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Tana sighed while she listened to the music, smiling tiredly as she looked at her friends. It was nice to see everyone so happy after all that they had been through. It almost didn’t seem real to her. After all the insanity that they had put up with, they could finally rest easy knowing that they wouldn’t have to worry for their lives, resources, or anything at all. They could celebrate and know that everything would be fine tomorrow.

They had all sacrificed so much to win this war. Yet no one had sacrificed more than Ephraim and Eirika, her dear friends from Renais. Despite the loss of their father and the invasion of their country, they continued to fight with courage, and in the end, the Demon King had been defeated thanks to them. She admired them both so much. And she was very happy to get to spend this evening of celebration with them at the castle, finally able to don clothes that weren't armor meant for battle.

She was sure that Ephraim would look dashing in whatever he wore. Her face darkened as she imagined the young man in a fine shirt and coat that would have made him look like a dashing prince in a fairy tale. A slight blush crossed her face as she imagined him sweeping her off her feet…

Tana shuddered as a haze came over her mind. The world swirled for a second, the thoughts she just had becoming a jumbled mess before reorganizing. She shook her head, blinked, and then frowned at the strange thought she had. Why did she think that Princess Ephraim was a boy? She had known the two of them for years and to suddenly have that thought was just weird.

She looked around and blinked curiously, wondering where the ladies of the hour were. There was no way that the two of them were already down for the night. It was a little too early for that to happen. She was probably the only one that noticed how the two of them were gone with how much everyone was partying. It surprised her that the two of them would run off to be on their own.

Then again she wouldn’t blame the pair of sisters if they decided that they want some alone time. After everything they had all been through, especially the two of them, there was no way that they would go to sleep already. If they were already asleep then they had to be suffering some sort of spell or something that made them tired, it could be nothing less. Perhaps she was overthinking it though and it was something small and minor like they needed to use the bathroom or needed a break from it all. With how the school was she could probably use some time to herself as well.

As if her thoughts had summoned the siblings, Tana suddenly caught a glimpse of teal hair out of the corner of her eye. The blue-haired woman saw Eirika enter the room again with a bright smile as Ephraim stumbled into the room behind her. For anyone that looked at the pair it might have been hard to tell the two of them apart if they were in the same clothes, but the many years they knew each other made it easy for Tana to differentiate between the twins.

Tana’s eyes wandered to Innes, her sibling, who stood proud like a peacock with a cocksure smirk on his face. She couldn’t make out what he was saying exactly, but she was willing to bet it was a self-aggrandizing boast of some sort. Her brother was without peer at the party, his unwavering confidence easily making him the center of attention among the little crowd he was currently mingling with.

She stared at Eirika and Ephraim. The two of them looked so close, so happy. Eirika seemed to be hanging on Ephriam as if she was a piece of jewelry. She wished that she could have even a fraction of the relationship with Innes that the two of them had with each other.

Unlike the Renais twins, her brother and the way, he was made it hard for the two of them to get along. Oh, they cared about each other, but there were times when his attitude was just too much for her to handle. He also did not seem to acknowledge her as a grown-up, having been adamant that she should head back to the castle from the moment she had joined the war.

Sure Innes had done it to protect her, but she didn’t need to be protected from anything. She was ready to go out there and fight for what she had believed in. She had trained so that she would be able to defend herself and protect those she cherished from harm. Why couldn’t Innes understand that? Still, no matter how much her brother grated on her nerves at times, he was her brother.

Tana got up and went over to Eirika and Ephraim, mildly curious about where they had run off to. Eirika seemed to be positively glowing with how vibrant her eyes and smile were. It would have charmed even the coldest of hearts she was sure. She kept her sister Ephraim close to her as if she might disappear if she did.

“I wondered where the two of you went off to,” Tana commented as she looked at them.

“I’m sorry, Ephraim just needed a moment of fresh air and I went to check on her,” Eirika quickly explained. “She’s feeling much better now.”

“Yeah,” Ephraim agreed slowly. “It was just a little much for me at the moment.”

“I could understand that. It can be a little suffocating to have so many people around at once, but it's going to be a long while before we can all get together again like this,” Tana sighed. “Have to enjoy this night while we can.”

