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Shirou sighed as he made his way back home. It has been a long hard day at school but it was rewarding. He was able to help out everyone in the archery club and Issei with a few things. He had found out he had done well on a test that he had taken and wasn’t sure that he would pass. Now that he was out of school he wondered what he should do. Sure he could pass the time doing his schoolwork, but after that what should he do.

A loud explosion made him stop and gasp in surprise. He looked around trying to find the source of the explosion. He looked into the sky and his eyes widened when he saw smoke moving into the sky.

His body moved on its own toward the source, running as fast as he could. Shirou hoped everybody was alright, his body moving faster at the thought of someone in trouble. He turned down the street and gasped when he saw a house on fire. People were gathered around it as the police and fire department did their best to combat it. The police ept the people around from getting too close while the fire fighters aimed their hoses at the fire.

Thankfully it seemed like they had managed to keep the fire focused on a singular building. Shirou looked at the people around, trying to see if any of them could use his help. There didn’t seem anyone in need of medical attention, much to his relief.

‘Ok it's handled,’ Shirou thought. He wished that he could be of some help, but with all of the workers here and his lack of experience there wasn’t anything that he could offer in this situation. As he walked away, a part of him felt wrong at doing so, but knowing that he couldn't stay here. A childish scream made his heart freeze and catch his attention.

Shirou turned, his heart pounding, and knew that it had to have come from the house. His eyes darted from place to place, trying to figure out which part of the house it had came from, knowing that every second counted. It was just for a moment, but he saw a kid by the window, some of the people had as well, as the firefighters readied themselves to charge.

Shirou rushed forward, his body acting on its on. He leaped over the police blockade and barged through the front door. Immediately his eyes burned as he looked around and saw a broken door that was on fire. Shirou hissed and lowered himself slightly, hoping that it would be enough.

“Think Shirou,” Shirou thought. He narrowed his eyes and ran through the house, avoiding the burning debris that he could, and moved through the house.

A creek resounded through the house, but still he refused to stop. Patches of fire were on the ground, forcing hm to slow down as he watched where he stepped.

He tackled through the door and quickly looked it over, and froze when he saw the child. Their blue hair matted down by soot and ash. Black splotches were on his body and for a moment, Shirou worried that the boy had been injured, until he didn’t see any physical wounds. He looked up at him with bright honey-colored eyes that were the same shade as Shirou’s. Shirou ran to the child and picked them up.

“Sorry but we have to go now,” Shirou said, and then winced as his throat burned. The child let out a grunt and he quickly adjusted how he held them as tears formed in his eyes. He covered his eyes and kept the child low, so that he would be out of the smoke range. His lungs burned, but he forced himself to continue. A ragged cough escaped his lips. Tears went down his cheeks.

Another creaking noise filled Shirou with dread as he forced himself to move. The noxious fumes made Shirou’s head spin. He gripped the child tighter, and the kid pulled on his arm.

‘We have to get out of here now!’ Shirou thought. The creaking got louder. A section of the wall broke off and Shirou held him to the side.

They entered the living room, and for a moment Shirou grinned. A part of the roof fell down, making them jump. Shirou grit his teeth and went to the door. The light from the door seemed to have an almost blurry haze. Another creek resounded through the house. A loud crashing noise went off and he leaped out of the home, protecting the child in his arms from the landing.

The crowd gasped at his escape, but Shirou paid them little mind and focused solely on the child in his arms. Shirou greedily filled his lungs with all the air that he could fill. He rubbed his eyes, trying to get some of the irritation out of them. His lungs burned, but he didn’t mind how tired and heavy his body felt. He looked him over, his eyes still full of tears, yet despite it all he could see him clearly. There wasn’t any sign of injury on his body. Shirou smiled, and held the child a little tighter, a little gentler.

Now that their lives weren’t on the line, he could feel and notice everything. After everything that had happened, the grass was like a silky soft bed to him. If he had a blanket he would have been cuddling against it.

‘I saved someone,’ Shirou thought, smiling.

The paramedics came over and Shirou;s grew as he finally let go of the child. They gently forced him up and looked him over for any injuries as the other paramedics

“What the hell were you thinking kid?” One of the paramedics said as they looked him over.

“I had to save the child,” Shirou answered without any hesitation.

“That’s our job kid, not yours,” another of them snapped, but Shirrou didn’t reply.

Shirou looked over at the child and saw that he hardly responded at all as the doctor looked them over. It was as if he was a human doll who was seeing something that the others couldn’t. He wanted to reach out toward the child, but couldn’t with all of the doctors around them.

“We should give him a proper scan back at the hospital,” one of the doctors said, getting a nod of agreement from his compatriots.

“Wait!” Shirou cried. “Let me come with you! Please!”

“You would have to come with us anyway after doing something like that,” the paramedics said.

Shirou followed them into the ambulance, needing to know if the kid would be ok. The paramedics examined him, and he robotically did as he was told. The whole time on the ride over Shirou’s eyes were focused solely on the child, praying that everything will work out in the end.

Shirou stood outside in the waiting room, waiting for one of the paramedics that he had seen looking over the come out. Occasionally he would look at the small window, hoping that he would be able to see what the doctors were doing with the boy, but

The wait was agonizing with every minute feeling like an hour. Every small tick of the clock felt like a nail was being hammered into his head. Whenever footsteps got closer he jerked, hoping, and fearing that it was one of the doctors as if they were a specter of death.

“Why did I have to be finished first?” Shirou wondered.

The doctors had looked him over after cleaning him up and they had quickly declared that he was alright. They had told him that he could leave after doing so, but he had refused. He had wanted to follow the doctors into the child’s room, but the doctors prevented him from doing so.

It gnawed at him and made him wish that he could just rush into the room to get an answer and make sure that he was ok for himself. It felt like he was waiting on Kiritsugu again, or if Fuji-nee was in the same position as the rest of them. Instead, all he could do was stand outside and wait for them to finally finish up.

Shirou watched the clock, knowing that Fuji-nee would get on his case later and that Sakura would wonder why he didn’t show up today, but he couldn’t bring himself to care too much. The only thing that his mind could focus on was the small boy that he had saved.

Shirou paced outside the room that the child was in for the hundredth time. He wanted to look into the room to see if he could get some sort of insight into how he was doing, but the angle of it prevented him from getting a good look at him. All he could see was the doctor talking to him for a moment and then turned to the front door.

