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The art was done by the amazing Amenoosa and Rezuban.

At the bottom, there are downloads for the story since I don't expany one to read this 51k behemoth here on Patreon.  I hope you all enjoy it!


Jaune sat in his chair, his eyes getting heavier and having to fight a yawn that wanted to escape. He had stayed up late last night studying after a hard training session with Pyrrha and the rest of his team. When he finally felt like he had enough of the day, he tried to go to sleep, but couldn’t. Jaune had laid there trying for half an hour trying, but couldn't. In the end, he decided to relax and read some comics to pass the time. As he read issues of his comics his eyes got heavier until he finally fell asleep early in the morning.

After he woke up, Jaune took the longest shower he could to help his body wake up. As they walked to the cafeteria for breakfast, Jaune felt as if a boulder was on his back. His eyes felt heavy and his limbs felt like they were asleep. As he was picking his food, the blonde had chosen sugary foods and energy drinks to give him the energy he needed to go through his day. His food managed to get him through the morning, but now he felt like he needed a nap. He wanted a chocolate bar, a bag of chips, or a drink to focus on so he could have something more to focus on as he went on his day.

He managed to get through professor Oobleck’s and Peach’s classes without getting in trouble, but as they were heading to their third class of the day all his energy was leaving him. The boulder started to return and his eyes felt heavier. He told himself if he could make it to lunch then he could grab something to give him the energy he needed to get through the day. When they arrived in the classroom he immediately took his seat and struggled not to lean over his desk and close his eyes to take a nap. He sat straighter when the professor entered the room, despite his body beginning to relax.

The professor immediately started the lesson, and Jaune shook himself to stay awake as he studied the board and immediately felt sleepiness become stronger. The blonde boy sluggishly pulled out his notebook and opened it to the blank page and dated it. He slowly wrote down what the professor was saying, his penmanship getting sloppier as he tried to keep up with their words. His eyes closed on their own accord and he slouched over. They immediately fluttered open and immediately shot open when he saw the board behind her was filled with formulas and examples, which weren't there seconds ago.

“Damn it Jaune why did you have to doze off,” Jaune cursed.

“Now class we will begin the experiment,” The professor said. “Just follow the instructions on the board and you will be fine.”

Jaune gulped as he tried to make sense of the formula on the board as his classmates got to work, but he couldn’t make sense of it. It might as well have been a completely different language with how little he understood it. He saw Pyrrha and the rest of his team working on the project, making his insecurity grow at his uselessness.

The blonde sighed as he wondered if he was working hard enough to improve. His teammates along with Ruby had been tutoring him to help him catch up, but he still had trouble from time to time. Combat class was the prime example that showed how far behind he was compared to everyone else. He was catching up with them and was now able to put up a fight against most of the students, but he was nowhere close to having the skills that the rest of his team had.

He wished one of his friends were next to him, so he could ask them for help. He carefully picked up one of the beakers and looked around, trying to find some guidance from his fellow students, but couldn’t find anything. He sighed and decided it would be best to just wing it. It wasn’t as if it was an exam, and they weren't going to use it for anything. He didn’t want to ask the teacher out of embarrassment and the likelihood he would be in trouble for not paying attention.

The Arc scion breathed heavily through his nose as he picked up a container of what he recognized as Fire Dust and a beaker filled with black Dust. Jaune gently poured them into the larger beaker and turned on the bunsen burner. He saw the Dust swirl together and become predominantly black with dark red streaks throughout it. He gave it a little shake to see if he could combine it more, and saw the streaks get consumed by the black dust and new scarlet streaks form. The new streaks glowed slightly and lost their light after a moment. As the mixture swirled the red streaks would fade into the darkness and new ones would reappear, glowing.

Jaune waited to see if something else would happen, but after a few seconds, nothing did. He sighed in relief, glad that it didn’t blow up in his face or create some sort of Dust monster. If he could just pretend and make it look like he knew what he was doing then maybe he could get by with points for the day. Then afterward when they were far from the classroom he could admit it to his friends and they could help him catch up in this department as well. If he could get away this time it would be great, but he wasn’t going to see how often he could do so. He couldn’t sneak and pretend he knew what he was doing every time, especially on a test.

Suddenly Jaune heard a light fizzling coming from his mixture. He peered closer at his work and saw small gas bubbles forming and floating to the top of the beaker as they clung to the side of the glass as if the liquid was a freshly poured soda. More bubbles formed at a more intense rate. The bubbles grew larger, and the fizzling louder.

