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Arios frowned as he walked through the temple, struggling to keep his temper under control. The mind numbingly boring drawl of the priests was getting on his nerves the more they chanted. He couldn't make out their words, not that he cared to try and listen to them.

As the priests moved around, he had to hold back the urge to tell them to hurry up so that they could get this over with. Every second wasted gnawed at him and made his frustration build. All of the time wasted when it could be put to more important and useful things. The people praised Rein, despite the fact that he had done nothing to deserve it. When he had ruined everything for him. He was the one who was the descendent of the Divine Hero and destined to be the one to kill the Demon King. The one that would save the world. By what right did Rein and the rest of the world have to mock and ruin

Even the thought of Rein was enough to make his blood boil and gnash his teeth. He had lost everything because of Rein. All of the hard work and rewards that he had rightfully deserved, stripped from him. If he was here now he would make sure that Rein paid for it in blood for years to come. It would be quite the serenade when he would finally be able to make Rein suffer and know just how far he had erred. When he got his hands on the power from the gods he would make sure that Rein would suffer. All of those who followed rein would ie first, screaming, pleading for mercy, but he would have none for them. Since they sided with Rein they must suffer every horror imaginable.

Even when they would die, he would use them so that Rein would suffer more. He wondered how Rein would feel if those he loved all became demons and he was forced to kill them one by one. The thought of him crying out in despair as they tore him apart made him smile maliciously. By the time that he was done with him, Rein would be nothing more than a sniveling beast that begged to do everything he pleased.

The head priest slowly walked over to him and bowed respectfully, getting Arios’s attention. “The circle is ready. We are now ready to summon one of the gods.”

“Finally,” Arios muttered, as he looked at the spell circle.

The priests started chanting again, and Arios watched, looking at the spell. The lines that the priests had made came to life, and Arios allowed a pleased smile to form. He could feel the power of the spell grow and knew that soon a deity would arrive.

He breathed out, staring at the magic circle as it glowed. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see some of his party close their eyes, but he didn’t. He stared at the portal, refusing to look away. Unlike those cowards he would watch and wait for them to appear. He would look them in the eye so they could see who he was, and know the power that he deserved.

They all watched and waited to see which divine being would give him the power that he needed to take his revenge on those that had wronged him, especially Rein.

A dark portal appeared as the magical circle gained an orange shine, and Arios could only stare, his hand balling in eager glee as he waited for the divine being to appear. Soon the power that he needed to avenge himself would be within his grasp.

A distortion appeared in the portal and a figure stepped out of it. A dark skinned girl appeared from the portal. She had fluffy orange hair, and bright blue eyes. In her hands she had a large brown staff. She had an impish smile as she landed on her feet. She was dressed in long black robes with a hood that did little to hide her well-developed figure. There weren’t any shoes on her feet.

Out of the corner of Arios’s eyes he could see the others looking at the goddess in shock, but paid them little thought. He didn’t care what she looked like, so long as she would give him what he needed to make them pay for what they had done.

The Goddess looked around, as if she was surveying the room. She tilted her head cutely, making some of them gulp at gaining her attention. Her eyes wandered around the room, as if she wasn’t quite sure where she was.

Arios had to bite down on the scathing demand that he had to demand that she pay attention to him.

‘It won’t do you any good if you anger the goddess before they give you the power Arios,’ Arios thought. As disrespectful as she might be, she was still a goddess who could and should make all of his wishes a reality in a moment.

Once he got the power then he would have everything that he needed. He hoped that the power that he would gain would be something that he could use.

She finally walked toward them, ignoring the priests as they muttered about her appearance, clearly unnerved by how she arrived, but he didn't car. The only thing that mattered was that she would be able to give him the power that he needed to make his fantasies real. Once he had that, then he would be able to ge the revenge that he sought. She stopped in front of him, clearly knowing that he was the most important figure in the room.

“Hello,” the goddess waved cheerfully. “My name is Nagisa and I have come to answer your summons. How can I help you?”