The door opened and a doctor stepped out of the room. Shirou didn’t waste any time and rushed over to him.

“How is he?” Shirou questioned.

“Physically he is fine for the most part. All there were was a few cuts, some and his throat being a little scratchy, but that is most likely just because of the smoke that he had inhaled. He should make a full recovery in just a few days,” the doctor said. “As for mentally…well that is a different matter entirely.”

Shirou looked away. Even though he had saved someone from the fire, he couldn't help but feel as if he had failed him.

“Would it be ok if I were to see him?” Shirou questioned.

“Sorry, but since you are not any next of kin, you can’t visit him, even if you are his savior,” the doctor grimaced.

“Please sir, I got to talk to him. I need to know that he is ok for myself. It’s why I stayed out here for so long,” Shirou admitted. “He…he reminds me of myself with what just happened.”

Feelings erupted from his stomach as memories of the Fuyuki fire rushed forward. The screams of the dying, how he aimlessly walked, just trying to survive.

“...You survived the Fuyuki fire?” the doctor questioned.

Shirou jolted and then remembered where he was. He nodded, unable to say or do anything else.

The doctor grimaced as he gripped his pad tighter. He studied Shirou, looking him over. Shirou stood up straighter, and refused to look away from him. His nerves jumped slightly, but he steeled himself, knowing that he couldn’t back down now. After an agonizing moment that felt like it dragged on for over an hour, the doctor finally sighed.

“Alright you can go check on him, but if anyone asks, then I never saw you go in alright?” the doctor said.

Shirou waited for the doctor to walk further down the hall. When he turned the corner, he looked from one end of the hall to the other, before he took a breath and entered the room.

For a moment, Shirou stood there, unable to do anything else. His eyes darted around the room, until they rested on the child, who sat upright. He let out a sigh as he stepped closer to the child. Now he could see him without having to worry about their lives, he noticed that they had short blue hair that was brushed to the side and fair skin.

“Hello?” Shirou said.

The child turned and Shirou’s body went rigid and his heart felt like it had been torn out of his body. The look in his eyes…it reminded him so painfully much of himself.

“Can I help you sir?” the boy said, his voice lifeless, tired.

“Do you…do you remember me?” Shirou questioned.

“...You’re the one who saved me from the fire,” the boy said.

“I was…Could you tell me your name?” Shirou questioned.

“Minato,” the boy said.

“It’s nice to meet you Minato,” Shirou smiled.

An awkward silence filled the room as neither of them said anything. Shirou tried to think of something he could say, but couldn’t. The child turned away and looked at the ground, much to Shirou dismay. He desperately tried to think of what he could say that might make things better, but no matter how hard he tried.

‘There is no easy way to comfort someone after something like that,’ Shirou admitted mentally. He wanted to say that he could relate to him, but to remind him of his loss would be a bad move.

“Why did you do it?” Minato questioned.

“I saw that you were in trouble and I wanted to help you out,” Shirou admitted. “I couldn’t just leave you in there.”

“...Did you get hurt?”

“No, the doctor said I wasn’t hurt at all. They just told me to take it easy for the next couple of day to make sure that I don’t push myself.”

“Do you think that you could have saved my mommy and daddy if you were there earlier?”

Shirou froze and his jaw dropped. His throat tightened as if he was back in the Fuuki Fire. Again his stomach twisted and turned as if serpents were crawling around in his stomach. It kept getting worse as his mind scrambled, thrown off by the question. He gulped, trying to think of something to say.

A knock at the door broke their stare, and they turned to see an officer standing by the door holding a badge. The officer had his hair cropped into a flat-top or neatly styled into a comb-over. He wore a khaki colored trench coat over a dark brown suit and a stereotypical Inspector's fedora. The officer stared at Shirou, and even though he didn’t say anything it was clear that he wanted to talk to Shirou.

“I have to step out for a moment,” Shirou said. “I’ll be right back to talk to you after.”

“Ok,” Minato said quietly.

Shirou’s heart clenched at the response and for a moment, he struggled to get his legs to move, despite knowing that he had to. He went out the door and shimmied, struggling not to look at the doctor in the face.

“You’re not in any trouble, kid, so you can relax. But you have to tell me why you were speaking to that kid in the first place,” the office replied. “I’m officer Zenigata. I came here to check on the kid and saw you talking to him when I heard that he shouldn’t be getting any visitors.”

“I wanted to catch up to him and check on him for myself. I was the one who saved him from the fire.”

“I thought it might have been you, you matched the description that we had. Kid, you have some serious balls for doing what you did.”

“I just did what anyone else would do. It was nothing special,” Shirou denied.

“Kid not everyone can leap into a burning building to try and save a kid. It was stupid, but brave of you.”

“Thanks, but could you tell me what’s going to happen to him?” Shirou questioned.

“Once we finish our investigation for the cause and figure out what happened, the kid will be put into foster care until he is adopted. From our investigations, his parents don’t have any next of kin since they were orphans themselves.”

Shirou grimaced, even though he had no personal experience with them, he had heard the stories about what the foster care system was like. Not to mention that there was the possibility that he wouldn’t wind up in a good place either. The thought of the kid going from house to house, being worst off made his stomach turn and made his heart wretch.

Suddenly an idea came to him. Shirou looked at the kid again, and couldn’t help but see himself in there for so long ago. Kiritsugu had saved him and given him something to strive for after the fire.

“Could I take care of him?”

“What?” The officer questioned. “Are you serious?”

“Yes,” Shirou responded, his tone with such resolution that one would think that he had finally found his lifelong purpose.

“Kid…you seem nice, but you're too young. You have to be at least 25 if you want to adopt a child.”

“What if I were to convince my guardian to do so?” Shirou questioned instantly. “Whatever i takes

The officer groaned as he ran his hand down his face. He stared at Shirou, but Shirou didn’t look away. He continued to stare at him, as if it was a battle of wills.

“At the very least we can let him stay for you, while we continue to run our investigation,” the officer sighed. “Don’t make me regret this kid, otherwise you will be going into lockup for a long time.”

“Thank you officer, I promise I won’t let you down,” Shirou said.

“Don’t, or else you’ll find out how heavy the book can hit you,” the officer said.

“Might as well let the kid know that he will be staying with you for a little bit.”

The two of them entered the room, Minato still staring off into the distance. He looked at the two of them with the same blank look he had since Shirou first entered the room.

