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Kevin grinned. “Hope you had a decently sized breakfast, otherwise you’ll be under the table in seconds.”

“We both know that between the two of us, I’m the one with the iron liver.” Tommy said.

Now that it was St. Patrick’s, they decided to make the most of the holiday and enjoy themselves. People throughout the street were wearing green. Some of them wore green shirts, while others wore green jewelry. Yet it hardly mattered to them. They only did it so they would avoid one aspect of the day and enjoy another part of the holiday. St. Patrick's was one of the few days they would be able to get away with drinking a lot, and they would make sure that they went all out today at their favorite local pub Conner’s.

When they arrived at Conner’s, and saw that the pub was brimming with people. They could hear jaunty Irish music coming from the place. A four-leaf clover was hanging in the window.

Tommy grinned. “Not surprised to see Connor’s is all filled up. Especially with that deal they had going on.”

“Yeah, endless happy hour sounds like the perfect way to draw some business. And with the food actually being good for a bar who wouldn’t take up the deal. Might get the nachos or something while we’re there.”

“You’ll need those nachos once it's over. Might be able to pull you out of whatever depression you’re in when you lose.”

“Oh shut it. Let’s just hope they will have some booze for us.”

A young couple walked out of a bar. A nerdy-looking guy was helping a voluptuous brunette beauty with large breasts and curvy hips remain standing. She wore a light blue bikini top and tight capri pants that did nothing to hide her figure. The woman pressed her delicious bust against his body as she trailed kisses on his neck and played with the buttons on his shirt. He grinned shyly as he pulled her hand away, but she immediately went back to playing with them.

“Damn looks like someone is getting lucky tonight.” Tommy said as he watched her leave, admiring her terrific tush.

“Yeah. Envy the lucky bastard. That gal looks like she belongs on the cover on a swimsuit cover with how she was dressed.”

“Hope there are a couple more babes like her around here, especially one I can get lucky with.”


They entered the bar and were astounded by the number of curvy babes in the place. There was a redhead with her hair done up in a ponytail in an enticing pair of daisy dukes and a black tank top covered in tattoos. Another girl with short black hair dressed in a suit that did little to hide her astounding figure caught their attention. There was one babe with long orange-colored hair with a dynamite body that would have driven everyone crazy with her immense curves.

Tommy whistled. “Damn where did all of the babes come from?”

“Must be all of the holiday celebrations that brought them out but I ain’t complaining. Maybe we’ll be lucky and be able to find a pair of nice babes to drink with as well once we're done.”

“If we aren’t out of our minds struggling to walk straight then we might be able to get with someone. Well you better anyway. I won’t have problems.”

"So sure that you’ll be the one who's the winner?”

Tommy smirked. “Because you only drink at celebrations while I don’t mind having the occasional beer.”

“It isn’t a matter of how often you drink, but how much you can handle. I can handle my booze just fine.”

They went up to the bar and saw the owner, Conner, serving a pair of drinks to the tattooed redhead.

Kevin laughed. “Looks like things are going just the way you would like today.”

Conner turned and smiled. “Well if it isn’t two more of my favorite guys. How may I be able to help you?”

“By setting us up with a nice stiff drink. Though for we need a nice place to sit since we’re about to have a drinking contest. Maybe try to pick up a few girls afterwards.”

“If we’re sober enough and don’t make complete fools out of ourselves before we do.”

“So the two of you will be having a good old fashion drinking contest. Today is the perfect day to do so! Business has been booming today, and I couldn't have been happier.”

“I’ll bet all of the eye candy is great too.”

“That especially. Gives me a little kick in my step that's for damn sure. The number of gals that have showed how grateful they were by giving me a kiss or cop a feel have been nothing short of amaing. Anyway let's get the two of you seated so you can have your fun.”

Conner led them over to a small empty table. Kevin and Tommy sat across from each other. “Is there anything specifically that I can get you guys to start off with?”

“Just bring us something that will go down nice. Want to start Kevin off easy now, or else he might go down in the first round.”