“I need you to lend me your power,” Arios said without any hesitation or shame. A grin formed on his face.

“Oh? Could you tell me why I should? What is the reason that you need my assistance?” Nagisa questioned.

Arios’s composure ever so slightly cracked. Annoyance sparked in his eyes and he had force himself to keep the smile that he had on.

“There is someone out there who has ruined my life…along with those who follow me. He was a former member of my party, who left and has been a thorn in my party’s side. He had been nothing but trouble and I want him to pay for everything that he has done,” Arios explained, venom slipping into his voice.

Nagisa hummed and again, Arios felt his blood boil at her inaction. Had he not done everything  that he needed to, to earn her assistance. He had already done everything in orer to bring her to this world. She should just give him the power already.

“I will help you, but you have to do something. Don’t worry, it's nothing major. You don’t have to go out and kill a dragon, or give up anything.

“What is it?” Arios said, his annoyance rising.

“All you have to do is to honestly describe what your deepest wishes are,” Nagisa smiled.

Arios blinked at the answer, and wondered if he had heard that correctly. He looked at the others, wondering if they all had heard the same thing, and saw they were just as befuddled as he was. Still he was happy that he didn’t have to waste his time doing something for this unknown shitty goddess and could just get what he wanted now.

“My deepest desires are that I would gain the power of the strongest species out there, and that Rein Shroud’s worst nightmares shall come to pass again.

Nagisa raised her staff, a small bright light coming from it. She blinked. Then a smirk came to her lips as she struggled to keep her face plain. She breathed heavily through her nose, struggling to keep an obvious laugh from coming out.

“Ok, and since I am such a nice deity, I shall grant both of your wishes,” Nagisa said. She raised her staff and a small glow came from it.

Another burst of light filled the room, and the priests, along with Arios’s party covered their eyes, except for Arios. Arios stared at the figure, as more of the features came forward. His eyes widened when he saw the light die down and reveal that it was his former party member Rein.

Arios’s body tensed the moment he saw his former party member. He wanted to march over to him and make him for ruining everything, but the fact Nagisa had summoned him here, had to mean that she would be the one to make his wish come down.

“What the? Where am I?” Rein questioned. He froze the moment he saw Arios and the rest of his party. He gulped and stared.

The panic on Rein’s face was like a fine wine to Arios and would be something that he would cherish. It would make what happened next all the better to him.

Rein moved to try and get out, but before he could, he froze in place. He twitch and squirmed as he tried to move, but he remained put. Rein’s panic grew and Arios and a few members of his party couldn’t help but laugh at the panic he had on his face.

“Now now, no running or interfering,” Nagisa chidded gently. “Just relax and enjoy the show. I think that you will find some enjoyment out of it. I know that I will.”

Arios smiled maliciously. His mind ran wild, wondering what she would do to him as his hands clenched in eager excitement. He would let the goddess have her fun, since she would be granting his wish, he was sure that he would enjoy it, especially if Rein started crying. Truly he would have to thank this Goddess for what she was doing.

“Now then Mr. Shroud, you are probably wondering why you are here?” Nagisa said cheerfully. “It was because Mr. Arios summoned me to grant his wishes and one of them was that you would go through your worst nightmare and as a goddess I know that it is being forced to be a part of his party again.”

Arios eyes widened in anger before he glared at him, growling like an animal. How dare he not want to join his party again. After all that he had done for him. If it wasn’t for him then Rein wouldn’t have anything that he had done.

“W-wait no!” Rein said, terrified. His gaze was fixed solely on Nagisa, looking at her as if she was a demon that had crawled up from the lowest pits of Hell. After his initial shock it was then that he noticed a particular part of what she had said. “W-wait what do you mean by wishes?”

“The other part of the wish was that I would grant him the power of the greatest species out there. So I will do so now,” Nagisa confirmed. She turned to Arios and raised her staff again. A dark golden light erupted from it and nailed Arios.

