morgana giggled. “What kind of girl wouldn’t like headpats, especially if they’re from a handsome young man like him.”

“Yeah could just say its a hold over fro her being part cat or something for so long.”

The time he had worked out came forward, and she couldn’t help but giggle. The flustered look he had when they were training when she decided to get a little closer to him.

Morgana giggled. “He can pull off the suave mysterious Phantom Thief persona so well. He’s come such a long way since when we first began. It almost makes me miss those days.”

Her tail swayed from side to side as memories rushed forward. “You can figure it out later Mona. Just go find Joker and you can have some fun later.”

Morgana noticed her ears and tail were out. She giggled. “Oops silly me. Can’t believe I let this happen again.”

Her tails and ears disappeared before anyone noticed. She walked a little down the street and noticed the time on a TV.

A cheshire grin formed. Morgana marched through the streets with a confident stride. “Well I think I was nice enough and gave Joker plenty off time to have some time to himself. Better go liven up his life and make sure they don’t get any leads”

Once she reconvened with Joker she was going to have to make up for lost time, either in Mementos or in his bedroom. She had a lot of time to make up for, and couldn’t let any of the girls get ahead of her. “Maybe after our training session we could go off to sushi. If his performance meets expectations then she could treat him to something nice afterwards.

“And with that, the first new female love interest is done. Morgana be looking pretty fine now wouldn’t you agree?”

Asakura sighed. “Yeah she does look pretty good. With her current looks and personality I’m sure she’ll be a hit.”

“C’mon man, you know people are going to go crazy over the girls.”

“When I first began working on the game, I thought I would be making the next big persona. Not a dating sim version of that.”

“We still have the actions parts at least. It’s not like they’re completely gone.”

“That program is something else. It amazes me just how quickly this thing alters the story to fit changes, and what we’re aiming for. It’s a little freaky if I’m being honest about it.”

“I get where you’re coming from man. It is a little nuts, but like I said it makes our lives easier. We’re going to make the deadline at least. That’s the big thing. Do you want to do the next one or not?”

Asakura rubbed his chin. He looked back at the completed Naoto, his mind running with ideas now. “I got a few thoughts running in my head admittedly.”

Kazuma patted his back. “Then why not act on it. It will be a nice quick little thing and boom. You’ll make a new waifu that you and millions of others will be able to enjoy.”

“So who do you think we should change next?”

Asakura looked at the screen, wondering who would be the best target. His foot bounced up and down and a grimace came to him.

Ryuji was in the gym working out. Ever since he had joined the Phantom Theives, he had been doing everything he could to prepare for their next targets and what may be in Mementos. Lately though, he had a reason to train harder. With the track club reforming, he had to prepare for the next step in his academic career.

“If I’m going to get anywhere, then I need a scholarship.” He put the bar down.

Considering how they struggled already with everything going on, going to college would be a struggle. With all of the stuff his mom had done to help him get this far, he had to push himself harder in order. There was no way he was going to add to his mother’s worries, if he could do something about it.

“Alright, now for the next part.”

“Alright I got a clear and easy idea when it comes to Ryuji.”

Ryuji looked around. “Wait who said that?”

His eyes narrowed as he looked around the room. All of the people were more focused on their own workouts. The slight.

“Aside from the body, how are you going to handle his past Asakura?”

“We aren’t going to change too much about his past. Though we are going to change some of the specifics. Just some small tweaks here and there.”

“Tweeks? What the eff are they talking about?”

“Before we do that though, the first thing we need to do is change the name. Thanks to Kill la Kill, there is an easy name we can go with that works marvelously.”

“Ryuko? That’s a good choice.”

“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but do you seriously think they can just change my name?...The hell?”

Ryuji’s eyes bugged out of their socket. A cold snap went through his body. For a moment his limbs felt weightless.

“Wh ythe fuck am I thinking of myself as Ryuko! What kind of bullshit is this!”

