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I am not fully happy with the beginning because I can see how contrived and forced it is, and hope that it comes out much better in the final proofing phase.

Stjll I hope you enjoy what is here.


Vali wasn’t the biggest fan of holidays. He hadn’t been to a holiday party that he was genuinely happy to go to for a long time. Not ever since he was a little kid.

When he was a kid the one that he looked forward to the most was Christmas because of the various gifts. Halloween was another good one, and they would go out to the human world. His mother would do what she can to stop him from eating all of the candy that he wanted to eat. She would try to hide it from it, him but he would always find it eventually.

Then when his grandfather had come that had changed everything. All of the holidays which had brought joy in his youth were destroyed. Every time his Grandfather would come and ask for updates about what was happening.

Azazel had tried to get him interested in them and celebrate them, but he paid them little thought. Every time he brought them up he would be reminded of all the good times he had with his parents before his grandfather arrived and ruined his life. All of the holiday celebrations they had were replaced with the same monotonous and hurtful routine that his grandfather had inflicted.

For all of the celebrations that were had over the years, he would only make a quick appearance if he couldn’t get out of it for one reason or another. When it came to his teammates he would just throw his gifts at them and then he would get out of there before the party would celebrate. While he might not pay too much attention to them, he would still respect them since others did.

The only time he wouldn’t be able to get away was when Lavina had dragged him to it and tried to get him to celebrate. Back during those days he would just hide in the corner and wait for time to pass while everyone else talked and did their thing. The only thing that made the wait bearable was the food. At the very least, he could see that she had eased down on her attempts and now only urged him to go rather then drag him like he did the first time.

Still, Vali could honestly say that for the first time in a long while, he could get into the holiday spirit with how things had been this year. He still wasn’t fully happy, but he felt like celebrating. It had been one hell of a year with how things had been. He had finally got to meet his destined rival, betraying Azazel, and being a terrorist for a bit, getting pardoned, loosing Azazel, and then being adopted by Odin.

There was still quite a bit of chaos out there and with how things had been he was sure that things would only get more chaotic and insane as time passed, yet tonight it wouldn’t be a night for them to worry about what would happen. Tonight would only be about the fun they would have.

Vali looked at the time, wondering how much longer it would be before the party. He still had plenty of time before it would start and could simply teleport himself there when it was time.

He turned away and wondered if he should get anything for a moment. The Gremory household would provide for everything that he needed. Not to mention the various Grigori members and Asgard would probably also throw a little more into the pot as well.

A tall Chinese man dressed in fine blue and white robes. He had bright red eyes and inky black hair. He had gold earrings. What stood out the most on him was the large white bunny ears that he had on his head.

Vali eyed the man and knew that the rabbit ears he had were. There would be no reason to hide what he could do if he had.

“What do you want?” Vali questioned rudely. He didn’t pay him much thought.

“Ahh my name is Ye,” Ye said. “And for the most part I was just curious about the Butt Dragon Emperor.”

Vali’s eyes twitched. He clenched his hands, and breathed harshly through his nose.

‘That damn nickname,’ Vali thought, wishing that Issei was here so that he could smack him for causing that title to form. His blood boiled, the slight excitement he had for the party dimjinished immediately by that name.

“Never use that nickname again,” Vali threatened.

“Are you threatening me?” Ye questioned, his voice was cold as he glared at Vali.

Vali raised his shoulders and prepared himself for a fight. The way that this bastard was talking just went over his body the wrong way. Even if he wasn’t purposely being insulting, just the general tone that he was speaking was enough to make him want to sock the man with a Balance Breaker Empowered fist.

“Not really, but even if I was, I doubt that there is anything that a being like you can do,” Vali smirked.

Ye glared at Vali and clenched his hand, making Vali mentally grinned, hoping that he would take the bait and attack. This would be the perfect wya for him to relax before the party, and would make the food he ate there more delicious.

“Allow me to fully introduce myself. My name is Tu'er Ye, and I am the god of rabbits!” Ye proclaimed, flaring his power.

Ye threw out his hand and sent out a large white and gold rabbit emitted from the strike and entered Vali’s body.

Vali moved to try and recover, but with a snap of his fingers, chains erupted from them and secured Vali’s body. He struggled against the chains and tried to break them. He flared his power, hoping that they would be enough to break free, but sadly the magical chains remained strong.

He tried to call upon Divine Dividing, but immediately felt a drain on his body. His magical powers were drained. The stamina that he had, which would have let him call upon his Sacred Gear was gone.