“You wish.”

Conner chuckled. “Don’t worry, I'll bring you two something amazing for this little competition.”

Again the pair looked around, admiring all the beautiful beauties in the room. If it weren’t for the table, they all would have seen the hard erections they had. A woman with purple hair was laughing, her arms thrown around another woman with short blonde hair that would have perfectly fit the naughty teacher role.

“I think half the people here are staying just because of the girls.”

Tommy smiled. His eyes locked on a buxom blonde who wore a black tube top and hot pants. She slurped her drink down, smiling like a baby as she hung off a guy. “Can you blame them? God knows I would be staying for all the wonderful views.”

“You’re not wrong there.”

Conner returned and placed two large mugs on the table. “Alright, here you are, gentlemen, four bottles to get you started.

“Four bottles just for us? I get we're having a drinking competition, but that might be a little much.”

“If you guys don’t finish it then I’m sure someone else will want it. This has been the primo beverage for the day, and besides I’m doing a special for the day.” Conner pointed to a spot on the wall.

They looked at where he was pointing and saw a picture with two bottles for 20$.

Tommy cheered. “Surprised you still have any beer then if you’re offering a wonderful deal like that. But I’m not going to complain about it!”

“Yeah, makes it easier on our wallets at the very least.”

Conner filled their cups with the booze. “The rules for a good drinking game are simple. You two will start drinking, and whoever quits, vomits, or passes out first loses. You are disqualified if your drink winds up on you or the floor. The winner gains…Well that’s on the two of you.”

“Bragging rights is definitely the start of it. How about also having to flip the bill and doing the chores around the house for a month?”

Kevin raised his mug. “Alright I can live with that.”

They clinked their glasses together and then placed them down on the table.

“Alright then gentlemen, as the proprietor I’ll be starting you two off. Are you ready?”

Kevin and Tommy gripped their glasses, staring at each other. Kevin’s fingers tightened, his knuckles turning white. Tommy had to fight the urge to lift his glass. The second dragged on, the two looking at Conner with eager anticipation.


The two lifted their mugs, chugged them down, and then froze as the flavor of their drinks moved across their tongues. They rolled the liquid over their tongues, and gleeful grins formed. Tommy and Kevin guzzled their drinks down faster as if they were drinking from the tree of life.

With every gulp, their features shifted and gained a slightly more narrow appearance, gaining a more Asian look. Their lips puffed up like sponges absorbing the passing alcohol. A slight burn entered their eyes as they shifted. Kevin’s blue peepers darkened, while Tommy’s did as well until they were a bright brown. Their drinks almost went up their noses as a crack came from them as they shrunk. The shape of their skulls shifted, becoming more angular as they softened. When it was over, none of their European features remained and had been replaced with those belonging to beautiful eastern beauties.

Kevin and Tommy slammed their drinks down and let out happy sighs. They licked their lips, positively beaming in glee. The two stopped when they saw the other’s face and how different it was from what they were used to.

Tommy said. “Huh, you look a little different.”

“You look a little weird too.” Kevin waved it off. “Meh, it might just be the beer fucking with us. Damn, it's good, though.”

“What is this stuff? I never had any beer this good before.”

“Yeah, you haven’t been holding out on us have you?”

Conner laughed. “I assure you guys I only recently got this wonderful beer. With how much its selling, I'll probably be able to open another place up before the day is over. And that’s not including the tips either.”

He reached into his apron and pulled out a thick wad of cash. He flicked through it and smirked at the noise.

“Damn man, you making me consider getting a job here.”

“Same if you can get that kind of cash.”

“We can talk about it later when you aren’t enjoying the beer too much.” Conner lifted one of the bottles. “Are you boys ready for round 2?”

“Oh hell yeah! This stuff is great!” Tommy cheered as he raised his empty mug.

Kevin grinned. “Yeah, this stuff is the best I ever had.”

“Glad you boys agree. I'm telling you guys, I couldn’t be happier that we got it.”