Again he tried to think of himself with the name his mother had given him, but instead Ryuko replaced it. No matter how many times he tried to assert his original name, the new name, Ryuko replaced it.

“Hey I don’t know what you’re doing, but you better knock it off, before I knock your lights out!”

No one came forward. Not even the other gym members. All of them were relaxed and focused on their workout. Despite his bellow, none of them seemed to turn to him or question him.

“What the hell is up with everyone? Can none of you hear me?”

Again the people ignored him as they continued to do what they pleased. No one looked at him. All of them were lost in their own little worlds.

“How the hell are you people doing this? Show yourselves you bastards!”

A sudden heat from his center went through his body. Something shot up between his legs, earning a small yelp higher than what she was used to. Other parts of his body felt as if a dam had been released. Parts of his clothes felt loose, while other sections tightened around his body.

Ryuko went still. His heart felt heavy, a noticeable weight on his chest and a little more added to his butticks.With great reluctance his hand moved to his pants. Slowly, he titled his head down and looked to see what was wrong.  His face paled when he saw nothing was down there, at all except a new pair of folds.

“What the hell? How the fuck did you bastards turn me into a girl!”

Her gaze went to the mirror and she felt faint. There was only a slight difference to limbs, which were now slightly thinner. What immediately caught her attention were the new curves her body had. Small, almost unnoticeable lumps were on her chest along with a slight flare of her hips. The only mercy she had were that her clothes hadn’t changed, showing her figure in its entirety.

Kauzma said. “You know what I think would be good. To help try and even it out, why don’t we age her up a bit? We have a lot of adults.”

“Yeah, I was thinking the same. Unlike the rest of the girls, let’s make her in college. This will help her stand out a little more.”

Ryuko groaned. Another couple of inches appeared on her frame. In the mirror, she saw her face was sharper then it had been moments ago. All of the awkwardness of you his face had was gone.

A few new years of memory entered his mind. Him struggling to get into college and making ends meet. Giving it everything he had in order to get a scholarship so his load would ease up and money wouldn’t be so tight.

Kazuma said. “Alright but what about her storyline? It’s going to throw things a little out of whack.”

“Storyline? Why are you bozos talking like I’m some sort of video game character?”

“Not really, there’s  an easy way to fix it, since Joker was the reason. Just have them bump into each other while she’s out on a run when Joker is exploring the app and then boom. She’s in the Metaverse, and is in the know for how things might have happened.”

Memories rushed into Ryuko’s head, making her groan. She recalled the day he spoke of with clarity. The cold rain poured down her body, making her jacket stick to her body. Joker had collided with her.

“Wait no! That’s not what happened!”

The words felt wrong the moment they came out of her mouth. She tried to assert what originally happened, but the new memory dominated her mind, and became more certain.

“Ok one thing we got to do for certain is change that hairstyle. It’s too short for my liking and I don’t want to continue going on with that.”

“Yeah we can still keep it short, but make it look a little nicer.”

Ryuko’s hair grew. A small ponytail formed in the back of her hair. Her extending blonde locks brushed his cheeks. Bangs brushed against her cheeks and settled, the rest of her hair traveled down the back of her neck, tickling her as they did. The locks of hair gained a new healthier sheen to them as their volume exploded. It softened and felt more like small threads of silk then her normal shaggy hair.

Ryuko was left slack-jawed at her new hairstyle. It would have looked cute if it wasn’t for the fact it was her hair and it had grown so much in seconds. Her hand went through it, and the soft locks easily garnered her attention, and yet the pit in her stomach felt like it was consuming her organs.

Asakura said. “Alright now that is taken care of, it's time to get to what will help her stand out from the rest of the girls.”

A sudden heat went through her body, making Ryuko gulp and brace herself. Everything got a little smaller for her. Ryuko’s body kept bulking, her muscles becoming more pronounced. Her thin arms grew larger as the muscles in them grew. The balls of muscles on her biceps hardened. A slight pop came from her shoulders as some of their girth receded, giving her upper body a more rounded appearance.

