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Nero sighed as he walked through the streets, finally finished with another hunt. The demon that he had been dealing with had been a slippery shit with how it had been running around the area. He had spent hours having to track and hunt it down, until he was finally able to corner it and kill the bastard. He needed a drink after the stupid hunt that he had to deal with today.

‘Any place worth a damn that I could get some grub or something nearby?’ Nero wondered.

Most of the restaurants that he passed were closed at this point. All of the signs were turned off and their weren’t any lights coming from them.

“Can’t even ask anyone if there’s a hotel nearby or something,” Nero muttered. All he could do was keep walking until found something that could help him.

A shining sign caught his attention and made him stop. It was on top of a large wooden door, with a sing above it that said, Bar-Sun. In the window he saw a neon sign that said it was open.

“Bar-Sun? Weird name for a joint. I think I heard about this place,” Nero thought. “But where did I hear about it?”

The name bounced in Nero's head. It was on the tip of his tongue the more he stared at it, and yet it evaded him. He knew that he hadn’t heard about it in a newspaper. There was no way that they would have covered such a joint. A conversation he had when he was visiting Dante’s came rushing forward and suddenly he clicked.

“Right this is a Devil Hunter Bar!” Nero realized. “First time visiting a joint like this.”

Most of the time he had been called by customers and given all the information that he needed. Then he would meet the contractor and they would tell him everything else. If they were smart then they would make sure not to try and trick him or rip him off.

“Might as well see if this joint is any good. Might be able to get another job here and some decent food,” Nero muttered. “Maybe I could even get a bed.”

Nero entered the bar, faint music bouncing filling the join. He entered the main lobby and immediately noticed that the place had a old timey feel to it with how it was decorated. Wooden tables with wooden seats. Posters lined the wall. Acoustic music played throughout the hall that made Nero want to gag. Almost every table of the bar was filled with people, chatting about a storm.

“Let’s hope I can get a drink and maybe another job,” Nero muttered. “Could use another gig after the headache that today was.”

Nero’s eyes darting around as he looked at the people around him. The people eyed him as he passed. He could feel their gaze on him, as if they were judging his work and finding him wanting. Some of them even openly glared at him.

‘If these guys think they can scare me off, but just looking at me badly’ then their in for a big disappointment,’ Nero thought.

Nero raised his hand and flipped them off. Those that they were glaring at him previously gripped their drinks tighter. Even those that seem to pay him any mind, now looked at him with disdain.

‘As if I got anything to worry about,’ Nero scoffed. ‘All of these guys don’t seem so tough.’

Nero could feel the people he passed eying his back with such loathing that he was sure they were wondering when they should try to take him down. He ignored them all.

‘Already got long since used to that back in Fortuna,’ Nero thought. He rolled his eyes.

Nero grabbed the nearest empty seat by the bar. Some of the patrons shot him a look before they went back to drinking their beverages and chatting with their friends. He waited for the bartender to finish working with another customer as he rapped his fingers against the bar again, noticing the attention that he was getting from the people. After a minute, the bartender walked over to him and looked him over. He frowned in distaste, as if he was recalling a bad memory.

“Something wrong big guy?” Nero questioned.

“What do you want?” the bartender questioned.

“Hey, no need to throw an attitude, aren't I supposed to be a customer?” Nero smirked.

“I haven't seen you around these parts before, and you look like someone else that caused nothing but trouble when they showed up,” the bartender said. “I can tell that you got the same sort of attitude issue.”

“So long as nobody tries to start some shit then I’m not going to do anything Mr. Bartender.”

“It’s Cicero,” the bartender said.

“Now then you're going to be nice and get me a drink or what? I got the money to pay,” Nero said.

Cicero didn’t say anything and continued to stare at him as if he was wondering what he should do. His hands curled on the desk as if he wanted to lash.

“Got nothing better to look at?” Nero questioned.

“Right…I’ll be right back sir,” Cicero said the last word said with such forced politeness Nero could almost taste it. He turned his back and looked among the beverages. Despite turning away, Nero noticed how his nostrils flared.

Nero watched Cicero move around, and eyed the others in the joint. The good mood seemed to be returning as the conversations returned with some vigor. Yet there was still an underlying tension in the room. As if they are waiting to be given permission before they acted out.