The officer explained the situation to Minato in a detailed but gentle manner, but Minato didn’t seem at all surprised or cared that much, but he wouldn’t let that stop him from. With every sentence that dragged on Shirou felt his heart quiver slightly and his insides twist at how uncaring Minato was to it all. His hands clenched/

‘He just needs a little time,’ Shirou thought, praying it was true.

It would take some time, but he would make sure that Minato would be alright. No matter what it took, he would ensure that Minato wouldn’t turn out like him.

“Welcome to my house,” Shirou said, carefully measuring every word and making sure that he wouldn’t inadvertently say something to remind him what had happened.

“Not a bad place kid,” Zenigata commented as he studied the household.

“My adopted father left it to me after he died. My guardian visits everyday. She’s a teacher at Homurahara Academy,” Shirou explained.

Zenigata grunted. He studied the place as if he was looking for anything wrong about the place. After a moment he turned to Shirou, and urged him to let them into the house.

They stepped inside the house, and Minato looked around. He didn’t seem particularly enthused, not that he could blame him considering how recent it all was. Zenigata wasted no time and looked around the place as if it was a crime scene. Shirou breathed, trying to keep himself under control, hoping that he would pass whatever expectations that he had.

“Alright, it seems like this is a stable enough environment,” Zenigata said. “Now remember kid, I'll be back later today and give you the low down about what they will do with him.”

“I got it,” Shirou nodded with a resolved face.

“Wish we had more kids like you,” Zenigata said. “The world would be a far better place if we had more people like you in it.”

Shirou blushed slightly, but smiled from the praise. He watched Zenigata leave and then turned to Mianto. Minato stared up at him with dull eyes that made his heart clench and weak in the knees. He turned to Minato and said.

“We don’t have too much around the house at the moment for a little kid to do, but we do have some games that we can play, along with other stuff,'' Shirou admitted. “Is there anything that you want to do?”

“Can you show me where I’ll be sleeping?” Minato questioned.

“Of course,” Shirou said, forcing a smile that he hoped would bring some comfort to Minato. He gently took Minato’s hand and led him to one of the guest bedrooms.

“This is where you’ll be staying in the meantime,” Shirou said.

Minato walked up to the bed and sat on it. He placed his head on the soft pillow and pulled the covers over himself.

“Would you like to rest for a bit?” Shirou questioned.

Minato nodded, but didn’t say anything more.

“If you need anything just say the word and I’ll help you. We can go shopping later," Shirou smiled.

“Ok,” Minato said, his voice almost unheard to Shirou.

“If you need anything then just tell me and I’ll do what I can, I promise.”


Shirou quietly stepped out of the room, doing his best to make sure that he wouldn’t make any nose. The moment Shirou shut the door, he sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. This was a rocky start, but it was just like this when he had first been adopted by Kiritsugu. Only unlike Minato, he didn’t have anything from his past to recall.

‘What am I going to do?’ Shirou wondered. He had rushed headlong into this, but he wasn’t going to give up. He had said that he would watch over the kid and now they were together he wasn’t quite sure what he should say or do.

“How am I going to explain this to Fuji-nee,” Shirou muttered. It was painfully easy for him to imagine her scream of shock and then demand to know the truth. He wanted to say that he would be able to convince her, but…

“No stop thinking like that Shirou, you just…gotta think about how you’re going to convince and make your argument the best you can,” Shirou told himself. “If there’s a way that I can help Minato, then I’ll do it.”

Shirou breathed out and a look of resolve came over him. He bought his hand up and balled into his fist, his mind going through so many plots and ideas about what he could do try and help Minato heal.

Unknown to Shirou, his magical circuits activated and inside of him, Avalon glowed brighter as his wish to help Minato reached it. His circuits gained a small golden glow to them, filling his body with its power.

Shirou suddenly shuddered as a cold snap suddenly went through his body. He pulled at his collar, which suddenly felt hot. A light layer of sweat appeared on his body that made his clothes cling tighter to his body.

“Huh?” Shirou wondered. “Did something happen to the AC?”

Shirou went over to where it was, unaware of the body hair that was diminishing on his body. Every trace of hair that he had below his eyebrows disappeared. Strips of hair on his arm disappeared as if it was being waxed off his body. His legs lost large pieces of hair on them as well, stripping them of any roughness that they had gained. Even his buttocks and privates lost every scrap of hair that was on his body. In seconds, his body was completely free of any trace of that he had below his eyebrows.

When he reached the door that hid the AC, Shirou looked it over, wondering what could possibly be the issue. He frowned when he saw that there wasn’t anything off about it, and it seemed to be running fine as well.

“Seems like everything’s ok, but better to make sure,” Shirou muttered. He looked over his shoulder, making sure that Minato wasn’t behind him.

His circuits activated and he had an innate understanding of the machine. It went through the wiring, and all of the circuitry.

“It seems ok,” Shirou muttered. “Doesn’t seem like anything should be wrong with it. Must have just tripped a wire or something.”

Shirou stepped out of it and went back to the living room. He looked around, wondering if something would call out to him.

“Now what do I do,” Shirou pondered. “Wait did the school call?”

Shirou rushed to the answering machine to see if he had gotten any messages from his school, but he hadn’t received anything at all. He slouched when he saw that he had received anything at all.

‘Thought Taiga might have sent me a message or something,’ Shirou thought. ‘Might just be too busy to do so.’

“I could clean the kitchen. I didn’t get the chance to do that, because Fuji-nee was extra hungry this morning,” Shirou muttered.

Shirou grabbed all of the cleaning supplies that he needed and began washing the dirty dishes. He hummed a jaunty tune as he did.

‘I needed this,’ Shirou thought as he placed a clean dish in the dishwasher.

When he was done with the dishes he wiped down the stove and the counter top. Even the table that they used the morning was wiped down. Every spot in the kitchen that he could clean, he did, ensuring that it would shine as if it had just come off of the assembly line.

As Shirou cleaned, his feet let out a small popping noise as they got smaller. With every pop they lost some of their girth and quickly settled into smaller dainty feet. His calves reduced as the muscles in there refined, compacting together. All of the extra mass went upward, causing his thighs to balloon. They stressed against the thighs portion of the pants, making the rest of his pants cling tighter to his body. His thighs and underwear rode ups his lower body and pressed down on his genitalia, crushing it on all side.