Unfortunately her clothes weren’t keeping up with the transformation. shirt sleeves tightened around her bulging biceps. The collar of her shirt dug into her neck, while the bottom of her shirt trails up her abs somewhat. Even her pants and underwear were no better. They roughly dug into her legs as if they were trying to stop the blood flow in her lower body.

Just like with her arms, her legs swelled with power. Cracking noises came from her feet as they got smaller toes as they got. The muscles in them became more prominent as they hardened. Her hard calves became even harder as they gained a slender grace. Yet the most striking change to her figure was her thighs, which swelled with supple muscle and fat. Despite their growing size, none of the muscles in them diminished despite their growing plumpness. Only when they had grown to thrice their size and looked powerful enough to crush a watermelon did the transformation cease.

Ryuko stared at herself in the mirror, unable to tear her eyes away from the athletic beauty she had become. Sweat appeared on her body as she tried to adjust her clothes, but they returned to their previous position without even a second rest. Embarrassment darkened her face and ears while random gibberish left her mouth. “Holy…shit.”

Anger returned, making her shove her embarrassment to the side. “What the fuck are you people doing to me!”

“With Ryuji it comes to me rather easily what their relationship would be like now due to her figure.”

Ryuko blinked. “What do they mean by our relationship?”

The thought of Ren made him smile. A light blush adorned his face. She brushed some of her hair behind her shoulders. Yet her admiration for him was snubbed by her fury. “We’re just friends! You assholes!”

“Alright so the first thing I’m thinking is that Ryuko, while being strong and power does want to be treated and seen as a lady. She might look like she doesn’t care about all of the romantic stuff, but deep down she loves it! So when she is treated like a lady, despite her body, she just melts.”

“I can’t…I can’t help it. Just because I put so much effort in, doesn’t mean I don’t want to be treated like a lady.

Ryuko’s face darkened further. For a moment, her body went lax. Memories assaulted her mind. From her first encounter to him, to the times they had spent together. The workout sessions they had, and all of the heartfelt emotions they shared. Her eyes roamed her body in a daze and admired the proud muscles she had.

“The design looks nice, but some might see her as too buff. Not that I’m complaining Asakura. I think her design is great. Though the clothes don’t look right on her body now.”

“Yeah we can fix that in just a second. Already got that covered. Just going to lean a little more into the gym babe attire.” Asakura said. “Let’s just make some adjustments here, and here real quick.”

“What are you bozos going to make me wear now!”

Ryuko stilled. She clenched her buttocks as her attire moved. The yellow shirt she wore tightened on her frame. It gently trailed up her body. A pleased sigh came from her as it did. She imagined it was Ren’s hands running up her body. Her pants hugged her frame as they got smaller.

The pants legs trailed up her body, making her shudder in delight. A delighted hum came from as they lovingly caressed her defined lower body. Comfort came as the tightness of her clothes eased. No longer did her shirt feel like a collar had been slipped around her neck at the tightest setting. The sensation of her underwear digging into the crack of her bum eased.

The transformation of her clothes finished and Ryuko shook her stupor off. She turned to the mirror and a embarrassed squeal came from her. Gone was anything resembling hr full attire, now she was clad in only a straining sports bra and bikini bottom.

Ryuko screamed, blushing scarlet. “Oh kami why am I dressed like this!”

“If we were just going to go by muscles then you would be right. We still want her to be seen as a woman despite her build and there are easy ways to do that.”

Ryuko groaned as her figure ballooned. Her hips widened, making her straining pants cling tighter to her hips. The already trim defined waist she had, altered further, making the flare of her hips. Her buttocks swelled, making her rise in her seat. Even her breasts swelled against her straining top. The exposed cleavage grew, becoming more appetizing as more of it was exposed. Despite their growing size, her strong muscles managed to compensate for the growing weight of her behind and buttocks with ease.