What cough Nero’s attention the most was the large dispenser that hung off the wall. It looked as if someone had taken multiple demons' skulls and had them cast in iron. Their mouths were open and they had small faucets coming out of their mouths.

“What the hell is up with the weird dispenser?” Nero questioned. “I get that we kill demons and all, but I think people would prefer if they had

“Oh, something I got during hunting. It’s been a nice holder for some of the kegs I got,” Cicero answered. “Besides like you said, we are Devil Hunters so its only fitting that we have something like this around.”

“Yup, got it from killing a demon,” Cicero said, his smile more natural now. It had lost the forced nature that it had.

“You got something like that from killing a demon? You don’t think that asking for trouble?” Nero questioned. “You gotta have heard about all the craziness that comes from people trying to use Devil Arms and all.”

“Hey I got it cleaned up and didn’t have to deal with any demonic bullshit insanity,” Cicero scoffed. “Besides, I was able to make some good money from selling a few of them.”

“What sort of loony bin did I walk into?” Nero muttered as he pinched the brow of his nose.

“I would prefer you don’t speak to everyone in here like that,” Cicero said.

“Right, right,” Nero waved off as he waited for Cicero to finish.

“Well here you go. A nice strong batch of my finest booze since you’re such  tough guy,” Cicero said.

Cicero placed a large mug down, Nero picked it up. He examined the red-colored beverage inside it. It seemed alright, but still he couldn’t help but grimace at the smell.

“What’s the matter? Can’t handle your booze?” Cicero questioned. “You’re not going to let that stop you

“As if,” Nero scoffed.

Nero took the drink and guzzled it down. The taste of strawberries assaulted his tongue, dancing off it, with only a slight alcoholic burn following afterwards. The cool drink warmed Nero’s body up and he fought to keep a twitch on his face. It traveled through his body and he struggled to keep his face blank as it landed in his stomach. It tasted better then he thought it would have even.

“Looked like you had some trouble there for a second. Little trouble there?” the bartender smirked.

“As if I would have any problems with this stuff,” Nero scoffed. “Going to need something heaver to do that to me.”

Nero’s stomach altered as the power settled in his stomach. The hard abs that he had on his stomach rapidly disappeared as the defined six-pack smoothed over. It kept getting smaller, the defined abs were steadily disappearing into his stomach until there was no semblance of its previous physique. It still maintained a trim appearance, but now the muscle it had was thinly hidden, perfect for a model.

Nero burped and took a strong breath to get his senses under control. His fingers tingled, and another shudder went down his spine. He evened his breathing out, trying to keep his body from going wild.

‘Damn this stuff has more of a kick then I thought,’ Nero thought. ‘Still the taste is better then I expected. I’m just barely tasting the alcohol.’

Nero took another drink of the alcohol. Again it traveled through his body, and he swore he could feel it move through his frame. It hit his stomach, and pressure built there as if someone was placing their hand on his stomach. Another gurgle came from Nero’s stomach that made his eyes twitch. He placed the mug down. His breathing picked up as he tried to keep a straight face. Another gurgling noise came from his stomach and a hiccup.

Unknown to him, the sides of his waist shrank as all of the mass traveled downward. More mass kept moving downward as if it was being steadily trimmed off his body. A hourglass figure appeared that became more apparent with every passing second. The more his core changed, the more his upper and lower half flared out. His altering waist continued to become more enticing until it was a small slender waist that would have looked tantalizing on anyone else.

“What was that about you being able to handle yourself? It doesn’t seem like you can handle a wee bit of alcohol after all,” Cicero smirked,

“I can handle it just fine,” Nero frowned. He squirmed in his seat. The heat that was coursing through his body along with the shifting mass kept throwing him off.

The mass from his midsection traveled downward, making his pants strain slightly as they settled on his thighs. Like dough rising in the oven they grew larger, crushing his privates between them. Nero groaned as he adjusted how he sat. He winced and pulled at his pants, trying to deal with some of the tightness they had gained, and yet it did nothing to alleviate it. The ballooning thighs strained his pants and continued to crush them together.

“You sure can with how your squirming around like a little kid,” Cicero chuckled.

“Oh shut it!” Nero spat as he continued to squirm. He patted his stomach and noticed the lack of definition there. The droop of his shirt and jacket registered and he shot out of his seat like a gunshot had gone off. He stumbled as

The bottom half of his legs thinned just like his stomach had. His extra flab and muscle traveled up his body and settled on his thighs. His thighs immediately ballooned and strained his pants and crushed his privates between them, earning a groan from Nero.

