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Naofumi looked over the goods he had gotten from those thugs. It wasn’t much, but it would be enough to help him through the night without issue. One of the guards would let that bitch and trash king know what had happened, and then they would imprison him again. His mind scrambled, trying to think of something he could do to help him gain an advantage over the others. Unfortunately, he didn't have the resources, and the city was out for his guts.

A light feminine chuckle resounded to his side. “Hello there.”

Naofumi turned and saw a dark-skinned girl with bright orange hair. She was dressed in a black kimono that reminded him of his world. A gentle smile lit up her beautiful features, and her blue eyes radiated, but it did nothing to put him at ease. Instead, his anger boiled at how similar Myne’s eyes were.

“That’s a nasty look you’re sending me. What could I have done to deserve that?”

Naofumi narrowed his eyes. “What do you want? Are you going to rat me out to the guards too?”

“No, I just wanted to see the infamous Shield Hero for myself. I’m just looking at a crabby person who’s in a bad mood and has been messed with by assholes.”

Naofumi growled as he raised his shield to protect himself.

The girl blinked at the gesture but then relaxed. “Yeah, probably not the best way to introduce myself. I heard about you and wanted to see you for myself.”

“Well now you got your look. You can go now.”

Her expression faltered, her eyes filling with sad sympathy. “You really are hurt bad, tell you what, why don’t I help you out?”

“Why should I even consider what you’re offering?” Naofumi glared at her, wondering what he could do if it came to him having to fight her. His grip tightened on the cursed shield, ready to raise it to protect himself.

“Because I am Nagisa, the Goddess of Darkness, and I can help you out!” Nagisa raised her hand and summoned a staff. Then, she spun it as if she was a showman. “And I can make anything worth your while.”

Naofumi stared at her with a flat look. “I didn’t think even this world had some chunni people aside from those three idiots who were summoned with me.”

Nagisa pouted. “What? I am totally a goddess!”

"Right, and I was supposed to be a hero before this crap nation decided to treat me like trash. I'm not going to just accept the words of someone claiming to be a goddess. As bad as my situation is, why should I listen to you?"

“Well, you’re on your own. You don’t have much to your name, not a lot of help. Can you afford not to have a little more help?”

Naofumi stared, trying to think of any reason he could refuse her. There was nothing but honesty in her words. "Fine..."

Nagisa stepped forward, and Naofumi raised his shield. She tapped the gem on his shield. It went from green to blue, pink, and more. Nagisa’s gentle face turned into a heavy frown as a dark aura appeared.

"Alright then, how would you like me to assist you? Would you like money, some more power? I can't send you back to your world because of your weapon. Sorry but due to the link it has with this world, it will just keep you here."

Naofumi thought about what he wanted. Myne was the only reason he had gained any experience, and now there wouldn't be anyone willing to help him. If he couldn't kill anything, there was no way he would gain any experience to grow stronger. "I would like to be able to fight on my own. Don't have anyone else able to attack for me, so being able to have some offensive capabilities wold help."

“Alright then, by the time I'm done, you’ll blow those other heroes out of the water, and the difference will be so vast it would be hilarious to even call them heroes!”

Naofumi’s eyes widened at her declaration. He bit his lip and looked around, wondering what he could do now. “This sounds too good to be true. And there’s no way I’m going to put myself at risk like that.”

“Relax, I promise that nothing bad will happen to you. Besides this will get one over that bitch who screwed you over. Wouldn’t you love to see her shocked expression when she sees how much stronger and more successful you are then the love struck horny spearman with her.”

Again the thought of showing them and the other heroes made him grin. Naofumi gasped as power filled his body. His hand clenched, and his body spasmed. Heat went through his body, tingling like he had been zapped. Yet a grin formed on his face.

“Oh this feels so good.” Naofumi rolled his shoulders back as the shield glowed brighter. His fingers tightened on the grip of it. All the pain he had suffered trying to scavenge for resources disappeared. He bounced on the balls of his feet. He could feel his body strengthening, the muscles in them tightening.