There was a slight bounce to her figure she wasn’t used to. Her back muscle felt a strain on them she hadn’t felt previously. However, to Ryuko’s shock, gone was the sight of her hard abs and powerful legs. What greeted her but the immense fair cleavage that blocked her sight. To her view, they looked as if they were bigger then her head.

Ryuko looked into the mirror, and her jaw dropped. While she had the muscles fitting for a fitness model, she had the curves befitting a shapely woman, with a large bust and broad hips. Her thoughts about her bust size proved to be true.

Asakura gaped. “Holy…shit.”

“I knew the program was amazing, but…fuck I didn’t think it would look this good.”

Ryuko barely noticed their words, still far too lost in terrified awe of what her body had become. If she had seen this body on the cover of a magazine, she would have fallen head over heels for him. Terrified curiosity made her look over her shoulder and her jaw dropped at the sight of her immense butt. Just like her bust, it stood out behind her like a shelf. Her fingers traced the curve of her butt, shuddering in arousal as she did. She poked her rear, but her fingers hardly went in with how tight and strong it was.

“You could bounce a coin off this.”

Memories of the training sessions she had with Joker came rushing forward and she giggled at how he blushed when she had gotten close. She also noticed how he would stare at certain parts of her body as he did, especially her breasts and butt. A smile bloomed at the thought. The way his body went still when she mushed her breasts against his body or had her spot her.


Ryuko’s posture relaxed. The warmth her body exuded relaxed.

“How big is she?”

“...I can’t believe this thing even gives me measurements. Apparently she’s a G-cup. Even before that sacred knowledge I know who I would have romanced in this game.”

Ever since that run in, her life had changed for the better. All of the financial worries she had disappeared. The scholarships she had came through, and she felt like she had found her other half. With her, she felt like she was a girl and not just seen as a large muscular giant.

“You just got to ask Joker and I would be down for whatever you want.” If Joker was here now, she would have given him the most amazing view right now.

“Well I can honestly say that I got a new waifu on the list now.”

“Alright and with that the changes are finalized. We can double check the plot and outline later, and hopefully that will be enough.”

Ryuko listened for them, waiting for them to say something else, but after a few minutes

Ryuko went back to working out, wishing Joker was here now so they could spent some time together.

“Well there we go. You introduced a new bric thicc waifu into the world. How does it feel?”

“I’ll just be happy if the game sells well. I don’t want to be part of the team that kills a franchise. Still I will admit it feels pretty cool I guess. I hope she gets a lot of fanart and stuff.”

Kazuma laughed. “Considering how people went thirsty over Lady D’s design, and some of the other big girls I have seen, I’m sure she’ll be a knock out as well.”

“I have to admit that man, I did like her dress and her curves, but she never struck me personally.”

“For real!” Kazuma looked at Asakura in shock. “Considering how Ryuko looks now, I thought you would have been all over her.”

“She just didn’t appeal to me despite hitting a couple of my buttons. You know how it is, man.”

“Yeah, sometimes it’s just like that. So now that Ryuko is done. Who do you want to do next?”

Asakura frowned. “What do you mean? Yusuke is the only other member of the Phantom Thieves we need to change.”

“Akechi joins and becomes a playable character later in the game. Technically he’s a playable character.”

The two pondered what they should do. They looked back at the message they had gotten from upper management.

Asakura sighed. Again he ran his hand down his face. “Let’s think about it for a little and just focus on Yusuke in the meantime. No sense having this debate, when we can make some progress.”

“Fair enough.”

Yusuke hummed as he wandered through the park. He watched the people, taking note of them all. There wasn’t much inspiration hearse at the moment, but sketching the people that passed had allowed him to keep his skills sharp.

A couple caught his attention and he stopped. He pulled out his sketchbook and he began sketching them. Even from here, he could feel the affection they had for each other.