Jaune’s heart pounded faster as an ominous feeling settled in his gut. It continued to fester as the bubbling grew and the noise it made grew louder. The red streaks in the mixture started to shine brighter and the streaks became more numerous.

The blonde moved the vial away from the burner as he looked around and saw his fellow students starting to look at him. Jaune wasn’t sure what to do. He knew he needed to get rid of it, but he wasn’t sure where he should do it as his panic multiplied. If he threw it out the window, then someone down below might suffer if it didn’t blow up before it did. He wasn’t sure where else he could throw it until he saw a sink he could pour it down. He picked up the beaker but stopped. The chance of his concoction blowing up because of the added movement flashed in his mind and made him stop.

The light reached an apex and suddenly the beaker blew up, making him cry out as the beaker sent out a massive cloud of red and black smoke that made him stumble back. The glass nailed his body, but his Aura protected him from the glass shards. Jaune coughed as he could feel his lungs burning from inhaling the smoke. His body felt off as if he had just finished another intense workout session that Nora was leading. He started to feel lightheaded as stars entered his vision. The blonde boy leaned against the table for support, only to fall onto the ground instead. Jaune didn’t feel his body hit the ground and blinked when he realized he was suddenly on the ground.

“Jaune!” Pyrrha, Ruby, and Nora cried.

The blonde boy groaned, he felt like was stuck on a roller coaster as the whole room spun around. His stomach churned and he swallowed down the bile that threatened to come out. Jaune could vaguely make out his fellow students moving around, muttering in shock and horror. As he lay there the world started to come into focus for him, the nausea in his stomach and burning sensation in his lungs fading. The tiredness he felt was being replaced by strength as if he just had a full night’s rest. After a few moments, everything odd and uncomfortable he felt passed and he felt perfectly fine, even better than fine even. As if he could take on Cardin and his whole team by himself.

“Well that was something,” Jaune remarked. He moved to stand up, only for someone to place their hands on him, stopping him. He turned and saw the worried and relieved faces of his team looking at him.

“Jaune you shouldn’t be moving around,” Pyrrha admonished.

“Pyrrha I’m alright, what happened to the Dust?” Jaune asked as he looked around. His eyes landed on broken glass fragments and remembered the explosion. “Thank you, Aura.”

“The Dust is seemingly gone Mr. Arc. Thankfully no one seems to be harmed, especially you since you were holding it,” the professor said, looking him over. “Though this wouldn’t have happened had you followed the formula on the board.”

‘So much for faking it until I could make it,’ Jaune thought caustically as he gulped and then grinned sheepishly. His grin died immediately as his teacher narrowed his eyes at him, making him feel small and ashamed of himself. He refused to look away from his professor as they continued to stare at him, making him feel more guilty and ashamed of himself. He wished he just asked for help and admitted he was confused by the formula displayed. It might have looked bad, but at least it probably wouldn’t have led to an explosion.

“That doesn’t matter for now,” the professor sighed. “Go to the infirmary and get looked over by the nurse. Just because something doesn’t seem wrong, doesn’t mean there isn’t. Mr. Arc, I will not penalize you for the day because of the incident. Instead, let this be a lesson to all of you as to why you make sure to study your Dust and what could happen when you combine it recklessly.”

“Thank you, professor,” Jaune replied gratefully as he went to the door.

Pyrrha and Ren stood close by in case something were to happen. As they left the room, he heard his classmates talking about him, and Jaune slouched over as he tried to ignore their words. He wished he had his hoodie so he could throw it over his head and stop seeing them. He heard Nora growl and saw her glaring at the students, he smiled and placed a hand gratefully on her shoulder. The moment he did, she stopped and turned to him, grinning cheerfully.

As they walked to the infirmary, Jaune licked his lips and gulped down the saliva in his throat. The blonde breathed heavier as it got steadily harder to breathe as if someone was turning up the heat. He could feel sweat trail down his forehead and he gently wiped his brow. His body continued to heat up as if he was suffering a hot flash. He wanted to take off his jacket and shirt, hoping it would do something about the heat but knew that it wouldn’t.

“Jaune are you alright?” Ren asked, noticing the blonde’s condition.

“I just feel hot all of a sudden,” Jaune answered tiredly, his face feeling like it was on fire. He noticed his team exchange worried looks and gulped, more out of worry for what they were going to do. Pyrrha and Ren turned to Nora and at once gave her a nod.