“As you can see without the powers of the dragon you are not able to fight at your best,” Ye said, as he stared at the struggling Vali. “Now then it's time to watch and wait for the fun part to begin.”

Vali wondered what he meant and was about to question him, right as the world looked like it was getting a little larger to him. His clothes felt looser on him the smaller he got and could see the sleeves of his shirt draping slightly over his body. The pants legs droop and bundled against the floor. He had to have lost a good four inches at the very least with how wrong his clothes were when his body finished shrinking.

“What did you do to me?” Vali demanded.

“For such disrespect, I am making sure that I get my enjoyment. You might be the White Dragon Emperor, but that doesn't mean that you can just insult people willy-nilly,” Ye lectured, glaring flatly at Vali. “Especially since you were looking forward to a fight. To think that I would see such arrogance, then again you are part devil so it is to be expected, especially for a descendent of Lucifer. Luckily I know just how to make things better.”

“And how exactly is that?” Vali questioned, right as ’s muscles diminished like a balloon losing air and the loose attire he wore became even looser. He had to grab the hem of his pants with one hand and bring them up, or else they would fall down and expose his struggling underpants.

“You must be full of yourself if you think that simply reducing my physical abilities will be enough to stop me from besting you,” Vali said as he tried to think of a way to turn things around.

“Who says that I am reducing your capabilities? This is only the first step in the process of your punishment,” Ye said, smirked.

Vali looked at his arms and then noticed that there was something off about them. The slim appearance that they had got even thinner. His nails looked a little sharper then they had before. There was an almost womanly appearance to them that made him do a double take,.

“What else are you doing to me?” Vali demanded.

“Now where would be the fun in telling you what your punishment will be like,” Ye smirked. “Just know that before this is over you will be in a far more pleasing role for everyone.”

“Pleasing?” Vali said and stumbled as his feet stumbled around. It was almost as if he was standing on ice. His boots slacked against his legs and he blinked as he moved his feet inside of them and frowned at the softness there. He hesitantly raised his leg and his shoe slid off of his foot with unnatural ease. He quickly managed to put it back on with ease that incensed his nerves.

His calves shuddered and he couldn’t help but move them around in an attempt to get them under control, but he couldn’t. He tried to move his legs to get a better idea of what  they were like. The slight ripple that came from them diminished as time passed, until they didn’t wobble any longer.

It reached his thighs and unlike the rest of his legs, his thighs rapidly swelled. They pushed the leg section of his pants out. Vali’s eyes widened at the sudden growth and moved to squeeze them. The binds on his body tightened and he growled as he struggled to move against them. They finished growing when he had long seductive womanly legs that would have made leg lovers everywhere go mad with desire.

He brought them together and flinched at the softness he felt. Despite how tight his pants was, he could feel a jiggle from them. He forced his thighs apart, blushing slightly at the heat that erupted between them from his action. Even then his thighs rubbed together, crushing his dick between them and making his face darken.

“If you would like to admire them then I will not stop you,” Ye said. With a flick of his wrists he broke the binds that he had placed on Vali.

Vali fell to the ground and then stood up to examine his altered thighs. He squeezed them and frowned at the plush toned thighs he had now.

“What trap is this?” Vali demanded.

“Just another aspect of this. While your punishment is in effect, you will not be able to call upon the dragon’s abilities within you,” Ye explained.

“What?” Vali cried. He didn’t want to believe that some minor deity had this kind of power. He knew that Odin and Azazel would have something to deal with since the two of them were usually crazy prepared.

Vali’s hips widened as they slowly pushed out against his body, making him groan and his mind go blank for a moment. His loose pants tightened around his frame, making his new curvy lower body easy to see. The outline of his privates became visible, much to his dismay, as he struggled not to let his arousal show. Yet the front of his pants got even tighter as blood rushed down below, making the tent that he had even easier to see. The sides of his pants dug into his waist much to his dismay. He tried to slip his finger between them, but it only served to exacerbate the situation, until they finished growing when he had wide striking hips which would have drawn the eye of many who wanted to look at them.

Vali couldn’t fully comprehend them, at least at first glance. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, as if he was seeing things off for the first time. His hands unconsciously moved, making him flinch when his fingers wrapped around his wide hips, a slight sensation going through them that made him feel as if someone was rolling them in their hands.

“My those are some admirable hips, which I’m sure will only make what you gain down there all the more appealing to anyone that would look upon them,” Ye laughed.