Conner filled their glasses. The moment their mugs were filled, Tommy and Kevin brought them to their lips. Pleased moans came from them as the liquid traveled through their bodies. Just like last time, they could feel the beer travel through their bodies, warming them up and giving them a burst of energy;

The beer landed in their stomachs like a lead weight as the pudginess of their stomachs reduced. With every second that passed, the slight strain on their shirts eased. The outline of their stomachs disappeared, hidden underneath their shirts. When all of the fat was gone, a tiny bit of definition appeared there that became more pronounced. Their mid-sections tightened and refined, gaining a trim, fit appearance. When it finished changing, their stomachs were flatter than the tables.

“Oh man, stuff lands just right when it lands in the stomach.” Tommy patted his stomach. “Puts a nice little fire in there that makes everything feel nice.”

Conner refilled their drinks. “Yeah, this stuff just keeps getting better and better with every sip of it. That’s what everyone’s been saying since they got a bit of this.”

With no hesitation, the two of them drank the next round. Their sides caved in as if they were beer cans being crushed. They got smaller and smaller, their waists losing the girth they had. The smaller they got, the definition their stomachs gained looked even better as they progressed. A shadow of abs formed that would have been drawn in by how flat and fit they were. When it was over, the two had trim waists that added a subtle curve to their bodies.

Kevin moaned. “Damn this stuff just keeps getting better.”

Tommy nodded. “Amen to that. You had any of this stuff Conner?”

“Yeah I had a little bit. Swear I was having some ambrosia.”

“Might be doing it a disservice if you’re calling it that. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go back to any other beer in my life.”

They began the next round of their drinking game. Again the beer went through their body marvelously, sending a slight warmth through them. Their faces brightened with delighted smiles. Delighted moans immediately followed as they savored every little drop of the liquid.

As the beer settled, their legs morphed. All the fat on their legs from the lack of intense exercise hardened. Bouts of muscle appeared in their limbs as they got smaller. Their footwear loosened around their feet as they became dainty womanly feet. Their calves slimmed and gained a refined appearance as if they regularly exercised. Unlike the rest of their legs, their thighs swelled as if that was where all the booze was going. They tested the seams of their pants to the point that they strained against their thickening thighs. Within seconds they had grown twice their previous size and were filling with trimmed muscle and fat, which added a supple curve to their lower bodies.

They twisted their legs and kicked them around like bored small children. Their shoes bounced against their feet, but neither paid it much thought.

‘I’m going to win!’ The two thought as they guzzled their beers down.

When they finished, Kevin and Tommy sighed and shook their heads. Already a buzz came over the pair that made them blink. Their limbs tingled.

Tommy blushed and shuffled a little. He brought his thighs together. It grew as the buxom blonde in a tube top stumbled, making a delightful bounce with her breasts. His wood hardened, and he wished he could play with those fantastic tits. He pulled on his pants and tried to adjust them as his wood rose, but the tightness remained.

Kevin smirked. “Sure, you’re going to hold up, alright? Or do you want to call it quits?”

“And let you have bragging rights not a chance. You’ll never shut up if you win this. Bring on the next round Conner.”

“Oh yeah, bring on the booze!”

Conner poured the next round, and they drank it without any hesitation. “Alright then, batten down the hatches then, because here's the next one."

This time Kevin and Tommy's hands changed. Their digits got smaller, and the two of them were forced to adjust their grip, or else they would have lost them. A new shine appeared on their fingers as a more refined point appeared on their nails. Their palms got smaller, adjusting for their fingers. A crack came from their wrists, making their grip slack before they recovered and caught it. In seconds, the two had dainty womanly fingers with long nails covered in nail polish.

The rest of their arms thinned as they refined. Trim muscle developed on their forearms, making their arm stand out slightly. Their slight wobble became less pronounced as the muscles there became stronger. Right after they changed, their biceps shrunk as the power in them strengthened. The sudden alteration made them shudder as if ice had been poured down their backs. With how much smaller their arms became, they found it harder to hold their glasses.

“Almost lost your stuff there. Can you guys keep going?”