Her eyes went meaningfully to her brother. She was sure that before the night was over, she was going to gag at how he was acting. She understood that it was a part of his nature and who he was, but couldn’t he at least have been a little more humble? Still, she was sure that no matter what her brother might have pulled off tonight there was no way that it would have been able to stop her from saving some fun. Besides, if something embarrassing were to happen tonight then she would be able to lord it over him and have a little fun. Had to look at the bright sides in all things.

“I am not looking forward to tomorrow,” Tana admitted.

“Why’s that?” Ephraim questioned demurely.

“Because the moment that this is over we are all going to have to start heading back and work on rebuilding.”

“I’m sure that we will still be able to have our fun and all,” Eirika replied. “Save those thoughts for the future. Tonight, just focus on enjoying yourself and the fun that is to be had.”

“I know you’re right, but still,” Tana sighed as her eyes were drawn to the necklace that Eirika was wearing. She blinked and stared at the shimmering gemstone around her neck.

“Hey Eirika, when did you get that necklace?” Tana questioned. She was sure she would have remembered seeing it before and that Eirika would have shown off such an immaculate piece of jewelry when she obtained it.

“It's something that I got recently, would you like to look at it a little closer?” Eirika questioned with a little smile.

The young woman stared at the stone that Eirika held up in her hands. It was easily one of the prettiest things that she had ever seen. The rest of the world seemed to fade out the more she stared at the piece of jewelry.

Tana was so enraptured by the gem and necklace that she never noticed the faint whispers that were invading her mind. For a singular moment, her instincts went alert and she was on edge, only for the whispers to talk a little more to her. The more she listened, the more she relaxed. Her eyes glowed a faint pink and she blinked rapidly as if she had been blinded by a bright flash.

“It's so beautiful…” Tana said, her voice a low drawl as if she had just woken up from a long nap.

“Yeah, not only that but it certainly helped me a lot,” Eirika smiled. “Why, it made all of my dreams come true. If you want I’m sure that it could make everything that you want happen as well.”

“I’d… like that…” Tana responded, her expression relaxed as she made big eyes at the slightly glowing gemstone.

A cheer got Tana’s attention and she slowly turned to the source. She saw that it was her brother, smiling proudly as he declared victory in yet another party game this evening. The young woman frowned at the hubris that her brother exuded. It was just one small minor game that he was playing but with how he was looking now, one would think that he had somehow single-handedly won the war.

For a singular moment, the world went quiet and she could hear more whispers in her ears… But this time she could understand them. She blinked as if she was confused by something and then her jaw dropped. She gasped as if she had just been told some grand secret.

“Everything I want…” She slowly drawled out, Eirika’s necklace shining even brighter than before.

Tana stared at her brother with a faint smile, one that held an almost sinister edge. Again the whispers came and she was able to make them out, ever so faintly. Her eyes shifted back to the gem, knowing that it was the source, but her smile didn’t falter at all. If it could make all of Eirika’s dreams come true, then it could make all of her wishes come true as well.

A faint giggle came from the woman, knowledge of a magical spell beginning to worm its way into her mind, told by the whispers in her ear. Tana looked back down at the necklace, and her smile grew. She looked back at her best friend and saw the playful almost teasing smile that she had as if she too could hear what it was saying.

“See? I told you that it would be able to provide a lot of help,” Eirika giggled and pulled her sister closer to her. “You just have to go and make it happen, then you can have your wishes come true.”

Tana looked back at her brother with barely restrained glee. Because of that stone, she knew that there was a way that she would be able to get the perfect relationship that she wanted with her sibling and everything more. And it was all thanks to that wonderful necklace that Eirika wore. She would just have to go get her brother first and talk to him. Then she could make the world a better place for the two of them.

With a thankful smile to her friend and her necklace, the blue-haired girl set a course for her sibling. Expertly moving through the crowd, her mind was focused solely on getting to her brother. The closer she got, the more her heart pounded. The eagerness almost threatened to overwhelm her.

Innes took a small reprieve from the game that he knew he would win and looked around at everyone else. If he was being honest he was rather bored contending with everyone here. There was no one here that seemed to be on his level. He was without peers and despite all that had happened he was still without a true rival.

Some might have taken solace and enjoyed being at the top, but not him. No, anyone that knew what it was like to stand at the top without any match would know that after some time it got boring being able to beat anyone, especially when you wanted to press your limits and rise higher. Despite the war and everything, there was no one here that could help bring out his full potential.