Shirou blinked when he noticed that his lower garments felt off on his frame. They dug into his thighs as if they were a size or two smaller then they should have been. The button of his pants felt like it was digging into his stomach and seemed like it would cut him if he moved across it to quickly.

“Huh,” Shirou pulled at his pants which adjusted to his new frame. They still hugged his new longer legs tightly, showing off the curves that they had, and how much larger they had become. The tightness that they had disappeared the more he pulled and played with them.

“Ok, must have just been how fast I moved I guess,” Shirou muttered.

Shirou looked at the time, trying to get a plan sorted for the rest of the day. There wouldn’t be much pont going to school since it was in the middle of the day. All of the classes would already have begun, and some of the teachers would no doubt prevent him from getting on.

‘Besides Minato needs me more right now,’ Shirou thought. ‘Taiga would understand.’

Shirou tried to think if there was something that he needed to do. He thought about the last time that he had cleaned up around here, but everything seemed to be fine. All of the cleaning was done, there wasn’t any laundry that needed to be handled.

‘Maybe I could practice my magecraft,’ Shirou thought. ‘No, I can’t do that with Minato here. I don’t think it would be a good thing to drop on him after everything else that happened today. Wait, Minato…what is there for him to do around the house?’

Sure there was a TV, but he couldn’t just let him watch TV all day. It would be bad for him and it would get boring after a while.

“Wish I had a game system or something now so he could play with it. Maybe there is some of my old stuff Minato would like stored in the attic or one of the closets,” Shirou muttered.

Shirou went to the attic, hoping that there would be something there that Minato would like. He smiled at the sight of all the boxes, knowing that there had to be something that Minato would like in there. Shirou grabbed the nearest box and opened, and to his glee it was filled with various board games.

“That’sa good start,” Shirou muttered and placed it to the side. “Me and Minato could play all of these later. Please let there be other stuff in here.

As Shirou dug through the boxes, his hands changed. His nails grew slightly longer and gained a more refined appearance as the rest of his hands altered. They let out small little pops as they moved adjusted.

The rest of his arms changed as the girth they had reduced. Some of the muscle that he had earned from the years disappeared. Everything about them reduced and became slimmer. The muscles are diminishing and gaining a feminine grace. A low pop came from his shoulder blades as they got smaller. Shirou grunted and rolled his arms around.

“Uhh there we go,” Shirou muttered as he opened another box and smiled when he saw it was filled with old clothes.

“Ok, these clothes don’t look bad,” Shirou smiled. “They just need a good wash and then they would be good for him to wear.”

Shirou picked the clothes and games up and headed back to the kitchen. He placed them down on the table and smiled as he looked over all the goods.

“There we go, that should help keep Minato entertained and the clothes seem like they’ll fit,” Shirou smiled. “Though better get the wash going, who knows how long it has been since any of this stuff has gotten a good clean.”

“Hello?” Minato said shyly.

“Oh Minato!” Shirou smiled. “Did you have a good sleep?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” Minato admitted. “I just didn't want to be alone.”

“I understand, is there anything that you would like to do now?” Shirou questioned. “I found some old games that we could play. If you want.”

“Could I have something to eat please?”

“Of course, just tell me what you would like to eat and I’ll get right to making it.”

“Can I have some hamburg steak please?” Minato questioned. His eyes sparkled with such hope that Shirou instantly melted.

“Of course you can,” Shirou answered. “Just give me a little bit and I’ll make you the best cheese hamburg steak you’ve ever had.”

Shirou went to the kitchen and quickly pulled out all of the ingredients to make it along with a mix of vegetables and potatoes to make a side. He turned on the stove and prepared it, already knowing how he would be able to bring out the flavor. Once the heat was perfect, Shirou placed the meat down.

Minato watched Shirou cook intently. He leaned forward, staring as if he was making sure everything would go as it should. Shirou smiled.

‘It wouldn’t hurt to put on a little bit of a show I think,’ Shirou thought as he flipped the spatula in his hand.

Minato gasped at the sudden action and was further surprised when Shirou poured the sauce with a little twirl, ensuring that it would go where he pleased. He cut the vegetables with a flair and dramatic style that made Minato step back. After doing so, played around with the spices, and the ingredients moving them around as if he was putting on a show.

Shirou smiled and clinked and clanged against the stove and these pan as if he was going to cast a spell. Normally he wouldn’t do it, but the way Minato was smiling was more then enough make up for any damage that his knives might have taken.

Minato gasped as he continued to watch. He refused to take his eyes off of the show.

He jumped when he saw a small burst of fire erupt from the onions as if it was an erupting volcano.

Shirou frowned when he saw the flame, but relaxed when he saw Minato didn’t seem bothered by it. Instead he only stared at the flame with the childish curiosity, as if the fire that he had been through today hadn’t happened at all.

‘I thought he would be unnerved by the fire,’ Shirou thought.

As the steak cooked, Shirou prepared the rest of the sides, ensuring that they would be ready at the same time.

“And it's ready, Minato,” Shriou said, placing the plate of food down on the table.

Minato stared at the platter. He poked it a few times with his fork as if he was waiting to see if it would come to life. After several more stabs, he cut into it with his fork and plopped it into his mouth.

Minato’s eyes sparkled the moment the food was inside his mouth. All sense of manners or unease that he had before disappeared. He ate like a small little boy who was just happy to taste good food.

Shirou smiled, happy that he was able to help Minato forget all that had happened today.

As the two of them ate, Shirou’s stomach changed. A light layer of plush added onto his body, but still had a slim athletic tone to it. There was no visible muscle there at least at first glance.

“Are you ok?” Minato questioned, his face covered in a light

“Just my stomach feeling a little off is all. Are you ok?” Shirou questioned.

“I’m ok.”

Shirou frowned, but the odd sensation afflicting his stomach passed as time passed, before it felt better.

‘Must be a little acid reflux or something,’ Shirou thought. He continued to eat his food and his stomach eased the more he did.

The sides of it caved inward as if he was a juice box that was being sucked dry by a thirsty child. He grunted slightly as if someone had wrapped a belt around his waist and were tightening it as much as they could. The sides of his shirt gently draped down his sides, as if he had taken a shirt from his father’s closet. His midsection quickly became that of a woman who would have been the star of everyone’s attention.

“Do you like the food Minato?” Shirou questioned.

“It's super tasty,” Minato answered and then took another bite.

Shirou took several bits of his food and noticed that Minato was only focusing on the meat.