Tommy grinned. “Don't worry, we just lost our grip is all. We still got a lot of room in our stomachs.”

Conner chuckled. “Well if you say so. But if you’re drinks go all over you then that means you lose. So bear that in mind.”

“Yeah, don’t worry. We’re a couple of strong men who are more than able to handle our booze,” Kevin said.

“I’ll hold you to it.”

The next round was poured, and with no hesitation, they began to chug them down. Tommy and Kevin lounged in their seats as a heat centered on their crotches appeared. They shimmied slightly but continued eagerly drinking their beer as if they were in a desert.

“Careful now, you don’t want to loose your drinks. Not when you still have a good way to go.”

Tommy and Kevin quickly recovered and drank the alcohol again, eager to fill their bellies.

Their scrotums gently moved to their entrance sending a thrill through their bodies. They rolled their shoulders back, and their breathing picked up. Their drinks rattled in their hands as they struggled to keep a steady grip on them. The smaller their members got, the more it felt like they were getting the best blowjobs in their lives. They scooted back and forth, their breathing picking up with every centimeter lost. The two moaned hungrily as the remains of their dicks slithered in and formed new holes.

Even though the heads of their privates entered their bodies, they found no peace. Their balls continued to trail to their new entrance, eager to run into it. It teased them both like a lover gently caressing their inner thigh. Their gulps became more erratic. The two almost choked on their drinks were it not for a quick recovery, yet even so, they continued to drink. They slammed their drinks down right when their balls entered their bodies and transformed into ovaries, completing their transition into women.

Tommy held her head as the room began to spin to her. She rubbed her thighs together, the arousal heating her loins so much it was as if there was a raging inferno below. Her hand unconsciously inched closer to her new hole.

Kevin giggled. “What’s the matter? Is your iron liver failing you?”

“I’m just getting warmed up! I can down the whole bottle by myself without a problem. You’re the one who looks like they’re having some trouble. What’s got you antsy?”

Kevin couldn’t stop herself from bouncing in her seat like a child. She rubbed her thighs together. The heat coming from her new nethers aching to be explored.

“Keep it civil Tsunade, Kazehana. It's all good to get a little heated up in a competition, but nobody wants a fight to happen. If you do, I’ll have to kick you out, which would be a damn shame. Which means no booze for the two of you.”

The pair blinked at his words. ‘Who the heck is...wait...Why are we confused by being called by our names?’

The second half of what he said settled in, and they looked at him as if he held them at gunpoint.

Kazehana cried. “No! Relax, its just a friendly competition!”

Tsunade eyed the remaining booze as if it would disappear. “Yeah, there's no need to take the booze away from us.”

Conner grinned and poured the next round, much to their glee. “Good, let’s keep it that way.”

As they drank this round, a warm burst of heat came over the pair, making them pull on their clothes. Sweaty patches formed on their bodies, making their clothes stick tighter. Again, they pulled on them, completely unaware of the changes happening to their bodies.

All of the hair, blackheads, moles, and even scars they had below their eyebrows disappeared. Every possible imperfection they might have had was destroyed in seconds. The roughness it had gained softened as perfect smooth skin that would have earned them the admiration and envy of many took its place.

At once, Tsunade and Kazehana sighed as they struggled to sit upright. Their breathing picked up. They struggled to keep their grip on their glasses.

Conner leaned forward. “Think you two can keep going or do you want to call it quits? You look like you might pass out at this rate.”

Tsunade pulled out her wallet and slipped a ten to him. “Let’s just keep things going for now.”

Kazehana gave him another ten. “I would be willing to throw out a little more if you keep this wonderful stuff coming.”

“I’m sorry for thinking that I didn’t know what you two were capable of.” Conner poured them their next round.

The moment it was done, Tsunade and Kazehana slurped their drinks. They hummed in glee, all sense of manner forgotten.