“As if I would let,” Vali started, only for his stomach to let out a loud gurgle as it changed. The hard abs that he had gained from the years of training to surpass his grandfather and his rival diminished. He padded them and pulled on his altering stomach, trying to pull his abs back out, but couldn’t prevent it at all. His insides coiled around each other as if they were wrapped in knots. The pain spiked with every turn. He shook his head and gulped as he struggled to keep his body under control. Going against all of his instincts, Vali let go, and then watched as his stomach continued to refine despite it all. He pressed his hand on it, and flinched at the slightly softer exterior that it had. His fingers went in a little bit, but even then there was a tonenss that threw him off.

“Relax, despite how much thinner you are now, a little bit of muscle doesn’t hurt, especially around the stomach region,” Ye chuckled.

Vali glared at him, but then immediately let out a groan as the sides of his waist caved in, earning a groan from him. He rubbed them, wincing slightly as a dull pain erupted from them. His breathing hitched at the suddenness of it all. It suddenly throbbed and the pain that came from it worsened. His eyes twitched as he rubbed them, earning a slightly relieved feeling from them that put him at ease despite it all. He unconsciously rubbed them, admiring them slightly as he could feel them change. It was almost relaxing enough and made him mmnetarily forget what he was doing. When the pain passed, he opened his eyes and saw that his waist had become a thin trimmed mid-section that brought attention to his new womanly stomach.

“Now that you’re figure is truly coming in, let us see the beauty that is within you. I refuse to progress any further while you look like that,” Ye said.

Vali moaned again. He could feel his skull shift around, his cheek bones altered, his nose letting out a crack as it got smaller. Sweat formed on his face as his jawline shifted. He could feel his lips swell and unintentionally puckered them out as they grew into thin kissable lips. When Vali opened his eyes, it wasn’t his original eye color, but bright amber orbs that many would have found intimidating, at least at first glance.

“It would be criminal to have such a beautiful face like yours marred by such…ill-fitting hair. Let’s fix that,” Ye said.

With a wave of his hands, Vali’s silver hair grew longer. It tickles his cheeks and the back of his neck as it trails down his body. The locks of hair softened as they got longer, going down his upper back as they did. Once they finished growing longer, the hair moved and styled itself into a fine ponytail that went past his flat butt.

Vali stared at his new hair, not quite sure what to make of it. He ran his hands through it again, and admired the soft silky strands of hair that he felt in his hair. Even though he tried to stop himself from doing so, he couldn’t help but continued to run his hands through it.

“After all of that, your hair changing is enough to garner your fascination?” Ye chuckled. “I can think of something that would be far more interesting.”

A sudden pull formed between Vali’s legs, which made a large tent on the front of his pants. After a moment it got smaller, as a trail of juices formed own there. Her face burned brightly in a mix of embarrassment and heat from down there. Again she shimmied around as if she was an energetic toddler who wanted to go somewhere else. His altering privates shuddered at they continued to change.

The tip of his sword entered his body sending another wave of juices between his legs that made his pants cling to his body tighter. His balls entered his new hole, making him scream in glee and a pleased smile to form. As they moved to their new position in his body they changed into a pair of ovaries.

After a moment of sexual bliss, Vali rubbed her thighs together and realized there was something missing between them. She mushed the front of her pants and moaned as the tips of her fingers plainly showed the outline of a new pair of lips.

“Now then it is time that you are able to live up to your title as the Butt Dragon Emperor or Empress as the case will be now,” Ye remarked as he looked Vali over. “I must admit now that I know for sure that twig and berries between your legs are gone. I feel much more at ease admiring you. I’m sure that the rest of the world would feel the same way as well.”

Vali blinked, still not fully recovered from the transformation that had racked her body. She swallowed the rough patch of saliva in her mouth that deseraptly wanted to come out. After another heavy gulp she wiped her brow and struggled to put on a strong front.

“What do you mean?” Vali questioned. Her lower cheeks suddenly tingled as if someone had zapped her lower cheeks. She blinked, her cute blush growing a few shades darkened.

Vali blushed as she could her bottom tingle again as if someone was randomly pressing against it. She danced around as if she had to go to the bathroom, but that only exacerbated the feelings that were erupting from her butt. A hungry embarrassed scream escaped her mouth as her bottom pushed against the confines of her pants.

The loose attire that had previously struggled to stay around her hips tightened further, allowing her to notice the change that was happening to it without issue. She looked over her shoulder as best she could. The outline of her posterior became more apparent and she shuddered. She gently tried to cup her cheeks and gulped as her eyes twitch. Despite it all, she couldn’t help but press her fingers into it, and her ecstasy grew. The tone of her rear didn’t dissipate at all despite how much larger it grew. She rolled her hips and could feel her butt take a little longer to stop or follow the flow of her hips. Her buttocks finished growing when it had become large like firm apples.