Magical power came over Arios and he gasped as a bolt of power went through him. His body filled with power as the energy seemed to fill every cell of his being.

Arios grinned devilishly and flexed his hands. He felt like he could take on all the nations in the world right now and all it would take was a small bit of effort. Rein visibly shuddered at the maincal look he had, which didn’t go unnoticed by Arios. Rein’s terror only increased his eagerness to unleash this new power that Nagisa had blessed him with.

He went over to Rein, everyone else all but forgotten as he marched over to Rein. rein tried harder to move, looking at all the people around him for help, but they all watched on. Arios’s party members only looked on eagerly, for what would happen next.

Suddenly Arios’s body thinned, all of the muscles that he had earned from the years of hard practice to be the best in his field diminishing. There was almost a feminine appearance to them that made him hiss. He looked at her with vindictive rage, wishing that he could unleash it upon her.

“Why did my body change like this?” Arios demanded.

“Don’t worry, I am merely fulfilling the second part of your wish. This is just a side effect of fulfilling your second wish.”

Arios relaxed at her explanation, but still examined his body to see how much it had changed. He felt his muscles and frowned at how much flabbier they were. Despite the new energy he had gained from this, he would have preferred if he still had the muscular frame he had before. It made him more appealing to others and added more to his presence.

He poked and prodded his body, the hair that was on it was disappearing as he did. He looked down the front of shirt and frown at the lack of chest hair.  The hair on his arms disappearing as if a group of people were shaving all over him. He raised his pants leg and blinked at the hair that remained.

“What species will you be changing me into exactly?” Arios questioned. He tried to think of all the species that only had body hair on one specific part of its body, but he couldn’t think of any. With a heavy frown, he looked at Rein, wondering if he would be able to offer any insight, but saw that he was just as confused as he was.

“The species that you had gained power from is one that has far greater magical power then most species. You will be able to cast spells with hardly any effort,” Nagsia explained.

Arios grinned at the thought, while Rein shuddered and his fear grew to the point it was palpable to everyone in the room. He chuckled at the fear, gleeful that it was there and couldn’t wait for the power that would have when this was over.

He was sure that Rein would make a good test subject for his new powers. His  mind went through various spells, eager to explore and see what they would be like. Before he had never been the greatest spellcaster, but he was sure with this new divine boost he would be able to cast spells that would have taken the greatest of sorcerers much effort to do so with ease. Now there was no way that he would be able to lose to Rein, and pay him back for the defeats that he had suffered.

A sudden dull throb came from the middle of his head. He touched the center of his head, and it was as if someone was trying to shove their finger down the middle of his head. It got worse with every passing second. He rubbed at the spot trying to soothe it, but it only worsened.

“Lord Arios?” One of the priests questioned.

Arios groaned again as the throbbing headache he had gone worse. He rubbed the spot that was in pain and then recoiled as if someone had punched him on the head with a knuckle duster. With heavy reluctance, Arios slowly, carefully touched the spot and noticed that there was something attached to the spot. It felt like a smooth rock, with a texture to match. He gently prodded it again and it felt to his shock it seemed like it was getting larger and more pronounced. The pain behind it grew and all he could do was breathe and try to brace himself for it as much as he could.

He prodded and nipped at it, trying to make some small measure of relief ocme from it. The sensitivity there increased, as he continued to examine it. Small tears formed in his eyes, but he refused to relent as the pressure on his skull increased.

A cool wave came over his head, making him let out a sigh at the sudden release. Arios reluctantly put his hand back, and noticed there was a small point on his head. Shock went down his spine, as he gently examined the point. He kept his fingers there, gently rubbing the spot, and noticing that the small knub was growing larger.

Something dug into his palm, forcing Arios to move his palm away. Arios instinctively moved his hand, and everyone aside from Nagisa gasped at the horn growing out of his hand. He grabbed the growing horn and gulped at how much larger it had gotten. It continued to get bigger in his hand and he closed one of his eyes and vaguely saw a long bluish white horn that was the size of a dagger. He could tell there was magic running through it, but that only served to further fuel the horror he felt.