Tsunade’s red hair flattened, and the curls it had disappeared as it lengthened. Specks of blond hair formed in the roots of her mane as it grew longer. It brushed against her cheeks and back. Shoulder-length bangs formed and framed her face while the rest continued to grow. Its growth ceased when her hair had become long straight locks of blonde hair that parted above her forehead while the rest reached her mid-back.

Kazehana’s blonde hair darkened. Inky black spots formed in her hair as it traveled down her body. She shimmied as her hair brushed against her neck. It touched her back and shoulders as it went down, making her roll her shoulders. Once it reached her butt, her hair moved into a long ponytail that gently brushed against her butt.

“You two just got out of a hair salon? I like how stylish it has become.”

Tsunade giggled. “Oh its nothing special. Just something nice.”

Kazehana grabbed her ponytail. “Yeah, I just kept it nice and simple with a nice ponytail.”

“How many rounds have this been? I haven’t been keeping track?”

Tsunade said. “I stopped counting after 4.”

“Oh it doesn’t matter since it's only you two. You’ve both drank the same amount. Now its just making sure you stay awake and last a little longer then the other.”

Tsunade smirked. “Which is going to be me.”

Kazehana scoffed playfully. “As if.”

Tsunade and Kazehana shakily raised their glasses. The moment the cold glass was against their lips, a surge of confidence and strength overcame them. They leaned their heads back as they chugged on their drink. The beer almost spilled out of their mouths, but they were able to save it before they did. They blinked and repositioned themselves, continuing to slurp it down like it was their first drink in ages.

They rose slightly in their seats as their butts filled out with every gulp of their drinks, as if they were sitting on inflatable cushions. A defined tone appeared in their swelling cheeks the longer it went on. They bounced in their seats, finding delight in how they moved. Bolts of pleasure went up their bodies, which made them dance further. Their buttocks spilled out of the sides of their seats slightly with how much larger they had grown.

Tsunade and Kazehana slammed their drinks. The two of them blinked and had to adjust themselves. Another pleasing electric heat went through their bodies. Their hands curled tighter, aching to reach down and massage their now large impeccable great ends.

Conner raised a brow. “Something wrong?”

“My seat feels a little different.” Tsunade bounced in her seat.

Kazehana rolled her hibs. “Now that you mention it, my seat feels softer.”

Tsunade and Kazehana got up and stumbled. They leaned against the table until they managed to find their balance. They cupped their thick round asses and gasped as a surge of pleasure went up their spine.

“Heh, thats a lovely look, you know? Trying to get everybody to stare at your fat ass?” Kazehana spanked Tsunade on the ass, making her stumble.

“You’re one to talk? How long did it take you to stuff those pants?” Tsunade spanked Kazehana in return.

Someone in the room whistled, and the two grinned. Tsunade and Kazehana looked around and noticed how many handsome were around.

“So many nice studs, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yeah.” Tsunade grinned. She narrowed her eyes. “Wait…you’re just using this to give yourself a little rest time aren’t you?”

“Oh, please, as if I would need a break to be better then you.” Kazehana poked Tsunade's chest.

A tap on the table made them turn. They saw Conner smirking, their mugs filled. “Ladies, you still have your beverages waiting for you.”

At once, the animosity between Tsunade and Kazehana disappeared. They sloppily got back into their seats, almost falling over with how quickly they did.

Tsunade grinned. “Now let’s figure out who the winner is.”

They glared at each other. Then, the pair grabbed their drinks and chugged them down. With how focused they were, neither noticed the building heat in their chests.

With every swallow, their pecs pushed out as if that was where all the booze was going now. The outline of their nipples became more pronounced with every second. Soon the round shape of their busts became apparent with every second and poked through their tops like eraser points.

Their developing jugs pulled them forward, forcing them to lean back. Fair cleavage poked through the necklines of their shirt, with more being exposed seconds later. They slouched over, the weight of their new milkers pulling on their upper bodies. A slight surge went through their spines as their knockers acted like pillows, preventing them from falling onto the table. Their shirts rose and exposed their cute stomachs with every added centimeter. Their ballooning busts' growth slowed when their boobs became a massive G-cup that rivaled soccer balls. Kazehana finished her beer, and her boobs finished swelling right after, while Tsunade continued to drink her mug.