“What about the veggies?” Shirou questioned. “A growing boy like you needs them to grow extra big and strong.”

“I don’t like them,” Minato answered. He shoved his plate to Shirou. “You can have my vegetables.”

“I like them Minato, but you have to eat them. They’re good for you. Tell you what? If you try them then I’ll let you have a little bit of ice cream for dessert. How does that sound?” Shirou offered.

Minato’s eyes bulged at the thought of getting them then frowned. He looked down at the vegetables on his plate. He whined and then looked back up at Shirou’s face.

“Can’t I have the ice cream please?” Minato questioned.

“No, you have to try the vegetables if you want to have some ice cream,” Shirou frowned.

Minato hesitantly stabbed them with his fork and raised them up to his mouth. He looked at Shirou and then back at the food on his fork. His frown grew. He closed his eyes. In one quick motion he put the vegetables in his mouth and munched on them. He opened them and swallowed the food, looking back down at the vegetables with shock.

“These don’t taste bad,” Minato admitted. He stabbed them with his fork and took another butt. His cheeks puffing up slightly as he rolled the food around in his mouth as he did.

“Alright then, looks like someone will be able to have a little dessert then,” Shirou smiled.

Minato beamed in glee and then went back to eating his food. He mixed the meat with the vegetables and again he let out a content moan of glee.

As Shirou focused on Minato, his shirt tightened around his body again, just like his pants had. It gently hugged his frame, showing how slender his waist had become. It tightened around his arms as well, showing how slender and trim they had become on his altering frame.

Soon, they had finished eating their meal, and all that was left on their plates was the juices from the meat.

“Can we play?” Minato questioned.

“We can play in a little bit. I need to deal with these clothes and clean the table,” Shirou smiled. “It shouldn’t take me to long.”

Shirou picked up the dishes and started washing them off. He noticed Minato reaching out to grab one of them but stopped when he noticed Minato picking one of the wet dishes up.

“Minato, what are you doing?” Shirou questioned.

“I’m going to clean them,” Minato said. “Then we can play together faster.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. I can do it myself,” Shirou smiled.

“I want to help though!”

“...Ok you can help,” Shirou said. “You have to wipe down the wet plates and get them nice and dry. Once you’re done just put them here and I’ll put them.”

“Be careful now,” Shirou advised.

“I will be,” Minato promised. He wiped them down with a determined expression on his face.

In record time the two of them finished cleaning the dishes. Shirou put them away, while Minato followed him like an assistant.

“Can we play now?” Minato questioned, his voice brimming with hope.

“Alright once I put these clothes in the laundry then we can play as much as you want,” Shirou smiled. “I need to make sure that you’ll have clothes for tonight.”

“Ok,” Minato smiled.

Shirou picked up the box of clothes and skipped to the laundry room. Everything was going well so far. There hadn’t been any accidents, no sudden bout of crying.

‘That couldn’t have gone better than I had hoped,’ Shirou thought. His smile fell as he put the situation into perspective. ‘Still it's a little worrisome that he doesn’t seem as bothered by it as he should be. Could he have repressed it?’

It was thought that Shirou wasn’t sure how he would be able to handle it. He might be fine now, but what if he has a sudden panic attack?

“I might have to get him a therapist for today, but how will I pay for that and everything? Maybe Fuji-nee’s grandfather would be able to help,” Shirou muttered.

Shirou placed the dirty basket down and was about to stop when he noticed something was off about his hips. They looked wider than they normally were and his thighs looked almost thrice as big as they usually were to his shock.

“What the?” Shirou started and noticed how much smaller his waist was. He raised his shirt and gasped at the sight of his flat stomach. He poked and prodded, flinching slightly at the slight plumpness it had gained. It wasn’t bad, but the added softness threw him off.

Shirou’s hands moved and shakily started at the top of his new thin waist. He dragged his hands down, grimacing at its new slenderness. His fingers dug into his stomach and he could tell that there was a new light layer of fat, but by no means was it fat.

“Shirou?” Minato said.

Shirou jumped as if he had just been zapped. He turned to Minato. His mouth opened, as his mind scrambled. Then he noticed that Minato didn’t seem shocked at all.

“Minato do I look any different from what we first met?” Shirou questioned, his voice trembling.

Minato looked him over, a curious look on his face that made Shirou’s heart clench. His hands balled into fists.

“You look the same,” Minato said.

Shirou grimaced. He looked back down at his waist and hips. It was almost as if they were calling out to him mockingly with how much wider they were now. He rolled his hips and frowned at the slight wiggle that came from them.

“Am I wrong?” Minato frowned.

“...No, you’re not wrong,” Shirou said, trying to keep his tone even, and not letting his panic spill. His heart pounded faster in his chest. He breathed in and out, trying to calm down.

‘Ok so if Minato isn’t seeing anything off, then it's likely that nobody else will either,’ Shirou thought. Again he snuck a look at his hips and grimaced at their width. ‘There’s no way that anybody would not notice these.’

“Minato, I know I said that we would play right after I did these clothes, but I need to check something real quick,” Shirou said genty. “This won’t take long, just give me a minute.”

Minato grumbled and looked away.

Shirou’s heart clenched at the hurt look he had on his face. His hands balled for a moment. Panic surged and made him want to change his mind, but his nostrils flared as he fought that instinctive urge.

‘I have to stay strong and make sure,’ Shirou thought.

Minato turned back to him with a resigned look that made Shirou feel terrible. The sad look in his eyes made him feel as if he had kicked a puppy.

“Ok,” Minato grumbled.

Shirou smiled and quickly hugged Minato. He rushed out of the room and headed to his father’s room, almost crashing into the door. The door slammed as Shirou threw it open and rushed to the nearest picture. His eyes darted around the room, looking for anything that could be of use to him in this situation.

A framed photo caught Shirou’s eyes and he snatched it as if it was a live grenade about to go off. It was a picture of him Fujii-nee, Kirtisugu when they were celebrating the holidays just a few years ago. He smiled as he ran his hand over the picture, staring at his father.

Suddenly, the image rippled, as if a stone had been tossed into a body of water. Shirou gasped as the image of him in the picture altered. His face softened as his jawline softened and cheekbones rose, making his face twitch. His lips swelled slightly and his nose let out a little pop as it became smaller. Gone was the face of a young boy, replaced with that of a beautiful young woman who looked as if she had finally left the final years of puberty.