The only one who seemed like they could have been on his level was Princess Ephraim, but her nature seemed to have held her back from fully exploring her capabilities. If he was honest it infuriated him that the only person who seemed to hold the potential, couldn’t go all out.

She was as radiant as her sister and yet he couldn’t help but feel that something was off about her. The two of them were so similar and yet she seemed to lack the confidence that her sister had until she was on the battlefield. Then her skills seemed to grow, arguably past her sister’s to the point that she seemed like a goddess on the battlefield.

Innes wondered how things could have been if she had been born a boy. Would she have been assertive enough to help make her skills grow to the point that she would have been able to rival him? Still, he wouldn’t deny that she was a beauty, both on and off the battlefield. And tonight especially, seeing her in that beautiful white dress… His heart had skipped a beat for sure, though he’d never admit that to anyone.

After a few seconds, Innes went back to focusing on the party and trying to get what enjoyment that he could out of the night. He might as well try to have some fun before they had to get busy tomorrow and help repair the damage that the war had wrought. It wouldn’t do him any good to ponder about how things might have been.

Before he looked back at the others, Innes noticed his sister making her way through the crowd as quickly as she could. He looked at her curiously and watched as she got closer.

“Tana, is there something that you need?” Innes questioned with an insufferable smirk, hoping for something that would kill the monotony. “Hope you’re enjoying the party tonight as well.”

“I’m well. Listen, Innes, I need to talk to you alone for a minute, privately,” Tana said. The smile that the young woman had, didn’t falter at all, despite the arrogance that he excluded. It was simply who he was. She wanted to do the spell right then and there but restrained herself. She was the only one that should see what she was about to do. She had to be smart about this and couldn’t just give in to her base instincts. In a little bit, her sibling would be far more pleasing to the eye and before he could say anything, she grabbed him by the wrist.

Tana all but dragged her brother out of the room as fast as she could. She almost couldn’t contain her eagerness to begin the process right then and there to start changing him. She was far too eager to make her twin sister real.

‘Just for a little bit,’ Tana thought, though it did little to alleviate the glee and joy that she felt at this moment.

“Tana!” Innes cried in shock at the strength in her grip. The young man looked down at his wrist and wondered why she was clinging to him so tightly. There hadn’t been any disturbance at the party, and yet with how tightly she was holding him, he was sure that there would be a nasty bruise there at least. It was as if she was trying to save his life or something with how fast she was rushing out of the room.

Innes frowned and wondered if there was some threat coming that he and the others hadn’t been made aware of. It was the only thing that he could think of to explain the sudden change in his sister’s behavior.

The two entered a large lavish guest room. There was a large bed and table with a mirror on it. Only a small window lit up the room with how the moonlight spilled into it. An unlit torch was off to the side.

Tana smiled as she bolted the door behind them, ensuring that no one would simply be able to open the door to get in. Here they could continue without anyone interfering or knowing anything about what would happen next. Just as it should be. No one should see this next part except her, not even Eirika who had the necklace that gave her the information to make this happen.

“Tana, is there something wrong?” Innes questioned as he looked at her worryingly. The way that she was acting right now wasn’t like her usual self. She didn’t seem to be drunk or anything with how confident and stable her stance was. Her eyes didn’t have a lazy, tired look in them. Rather, they looked full of vigor, with an almost unnatural shine to them.

“I told you, Innes, I wanted to talk to you privately about something,” Tana said gleefully as she lit the torch in the room, allowing them both to see everything.

“About what?” Innes questioned curiously.

Tana looked away from him, and Innes softened as he looked at her. Whatever anger or indignation that he might have felt at that moment was gone. All that was in its place was the concern and worry that he had for his little sister.

“Tana, whatever it is that is worrying you, you can be certain I will always support you. What is troubling you?” Innes questioned softly.

Innes patiently waited for her to react, wondering what she would say now that it was just the two of them. He tried to recall if there had been anything off about the night, or if he had done something that might have offended her, but couldn’t. Everything had gone swimmingly and with his sister’s personality, he knew that if anything had gotten her riled up then she would deal with it post haste. She was strong like that, but if anyone had hurt her he would make sure that the lesson she taught them would stick. And then he would deal with the scraps and give them a good remedial lesson like a good older brother.

For all the horror that the war had wrought it had done the two of them some good. The two siblings were closer than they ever had been previously. They didn’t argue as much and had a far better understanding of the other now.