“A horn?” Arios questioned. Again his mind scrambled, trying to think of all the monster species that he knew that had horns. And yet none could come to him. There were too many species that he could think of that had horns. If he were in a calmer state of mind he might have been able to think of even one species that had a horn.

Rein narrowed his eyes, recalling Nagisa’s words about him gaining the abilities of a species. There were a few species that he could think of that had horns. The first thought he had was that he might be transforming into a demon, but that wouldn’t explain the sudden change in build.

“What species are you giving him exactly?” Rein questioned, staring at Nagisa who hummed as she watched Arios intently. She looked at him and then winked, making Rein’s mouth dropped and wonder what she was up to.

Arios’s blonde hair suddenly billowed out behind him, making him shudder as it trailed against his body, he breathed, trying to keep calm as it did. He rolled his shoulders and shuddered as his growing hair tickled his bag like spiders crawling down his body. It continued to tickle his back again as it went further down. His hair finished growing when it reached her generous hips and tickled the back of his butt.

Arios blinked and then frowned at the massive blonde mane that he had now. He grabbed his new hair and shuddered at the soft silky texture that it had. It was without comparison, even the finest of sheets and softest of pillows felt like they lacked in comparison to it. There was no denying that it was a beautiful silky golden mane that would have looked perfect on a princess. The healthy shine and wonderful volume it had would have driven most mad with envy.

The girls in Arios’s party along with some of the other priestesses gasped as they watched his hair grow. They looked at their own hair, having to fight back the urge to rush over to see if the golden sheen it had was just a trick of their eyes, or if it was as soft and alluring as they all imagined that it was.

“What is this?” Arios demanded, glaring at Nagisa. “Did you lie to me?”

“No, of course not. This is all part of the process to give you all the power that you want. A strong hero like you has nothing to worry about, especially from a wonderful goddess like me,” Nagisa replied as she stood proudly, with a serene smile.

Arios opened his mouth, ready to snarl at her, but instead he groaned as he could feel his facial structure shift. He moaned as his cheeks ached as if someone had been roughly pulling on them as hard as he could. His bones ached, sending a cold numbing sensation through him that made him roll his jaw around. He sucked on his lips and could tell that they had grown a little larger, and the moment he stopped they let out a low wet pop. a soft crunch came from his

Everyone could only stare at the beautiful feminine face Arios had now. There was nothing at all reminiscent of his old male appearance. If one were to try and find any of his old appearance the only connection that they would be able to make ws that their hairs were similar, but even that would be a stretch with perfect it was now.

“What are you staring at?” Arios demanded. To everyone else though, what should have been a menacing glare came out as only a cute pout.

“You’re face,” Rein said, and then flinched as Arios glared at him. Even if his former tormentor had the face of a pretty girl, the fact that it was Arios made him feel as if he was staring down a malevolent demon that wanted to use him for its next meal.

“Explain you-” Arios demanded, only to stop as a sudden gurgling noise came from his stomach made Arios freeze and groan. His insides twisted and churned as if he had eaten a bad meal. A burp escaped and he shook his head, as a sudden daze came over him.

He pressed down on his gut and blinked when it felt falter then it did moments ago. With a heavy heart he pressed down on his stomach and gulped as he felt the change. He raised his shirt, showing to everyone in the room that his core was changing. The hardened stomach that he gained from his training was getting smaller, the abs he had disappearing, until he was left with a perfectly toned flat stomach that would have been perfect for someone to eat off of.

Without even waiting a second, the sides of his waist caved in on themselves, earning another grunt from Ariost. He traced his altering sides and it looked almost as if he was rubbing off any excess material with how drastically it was changing. With every centimeter lost it added more to the developing hourglass figure that he was getting. His hips were looking broader and his upper body was gaining a similar flare that brought attention to Arios’s feminine figure. After another what seemed like an hour to everyone in the room aside from Nagisa, his waist finished changing when it had become a trim slender waist.