“You guys help him get there, I’ll go on ahead!” Nora instructed as she ran to the infirmary.

Before the leader of JNPR could tell her to stop, Nora was out of sight. He was lifted off the ground by Pyrrha and Ren and the pair started running. The blonde boy struggled to get out of their grasp, so he could walk, but the two of them were able to keep their hold on him with ease.

“Guys what are you doing? Put me down?” Jaune ordered, but they ignored him as they ran to the infirmary. He blushed as they started running and hoped nobody they knew would see them. He was already known as Vomit Boy and didn’t need any more stupid nicknames following him like a plague.

When they arrived at the infirmary, Jaune panted as if he hadn’t had anything to drink in days. He felt tired as if he had just done a marathon with weights all over his body and had to do it on an empty stomach. As embarrassing as it was, it made him glad his friends were holding him up, he didn’t know if he would remain standing if they didn’t. The way he was feeling now more than made up for any embarrassment he might have received if someone saw him like this. They saw Nora talking to a nurse, but she was talking to her so fast as if she had drank a gallon of coffee. The nurse, who was trying to follow Nora’s words, turned to them and quickly walked over to them.

“Your teammate told us to prepare a bed for your teammate, but she was talking too fast to give me an explanation. What happened?” The nurse stated as she guided them to an empty bed.

“There was a Dust incident in our classroom,” Pyrrha worryingly answered as she helped put Jaune on the bed. She saw the moment they put him on it, his eyes closed and he fell unconscious. “Our leader was making a Dust mixture, but it exploded and now it seems to be affecting him.”

“You three should head back to your classes. Just because one of your teammates is down doesn’t get you three out of your classes, school policy,” the nurse said. She went over to the heart rate monitor and hooked it over Jaune’s arm and turned it on. The moment it came to life it let out a steady stream of beats and showed how fast his heart was pounding.

“But,” Pyrrha started, and clearly wanted to stay, something that was mirrored by the rest of her team.

“None of you have any medical knowledge and would only get in the way,” the nurse said sternly. “Leave this to us professionals.”

For a moment they stood there and looked like they were going to stay. Pyrrha opened her mouth again to speak, but Ren placed a hand on her shoulder, getting her attention as he said. “Pyrrha let’s let the professionals do their work. We can come back during lunch and see how he’s doing then.”

“Don’t worry Pyrrha,” Nora said cheerfully. “Fearless leader’s strong, he’ll be fine.”

“...Okay,” Pyrrha said, after a moment. They went to the door, Ren and Nora leaving the room first. Pyrrha stood by the door for a moment and looked one more time at her struggling leader, before leaving as well.

The nurse sighed, relieved she wasn’t going to have to force them out of the room. She took a deep breath and quickly looked the blonde boy over, performing tests to find more about his condition. She quickly noticed that his heart rate was accelerated, and his temperature elevated beyond normal parameters. She would need to perform more in-depth tests to find out what was happening to his body. If he inhaled Dust then there was a chance it was burning his body’s systems and damaging them. There was also the possibility it could be applying pressure on his organs. If the Dust was harming him, then they would need to get the Dust out of his system immediately.

The nurse rolled the sleeves of Jaune’s shirt and hooked him up to a heart rate monitor. As she did, she noticed that the heat that was coming off his body was becoming more intense, and far beyond normal levels. When she was finished, the nurse frowned when she noticed there seemed to be a distinct lack of hair there than there was previously. She looked closer and blinked when she saw strands of his hair on his arm disappearing as if they were being sucked back into his body. She ran a hand over it again, and much to her shock, the patch of skin was clean and smooth, just like when someone finished a close shave.

She raised his shirt and gasped when she saw his stomach and chest were losing what hair was there as well. There was little doubt the young man was losing hair all over his body. To make sure she rolled up Jaune’s pants legs as best she could and saw the hair there was disappearing as well. She ran her hand over it, and just like the hairless sections of his arm, his legs were just as smooth and clean of any hair.

“The fuck,” the nurse muttered. This reaction was unprecedented, unlike anything she ever read or heard about before when it came to Dust interactions and the human body. While people did lose their hair in such explosions it was usually in the moment of the blast, not after. Granted there was the chance they couldn’t grow more hair afterward and had to deal with burned sections, but that wasn't the case here. The only hair that seemed to be unaffected was the hair on top of his head and his eyebrows.

This had to be the prelude to something else. It was all it could be if they were just now seeing the side effect of whatever Mr. Arc had made. It worried her what could come next if this was the first thing to change.