Every second this dragged on was like a knife being dug into the prince’s back as the tension and worry that he had built. His stomach tightened into knots and his hands curled, angry at whatever could have upset her.

Suddenly Tana raised her head and with a beatific smile, cast the spell that she had learned from the gem. A ball of pink and purple shot out of her hand. She watched it quickly soar faster than any arrow or normal spell and before her brother could even think about moving, the dark energy that she had summoned collided with the young man.

Innes gasped as he clawed at his chest where the sphere had entered, feeling as if it was being gnawed at by someone. His body shuddered and his teeth chattered as if he was out in a cold blizzard. His insides tangled and his stomach felt as if someone was coiling his insides into thousands of knots. He gagged and coughed as if he was underwater and his lungs were full of water and taking on more.

Tana squealed happily and laughed with glee. Now that he was hit the spell couldn't be stopped. Soon, instead of a brother, she would have a wonderful new sister.

“Tana, what have you done?” Innes questioned between coughs looking at her in absolute shock and disbelief. He didn’t want to believe that his sister could betray him like this, and yet there wasn’t any other way to explain the situation.

The knots in his stomach worsened at the gleeful smile that vaguely reminded him of years past. She was looking at him with the same childish glee as when she had received a present from their parents that she dearly wanted.

Innes’s memories were forced aside as whatever she had done continued. His body tingled, shivering as if he was stuck in a blizzard after being soaked in a bucket of water.

His arms suddenly felt as if the muscle and power in them altered. His hands tingled as if someone was roughly pinching them. The hard calluses on his fingers from years of archery practice diminished. The muscles that he had shrunk down as they refined, losing the power that they had. His biceps got smaller, conforming to the changes. His shoulders let out a low pop as they lost some of their width.

When the process had finished, Innes had small womanly arms that lacked the power that he was used to. The arms that he had at first glance looked as if he had never worked a day in his life compared to what they had been before. They were slim, slender, and looked off on the rest of his masculine body. He prodded them and was surprised to feel that there was any muscle within them. Even though they had gotten smaller, they had maintained some of their athletic skill and the young man could tell that they would still handle a weapon expertly, albeit not with the same power as before.

“My arms! Tana, what is this spell?!” Innes demanded, breathing intensely at the rush of feelings that assaulted him.

Innes moved to get closer to her, but everything about his body was so thrown out of whack that he could only barely stumble over to her as if one misstep would cost him his life.

“Tana, what have you done!” Innes shouted as he glared at his sister.

“Don’t worry, Innes,” Tana said gently, the smile on her face not relenting at all.

“How can I not worry after you use magic on me!” Innes shot back, infuriated at her. The simple drone-like smile that she had unnerved him.

“Tana, did something happen?” Innes questioned, his instincts telling him that there was more going on that he didn’t know about.

“Oh, don’t worry Innes,” Tana said comfortingly, as she stepped closer and placed her hand on his cheeks. “Everything’s fine. I just found out how I could have everything I want and decided to take it.”

Innes gasped as he suddenly lost his balance, his feet feeling like he was trying to walk through a muddy field instead of standing on hard stone. Seconds later, his boots got looser, and he could wiggle his toes inside them with greater ease. The young man shakily lifted his leg and noticed the sudden room that was in there. Even though he couldn’t fully see his feet, he knew that they were becoming dainty, womanly feet that completely threw him off his balance. It took all that he had not to lose his sense of balance. The years that he had trained to try and become the best that he could, were gone in seconds. He could tell that his feet were now smaller and far more fitting for a younger man or woman by the sheer difference.

The prince's calves became more slender as the hard-earned muscle that they had in them shrunk. His balance was tested again and he was forced to take a deep heavy breath and adjust himself as they changed. He watched as they changed and could see pants softly drape against his legs, and grimaced at the disparity between the upper and lower portions of his legs. It was almost as if they were chicken legs compared to his upper body and lacked any of the refinement his torso had.

The biggest change to his lower body happened when it reached his thighs, as they started to swell and blow up. They grew larger and larger, straining his pants, making the fabric dig deeper against them as more of the developing curve they gained appeared. The sides of his developing thighs crushed his balls and his shaft between them like two rocks.