“Heh finally found some much-needed release did you?” the bartender smirked. “Many people would kill themselves to get a feel for those thick thighs of yours.”

“S-shut up!” Nero spat, yet focused on his massive. He squeezed his altered legs and frowned at how much softer they felt. The only saving grace was that there seemed to be strong muscle in them. “What the fuck is happening to me!”

“Oh don’t worry Mr Big shot. This is just what you deserve for strutting in like you own the place. Especially since you're walking in with your weapon out in the open like that. The only reason someone comes in showing off their weapons like that first thing is if they’re trying to own the joint.”

“Why you!” Nero said. He went to grab Red Queen and strike him down.

“No fighting in here, and for even thinking about trying something like that you’re going to get another punishment!” Cicero said.

“‘The eyes of the beer dispenser glowed and Nero’s body locked up. His face contorted into an ugly snarl, while his eyes promised pain.

“What the hell,” Nero grumbled.

“I’ll be taking that,” Cicero said as he took Nero’s sword. He blinked at the weight of the sword and adjusted his grip as he leaned it back against the wall. “Best way to help keep order in this joint. So do you have any other toys on you, or do you just have that giant blade to compensate for a lackluster member?”

“He got this gun on him,” the patron next to Nero said. He pulled Blue Rose out of Nero’s holster, earning a hateful glare from Nero.

“And I’ll be taking this as well,” Cicero said. “Thanks Pete.”

“Not a problem man. Going to have some fun with this one?”

“I think we’re all going to have some fun with how this guys had been strutting his stuff and all!”

“Stop talking like I’m not here you schmucks!” Nero spat.

Nero twitched as he could feel his face morph. His skull let out faint pops and snaps. He groaned with everyone and tried to fight the strange sensations coming from them. A gasp came as his nose suddenly let out a crack. His breathing picked up right as his nostrils diminished and became a smaller, sharper nose. Gone was the face of a young man and in its place was that of a beautiful young woman who would gain the lust and admiration of all with a pulse.

“Woohoo man you really are a looker! Can’t wait to see how the ret of your body turns out!” Cicero said.

Nero’s face burned at the attention and hopeful cheers from the onlookers. He turned to them with the mostful angry glare he could muster. Some of them jumped in their seat, whole most of them kept their cool and continued to watch.

“Really gives some step on me vibes,

The anger Nero had disappeared in an instant. He sputtered, gibberish leaving

“Aww doesn’t she look adorable like that,” another patron teased.

“I’ll show you adorable!” Nerp spat as he unveiled his Demonic limb. Some of the members in the room recoiled, at the sigh of limb. He smirked with vindictive glee as he balled his hand into a fist.

Nero’s Devil Bringer glowed brighter for a moment and then began to change. The scales on the bottom of it were replaced with human skin. He touched them, flinching at the smooth skin, free of any hair. The blue lines between the red and black scales dulled and he touched them as it continued to crawl up his limb. The clawed fingers disappeared as normal human digits took their place.

“What the hell?” Nero muttered. Staring at his now normal arm. He had long since accepted that it was a part of him, but seeing it now look normal again made a wave of conflicting emotions course through his body. Yet there was no peace. It was smaller, finer, and his nails had a sharpened point that looked almost feminine. He looked at his other arm and saw that it was thinning as well, gaining the same feminine grace that his former demonic limb had. Some small bit of defined muscle remained, but no one would think his arms were a man’s at all.

“Well, I think we can all agree that you look far better without the demonic limb. Those slender arms are much better for you. Wouldn’t you all agree guys?” Cicero questioned the rest of the patrons.

The crowd cheered, smiling broadly.

“Even if I don’t have that arm I’m more then match for all of you!” Nero spat.

Nero stumbled as his boots changed, the brown color shifted as the top of them got smaller. The heel on the back of them became thinner as they grew longer. He stumbled from the sudden increase in height and grit his teeth as he tried to keep himself stable. The straps and laces disappeared as they melted into the shoes. Bright red splotches appeared on them until they were a bright scarlet.