A blue tint appeared on his skin and became more pronounced. The tip of his nose was the first place to gain the new color. Then, it spread throughout his face and traveled down his neck, making it the same shade of blue. All of the imperfections it had. The scars he gained, whether they be recent or ones from long ago, disappeared. His fair skin kept changing color like ink spreading throughout his body. It kept changing color until his fair skin became a bright baby blue.

“I told you I was going to help you, and I am a goddess of my word. I’m not like Aqua, who can't do simple math."

“Aqua? Wait, as in…Konosuba?”

“Yeah you know of her. A lot of people know about that anime and how useless she is. I will not live up to her besmirching the good name of the rest of us goddesses.”

“If this power you’re giving me is any indication then I don’t think you have to worry about that happening.”

Naofumi’s black hair brightened and gained blue patches in it as well. Small bits of purple and pink appeared at the tips of it. The new color of his hair kept growing and gaining prominence. Strands of his hair kept shifting color as if they were deciding what they should be, like a kaleidoscope. They kept changing, one shade of color becoming more prominent over the other until he had a bright mop of blue hair with pink and purple tips.

Bits of Naofumi’s hair entered his eyes, making him blink. “What the hell is wrong with my hair.”

“It's a side effect of me amping you up, think of it like a sign of my blessing. Just go with it for a moment.”

Naofumi wanted to brush her words off, but the euphoric wave that went through his body put his mind at ease. His scowl remained, but the harshness it had eased. Again the soothing power running through him made his mind relax. All of the worries he had seemed farther away. His sharp angular features rounded out. A slight puffiness came to his lips as they filled, a new ruby shine coming to them as they filled with new life.

The calming wave came over him and grew in strength as his cheeks rose. A snort came from his throat as it changed. He opened his eyes, and bright purple eyes stared at Nagisa.

Nagisa said. “It feels good doesn’t it?”

Naofumi grunted. The tenseness in his shoulders eased further. However, his breathing continued to slow as if he was going to fall asleep.

His clothes sagged against his body as his frame became more slender. The hem of his pants drooped ever so slightly on his thighs. His collarbone was exposed somewhat as it got smaller. He kept getting smaller until the two stood at eye level with each other.

“Just keep breathing and relax, and everything will be fine."

Naofumi shimmed around, rolling his shoulders from side to side as he lost himself in the slight thrill. A popping noise came from his back as it arched. His shoulders inched closer together, making his frame look more womanly.

“There is little that a deity like me can’t do. No matter how bad things are, I’ll happily help someone whose been given an unfair shake.”

“Sound awfully full of yourself there.”

“I say that because I know it's true. Wouldn’t you say this has been pleasant.” Nagisa’s eyes went to Naofumi’s hands and saw the dirt under his nails disappear as they grew longer.

She grinned as the skin hardened. The nails on them grew longer and sharpened. A hardened exterior formed around them, resembling a bird’s talons. Naofumi’s arms thinned, but even through the shirt, it was easy to see they were getting stronger. A slight crack came from his shoulders as they thinned.

“If you want, I could try and make things a little better for you. I’m sure I could make you have a little more fun and heated."

Naofumi shook his head, suspicion evident in his tone. “No. This is fine.”

He winced as he could feel his thighs ballon. They pushed against his pants, making him wince slightly. Heat surged through his body, and he could feel his member hardened against the front of his pants. His growing thighs made a small tear form on the sides of his pants as they became the thick curvy foundation his body would need later.

Naofumi’s frown became more prominent. “What was that noise?”

The process continued down his legs. His calves thinned ever so slightly as they tightened. The power and refinement they had gained gave them a more slender and powerful appearance. His feet went up, his toes cracking as they did.

“What’s going on with me?”

Naofumi opened his eyes and gasped when he saw his transformed hands. He rapidly blinked, trying to make sense of them.

Next, he noticed the change that happened to his skin and the light blue sheen it had. His jaw dropped, unable to fully process what had happened to him. Naofumi winced as his shoes tightened around his body.