Innes stumbled as he was forced to catch himself and his eyes widened at the larger thighs he had now. He prodded them and flushed at the burst of feeling that came from them, making him shudder. The thick muscle there was stronger and more arousing than it had any right to be.

“Tana!” Innes cried as he focused through the confusion and tried to walk.

Tana giggled, vaguely reminded of a fawn learning how to walk. She was half tempted to go help him with how much trouble he was having but stopped herself. Considering how mad he looked now, it would be bad if she tried to help him. Once her sister-in-the-making had mellowed out a bit, then she could go help her with whatever she needed.

“Tana, what exactly is this spell supposed to do?” Innes questioned, holding back the rage that he desperately wanted to unleash. His sister only giggled in response, however, and slowly slid her hands down her own body as if showing it off. At that moment something clicked in Innes’ mind. Was he… turning into a girl like her?

Suddenly his mind went to Ephraim, strangely enough, but not the young princess that he was familiar with. No, for some reason, he recalled her as a young man, tall, strong, confident, and his equal. He remembered a fierce rivalry, almost a sort of obsession with the man. He wanted to believe that it was some strange panic-induced hallucination, and yet he couldn’t help but feel it wasn’t. “Tana, why…why do I recall Ephraim as a boy?”

“She’s much cuter now, don’t you agree?” Tana answered with a teasing smile, unlike anything Innes had ever seen on her face. “Eirika always wanted a sister, and when the opportunity to have one presented itself, well…”

Innes growled as the terror in his heart blossomed at the realization of what had happened to his friend. It was clear now that ‘Princess Ephraim’ had suffered this spell before him, which explained the strange emptiness he had felt at the loss of his only worthy rival. Yet as much as Innes tried to recall the face of the man he had known, his memories seemed to constantly get interrupted by flashes of the beautiful princess he had become. Innes shook his head in frustration. Was Ephraim becoming a girl all that was needed for his obsession with him to turn into… something else?

“Tana! There’s evil magic at work here! You’re being…!” Innes began to say, but then hissed as his face shifted. The bones in his face let out low pops as they were forced to adjust by the power of the spell. He moaned as his face was pulled in directions that it shouldn’t have been able to go in. His cheeks felt like they were being roughly pulled and twisted by someone as the bones in them rose higher, further altering the structure of his face. His lips plumped ever so slightly as they grew larger, making him wince as they did. His eyes burned as they changed and became the same bright baby blue that his sister had.

“We look so much alike. We really do look like twin sisters now!” Tana cried with childish glee. “Let me show you!”

Tana went over to the nearby mirror and pulled it off of the table. She walked over and held it up so that Innes could see his reflection.

He jumped when he saw in the mirror that his face was a perfect mirror match of his sister’s. Everything about it was just like hers. The shape of her nose, the curve of her cheeks, everything was like Tana.

Innes could only watch as his light green hair changed color. Small bits of blue appeared in the base of his hair that only became brighter and more prominent. His hair grew longer and brushed against his back as it traveled. Innes gulped as he ran his hand through his new mane of hair, unable to stop himself from doing anything else. His hair finished growing when it reached down to the middle of his thighs, completely impractical unless tied up somehow. Which the hair soon magically did, forming a large ponytail at the back and braids at the front identical to his sister.

“Tana, stop this!” Innes cried out in a weak voice, his usual confidence shattered by the situation. “Don’t you see, this magic has already corrupted our friends, and now it is about to claim us too! This spell is…!”

“I told you it's going to make everything that I want to come true, and we both know you're smarter than this. Since you asked about Ephraim.” Before Innes could inquire further, a sudden pain came from his stomach that made him let out a low squeak, his body rocked back and forth. He let out a low squeal that made Tana giggle.

“Don’t worry, Innes, everything’s just fine on this side,” Tana soothed as if that was supposed to provide him some comfort. “The worst parts of the transformation will be over soon.”

“Tana…please,” he whimpered, but his sister only continued to smile at him with the same joyous radiant smile that she had since the start of this whole process.

“Just relax Innes, it will only be hard for just a short bit,” Tana said as if that was supposed to make everything better.

The young man’s despair grew as his stomach tightened. The hard abs that he had earned from years of training to fight in all sorts of situations receding. His stomach let out a low gurgle and Innes groaned as he felt like he was about to vomit out all of the food and drink that he had tonight. He placed his hands on his stomach and tried to stop himself from gagging, but he couldn’t as his abs continued to get smaller as if they were disappearing from his body. He pressed down on them and frowned even further at how much smaller they had become until they were lost entirely. The moment they were he prodded his stomach and Innes was pleasantly surprised to find that there was still a defined tone despite how his new stomach could have been used as a table.