Nero shuddered as his pants altered, making his succulent thighs ripple. The pockets of his pants disappeared as they melded with the rest of his fabric as if they were being sewn shut. His pants zipper moved together as if it was being zipped up. Yet as it did, it disappeared as the softer fabric consumed it. The size and curve of his thighs became increasingly apparent the more the fabric changed. It was only when they became black nylon stockings that they finished changing.

“My oh my, someone’s got some lovely stuff to strut!”

“Yeah, but the dick takes it all away from me,” another one said. “I’m not a fan of futa.”

“Give it time man. I’m sure that it will go away in time. Let’s just watch the show until then. Man, I wish I had a camera!”

“Don’t worry I got a security camera just in case. I’ll be able to make a copy for you and the rest of you guys if you want it!”

“Don’t you fucking dare!” Nero spat. “And if anyone else thinks about recording it then I’ll break it and your skulls!”

“You look like you're having some trouble. Are you struggling with something down there? Are your boys giving you any trouble?” a younger member asked cheekily.

Despite it all, Nero bucked his hips as a surge went through his body. A haggard gasp escaped. His face darkened as his lips quivered. The gaze the patrons had on him multiplied. The patrons at the table were no longer focusing on his face, but rather on something lower.

Nero looked down and his face darkened further at the sight of a prominent hill. His tender member tingled from how tightly the fabric hugged it. It tingled as if it was calling for attention. His digits itched as the need to reach between his members grew. He bit his lips,drawing blood from them. The moment he pulled his teeth away, he squealed and unfortunately for him, it resounded over all of the conversation in the room. All of the members eyed Nero, focusing on him as if he was a showgirl doing the hottest show in the world.

With a loud wet slurp, the tip of his member entered his body. A saucy moan left Nero’s mouth that he couldn’t suppress. The crowd cheered, but Nero hardly registered their exuberance. His mind blanked. He could feel his balls trail against his thighs. His large thighs trembled and he panted heavily. They brushed against the tip of his nails and he spasmed as if he just blew his load again. Another slurp came from his body as his balls entered. He could feel them change into a set of ovaries.

Nero leaned against the bar, struggling to remain standing. She looked down at her legs, wondering if they were still standing straight. To an absolute miracle they still were, even if they trembled as if they were a small bushes in a hurricane. Nero reached down with one of her hands and paled as the tip of her digits lightly prodded a new hole.

“Bet there’s something real pretty down there. Well now all you guys don’t have to worry. She’s now 100% a woman down there!” One of the members shouted.

“F-fuck off!” Nero panted.

Nero shuddered as her hair suddenly exploded behind him in one burst. It tickled the back of his neck. She shuddered as it touched his shoulders and grabbed handfuls of it. His growing hair spilled down his hands and continued. She grabbed the longer strands of hair, flinching at the softer texture. It was almost as if he was holding long strands of silk in his hands. It continued to grow longer. It finally finished growing when it reached his lower back, just above his posterior.

As it grew, small specks of red appeared in the roots of his growing mane. The red became more prominent and shinier as it did. There was no sign of his snow-white hair, but now a beautiful scarlet mane that shined brightly in the light. His hair had become a beautiful shiny silky scarlet that would have enraptured everyone.

“Damn normally I don’t pay attention to hair, but that is beautiful,” one of the guys said, unable to take his eyes off it.

“Yeah, I kinda want to just run my hands through it,” another one agreed.

Nero flushed under the praise. Something ran through her head, making her jump. She turned and saw Cicero staring at his hand, and then at Nero’s hair.

“Hey!” Nero jumped. She glared at the offender and saw that it was Cicero.

Cicero didn't say anything. He stared at his hand in wonderment. His digits moved and slowly rubbed them together as if he was feeling something that wasn't there.

“Hey, was it that nice Cicero?” One patron asked. He stood up and grabbed some small strands of hair.

“Back the hell off!” Nero spat as she looked at the others. she jerked away from him as if he spat on him. .

“Damn it really is that soft.”

“Shut your damn mouth!” Nero ordered. He glared hatefully at them, and the members around him, wishing that he could just lash out at them

“Yikes can be damn intimidating too, good thing we don’t gotta worry about getting hurt in here now.”

For added measure, Nero tried to activate her Devil Trigger and thankfully she could still feel her demonic power. Her eyes glowed a bright crimson as a bright blue aura surrounded her frame. For a moment the shadow of a demonic being formed behind her like a shadow. Unknown to Nero, the Devil Arm dispenser glowed again.