Again a slight ripping noise got his attention. He looked for the source, wondering what it could be. It got louder, and he looked down to see his shoes straining. They kept crushing.  The feeling in them continued to lessen until he could barely feel anything down there. Yet the tightness around his legs continued to build and rise until they tore apart, exposing his altered feet. Now they resembled the talons of a hawk.

“What the hell are you doing to me!”

Naofumi's blue face became a lighter shade of blue at the tight of his new talons. Naofumi shuddered as a pleasing assault of arousal overcame his mind. The heat between his legs spiked, making him whimper. He could feel his rod standing proud, demanding attention. It started shrinking, and a saucy coo came from him as he struggled to adapt. His clawed hands went to his crotch, and he accidentally shoved them inside his body. New folds formed down there that made her relax despite it all.

Nagisa giggled. “I know this is a bit much, but just relax and enjoy yourself.”

Naofumi grunted, squirming in place. Her hands inched closer to her hole as her waist caved in from the changes. Her shrinking waist quickly groaned and continued to massage her sides, finding more pleasing comfort as they continued to get smaller into a slender waist that made her boring hips and upper body more apparent.

“This is…this is to…”

Her hands brushed against her stomach, and she marveled at the flat-trimmed feeling it gave off. Her clawed hands dug into her stomach, and she shuddered at the unfamiliar strength she felt behind them. She pressed harder into it, but her fingers hardly went in despite how much pressure she exerted on it.

“Why…why is my body becoming so…”

Nagisa smiled. “It is another part of my boon to help you. It is better to be curvy and thicc then dull and thin as a rail.”

Naofumi spasmed and hugged herself. She placed her hands on her hips, nails digging into them and sending a burst through them. Her hips flared out and became more appealing, adding to her curvy frame. They kept getting wider and broader, further fueling the soothing heat coursing through her body. She was forced to adjust her stance as they got bigger, moving her thighs away and adding a slight thigh gap.

A sudden pain went through her back that made her wince. She looked over her shoulder and saw something poking through her shirt. The protrusions on her back grew longer. Yet the comfort she gained from it continued to soothe her mind and make her relax. A tearing sound reverberated from her back. Her shirt fell as a pair of purple wings sprouted from them. Naofumi blinked in shock as the wings continued to grow. Finally, they unfurled and stood out proudly behind her.

“My clothes!”

“Hold on, don't worry about your clothes. I got you covered there.” Nagisa waved her hand, and magical power enveloped Naofumi's attire.

The tattered remains of Naofumi’s clothes reformed around her body. Some of the cloth hardened as a gold sheen appeared in it, while other parts formed around her shoulders and formed into a white hood attached with white and gold sleeves. The armor tightened around her waist, revealing how much smaller it was getting. White robes formed that showed off her luscious thighs. The image of an hourglass became more prevalent with her changing body, making her look more desirable. Gold multi-pointed stars formed in her hair and styled it into twin pigtails.

“There we go, now I hope you enjoy the next part.”

Naofumi gasped as pleasure surged through her butt. Her buttocks rounded up as they filled with delightful mass. The seam of her pants strained against her ballooning booty, making her wince. A delightfully full buttocks that would have caught the attention of all. It kept getting bigger, standing out like a shelf behind her. She wiggled her hips, adoring the slight ripple of her cheeks. The sensations of her straining pants made her imagine someone was delightfully playing with her rear.

“There we go. And last but certainly not least is the bust.”

Naofumi’s chest ballooned, pushing against the confines of her top and armor. Her armor propped her bust up, forcing them to stand up. The sides of her armor mushed them together. A small burst of pleasurable heat erupted from her struggling boobs. Her nipples perked, the cold metal fueling her fantasies and making her lewd thoughts reach new heights. She tried to get herself under control, but her breathing picked up. A layer of sweat appeared on her as her breasts surged forth one more time and became an enticing DD-cup to rival apples.

"Have fun." Nagisa let go, allowing Naofumi to explore her new frame.