Kazehana giggled vapidly. “Looks like I was faster on the draw this time.”

A burp escaped Tsunade as she swayed from side to side, struggling to keep her eyes open.

Kazehana poked one of Tsunade’s breasts, giggling. “Looks like someone has a nice set too.”

“Jealous, I got a nicer set than you?”

Kazehana pouted. “Just because they’re a little bigger doesn’t mean they're better then mine.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night. Conner pour the next round!”

Conner poured the next round, and with no hesitation, they went to raise their drinks. Their hands shook violently, and before it could grace their lips, they poured it all over themselves.

Tsunade cried as she pulled on her wet, clinging shirt. "Damn it."

Kazehana grabbed the bottom of her shirt and twisted it. “Such a waste of good booze.”

“Tell me about it. Deserves to be in our belies not on us.”

As they pulled on their attire, their clothes morphed. Tsunade’s green shirt darkened as the sleeves of her top disappeared. A cloth belt appeared around her waist, earning a slight groan from her. The top of her shoes broke down, exposing her dainty feet. A small heel formed on the back of them that raised her. Her pants conformed around her body, showing off her supple curves as they crawled up her legs. The zipper on her pants disappeared, along with her pockets.

In seconds, her clothes changed into a gray, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matched her pants. Her blouse revealed a tastable amount of her sizable cleavage. She wears open-toed, strapped black sandals with high heels. Red nail polish appeared on her finger and toenails, while soft pink lipstick appeared on her lips.

The top of Kazehana’s pants melded with the bottom of her shirt. Her clothes tightened around her body, eliciting a cute little squeal. The dark stains on her clothes gained a purplish tint that rapidly grew and eroded everything about her clothes' original design.

When they finished changing, her clothes had become a short purple Chinese dress that showed her cleavage and long, succulent legs. Her hair moved and styled itself into a stylish ponytail.

The two slumped against the table, their faces adorned with a bright pink flush. They groaned yet still tried to lift their drinks to slurp them down. A pat on the back made them look, and they saw Conner smiling at them.

“Why don't the two of you get something in your bellies before you have a little more. You guys were talking about nachos earlier. Seems like the perfect thing to have now that you got some booze in you.”

“Nah just keep the drinks coming! We’re paying customers and I'm sure that we can make it worth your while.” Tsunade thrusted her chest out, wobbling slightly. A sloppy, saucy look appeared as she blew a kiss.

“Trust us Conner. It would be a shame to keep the booze away. Especially when its to wonderful curvy cuties like us.”

“I don’t know, considering all of the other ladies around here; you have some stiff competition."

To prove his point, a buxom brunette dressed in leather attire with snake earrings passed by while the orange-haired woman from earlier did as well.

“All of us beauties are worth it here. Besides, it's Saint Patrick’s day, think of the holiday. It's practically a requirement to drink.”

“Alright, fair enough. Just don’t go to wild and everythings going to be fine.”

“Hey, while you’re at it, could you bring some nachos when you bring some more of the sauce?”

“Of course, now try to enjoy yourselves in the meantime.”

Conner walked away from them but kept an eye on them as he did. He could see the pair lounge in their seats, with their full busts gaining the attention of many men who didn’t already have a lovely lass hanging on them. Tsunade and Kazehana got out of their seats and went to a man that caught their interest.

With no hesitation, the two of them hung off them and pressed their lovely bodies against them. The men’s expressions brightened at the new curvy cuties hanging off them. Tsunade’s man was a little slower, and she enjoyed how her man's arms went over her frame. He massaged one of her immense breasts while she kissed him on the cheek and explored his muscles. Kazehana aggressively kissed her lover as her arms roamed his body while he studied hers. One of his hands settled on the small of her back while the other played with her rump.

"Happy St. Patricks." Conner chuckled. St. Patrick’s day was a time to cut loose and make merry, and it wouldn’t stop now.


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