Nero shuddered, her Devil Trigger deactivated. Her body suddenly felt of, a sudden warm invading her chest.

“Wait no,” Nero pleaded as the pleasing warmth built.

“No, what? Was that light show supposed to be something special? Or wwe you hoping that you would be able to spook us just because you could call upon a special trick.

Nero didn’t answer as she could feel her nipples grow underneath her shirt. Her breathing hitched. Horrified curiosity demanded that she look down and see, but she restrained herself. All of the patrons in the room, along with Cicero eyed her like demons waiting to pounce.

“Oi what’s happening? Where’s all of that big talk and curses you were spouting earlier?” One of the patrons said. “Is the transformation already done?”

Nero glared at him as best she could, trying to put on a strong front as her but her nipples perked. The areola of her nipples widened, becoming slightly more sensitive. She could easily visualize them becoming the size of quarters as her fingers continued to move erratically. She tried to focus on anything except her altering chest. Her erect nipples rubbed against her top, further heating up her loins. The only saving grace for now was the fact that they were hidden underneath her jacket. If not for that then they would have seen her nipples poking through her jackets like thumbtacks.

A chuckle got Nero’s attention, and her eyes snapped to the source. It was Cicero who had a large cocky smirk on his face.

“Oh I think it’s just something we can’t notice due to her clothes,” Cicero assumed. “Bet she’s got some finer points now just begging to be seen underneath that jacket.”

‘You shut your mouth!’ Nero thought as she gave him a look with such ferocity that would have killed lesser men.

“Oh now I’m sure that I hit the nail on the head with that guess!” Cicero chuckled. “Everyone get ready to see a wonderful show!”

Nero gulped and her face darkened further as her pecs began to inflate. She could feel small soft little mounds formed. Her eyes darted to her chest, praying that the bust she received wouldn’t be big. She could see a small bit of cleavage formed, that rapidly swelled. Her breathing picked up and her throat tightened. The heat in her body swelled, her ballooning fun bags and her new vagina ached for attention, her fingers twitching in desperate need to play with herself. In less than a minute, the outline of her breasts became visible and the onlookers cheered as if they were watching a competition.

“Stop,” Nero muttered.

Nero forced herself to stand up straighter. To her disgust there was a slight bounce to them as they became the size of full apples. The zipper of her jacket was forced down by her swelling bust. Nero’s face darkened to match her new hair. She grabbed it and tried to force it back up to cover the fair cleavage that was on display, but failed miserably. Her biceps squeezed them together as they continued to grow. A bolt of pleasure went through her body that made it warm up in sexual need. Yet still she tried to pull the zipper up and conceal them.

“You can try as much as you want, but there’s no way you’re going to be able to hide those girls!” One patron cried.

“Just show them off!” Another drunken hunter demanded.

“Fuck off shit stain!” Nero spat.

Her frustration build as her bosom blocked the sight of her feet and continued to block more, almost as if they demanded that she give them her full attention. No matter how hard she tugged, Nero’s boobs refused to hide underneath her jacket. The zipper ceased moving downward, when it reached the bottom of her bust. The growth of her ballooning bosom ceased when they had become a massive F-cup that were larger than milk jugs. Nero could only stare at them in horrified awe.

“Damn you could probably kill a few demons with those massive knockers,” another customer joked, getting laughs from the other members in the bar.

“Oh yeah, swing those boulders hard enough and she could probably send a demon’s head flying off!”

“Heh, it would be even better to get a feel for those tits!”

The jeers continued to Nero’s fury. Her toes curled as she tried to give into her urge to punt a table at them. Yet her legs remained put. Instead she tried to raise her leg, not to go on the offensive, just to see if she could.

“Oh testing to see what you can get away with? Maybe there is a brain somewhere stored up there. Thought that whatever brain power you had went to those tits of yours,” Cicero said.

“Fuck off! Once I figure a way around this bullshit restraint you set up, you can bet I’m going to kick yours and everyone else's asses for it!” Nero snapped.

“I have a better idea, why don’t you get to serving the customers? Best start apologizing for acting all big and such,” the bartender chuckled. He placed another large mug and then pushed it over to him.“This tray of drinks is supposed to go to that big round table over there.”

“Hey I’m not just going to do what you say!” Nero said.

“You sure about that?”