The heartwarming affection they had, made him smile. Inspiration quickly struck. Even when they were gone, they were still in his mind's eye with picture perfection. His pencil moved with the same expertise. In a mere minute he was able to get out the outline of the figure. Then he added some more refinement to the figues, focusing on the faces.

When he finished the preliminary sketch, he studied the sketch he had made and found it lacking. The framework of the body lacked finer detail, the background did as well, but in time it would be fixed. A core problem made itself apparent as he stared at the picture. It lacked the emotion the two shared. Despite nailing their pose and the smile, it felt lifeless. It lacked the soul the pair had.

Yusuke tore the piece of paper out and sighed. “I still have a long way to go.”

He looked around again, wondering what would be the next round of inspiration to guide him. His eyes went from one subject to another. The field of flowers while having a beautiful array of colors lacked a special something.

Yusuke’s eyes went to another couple, who kissed each other. Again he could feel the emotion they were sharing with each other. It called out to him and his pencil moved, already beginning the preliminary steps of making the sketch. They talked to each other, saying sweet words he couldn’t hear, but the way they were glowing as they talked made it clear to him what was being said.

Yusuke stopped for a moment and examined his work. He looked back at the couple, who had yet to notice him. He sighed as he picked up the sketch and tore it out of the book.  Again it lacked the emotion he had hoped it wou;ld convey. It seemed stilted forced.

“I wish I could understand the emotion they shared. If I had just an inkling of what they were thinking at the time then I know for sure my skills would advance.”

“Alright and now we get to the artist of the bunch.”

Yusuke blinked. “Huh?”

He looked around. Nobody was close to him, and yet he heard them as if they were right next to his ear. His eyes narrowed as he wandered around the area, looking for a small microphone or something. “Is this some sort of scheme or not? If so, reveal yourselves, because this is a waste of time.”

“So what’s the approach you are thinking of for this one? How will he fall for the leader of the Phantom Thieves?”

Yusuke blushed. “What?”

“That’s…I’m honestly not sure at the moment. I just have a clear design in mind for what her new looks will be like at the end of it.”

“Excuse me. But what do you mean by new appearance?”

Yusuke gained no answer from the voices.

“So they wish to make it so I fall in love with Joker.” Yusuke’s lips pursed as he pondered over the situation. The thought of getting turned into a woman against his will turned him off. He was content with his body and was proud of who he was. He might have had a few girlfriends over the years, but they had fallen apart for one reason or another. The initial spark they had diminished and they decided to go their separate ways. “If this could help me understand others then I am not as opposed to this as I should be.”

“Ok we can keep it tied to art. It would be moronic not to at this point since it's such a prominent part of Yusuke’s backstory. The best course of action I feel would be for her to get better at putting in the emotion and all, and she reached new heights.”

“I must admit I am a little curious about what the procedure would be like. Especially if it will give me a new perspective on what it would be like.”

“Let’s get the basics out of the wayfirst. Adjust the height and the frame a little.”

The world got a little larger. The clothes he wore, thankfully didn’t have any problems adjusting to his new frame. He studied his smaller fingers and ran his fingers over the sharper refined points they had now.

Yusuke could feel slight adjustments to his frame. He examined the rest of his body and saw the body hair it had, was gone now. There was no trace of the hair it had before. Not even a faint shadow of it remained. His limbs were slimmer as well and even had a feminine appeal to it. “Strange. Everything feels the same, but there is something we need to test as well.”

Yusuke pulled out his sketchbook and began drawing a bird he had seen a while ago. At first the position of his hand was a little off from what he was used to, but he was quickly able to get used to the change in his hand. With that the previous awkwardness he had trying to get this down was amended. “Well, happy to see I don’t have to worry about my skills diminishing at the least.”

“Now then Joker

Thoughts of Joker entered her mind and a blush adorned his delicate face. His entire body warmed as heat poured through it. The heat in his body continued to build as he thought over the memories he had made with him. His blush darkened further and he looked away. The small meetings they had that helped him develop his art skills into what they were now. How he had leaped into helping her out from various poses and events. His body shuddered as if a cold gust of air had hit her, yet there was a contracting heat to fight it. There was a empty feeling between his legs which made him pause.