Shirou’s breathing picked up slightly. He closed his eyes as he turned to the mirror in the room and slowly opened his eyes. His body shook as he forced himself to keep them open and look away from it.

Shirou saw his reflection in the mirror and froze at the sight of his reflection. It looked just like it had in the picture. He touched his cheeks and gently ran his fingers down. His fingers moted to lips and them. He flinched at the slight pain that went though it as two of his digits entered his mouth and pulled on them.

“Why are you pulling your cheek?” Minato questioned.

“Gahh!” Shirou cired and pulled his hand out of his mouth. “Minato please stop just suddenly appearing like that.”

“Sorry,” Minato looked away.

“It’s fine Minato, don’t worry about it. You just surprised me is all.”

“Why were you pulling on your cheek?”

“Oh…I just…needed a little wake-up call,” Shirou smiled sheepishly. He placed the photo down and forced himself to keep calm.

Minato reached into his mouth and pulled on his cheeks. He pulled harder, small little gags coming from him.

“Minato no, don’t just pull on your cheek like that,” Shirou reprimanded and gently took Minato’s hand out of his mouth.

“But you just did it!” Minato rebuffed.

“Yes well,” Shirou started. He looked around trying to think of a way to excuse his actions. “I…thought that something was wrong with my mouth, so I had to make sure. That it was.”

“Oh!” Minato said. “So I should only do something like that if something is wrong with my mouth?”

“Yes exactly! And it should only be in private or something. Some people might think that you’re moving them if you’re doing it in front of them!” Shirou explained. “...But still if it's hurting badly then make sure to let someone know!”


‘Thank you god for making children so innocent,’ Shirou prayed.

“Can we play now?” Minato questioned. “I want to play!”

“...Yes we can play now,” Shirou said. Again he forced a smile on his face.

Minato smiled’s burn so brightly, making Shirou smile. He suddenly latched out and hugged Shirou. Shirou stilled for a moment. His arms moved and wrapped themselves around him. He ruffled his hair.

“Alright, let’s head to the living room and then we can figure out what we’re going to play,” Shirou said.

The two of them went to the living room. Minato bounced around as if it was Christmas Eve. Shirou crouched so he was eye level with Minato.

“Now then what do you feel like playing Minato?” Shirou questioned.

Minato hummed. He crossed his arms. Shirou had to restrain himself from pulling him into another bone crushing hug.

‘Gahh, he’s just too cute,’ Shirou thought.

“Can we play hide and seek?” Minato questioned.

“Well I suppose that we could. Just make sure that you don’t leave the house,” Shirou said. “Alright then I’ll get to counting and then I’ll go find you. Does that sound good?”


“Ok then I’ll get to counting and then you can hide for a bit. I’ll count to ten and then I’ll go looking for you,” Shirou said. “I’ll be on the couch with my face down so that I won’t be cheating.”

Shirou laid down on the couch and closed his eyes. He could hear Minato run out of the room and chuckled. He waited until he couldn’t hear Minati’s footsteps and then cleared his throat.

“One!” Shirou called out. “Two! Three! Four! F-Five!”

A sharp heat went through shirou’s crotch that made him spasm. His hands clenched, and his toes curled. A blush formed on his face. Sweat formed on Shirou’s body. He pulled on his collar and then noticed that his member was moving across his crotch.

“Oh no!” Shirou gasped.

Shirou examined his pants and could easily find the outline of his privates. It was getting smaller, much to his terror. A frightful whimper came out of his lips as he brought his thighs together. He forced them apart and watched in disgusted fasciation. It called out to him, as if asking for attention before it went away.

A haze came over Shirou’s mind as his dick entered his body, making him spasm slightly. He could feel his balls trail against his inner thigh and struggled to get his body under control. His breathing picked up and he bit his lips. He looked up and rolled his shoulders. His thighs moved together and another delightful spike went through his body. There was no moment to take it in as she could feel her underwear tighten across her pelvis. She could feel the ends of her boxers dig into her thighs, before they disappeared.

Shirou looked around again and pulled the front of her pants. Instead of seeing her normal underwear, she was now weaning a tight pair of panties that her new lower body. She moved her underwear and a set of slightly wet lips that made her freeze, she stared at it as if she was seeing a show.

“Ohh!” Shirou cried. She blinked and brought her hand up to her head. After a moment, she shook her head and then recalled what had just happened.

Shirou reached down between her legs and blushed at feeling nothing at all between them. Her face burned and she looked around, making sure that Minato wasn’t in the room. She opened the front of her pants and still the moment she saw nothing between her legs.

“Six! Seven! Eight!”

Shirou cried, her voice cracked and her voice rose in pitch. With every number the pain in her throat got worse. She ignored the rise in the pitch, hoping that she would be able to put Minato at ease.

“Nine! Ten!” Shirou cried.

Shirou sat up and frowned. She brought her hand up to her throat and noticed the lack of her adam’s apple. Her throat was slimmer then what she was used to. Yet despite that it still felt like there was a fist over her throat, ready to punch her there again.

“Just look for Minato for now,” Shirou told herself. “You can do a more indeph look around after you find him.

Shirou quietly wandered onto the kitchen and looked underneath the table, wondering if that was where Minato might be. She checked under the sink and didn’t see him there.

“Of course, he wouldn’t hide under there. That would be too obvious,” Shirou muttered. Still had to make sure at the very least since he is small enough to fit there.”

She wandered into the living room and looked around the furniture, wondering if he was in there. There was no sign of him behind the sofa, or in the nearby closest.

“Ok if he isn’t hiding here, then he has to be in one of the other rooms,” Shirou muttered.

She went through the house, paying attention to her surroundings. The possibility of him moving from one hiding spot to another to keep her on her toes. She went from one room to the next, looking for him in every small nook that could fit a child. The first place sh checked were all of the standard places like under the beds, in the closets, and some of the corners of the room.

“Minato is better at hiding than I thought he would be,” Shirou admitted. “Just where could he be hiding?”

There was no sign of Minato in her room, or in her father’s room. She reached his door and opened it, wondering if he might be hiding in there.

“What the?” Shirou exlaimed. The room that he had used was no longer bare, and instead was filled with items.

Children’s toys lined the room. Figures of characters from famous anime shows and cartoons were on the ground. There was a poster of a superhero on the wall. There was a bookcase filled with more toys and some childrens books.

“Where did all of these come from?” Shirou wondered as her head began to throb in pain again. She massaged her temple, trying to ease the pain.