“Am I turning into a woman?” Arios demanded.

A sudden pull between his legs interrupted the rant that he had wanted to make.

“From what it seems like you have gotten your answer wouldn’t you say,” Nagisa teased.

“Well…,” Rein trailed off, there wasn’t anything that he could think off. All of his words jumbled with each other.

Atios could feel every centimeter of his cock disappear into his body as his throat burned. He panted heavily and couldn’t help rub his crotch as they did.

Some of the church members cried out in disgust at his actions, but he paid them less than a copper’s thought. The mind-numbing ecstasy was enough to make him forget where he was, and even if he did, he wouldn’t have cared due to the electric bursts and comforting warmth from his crotch. Even the fact that Rein was in front of him and seeing him pleasure himself wasn’t even a faint dot in his mind’s eye. All that mattered to Arios was getting as much arousal as possible.

It became easier, and more pleasing with very rub. Arios applied more force, hoping that it would elevate his thrill to the next level. With every rub, he stopped counting or caring about his diminishing genitalia, focusing more on the bursts that erupted from his body. With his increased pace, more of his member and balls slipped into his body, letting out a pleased aroused shriek that forced everyone else to cover their ears.

Arios stumbled and struggled to stay standing as her sense of balance was completely thrown off balance. It was getting harder for him to wiggle his toes, despite all of the effort that he was putting into it. Soon they didn’t move at all. Suddenly he could feel his legs getting bigger and his pants strain against them. The panic and indignation he felt trippled as ripping noises came from his pants as the seams continued to be forced apart.

“Now then it's time that we get to the real show that everybody wants,” Nagisa announced,

Arios winced as a sudden pain went through her dainty feet. Her toes wiggled of their own will, but it was getting harder for her to do so.

The boots that Arios wore broke, apart revealing to the shock of all, instead of normal human feet, Arios had horse hooves there. Her legs gained patches of bright bluish-white fur as they continued to change and become more horse-like. Until they were horse’s feet. Her hips snapped wider, adding a subtle curve to his body, and straining his pants.The seams strained against his lower body as they were forced to adjust to her new frame.

Arios flushed at the sight of her expanding hips. She grabbed them and shuddered again, as a strange but pleasant wave through him. Her hands unconsciously massaged them, sending a delightful warmth through her that eased her mind. A beautiful smile blessed her face that would have enraptured many, were it not for how strange the situation was to many of them. Her hips quickly became a set of wide generous hips that would have garnered the attention of many.

“What species is he turning into!” a witch-like girl cried.

Arios’s butt grew larger and pushed against the seams of his pants. Holes formed and continued to get bigger. Arios breathed as the stress that was caused by her expanding lower body finally gained a small measure of relief as her pants no longer felt like they were trying to suffocate her lower body. Even so, the relief she gained from that was short lived as they tightened further. The back of her pants completely tore and fell to her sides as they split in half, nothing keeping them together.

A massive barrel of an ass that would have been impossible for her to go anywhere, but what made everyone stop was that it was covered in the same lightish blue, and yet despite being big enough to rival barrels it only continued to get bigger.

Everyone could see a mass of hair just above her butt crack that got longer. It brushed against Arios’s massive buttcheeks, and moved much to her shock. Arios gasped as it continued to move on its own, despite how hard she tried not to let it consume her. She couldn’t help but focus on the growing tail as it whipped her rear. It finally finished when she had a long horse’s tail.

Just like with her hips, Arios immediately grabbed her butt cheeks and squeezed them.

Suddenly Arios’s spine let out popping noises as it grew longer and her butt pushed out shouldn’t be natural. Everyone could only watch in horrified awe as it moved. It looked like her buttocks would hang off her body as two bumps formed and swiftly grew longer. Their disgusted fascination grew as the lumps formed into another pair of horse legs that matched her original set.