Yusuke rubbed her thighs, and her face darkened somewhat at the lack of anything down there. “This will take some getting used to…still.”

The new thought she had of Joker made her smile. The smile on her face became more shining. A spark entered her eyes that made her feel light as a cloud. A look at one of the nearby couples made her pause.

“Ok, why don’t we take a break from the body and begin working on the clothes.”

“Yeah, let’s keep an elegant appearance.

Her shirt transformed into a bright blue kimono top with a white trim and the image of a red kitsune running around it. A blue obi formed around her waist that emphasized her formal look. Her pants became an elegant fine pressed skirt. A cut formed on the side of it, allowing her to move a little easier. Her shoes became a little more elegant with a slight heel forming in the back to help her stand a little taller.

“Ok, now let’s work on the hair and a little more distinction to her character. I was thinking we might be able to go for a Yamato Nadeshiko look. We could grow her hair out a little longer now, make it a nice braid. We could also throw in some nice ornaments as well.”

“Sounds like a good plan.”

The bright blue hair she had billowed down her body. It rushed against her cheeks and continued down her body. Her hair brushed against her shoulders and went further down. It tickled her back as it went further. Even when the tip of her hair brushed against her buttocks it continued to grow. Only when it reached her mid-thighs did it finally cease. It moved and styled itself into an elegant braid that ended just past her hips.

Yusuke grabbed her hair and admired the soft silky locks.

“My a rather elegant choice.”

“Ok. you got any names in mind for her? At least this way we can put some little more difference between 5 and 4 with this one.”

“Yeah, I was thinking Yasaka.”

“Another anime choice there?””

“Yup. Now then let’s just adjust her figure, just a little more.”

Mass moved together and focused on her buttocks and chest. She stumbled from the slight growing weight to her body. A decently sized bust and butt formed on her chest. The most astonishing part of her new figure was her waist. It was slim, and even though it was, it made the flare of her body all the more apparent

“Is it over now?”

Yasaka started at the clouds as if she would find the ones who caused the changes in them. There was no sign of the causers within them, but she didn’t care. Again she studied her new appearance and smiled at the sight of her new self.

Memories of Joker rushed into her head as she envisioned him. A soft smile appeared that made her face light up with a soft blush.

“I think I understand now what my mother felt when she made the Sayuri.”

Yasaka opened her art book to a blank page and began painting an image of Joker. Even though he wasn’t he, her pencil moved with a grace befitting her new appearance, while at a speed many would have questioned. Every stroke of her pencil moved with perfection. She smiled. “Even though you aren’t here, you might as well be in my heart with how it is to draw an image of you.”

She continued to draw, imagining the two of them together surrounded by sakura petals in the spring. A gentle tune escaped her lips as she continued to draw. The moment the page was done, she made another, this time of the two of them together when they had gone to the beach. Unlike the others, this one conveyed all of the emotions she had held.

“I finally understand it.”

Asakura said. “And that is the third great beauty done for now.”

“Yeah, she nails the Yamato Nadeshiko look to a T.”

“I like the design of her kimono for sure. Real snazzy choice there.”

“Thanks, I thought it would be a nice little nod to her Phantom Thief attire.”

“Now we are back to the big question we had since the start of this. Are we going to change Akechi or not?”

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. Asakura cupped his chin, his leg bouncing up and down. Kazuma’s expression darkened, as if he had sucked on a sour lemon. The silence in the room continued to build and tighten around them like a serpent.

Asakura ran his hand down his face. “Fuck it. They want us to push a dating sim and considering how prevalent he is, we might as well go for it. If they have a problem with it, then we can just change her back.”

Kazuma sighed. “Yeah I guess you’re right there.”