She picked one of the toys up and examined it. There was no way it was one of her old ones. It was something that she had remembered seeing a commercial for just the other day. All of the toys in the room she could knew had recent advertisements.

“Whatever is causing this has to be the cause of it, but…why?” Shirou muttered. She opened the closet and looked for him inside it. She saw a small dresser and more fake plastic swords and other gear. Again she checked under the bed, wondering if he was in there, or hiding in a corner. “How is it?

The bathroom proved to be just as fruitless as the rest of her search. Shirou tapped her chin, trying to think of anywhere else he might have gone. There was nowhere else in the house that she could think of that he might be hiding in.

“Minato, can you hear me?” Shirou questioned. “I can’t find you and I give up Could you please come out now?”

She waited, wondering if now he would pop up and reveal himself. Seconds turned into minutes, and still, she didn’t hear anything. Her heart  went cold as its pace quickened.

“Minato!” Shirou yelled. She looked around, desperate for any information that he was around. The tic tock of the clock made her head spin.

“Minato come out right now!” Shirou demanded. Still, there was no response to him. No sign that he was coming out of where he could be.

“Is he hiding in a place where he just can’t hear me?” Shirou muttered. She tried to think of where he could have gone. She doubted that he would leave the property since there was no way that she would be able to find him then.

Suddenly an idea came to her about where he could be. She looked out the window at the shed that she had used to practice her magecraft. Everything seemed idyllic, as if no one had gone to it at all today, and yet her mind told her to check it there.

“Please don’t be in there, Minato,” Shirou muttered. That was where she did her work and there were numerous machines undone and their parts thrown about. It was also where she practiced her magecraft skills and it was possible that he could step on a screw, or something.

She rushed outside of the house and threw open her shed. She looked down and examined every piece of it. Everything seemed to be where it should be and in one piece.

“Oh thank god,” Shirou sighed as she turned on the light.

She looked around, trying to find any sign that he might be in here. The small crates and the tables provided some good places for him to hide, but not to much.

‘If he’s not here then I’ll have to call the police,’ Shirou thought. She grimaced at the image thought of Inspector Zenigata entered her head and what he would think.

Something blue and fluffy moved behind one of the boxes.

Shirou smiled and waited for him to poke his head. The moment he did, he immediately ducked back into hiding. Shirou stepped closer, making sure not to startle him. Minato dived deeper into his hiding spot, trying to look as small as possible. She ruffle his head again, making him look up at her.

“Looks like I finally found you,” Shirou started.

“You finally found me mama!” Minato grinned.

Shirou opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when his words went through her head. Her head throbbed already as her lips formed into a heavy frown.

“M-Mama?” Shirou questioned. Again her head felt faint as if she was about to pass out. She breathed heavily through her nose and shook her head.

“Are you ok?” Minato questioned.

Shirou couldn’t respond. Her heart pounded faster as it beat a little harder. It fluttered in her chest as she tried to make sense of it. She raised her hand to her chest and gulped.

“Mama c’mon!” Minato ordered as he grabbed her hand. He pulled her out of the shed, making sure that neither of them stepped over the metal pieces.

Shirou couldn’t bring herself to fight as he led her through the house. Everything felt off about her body. Her heart pounded through her ears, and her lungs felt like they were filling with more air.  Yet she couldn’t help but feel as if she had won the greatest treasure that she possible could have. She rolled her shoulders back and gulped as she tried to assert some control over herself.

Minato took her back to her bedroom and pointed at the bed. He led her to the bed. Shirou sat down as Minato jumped on the bed. He touched her head, again checking her to see if he was ok.

Shirou couldn’t say anything at first. She just let herself be examined. The cute worried expression he had on his face, little comfort. She looked down at her hands, her mind scrambling.

‘What about what happened earlier today?’ Shirou questioned. The fire flashing in her mind and her digits balled into fists. She frowned heavily. ‘Minato, I’m sorry if this hurts you, but I got to know.’

“Mom?” Minato questioned.

“Minato,” Shirou started, the word making her heart flutter and her insides twist. Minato looked up at him with big amber eyes. Shirou’s body tightened. She took a heavy breath. “Are you ok about what happened with the fire?”

Minato didn’t say anything. He looked at her as if she had grown a second head.

“What fire?” Minato questioned.

Shirou stilled, her mind stopped. She couldn’t process what he had just said. Her body went slack. Her jaw dropped. A headache assaulted her head

“The fire…earlier today. The one that led to us meeting,” Shirou said.

“Mama, are you ok?” Mianto questioned. He reached up and touched her forehead. “You don’t feel hot, mommy.”

“Oh silly me, I might just be thinking of a weird dream,” Shirou lied..

“You didn’t eat anything you weren’t supposed to, right? Just like how you tell me not to eat any sweets before bed?”

“I didn’t.”

“Ok, but you still don’t look so good,” Minato said.

Shirou looked up at the roof.

“Thank you,” Shirou said. “I’ll be back in just a minute, Minato. I need to look for something.”

Shirou went over to her room. It had changed slightly since she had last been in here. The room was still distinctly her. Some of the mementos that she had received in her youth was still. The gifts that she had received from Taiga and Kiritsugu were still there. Yet unlike before, more pictures lined the wall, and this time they were different. They were of images of a life that she had never led. Pictures of standing outside for a graduation event. Her in a chef uniform.

What stood out to her the most was a picture of her sitting in a hospital bed. She had a beaming smile on her face as she stared at a small baby in her arms. There were small tufts of blue hair on the babe’s head, and its eyes were closed, and yet she knew who the babe was.

“Minato,” Shirou said.

She looked down at her stomach and easily envisioned it larger, with a babe ready to come out. Her hand went to her stomach and gently squeezed it.

“Out of all the stuff that could have happened this is….” Shirou’s head throbbed and she shook her head. She ran her hand down her face and took a deep breath. “Ohhh!”

Shirou’s butt suddenly tingled. Her breathing picked up, and she looked at it. She watched as her backside ballooned. Her heart quickened. Sweat poured down as an excited, pleasing warmth went through her body. Her underwear dug slightly between her cheeks and her fingers curled. She groaned and rolled her hips, her breathing picking up.

The pants she wore tightened the more her butt swelled. She pulled on her collar, her breathing growing more erratic as her butt pushed against the confines of her pants. She tried to adjust her tight pants for then, but it only got worse for her. The curve of her ass became more prominent with each passing second. The expansion off her ass ceased thankfully. The moment her bottom had finished growing, her pants quickly adjusted for her asses' new girth.