Nero again looked at the drinks. His fingers twitched. The sight of them gnawed on her mind like an important chore that she had blown off repeatedly. His nostrils flared as she become more antsy. They reached out, despite her efforts to stop herself and lifted the tray of drinks.

“There we go, now was that so hard?”

“Fuck off,” Nero spat.

Her eyes went to the table and landed on the group that he had spied. Every step he took was robotic as he tried to fight the call to head to the table. His every step came out like a stomp. Every muscle in her body strained as she tried to turn himself around. Yet no matter how hard he tried. No matter how hard every fiber of his body tried to turn in any other direction. He went to the table.

Nero stopped in front of the table, looking at them as if they were large cockroaches crawling all over her favorite food.

“Here are your damn drinks,” Nero spat as she placed the tray down. Her fingers wrapped around the mug of one. She gripped it tightly, wishing that she could toss it at them. Instead her fingers gently placed the drink down in front of them.

Again Nero’s body fought against her. It picked up one mug right after the other and placed it down in front of them. The whole time he did, he glared at them.

“Now now, there’s no need  to look at us like that, might ruin that pretty face of yours?” one said as he lifted up his drink.

“Shut it you bastard,” Nero snapped. Her fingers curled against the tray. She looked at it, wondering if she had broken it and to her amazement saw that there was no marks or proof of anything. There weren't even little divots in it, despite the fact that she could throw a giant stone sword across the room without any issue.

“You know I’d be willing to give you 100 dollars if you let me get a feel of those tits,” one patron offered as he pulled out a dollar bill.

Nero stomped back to the bar, growling as she did, and shooting everyone a glare that would have killed them 10,000 times over. Again some of them recoiled, but a number of them continued to look at her with open lust.

With every step Nero took, she could feel a little more sway in her steps. She shot a look down and saw that her hips were becoming broader. The look of rage was replaced by a fearful horrified look. Her jeans struggled against her widening hips, making his face darken. The hemline of her pants dug into her hips the wider they got,. A grunt escaped as the button dug into her stomach slightly. With her free hand she tried to adjust her pants, grimacing at the curve she felt. Despite her best efforts, it only got worse. She slowed her gait, hoping that would be enough to make it stop, but it was futile. No matter how she tried to move, her booty continued to swing, and her bust bounced.

She reached the bar and dropped the tray on the counter. The tray, to her shock, looked just as fine as when she first held it.

“You look like you’re stumped about something. You can tell me whatever is bothering you and I’ll answer to the best of my ability,” Cicero said as he poured another drink.

“You mean aside from the fact that you’re turning me into a fucking woman?” Nero snipped.

“Yes, aside from that.”

“...I know that when I normally put all my strength into it I could break something like this easily. Yet this turned out ok…somehow and I know that there isn’t anything special about this.”

“You think that I would let someone like you access your full strength? Even if you are just a hot headed bastard who thinks he’s a big shot, you still carried that sword of yours without any problems. In here you got just enough to protect yourself and move stuff around to fulfill whatever tasks you got to do. I ain’t going to let you break my stuff every time you throw a hissy fit.”

Nero growled at him like a low growl. Her anger was diffused as her pants felt off as if they had gotten wet. She balled her hands into fists. Her jaw tightened as she tried not to look down, but her need to know what was going on got the better of hr.

Cicero leaned over the bar and grinned when he saw Nero’s pants change. The sturdier fabric softened and gained a brownish tint that became more prominent. All of the various buttons, studs, and the zipper melded into the fabric, leaving no trace. The button on her pants went flying off, making Nero groan. A V shape formed as it formed into the bottom half of a leotard. Nero’s lower shapely lower half was on perfect display. A large white cotton tail formed just above her butt on the leotard.

“Can’t wait to see what the rest of your outfit looks like once it’s finished. Though it seems like just two things need work before you’re done. Or rather a pair of something and considering your tits, I’m sure that they will be just a nice and give just as many fantasies.”

“Oh trust me I’ll definitely be having some lovely dreams tonight. Perhaps even more so if you’re willing to so a little more,” one nearby patron.

“As if I’m going anywhere with a drunk fuck like you!” Nero snapped.

“Damn, that is some nice fire you got there. Don’t worry, I’ll be a little nice and let you know that you don’t got to worry about becoming a fuck doll or something. I’m going to let you

“Just going to enjoy watching me squirm until I find a way to break your jaw aren’t you?” Nero snipped.