Jaune groaned as his body let out faint cracking and popping noises, and his heart rate spiked again. He groaned as he moved around the bed, his fingers curling. The blonde boy let out small gasps and breathed haphazardly as he started getting smaller. Jaune lost centimeter after centimeter of height. His shirt and pants drooped on his body as if they were several sizes too large.

Jaune gasped as his shoulders cracked inward, getting smaller. His arms started shrinking, his fingers becoming slimmer to match his new build. It wasn’t obvious at first because of his position, but the way the strap for the monitor loosened made it clear he was.The nurse adjusted the heart rate monitor until he was left with defined womanly arms. The nails on his fingers cleaned up, and the dirt underneath them vanished. Any unevenness they had vanished as the lower sections grew a little longer and lost any sign of uneven trimming. They finished changing into daintier womanly hands with well-defined womanly arms that complimented her new size.

His legs shrunk as well, his feet getting smaller. They slimmed down as if they were losing huge chunks of muscle and fat. His pants clung even more to his changing lower body, making it plain to see his changing form and how small they were getting. Unknown to the nurse, the same process his fingernails went through, happened to his toes, leaving them just as clean and refined. When his legs looked like they had lost half their mass did they finally stop changing, . They now had a dainty womanly appearance that had some muscle, but little curvature. As his feet moved around, his shoes became looser, sliding around on his feet as if they were clown shoes.

The nurse pulled his shoes off without issue, revealing dainty womanly feet. She looked at the shoes in her hands and the feet Jaune had now, still marveling at his shrinking form. She slowly placed the shoes down at the foot of the bed, knowing they would be safe there and out of the way. She wanted, no, needed a moment to look away so she could gather her thoughts and proceed from there.

The moment the nurse stood back up she could see a hill rising between Jaune’s legs, that could only be his privates. The moaning the blonde let out grew louder, more erotic as if he was having a wonderful time with a special someone. His lump started getting smaller as if it was losing whatever drive it had. She watched it intently getting smaller, feeling rather awkward doing so. She kept watching until she couldn’t see any sign of it. She pulled down his pants just enough so that his underwear was still covering him. After doing so, she could see the small hill that represented his masculinity continue to get smaller until she couldn’t see any sign of it through his undergarments.

The nurse didn’t dare move to see if his genitalia was still there. She would have if he was awake to give her consent, but the possible repercussions of her losing her job made her stop. Still, she could do some X-rays to check his organs and see if they were alright, and that would tell her if it was. If it was gone she wasn’t sure how she would tell Mr. Arc, or simply leave it to the headmaster. She might be in charge of their medical health, but a bomb such as this might be best handled by the headmaster.

Jaune’s moaning grew higher in pitch. The nurse watched and could see Jaune’s adam apple was disappearing. She placed her hand against his throat and the transitioning student flinched at her touch. When she could feel it was gone she removed her hand, and saw there was no trace of the organ there.

Jaune groaned as his body stopped twitching, the cracking sounds his body gave off finally stoped. He moaned happily as he snuggled deeper against the covers, looking like he was having a nice dream. After a moment, he winced in pain as if someone was sharply poking him and the blonde hissed. Jaune shook his head and waved his free arm as if he was trying to push away someone.

The Arc scion’s face changed as it let out a small series of pops. His cheeks rose higher and his chin rounded out, altering the shape of his face into a more rounded heart-shaped appearance that highlighted his features. His nose let out a soft crack as it got smaller and became an adorable straight-edge nose. His lips swelled into soft pillowy lips that would lure and seduce anyone into wanting to kiss them. The popping noises coming from his face stopped, and Jaune moaned in relief right as his face became that of a pretty young girl. A soft smile graced his face as if he was having a wonderful dream after an easy day where everything went just as hoped.

The nurse stared at the smaller, undoubtedly female student, wondering if what she witnessed truly happened. She blinked, rubbed her eyes, and pinched herself numerous times, but he remained unchanged. The woman took several deep calming breaths before letting out a stream of curses under her breath, wishing some of her coworkers were here now. How was she going to explain this to the headmaster?

Jaune groaned as consciousness returned to him. He heard the steady beeping of what had to be a heart monitor and the soft covers of the bed he was on. For a moment, he was fearful, wondering where he was as he looked around the room until he remembered where he was. He heard footsteps and saw a Faunus nurse with pointed dog ears notice he was awake and move closer to him, looking him over.

“Ms…Mr. Arc can you hear me?” The doctor asked slowly, enunciating every word.