“Arios turned into a unicorn!” Leanne cried.

“A centaur unicorn!” Rein corrected, not that anyone paid him any thought.

Arios didn’t register their words, her mind lost in a daze. Her body had already been consumed by the wave of arousal that her new posterior gave her, but now it was all but diminished by how foreign her transformed body felt. The extra legs she had felt natural despite the fact she never had them before. They clopped around as she unconsciously moved around the room, as if she was a foal learning how to walk for the first time.

All of them were so shocked that they all almost didn’t notice Arios’s chest gained small but noticeable lumps on her chest. She shuddered as she could feel the rough wool fabric of her shirt brush against her nipples. They roughly scratched and made her nipples perk underneath her top. Her breathing hitched as they poked through her top and she rolled her shoulders.

Arios covered her chest and instinctely tried to mush them down, but all she did was send a wave of pleasure threw her body that dulled her mind. Her bust finished growing when her boobs had become an ample D-cup that were the side of large apples.

Arios let them go, wondering how big they were and her eyes bulged at how they prevented her from seeing her lower bod. They drooped freely on her chest, due to the lack of support, her larger nipples poking through her shirt. With the sudden lack of weight on them, she was able to feel their full weight, which pulled on her back, as if someone had wrapped bags of sand around her.

Arios’s head blurred and then realized her current attire. Shame filled her at being in such a state. To have her lower body so exposed and her shirt looked like they were one strong breeze or tug away from losing her clothes.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you out there,” Nagisa said. She fired another beam of energy at Arios, which his his tunic.

The torn and loose shirt that Arios wore shifted as the remains of her pants swirled around her. It gained a bright bluish white color to it that was reminiscent of her horse lower half. The torn broken fragments of her pants merged and formed into a purple skirt with silver studs and a belt that complimented her fur.

“And with that my work here is done!” Nagisa smiled. “Now with this over it is time that you go back with your new party member Mr. Shroud.”

Before any of the church members could say anything, Nagisa, Rein, and the dazed Arios disappeared in black portals.

Rein blinked and looked around. To his relief, he saw that he was back where he was previously, but froze when he saw Nagisa and the Arios there. A small idea came to him, now that he was no longer staring Arios and his whole party down.

“Are you…trying to help me?” Rein questioned. “Why did you do all that?”

“Don’t worry about it, but remember you are stuck with her from now on so i hope the two of you enjoy yourselves,” Nagisa said and then disappeared.

Rein looked at Arios, who looked at him questioningly with innocent eyes that would have choked a demon.

“Master?” Arios questioned.

The sparkling innocence in her eyes was enough to put him to ease. With how clear and bright her eyes were he could tell just from looking at them that there was nothing left of the old Arios.


The rest of Rein’s party watched in visible jealousy as Rein rouge around on Arianna, who preened happily at being able to help Rein.

Unknown to the group, Nagisa was watching them. She giggled as she did, and rubbed her hands together. Her giggles became full blown manic laughter as her mind compared the arrogant prat Arios has been before his transformation into the sweet unicorn girl he had became.

“Well happy to see how much better things turned out now. As if I would someone like him have any kind of power,” Nagisa giggled.

She could tell from the first moment what kind of person he was like. He was vain, evil, selfish, uncaring, and had enough pride in him that would have been able to fill an entire nation. In short, Arios was the same kind of person that Motoyasu was, but far worse, before she had molded him into a far better person. If Arios thought that he would just use her power then he had another thing coming. Especially with how little he thought of her.

Really? To think so little of a diving being as well, even though they could smite him with ease. Whatever brains he had were probably absorbed by his arrogance.

With Arios out of the way now, she was sure that things would improve for the better by the next time that she visited. Perhaps she should make some more members of Arios’s party into lovely monster girls. They deserved a little comeuppance for all that they had done as well, and she was a just goddess.


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