Cicero only smiled with the same cocky confidence. He leaned over the bar, his eyes resting on Nero’s impressive bosom.

Nero growled but then stiffened as if something had sneaked between her cheeks. She looked over her shoulder but her view of her posterior was concealed by her beautiful red hair. With an annoyed sigh, she moved it and saw her butt seemed to be rippling.

Another squeal left Nero’s mouth as her butt ballooned. The stockings did nothing at all to hide the growth of her bottom cheeks. The incomplete leotard dug tighter against her butt and needy crotch. Again she trembled as if she was standing out in a blizzard. Nero’s eyes twitched and again her fingers moved haphazardly. They quickly balled into a fist and then opened again. Her hands ached to be filled, wanting to fondle her ballooning cheeks with every second that it went on. The pressure built. Her breathing picked up as her mouth dropped as another wave of juices went down her legs, right as her lower cheeks finished growing.

“That’s a lovely expression on your face,” Cicero said, earning chuckles from other members.

“Piss…off,” Nero panted heavily. Her bust bounced up and down, sending more bolts of pleasure through her body. She took a deep breath and forced herself to focus. Her nostrils flared, but she ignored him to examine her booty.

Nero’s jaw dropped at how massive her rear had become. Just like her bust, her was just as huge and looked like it would have been able to crush a man’s skull with ease if she sat on them. She looked a the mirror and gagged at the sight of her luscious figure now that her form had finished changing.

“Worthy of a playboy model wouldn’t you agree?” Cicero chuckled. You got everything most people want in their type of gal. A massive bust, wide hips, a fuckable ass, and a pretty face. You’ll be driving people crazy.”

“You’re going to die the moment I’m free,” Nero promised.

“Keep telling yourself that. Now then get to serving Nero, all of the guys are hard workers and deserve a good drink,” Cicero chuckled. He shoved a tray of drinks into her hand, almost making Nero drop it.

“As…if,” Nero spat, struggling to get the words out as her grip on the tray tightened again.

“C’mon Nero, we both know that you want to do it,” Cicero smirked. He pointed to a table to the side of the room. “Those drinks are for them.”

“Son of a bitch,” Nero spat as she turned toward the table to deliver their drinks.

Nero walked through the crowd, trying to ignore the lecherous gazes of all in the room. She could feel their eyes locked onto her bust and ass as if they were poking them with her finger. All of the patrons eyed, drinking in her altering form like they were seeing the most wonderful show on earth. Her attention slipped and her walk become even more sensual, more demanding, more pleasing.

Nero shuddered as she could feel the rest of her unchanged clothes tighten. She gasped as the sides of her shirt tightened around her body. The zipper was consumed by her changing clothes as the fabric thinned. A large cut formed down the center of her shirt as her merged with her jacket. The bright red color of it darkrened. The hood of it melded with the rest of his altering clothes. Fabric around his shoulders disappeared, exposing them as a small collar and bowtie formed around her neck. The sleeves of her jacket formed into long white opera gloves. In seconds her shirt and jacket formed into a tight black leotard that propped her breasts up and mushed them together, somehow making them look even larger as they bounced.

She finally reached the table, and cleared her throat. Nero tried to conveyed a aura of confidence and demand, as she stood up straight and glared at them.

“Here you go, you fuckers,” Nero snapped as she placed the tray down.

“Wow,” one of the patrons gaped. “Man despite how much of a crochety big shot you acted, you look real good now.”

Nero quickly passed out their beverages, desperate to get out of there as quickly as possible. She could feel their eyes on her butt. One of them looked behind her and his jaw dropped.

“Damn look at that dump truck of an ass!” The patron cheered. “She could probably kill a few demons with those too!”

“Shut it!” Nero flushed at the praise. As if a damn had been broken. the crowd hollered in glee at how massive her ass was. Her nostrils flared as she snarled.

Again Nero could only saunter back to the bar with a seductive sway in her broad hips, making her ass bounce. She noticed just how much more her ass bounced now, almost as if it was trying to rival her large jugs. Now that she no longer had her pants, there was no restraint to them, allowing them.

Nero returned to the bar, snarling as she was forced to walk with the same seductive bounce. The way that her butt and bounce boned, kept demanding her attention, despite all the distractions. Every time it bounced down there was a little budd of pleasure. It called out to her, asking her to play with herself.