Naofumi’s hands moved and ran over her curves. Her wings fluttered, extending and closing around her body. A heavy lustful panting came from her, making her wondrous orbs bounce up and down. Her hands ran down her face as a smile blossomed.

The exhilaration she had slowly faded as she fulfilled her body’s hungry needs. She gasped at the sight of her altered form.  Her arms moved, running through her hair, figure, and altered face. The clawed digits dug into her skin and should have broken it. Her shock and awe were replaced by hateful anger. She turned to Nagisa, who had the same smile she had when they first met. “I look like a freak!”

Nagisa waved off. “Relax there's nothing to worry about.”

“Nothing to worry about! I look like a damn monster! Everyone is going to kill me the first chance they get when they see me now!"

“Yeah that’s a shocker, but you can relax. Do you think I would let you take this form and not let you have a way to hide yourself. You just got to think and wish to return to your original appearance and then boom. You’ll look like an ordinary boring human again.”

“You expect me to believe that?” Naofumi marched forward, her claws curling.

“Look, just try it. I told you I was going to help you and I did. This is just a side effect of the power you have in you now.”

Naofumi frowned but then breathed in and out. She thought about her original form and could feel a gentle warmth come over her. The blue tint of her skin returned to its original color. Her multi-colored hair regained its black color as if it was dye being washed out. The wings on her back receded into her back, leaving no sign of their previous appearance. Her limbs returned to their previous state, though it did feel off to him. Naofumi frowned when she saw her feminine body. “...I’m still a girl!”

“Yes! But now you have a lot more power at your disposal! Just take a look at your stats and you'll see I’m telling you the truth!”

Naofumi checked her stats and gasped. The minimalist attack stat she had remained to an extent, but now it was more than a single digit. Her magical stats had grown immensely, along with her speed, and even her already high defense had shot up massively. Yet what caught her attention the most was the lined and greyed-out portions on her stats.

“Wait, why are my stats like this now?”

“Yeah, think of it like a released form. Once you activate that skill then you’ll be able to go all out and crush all that stands in your way. I know you’ll be able to make short work of those other other heroes and anyone else that piss you off.”

Naofumi went to her skills and saw various new skills. “Elemental magic? Illusion?”

“All part of the package for your transformation. You’re new body can just call upon it and bam.”

Naofumi grunted, thinking about what her new skills would allow her to do. Now she could go around the city without getting hounded for the ‘crimes’ she had committed. “I’m not happy about being turned into a girl, but thanks for the power boost.”

“Just make sure to show that bitch and simp whose boss eventually and we’ll call it even.”

Naofumi smirked. "Will do."

“I’ll check in on you later. Let me know if anything awesome is going on. Later!” Nagisa blended into the shadows and disappeared, leaving Naofumi alone.

Naofumi thought over her options now she was alone. Nagisa had made her life easier, for sure. Everyone knew the Shield Hero was a man, but no one knew what she could do now. She could blend among them as if she was just an ordinary lady.

“At least I’ll be able to get a fair deal now. Maybe I could even get a nice place to sleep tonight.” Naofumi pulled on her shirt, trying to make the outline of her bust less pronounced. “These damn jugs are going to get annoying real quick.”

“Perhaps then I might be able to offer you some more assistance. Not just with your clothing situation, but also with you getting some more help.”

Naofumi turned and saw a portly man with a large top hat. She returned to her demonic form, her wings unfurling behind her.

“Do not worry, I am by no means going to harm you, or rat you out to the guards. Instead, I would like to make a deal with you just like that woman did.”

Naofumi studied him, looking for any small sign he was lying to her. “Considering what just happened, I think I’ll pass.”

“Understandable. I would be wary as well and doubt my words if I had turned into a woman. But what I am offering you is support on the battlefield. Support that won't change you further and will follow your commands, and you need not fear betrayal."

"...I think I could use that."

The man grinned. "Then follow me, and I will show and explain the finer points."

Naofumi followed the man. Once she got a better idea of what he was selling, she could go from there. She smirked. ‘Maybe I could even use these illusion powers to help me get a good deal.’


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