“Now that is a perfect rear. Truly some might even say that it was a gift from the heavens,” Ye chuckled mockingly.

Vali couldn’t even think about trying to offer a retort. Her ass was just too good for her to resist. The little bulbs of pleasure that erupted from her new enhanced rear were simply too addicting for her to even think about trying to stop. She played around, her fingers erratically pressing around and then going into a rhythm as if she was playing a wonderful song on a piano.

“Now then there is one last thing left and then your transformation will be finished,” Ye smiled. “Truly the world is blessed with another beauty.

Vali gasped as her nipples were erected underneath her clothes, making her wince slightly as heat erupted from them, making her body warm as if she was standing in front of a fire. The assaulting heat only worsened and she rolled her shoulders, making her more uncomfortable as the fabric of her clothes brushed and scrapped against them making her wince slightly. They finished growing when her nipples had become the size of quarters, easily poking through her ill-fitting shirt.

The moment after her nipples had finished growing, her pecs pushed against her christ. Small little lumps formed. Vali looked down so swiftly, that one wondered if she would have snapped her neck if she was a normal human. A dark blush formed on her face as a pleased groan. She grabbed the growing mounds and shuddered as bolts of electricity shot through her spine like gunshots. Her back muscles ached and she rolled her shoulders as the weight of them pulled on her back muscles, which strengthened ever so slightly to compensate for her new orbs. They blocked the sight of her feet, but that hardly mattered to her. Her breasts finished growing when they had become a large E-cup that would have garnered the attention of many, even if they weren’t the biggest that someone had seen.

Ye hummed as he studied Vali. He tapped his finger against his chin and bit his lip. He sighed.

“I wonder what should be done with you now. It would be so easy to mold you into a dumb silly bimbo, but I have something else in mind for you. There is that competition between you and the Red Dragon Emperor. I wonder how it would feel to be dominated by your rival in the bedroom,” Ye pondered.

Vali couldn’t form a proper response, even if he wanted to. Her mind was swallowed up by the mind-numbing heat that wanted her to continue playing with herself. The rest of the world could have been destroyed by Trihexa or Great Red and she would have never noticed. Her fingers itched and her mind wondered solely on how she could play with herself to reignite the spark of lust that had

“I will take that as a wonderful thought for you, and go through with it,” Ye said and went through several hand gestures, forming another magic circle. When the light had reached its apex he fired the spell, and it phased through Vali’s body.

Again the power came over Vali’s mind and her personality shifted around. Her memories of who she was originally got swarmed and replaced y a new set as the divine power of Ye altered her and the res of the world.

The memories of her life as a boy were slowly overwhelmed and replaced with new ones of her life as a girl. They were like a spill, contaminating and washing away her original memories.  Even her memories of this even with Ye were altering slightly so that it was her new self that had met him instead.

In her new feminine memories, Azazel had treated her more like a daughter and pampered in a daddy’s girl way. He had gotten so suffocating at times with how he kept trying to push the relationship but knew when to stop thankfully.

Yet the memories that were changed the most were the ones that focused on her with Issei. The thoughts of Issei made her face darkened and her jaw drop as she recalled all that had happened and how close they had become. When she first met him, she had thought that she was just a perverted loser with how he constantly went on about breasts. She was right about him being a pervert. Especially during the times that she had stripped her of her clothes with that stupid technique of his, making her want to beat him to an inch.

Yet she had gotten to see his good points as well like how nice he was, dependable, loyal, and so many other words. Though she wished that he wasn’t such a damn playboy. With all of those stupid girls around him, it made trying to spend time with him so much harder, especially when she had to fight to get his attention.

He waved his hand in front of her eyes, and yet she didn’t seem to react at all to it. Alter continued to caress her delicious curves as if she was a wanton whore who could only think aabout pleasing herself.

“Not sure if I should feel insulted or not. Now then I will keep an eye on you, but I will let you go back to what you were doing previous;y. I hope you enjoy this year of the rabbit,” Ye chuckled. He then turned into a small rabbit and scampered off out of sight.

The pleasure-induced high that Alter was in died down and she blinked. She noticed the batch of juices that were between her legs and blushed an atomic red. She looked around, fearful that someone might have seen her pleasing herself. Thankfully there was no one around.

“What the fuck am I doing here?” Alter muttered. She looked at the time and frowned when she saw that it was getting close to the time that the party should be happening. “Oh fuck, I gotta get moving.”