The moment she reached the bar, Cicero gawked at her for a moment. His eyes roamed over her frame, making Nero snarl at him.

“Wow, just wow, you turn out better than I ever could have dreamed,” Cicero said honestly.

“Oi stop staring at me like that you freak!” Nerp spat. “I’m still a guy!”

“With jugs and tits like that I think its clear that you’re not a guy. Especially the lack of whatever member that you had between your legs. You’re a bombshell of a woman. I don’t think that you can keep using a name like that. You need something more womanly. Something fitting for a beauty like you…,” Cicero said. His eyes trailed over Nero’s frame and settled on her hair once again.

“Bullshit! My name is Nero you fucker!”

“I got it! From now on your name is Erza, Erza Scarlet!” Cicero cheered.

“As if you bastard,” Nero deadpanned.

“Alright then why don’t you tell us what your name is?” Cicero grinned.

“My name is Erza you bastard!” Nero cried. Right after she said that, she gasped in shock. “No! It’s Erza! Shit! My name is Erza Scarlet! Fucking Hell! I’m from Fortuna and my name is Erza! Oh Dammit!”

“Alright everyone, meet the newest employee of the Bar-Sun!” Cicero yelled. “This is Erza Scarlet and from now on she’ll be our new waitress! I expect all of you to treat her nicely!”

The crowd roared in agreement while Erza was repulsed. Again the urge to horribly maim them came to her, but she couldn’t act on it, no matter how much it called to her. Instead she flipped them off.

“You better get to serving the patrons, Erza. This is the rush hour afterall,” Cicero chuckled. “You don’t want to keep them all waiting do you. It would just be a shame to do that.”

Again Cicero gave her a tray of drinks, while she glared at him. She wished that she could chuck the damn thing at him, but all she could do was hold it in her hands.

“Now Erza, make sure to put on a nice smile while you’re serving them. I’m sure that they’ll be willing to give you plenty of nice tips. Especially if you bounce those jugs of yours and let them cop a feel.”

Erza grumbled as she went to the table. Her wroth expression was immediately replaced with a beautiful smile that made her face light up. She walked forward, her wide hips swaying hypnotically from side to side. Her butt and bust bounced delightfully, making her body heat. It was only enhanced by all of the attention that she was getting from all of the patrons.

When she reached the table, Erza stopped. Her smile remained despite the lust in their eyes that made her want to hit them all with the tray as hard as she could.

“Here you are boys,” Erza cooed as she leaned over and placed their drinks on the table. They all eyed her bust, inwardly making her hurl. When she was done, she turned as another person called her over.

Erza jumped as someone smacked her full round ass. She squealed as the offender chuckled. She tried to fight down the pleased aroused smile, but despite all of her efforts it formed.


“Here’s the latest round Erza for table 5 Erza,” Cicero said as he placed three drinks down for Erza to take.

Erza sighed as she picked up the latest round for another table. Her eyes landed on her sword that was hung over the bar like a trophy. She longed to take it over and wield it in her hands again, but she couldn’t touch it. Whenever she tried to her fingers would stop just before she touched the blade.

“Maybe one day you’ll get to touch it soon,” Cicero said, earning a glare from Erza.

“Hurry up Erza! The beers are gonna get warm!” A patron cried.

“You just want to grab my ass again you dirty old prick!” Erza spat. For now, Erza felt like she could properly express what she was feeling, yet it became more of a struggle as time passed.

“Heh, like you don’t like it. Your cheeks are almost as red as your hair. I’ll give you a matching set down below too.”

Erza glared at them, wishing that she could unleash her fury. A familiar heat built up between her legs and breasts that made her face darken.

‘Damn this body! It's like I’m constantly in heat! Ugh and I can’t leave this stupid town because I have to work here, and I lost all my abilities and gear!’ Erza mentally grumbled. ‘I can’t even beat one of these drunk fucks now. And Dante just thought it was a joke when I contacted him. I can’t even say my real name when I’m alone anymore. Fuck I’m getting even hornier!

“Hurry it up sweet cheeks!” A patron grinned.

“I’m coming you bastards!” Erza cried as she went over to deal with them. As she did, a smile blossomed on her face as she rolled her hips. Her bust and butt and bouncing along like the perfect waitress she was. God she wanted this shift to end already. If it didn’t, she wasn’t sure she would


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