Asakura pulled up Akechi’s data and stared at him. All of his appearances came forward, both his normal attire, along with his Metaverse outfits.

Akechi was listening to smooth jazz music, his mind elsewhere. Everything was going as he hoped it would. Soon, he would be able to make his move against his father. Once the Phantom Thieves fell for his trap against Sae’s Shadow in her Palace.

“Alright then, how are we going to attack this one?”

Akechi put his drink down and looked around. “What?”

None of the patrons stood out or even paid him any thought. This was one of the few places where people wouldn’t hound him for attention. Akechi’s eyes narrowed, barely hiding the frustration he felt.

“Is this some sort of scheme Shido has?”

“We already have a dignified beauty with Makoto, and Yasaka hits the elegant, prim and proper appearance and looks as well.”

“What? Why are they talking about those two?”

“I think we should go for the dangerous yandere type. Most of the girls that we have are depicted as sane. But with her it doesn’t feel right to just play it straight.”

“We can keep the rival approach we had and make it so it turns into a twisted love. The reasons being she can’t control him, along with his skills, good heart, and some other stuff.”

“What connection do they have with Joker?”

Akechi tried to figure out why they would bring up those two and where these voices could be coming from.

“What are they talking about?” Akechi said, his voice gaining a spiteful edge to it. It didn’t sound like they were one of his fathers goons with how off their conversation seemed to be.

Akechi gasped as he could feel his body alter. Akechi’s eyes widened when he saw the trim waist which showed through, even with his prim and proper appearance. His arms were thinner than they should have been. There was a cushion to his thighs, which wasn’t there before. A foreign curve was to them that made him feel off. What stood out the most to him was an emptiness between his legs that made him shudder.

“How the…How did they change me into a girl!”

Akechi’s mind scrambled, thinking of everything that had passed since his arrival. Everything that had led up to this situation had been normal. Her drink had been fine, and there hadn’t been any strange encounters. There hadn’t been any interaction since he had. Her detective skills came forward and tried to think of how they could do this. Immediately, he realized there was only one feasible way this could happen.

“They have to be in the Metaverse.”

She rushed out of the building, hoping she would be able to find a spot where she could enter the Metaverse.

“I think we can make the hair a little fluffier. Bring it down. Have some of them frame her face. Help add a little more to the angelic appearance she has now.”

Akechi’s brown hair leghened ever so slightly. The back of her pony tail went a little further down her body.

In the mirror, her reflection stood out to her. Before this transformation, her features already favored her mother, but now looked almost exactly like a younger version of his mother. “Can focus on that later.”

“I think we can just change his pants into a skirt. We don’t need to make vastly different changes to her clothes. We can just make it so it's a little better and more appealing

The moment Akechi found a nice spot she unlocked her phone and went to the app. He pressed down on the app with all his might. A crack appeared on it as the world rippled as he was transferred to the Metaverse. Immediately she was in her Metaverse attire, protecting her from its influence.

“This should keep me safe from whatever is causing this.” Akechi glared. “Now then where are you?”

Again there was no immediate sign of who might be causing this. A feral growl came out of her mouth. “You can hide as much as you like, but it will not project you when I get my hands on you!”

“Ok I think we can adjust her figure a little as well. Just to make her a little nicer and add to her appeal.”

“If that’s how you want to phrase it then sure.”

Akechi gasped as her chest ballooned. The outfit stretched across her body, emphasizing her ballooning curves. Parts of her clothes held her body in certain places, while other places felt like they were trying to suffocate her body. Her buttocks became more prominent, her bodysuit dug between her cheeks.

“H-how?” Confusion racked Akechi’s mind. She tried to make sense of it. Being in her Metaverse outfit should have protrced her from whatever the cause was. “Who are you!”

“Damn it. Why does she have to be so cute, even in the mad psycho outfit she looks a little cute and sexy?”

“Because she is a yandere and it's the perfect way to hide her crazy.”