Alter quickly formed a teleportation circle and used it to take her back to Kuoh. She arrived outside of the property and coud feel the various powerful being inside and knew that the party had begun in full swing. Her face burned as she snuck her way into one of the bedrooms. She looked through her closet and wondered what she should wear.

Her mind went over who would be there and frowned as she compared herself to her rivals. By no means was she flat, or anything like that, but some of the other girls that Issei was attracted to, were nothing short of boob monsters. Against them, she couldn’t help but worry a little about what she should wear. An idea came to her, that made her face darken.

“There’s got to be another way,” Alter muttered. She gulped and tapped her fingers, trying to think of something else that she could do that would let her win.

After a moment, Alter slowly raised her finger and pointed it at herself, her hands shaking as if she was pointing a magical gun to her head. A magic circle appeared that made her body lock in place.

Her clothes morphed as they went around her frame. She shuddered as she could feel the fabric change. Her clothes tightened around her lower body.  The tight jeans that she wore tightened even further as they thinned, hugging her legs tightly and showing off her strong thighs. Her boots shrunk. The top portion of her them shifted, the laces dissolving into them as a more refined point formed. Her heels raised higher as the back of them grew, making her stumble for a moment.

“Hate these things,” Alter muttered disdainfully. She tried to walk around the room as the rest of her clothes morphed, and stumbled again, but was able to recover thanks to her quick reflexes.

Alter shuddered again as her shirt grew slightly longer and wrapped around her crotch and formed into a tight form-fitting leotard that showed off her slender waist. A pure white cotton tail formed above her butt. The buttons of her jacket shifted into a bright gold, as the back of it gained two tails that grew longer.

When her clothes finished changing, Alter looked down at her figure and frowned at how large her impressive bust looked in it. She didn’t mind showing off a little bit of cleavage, her dress being a prime example, but this was something else.

She blushed as she thought about scampering around in this bunny suit. She was sure that those bimbos Rias and Akeno would strut around in something eleven more lewd and perverse. It would be the only way that she would be able to compete with them for Issei’s attention. And that wasn’t even including the rest of the girls that were after Issei as well.

Alter blushed as she stomped out of the room and then blushed. She wanted nothing more then to run back into the room as if it was a safe haven, but that would mean, leaving Issei with those slutty girls. The thought of the other girls pushed her forward and she refused to give up. Her anger continued to push her forward as she imagined some of the other girls rubbing their bodies against his.

She snarled as she imagined Issei’s dumb stupid grin as he lecherously looked at her and the other girls over. Her blood boiled and a part of her wanted to knock him flat for even thinking about looking at the other girls.

The muttering of the party grew louder and her steps got even slower as her stomach felt like it eating all of her insides. Yet her anger continued to push her forward. She rushed forward and all but threw the door open. She glared at all of the occupants in the room, who turned to look at her. It was only at that moment, that she realized that everyone was paying attention to her.

Her eyes wandered around the room until she finally focused on Issei. All of the embarrassment in Alter’s body multiplied and her mind stalled. Yet her body marched forward as if decided to go with her last thoughts.

Issei blinked and stared at her, as she approached, but Alter didn’t stop. Alter walked, her expression struggling to form a confident smile, her face a dark crimson that rivaled Issei’s Balance Breaker. The closer he got, the more her insides twisted and curled as if they were trying to disappear.

The way he was ogling her was enough to make her feel at ease. Her smile became more natural. She leaned forward, making sure that he was able to get a good look at her cleavage. Her eyes darted to the other girls and she smirked evilly when she saw the jealous angry looks from the girls.

“So tell me what do you think of my new outfit Issei?” Alter said, struggling to keep her smile up. Her fingers twitched and struggled

All of the other girls that were here changed into their own bunny-girl outfits. Akeno’s was a tight black. Rias wore a shining scarlet that complimented her hair, and even Asia and Koneko had changed into matching playboy bunny outfits.

“Issei!” Akeno smiled as she sauntered over to Issei.

“Ise!” Rias cried as she did as well, shoving her bust right against Issei.

Alter balled her hands into fists as she thrusted her chest out. Fire formed in her eyes as a dragon-like growl came from her.

“There is no way that I’m going to let you bimbos win!” Alter cried as she strut forward, shpinb some of the girls to the side. She would prove that she was the best bunny girl in this house.

The rest of the party stared on, some of the members sheepishly, while others watched on. That night would be remembered as the grat bunny was as all of Issei’s lovers attempted to fight eachother for dominance.


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