Innes opened his mouth to demand from Tana again, right as his throat burned and his adam’s apple started shrinking. He hacked as if he was a cat trying to get a hairball out of its throat. With every cough, their pitch rose and became more womanly sounding. The moment it was past, Innes let out a groan as he glared at his sister again, sucking down on a large gulp of saliva.

“Stop this spell now!” Innes cried and blinked again as a voice that sounded like it had come from his sister left his throat.

“We even sound alike now!” Tana cheered as she clapped her hands.

The effeminate prince didn’t have any time to process it as the sides of his body caved into the changes. The young man held his waist and ran his hands down them as if he was trying to shove off the hold that someone had on him. Small little pops came from his body as he struggled to remain standing. Whenever his body settled it only seemed to get forced closer together, throwing him further off balance. He had a tiny slender waist that added more to the curves that he had gained from his wider hips.

“You are shaping up nicely, Innes,” Tana giggled. She stepped forward and ran her hands down the sides of his body making the changing boy shudder at the intent that was in her eyes, it was darker than anything that he had seen in his sister before.

A sudden sharp pain went through his lower body that made him let out a low whimpering mewl. He reached between his legs and he shuddered as the sensations down there spiked as if he had been kicked down there again. Everything that he felt between his legs felt like it was on fire. His balls burned as if someone was roughly grabbing them with a lit fire underneath their hands. He wanted it to stop and was desperate for any sort of release that would make this end.

“Oh? Are we reaching the high point?” Tana questioned, looking at him like a cat that had swallowed the canary. “It won’t be long now before you're officially my sister~”

Innes squealed, but this time not in pain, but because of blind panic as his nether regions continued to recede into his body.

“No, no, no!” Innes cried in a higher than normal voice.

An aroused and pleasured scream came from him as the top of his shaft entered his body and his balls rose higher as they pushed against the new hole. Innes whimpered, his mind fogging over as the changes there intensified.

The remains of his manhood slurped inside of him and the young man couldn’t help but let out a loud saucy scream as her former organs morphed and finished changing into a female anatomy.

Everything about Innes's mind dulled, and the rest of the world became foggier for the former prince. Her body tingled as new surges of pleasure went through and made her feel alive in ways that she hadn't been able to imagine. Her hand unconsciously went down to the new hole that was down there, eager to see what it would be like to explore it.

The new princess recovered and shook her head, trying to bring herself back to her senses. Innes breathed out and swayed from side to side as if she was a loose tree branch in the wind. Her eyes had a tired glazed look that left her mind little more than mush.

“Is it over…?” Innes slurred, still not fully herself and feeling as if she wasn’t fully in her body yet. She moved her fingers and yet she still didn’t quite feel the movement. Her toes wiggled and her longer hair gently moved ever so slightly and yet she didn’t fully register them all.

“Oh, but sister, everything isn’t over yet. We still have more to go through~” Tana grinned as she ran her hands through Innes’s hair.

Innes blinked, wondering what she meant, and then blushed when her eyes momentarily focused on her sister’s bust. She looked down at her chest and immediately realized the difference between them that made her sputter.

“That’s right, you still need these, but I’m also pretty sure that I have a little more padding downstairs than you do,” Tana giggled. “Why don’t we get you in something far more fitting for a princess in your position.”

Again, Tana launched a spell from her hands and Innes instinctively raised her arms to protect herself. The newly minted girl flinched as the clothes that she wore changed. The fabric of her clothes become softer, easier on her skin as it became thinner. The bottom of her shirt merged with the top of her pants. The moment after they merged her pants suddenly billowed out. The color changed into an elegant white dress that gently hugged her body. Around her neck, a small silver choker with a red gem formed that made Innes shudder as if someone had wrapped their hands around her neck.

“You look amazing Innes!” Tana cried as she cupped her hands together. “You’ll be knocking so many boys dead.”

“I don’t want to!” Innes screamed and then gasped as her butt started to tingle as if she had been slapped down there. She shuddered as she could feel her butt growing. The new lacy underwear that she wore underneath it tightened and the young woman gulped and breathed heavily as it did. She placed her hands on her butt and traced the curve of it with her fingers. Her butt finished growing when it became a tight and round heart-shaped rear end.