She looked over her shoulder and her eyes bulged at how big they had become.

Shirou ran her hand down her expanded cheeks. It stood out behind her like another shelf. Her hand moved and squeezed a large handful of it, sending a pleasing bolt of energy. She took a step forward and her heart bounced with how quick she did. Her butt took a few seconds longer before it settled.

“This is…,” Shirou started. Her mouth opened and closed. Anything that she might have said was gone in the wind. She had expected her figure would become a little more curvaceous, but this was something else.

Something formed underneath her chest, making her spasm. She quickly pulled the front of her shirt and saw a simple black bra had formed over her chest.

“A bra? Wait if this is here then does that mean,” Shirou started. She gasped as her chest warmed. She brought her hands up and patted. Unlike before there was a slight bit of padding there. She kept her hands there and the outline of her pecs pushed against her hands as if they were trying to break out. Her face darkened further as her breasts unleashed a delightful heat through her body. She moved her hands and they laid out flat on her chest. They looked no bigger than oranges and yet they continued to get bigger.

“How big am I going to be?” Shirou said as her face scrunched. She looked at the door, trying to stop herself from making any noises in case Minato was looking for her. The only sound she could hear was the ones coming from her. The sports shirt that she wore strained against her ballooning bosom. The bra that she wore grew along with her bust, making sure to provide support for her growing side. Shirou panted and struggled to keep a straight face. They continued to grow like balloons being filled with helium. She cupped her breasts and held them as they grew. Her chest finished growing when they became a huge heaving F-cup that rivaled honeydews.

Shirou gulped and let go of them. She stumbled for a moment. The huge heaving breasts which hung proudly on her chest were a sight to behold. She had never seen a pair of boobs this big before.

Shirou went to the wall and gasped when she saw a picture of her, Minato, Taiga, Sakura, and Kiritsugu together. She slowly reached out, as if touching it would cause the image to fade away like an optical illusion. Her fingers brushed against the outer edges of it, and yet despite it all, it remained. She took it off the wall, and bit her lips as she could easily recall the events of tat day.

She found a purse that she knew was hers and looked inside it. With a heavy heart, Shirou went through the contents looking for something that would be able to give her a better insight into her current situation and what her new living arrangements might be like. Instead of her usual name, she saw that Emiya Shouko was her name now. Next to it she saw her age was now 29 years old.

Shouko put her stuff down. She ran her hands down her face as her head throbbed again. Again another wave of memories came ove there

She heard the door open. Shouko rushed through the house. She grabbed a lamp off the post and readied herself to beat someone’s head in.

Thankfully she saw Taiga, ruffling Minato’s head with a grin.

“Oh Taiga, it’s just you,” Shuko said.

“Shouko!” Taiga said and launched herself at Shirou. Shirou didn’t have any time to react and was immediately held in a powerful hug.

“T-Taiga!” Shirou said. Her face darkened as she could feel Taiga’s small bust press against her much larger rack.

Taiga rubbed her cheek against Shouko’s like a animal needing attention. “Today has been such a day, I need your wonderful cooking to help me! Hey why are you holding a lamp.

Shouko put the lamp down. “Oh I just wasn’t keeping track of the time so. I was just testing something in my room.”

“Oh yeah I get you. If you ever want to redesign the place, I know that grandpa would be more then happy to help you.”

Taiga moved away

More footsteps caught Shouko’s attention and she saw Sakura enter the house.

Shouko smiled. “Oh! Afternoon Sakura.”

Her friend didn’t seem at all shocked by her appearance, which she couldn’t help but feel relieved about. From what her new memories told her, she met and comforted her when she was younger after a bad case of bullying. She tried to keep a calm face, but her expression was weak as if she was going through another round of breast and butt expansion. Something hugged her leg and looked down to see Minato was hugging her leg tightly.

Shouko frowned. “Minato? Is something wrong?”

She received no answer from him. He continued to stare straight ahead, as if he was focusing on something else. Sakura smiled at him, and Minato hugged Shouko’s leg tighter.

“Hello Minato-kun,” Sakura said, kneeling so that she was eye level with him.

Minato’s face darkened and looked away from her. Shouko blinked, surprised his chipper attitude had vanished so quickly.

Taiga giggled. “Ahh, Minato truly is such a cutie. I know he’ll be breaking hearts in the future.”

Shouko frowned/ “What? I don’t understand why he’s acting like that? Is something wrong?”

Taiga’s laughter died immedietly. She stared at Shouko with a flat look. “How you wound up getting married and having a kid, I will never know.”

“What?” Shouko questioned. Something tugged on her pants leg and she looked down to see Minato looking at her.

Minato said. “Mama, I’m hungry.”

All of the confusion and worries Shouko had disappeared. She smiled. “Sure thing honey.”

Shouko stepped into the chicken, ready to make the best meal that she could.

With Taiga and Sakura settled in, Shouko prepared in her bedroom. She slipped on a simple sports bra and a pair of yoga pants that hugged her body marvelously. The fabric was taut against her frame and emphasized the extra padding it had gotten.

Shouko gasped the moment she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes narrowed as she studied her curves in the mirror, especially her butt. She turned her full butt to the mirror and blushed at how massive it looked. It was a sif someone had taken two balloons and taped them to her backside. She stared at her full bottom and again traced it. “Still doesn’t seem real.”

Shouko jumped on her bed, momentarily thrown her by how her butt smushed and how her impressive bust rested on her chest.

The door to her bedroom opened and Minato stepped into the room. Shouko smiled and patted the spot next to her. He rushed onto bed and crawled onto her.

“Ahh!” Shirou squeaked, her face darkening as her son snuggled against her boobs as if they were a pillow. She bit her lips and shuddered as he moved his head against hers to get more comfortable.

“Mommy are you okay?” Her baby boy said, looking up at her from his place between her boobs.

Shouko forced a smile as she looked down at her son. She stuttered. “Y-yes mommy is fine.”

Shouko pulled him into a tight hug and snuggled against him. Her hand played with some of his hair. ‘This might not be how things should be, but I’m happy that they did.’

Shouko planted a tender kiss on his forehead and he smiled. She closed her eyes and allowed sleep to take them.

Minato yawned. “Good night mama.”

“Good night Minato. I love you.”


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