The thought of cuddling Joker. The two of them running their hands over each other. Her face darkened at the thought. A low whimper came out of her mouth, wishing she could spend some time with him right now.

Akechi squealed. “He’s the best thing to ever enter life!”

She forced those thoughts aside as hard as she could. Yet they lingered in the back of her mind, making her grip her phone tighter.

Akechi activated the app, and let herself be taken into the Metaverse. His attire changed and became. The heavy metal mask appeared on her face covering it, and allowing him to think clearly.

“Now where are you?” Akechi’s eyes darted from one part of the area to the other. “You cannot hide from me!”

“Part of the reason why her interest would be piqued is because he can call upon multiple Persona. It gets her interest, and seeing how quickly he grows as a fighter only gets her interest further.”

Again her memories of Joker came forward. Ever since they had taken care of Madarame she had been keeping a close eye on them and how they had grown, though Joker was the only one who had her interest.

“Ren…” the name came out of her mouth. A grin formed, and a dark blush quickly adorned it. Fantasies came that her squeal and shudder in glee. Her hands twisted.

“Last thing we need before she is officially done is a name.”

“Easy we can just call her Kokoro. Kokoro Akechi rolls off the tongue nicely.”

“Kokoro Akechi…. Damn that does sound good.”

“I’ll need to find a way to deal with all of those damned bimbos around him.”

Her thoughts ran wild about all of the women Joker had around him. All of them were exotic and beautiful in their own ways. Morgana’s exotic appeal with her cat features adding to her beauty. Yasaka’s elegant and graceful appearance, perfect for a traditional Japanese beauty. Ryuko’s curvaceous busty frame, which was absurd with the size of her muscles. That was just including her current biggest threats.

‘It’s only a matter of time until all of them realize they feel the same way about him.’

In the little interactions she had seen with the rest of them, she could see the same spark. The rest of the girls were warming up, and getting closer to him, falling for him like she did. It made her want to stake her claim and show them why Joker was her’s and no one else could have him.

“Damn, really makes you wonder what her mother must have been like with how cute she is.”

Kokoro screamed and stomped her foot on the ground. The image of her father’s smug, stupid look taking over. “If it wasn’t for you FATHER, then I would be able to be with him right now. We would already be together.”

If he wasn’t as well protected as he was, and some of his associates knew the truth, she would have put a bullet in him long ago. A noise caught her attention. She looked and saw a multitude of Shadows inching closer to her.

The grin Kokoro had gained a malicious edge. A mad cackle came out of her mouth. She raised her sword. “Perhaps I’ll get some ideas while I’m dealing with you lot. I’m sure all of you will make for fine practice before I get to that damn cat and that blonde thick cow!”

Kokoro laughed as she charged forward. Her blade rendered flesh. Fantasies of Ren entered her mind while she hacked and tore the Shadows apart with her sword. They fueled her deranged fantasies as she imagined the two of them together, killing monsters in the Metaverse.

A giggle escaped her lips. ‘Once this is done, I’ll call Joker and ask to hang out. Perhaps we can make a date out of it.’


“And with that all of the Phantom thieves are hit.”

“Yeah, the big heavy lifting for this is done. Now we can just relax and work out the quirks in it and help it all even out.”

“Well that and we need to do now is get some art done with the girls and we can go from there.”

They looked at the original art and began to adjust it for the new characters. When they were done, they printed out a small test copy of it. “Nice.”

Kazuma looked at Asakura who stared at the screen. He noticed where his friend was looking and chuckled. “Damn man, I knew you were thirsty when you designed her, but I didn't think you would drool over the cover art.”

“Can’t help myself man.”

“You hungry man?”

“Yeah I could certainly eat. Considering all the work we had to do, I’m down for some curry.”

“Yeah, it sounds good…Though why don’t we get it delivered here and we can give the game a nice and proper try.”

“You know what, that sounds like a good plan.”

Asakura rolled up to the computer. “Dibs!”

“Oh dammit!”


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