Innes frowned as she looked at her bloated posterior. Despite the increase in size, there was still a bit of tightness in her butt. The dress did little to hide the curve of her peach-like ass cheeks.

The former boy gasped as her chest suddenly warmed, making her shudder in both arousal and terror. She could feel her nipples perk underneath her top and breathed quickly in and out as they swelled, becoming at least double their size.

Innes could only stare in shock as her chest spouted two small mounds that rapidly swelled and grew larger. She moaned as they pushed the front of her attire out. The front of her dress only continued to grow as the emerging breasts filled its cups. Stunning erotic arousal coursed through her body as if she had been lit on fire. She could only moan as her budding breasts continued to grow and gain their mass. Despite it all, a dazed smile came to her face as she shimmied from side to side. Her boobs finished growing when they became a noticeable D-cup that rivaled the size of ripe apples ready to be taken.

‘At least I’m larger than Ephraim,’ Innes thought bitterly, but proudly at finally managing to surpass her former rival in one regard. Upon realizing what she had just thought, however, Innes stomped it down feeling guilty that she had taken any pleasure in beating the lovely princess in any way.

Tana could only smile gleefully at the new absolute joy that she had. It was almost like looking at a mirror with how similar the two of them were. The only way that someone would have been able to tell the differences between the two of them was if they wore different outfits.

She had thought that she knew the kind of glee that would go through her as the changes had happened to her sibling, but now that they were done she had been wrong. The joy that filled her heart was unlike any that she had ever felt before. She felt complete, whole even, now that she had a sister.

All of the activities that she had envisioned would finally come true! She could see it now. The two of them, out and about having fun, getting their hair done, doing each other's hair, talking about boys, and maybe even trying to get one! Although… It seemed her new sister might have eyes for someone a little more… demure. Tana had to giggle a little at the thought. They should pull a sleepover with Ephraim and Erika! The possible interactions between her new sister and Eirika’s filled her with butterflies just thinking about it.

Tana pulled her sister close to her and smiled at feeling her new sister against her skin like this. She couldn’t help herself and rubbed her cheeks against hers as if she was a large pup. Her cheeks were so soft, softer than she had expected. It made her mind wonder if her own cheeks were just as soft.

A groan came from Innes that made her chuckle. She held her sister tighter and looked her right in the eyes, making sure that she had her sister's undivided attention.

“Just take a moment to gather yourself, sister,” Tana giggled, almost sounding like a mad woman with how excited and gleeful she was. Just saying the word made her heart dance in happiness. This was without question the best day ever.

“Tana…? What is…” The dazed Innes attempted to speak, as she desperately tried to cling to her sensible thoughts. Some kind of evil spell had taken hold of her sister… She had to tell someone! Tell her friends! The image of Ephraim flashed in front of her eyes, and a blush came over her face. This wasn’t the time for…!

“Don’t worry, dear sister… Everything will be just fine…” Innes gasped at Tana’s words, as she suddenly saw a bright flash of pink in her sister’s eyes. All at once, all thoughts of resistance came crashing down around her. In her mind, she began fully thinking of herself as female, excitement brewing at all the girly activities her sister had planned for her.

The strength that Innes had gradually returned and her mind was unclouded as the new memories and reality of the spell finalized. She opened and closed her hands and blinked rapidly as if a bright flash had gone off and blinded her.

Everything about her new life was getting reshuffled back into place as the spell finalized her new identity of who she was. The princess of Frelia, and Tana’s twin sister. Her best friends, the princesses of Renais. And tonight was the celebration over winning the war… And she would get to wear this beautiful dress!

“C’mon it's time that we head back,” Tana giggled. She pulled her sister over to the door, eager to show Innes off to the others at the party.

“H-hold on, Tana… I’m a little nervous!” Princess Innes said as she pulled free from her sister’s hand, fidgeting in place. Tana simply giggled.

“You have nothing to be nervous about! You look gorgeous! After all, we’re twins! If I’m not nervous, you have no reason to be nervous. Innes looked over her sister’s dress-clad form, and then looked down at her own body. She could feel some slight confidence returning to her, as she gave a determined nod to Tana and headed out the door, her dark blue ponytail swaying behind her.

They quickly returned to the banquet hall, and Eirika's eyes gleamed brightly the moment she saw them and quickly went over to them. Tana grinned as she rushed over to her friend, eager to thank her.

“Thank you so much, Eirika. This never would have been possible if it weren’t for you!” Tana said before her friend could say anything.

“You're welcome. She looks wonderful,” Eirika commented with a pleased smile. “But my sister is cuter.”

“She is not! Innes is!” Tana replied.

The two continued to argue about who had the cuter sister as Innes wandered over to Ephraim. With a slight blush, she waved at the other princess.

“Ah… I-Innes. It’s good to see you.” Ephraim said meekly as she turned to her blue-haired friend. “Y-your dress is very pretty…”

Innes’ blush depended, as she tried to look anywhere else to not make eye contact. “Th-thanks… Yours is too…” Innes stammered back, as her eyes wandered, falling on Eirika and Tana playfully bickering with each other. “What a pretty necklace…” She mumbled to herself, seeing the brilliant gem shining on Eirika’s chest…

One Month Later

"Oh my, you two look just so splendid with each other like this!" Eirika squealed and clapped her hands in excitement as she looked at the two girls in front of her.

"Wh-why do we have to change in the beach hut like this? There were dedicated stalls for changing outside..." Ephraim complained with a blush as she stood next to Innes in her underwear.

"Oh Ephraim, there's absolutely no need to feel that way. We're all girls here, after all~!" Tana said, giggling a little at the embarrassed expression Eirika's sister had. Looking at her own sister, however, Innes was simply remaining silent and smiling as she changed next to Ephraim. Tana knew her sister well (She had personally molded her in mind and body, after all...), and she could tell that this was simply her way of dealing with her embarrassment that came from being this close to her crush.

A month had passed since that wonderful night of the party where Tana and Eirika had both gotten their inner desires granted. Rebuilding was progressing smoothly, and the princess twins of both Frelia and Renais had become much beloved by their people for their help. Today, the princesses of Renais had come to Frelia to stay for a vacation at the Frelian Royal Family's coastal resort, an event that Tana and Eirika had both looked forward to for a long time. They had both very much enjoyed planning for the trip, dragging their new sisters out to purchase swimwear for the occasion.

Once all four women had finished changing into their swimsuits, Ephraim and Innes wearing more modest one-piece variants compared to Eirika and Tana's bolder bikinis, they exited the little beach hut and stepped out onto the beautiful beach outside. Frelia's shores were known for their radiant waters and white sands, and the area around the Royal Resort was no exception. Heading down the beach to find the perfect spot for laying down their towels, Tana and Innes trailed slightly behind the two visiting twins.

"You should talk to Ephraim more while she's here. I know how fond you are of her~" Tana said in a quiet voice to her sister.

"It's not like th-that...!" Innes replied as her face reddened. "Or, I mean... I guess I do like her a lot... B-but I hear she and Seth have been courting one another recently, she'd never settle for a girl like me..."

Tana shook her head at her sister's remark. "You'll never achieve anything with that attitude! Have some confidence!" Tana bent forward a little to look into Innes' eyes as they walked. "I want you to promise me that if the opportunity for you to go on the offensive arises, you'll take it, ok?" Innes looked into her sister's eyes for a moment, before giving a little nod with clenched fists.

"All right, let's go for a swim then!" Eirika said with a smile once the towels were laid neatly on the beach sand.

"Ah... I'm not so confident in my swimming abilities..." Ephraim said with a slightly concerned expression. Hearing this, Tana quickly sent Innes a glance.

"Ah, I c-could..." Innes began to say, before clamming up. Ephraim looked at her questioningly, while Tana and Eirika sent each other mischievous smiles from behind their sisters. In the next moment, both Ephraim and Innes let out small yelps of shock, as they were pushed from behind and both landed entangled on the towel that was between them. Innes' heart fluttered feeling Ephraim's slightly smaller breasts press into her own, both girls letting out a gasp as they stared directly into each other's eyes.

"I could... teach you to swim?" Innes almost whispered to the other princess. "I'd love that... Thank you..." Ephraim responded, her own heart beginning to flutter slightly. As Innes cast a small thankful look up at Tana and Eirika, the two of them nodded to each other with knowing smiles. Seeing their lovely sisters enjoying each other's company so much was definitely a dream come true.


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