Jaune opened his mouth to speak, but stopped and nodded his head, not trusting his throat at the moment. Memories of what happened before he passed out came to him and was surprised by how normal he felt. In fact, he felt as if he had gotten a full night’s sleep, after having an amazing homemade meal that his mom made. The only bad feelings he had was how dry his mouth was and how thirsty he was. He clenched his hands and flexed his fingers, and did the same with his toes. The blonde groaned as he slowly leaned up, and blinked as he noticed something was wrong with his attire. His clothes loosely hung off his body, as if they were several sizes too large for him.

“Why...Why am I wearing a larger uniform?” Jaune questioned, wanting to know why he had been changed into a uniform that was too large for him. It didn’t make sense to him when they could have just left him in his original uniform.

“Before I answer, I’m going to perform a few simple tests to make sure you’re okay, alright?” She said as she pulled out a small flashlight and tested his eyes reflexes. When she was pleased, she took out her stethoscope and had him breathe heavily in and out as she listened to his heart and lungs. “Alright, your heart and lungs seem to be working perfectly. I’m going to test your reflexes now.”

The doctor rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and when she was finished pulled out a small hammer. The blonde watched as she tapped the hammer against his arm and after a moment it moved on its own. The Arc scion blinked when they noticed that his arm was free of any hair that had been there previously. He didn’t shave his arms, never even thought about taking a razor over them once.

“Why are my arms shaved?” Jaune asked, only to begin blinking when he heard his voice, which was higher and sounded more like a young woman. He cleared his throat and spoke, his voice coming out stronger, but still undeniably womanly. “Why...What’s wrong with my voice?”

“Mr. Arc, your body had a...unique reaction to the Dust compound you made. A reaction I never thought I would see, or even consider would be possible,” the nurse grimly informed.

Jaune’s legs unconsciously moved closer together in worry and he noticed the lack of something moving between his legs. He blinked and slowly rubbed his thighs together and didn’t feel anything moving in between them at all. The blonde looked down and noticed the lack of chest hair on his body. He pulled the front of his shirt and saw that his nipples were larger and his stomach was just as hairless as his chest. As freaky as that was, the fact that his abs which were there a few short hours ago were seemingly replaced by a smooth flat womanly disturbed him far more. Not only that, but his waist was slimmer, curving inward just like a woman’s.

Jaune slowly opened his pants and froze. He didn’t see his penis, but instead a slit that could only be a vagina. It felt natural as if he had always had a woman’s anatomy instead of a boy’s.

The blonde’s mind stalled and he started to breathe heavily in and out as the full implications of what was there flashed in his mind. He couldn’t be a girl, this had to be some kind of elaborate joke that Cardin and his team set up as payback. An illusion that someone had cast. The longer he stared the more powerful a singular sentence that was looping in his head was becoming as if it was being burned into his brain. He was no longer a guy, he was a girl. The more the sentence went through his head the more he started thinking of...herself with feminine pronouns.

Jaune forced herself out of the bed and quickly noticed how everything looked larger to her. The nurse in front of her, which she vaguely recalled she should have been taller than, now stood a few inches over her. Her loose shirt and jacket hung loosely on her petite frame, her pants falling down. She kicked off her ill-fitting pants and stood there in her loose shirt, and white and blue striped boxers exposed but didn’t care. She pulled off the heart rate monitor and flinched when the nurse touched her arms.

“Mr. Arc sit down, you shouldn’t be up,” The nurse advised, but the blonde ignored her and quickly moved to the bathroom.

The blonde barged into the bathroom and froze at his reflection in the mirror. Instead, of seeing a tall young man with decent muscles, a girl was looking at him with short messy blonde hair. She lacked any curves, but her face was certainly beautiful and had cuteness that made up for it. Her body still had decent powers with slender arms and legs that had decent muscle, showing that she stayed in shape. She focused on the hair and eyes, which perfectly matched the color of her own. The shape of her nose, her chin, and her cheekbones all reminded her of her mother.

Jaune slowly raised her hand, and the girl in the mirror copied her movements perfectly. The moment her hand touched her face, Jaune flinched, and pulled it away, as if she had just been struck. She stood there hearing her heart pounding in her chest as if it was trying to escape, her body going cold. The former male couldn’t feel her fingers and her head kept getting lighter. In moments, she couldn’t feel her feet as her legs felt like pins and needles were pricking them. As the sensation grew more over her body, her complexion started to pale. It was getting harder to breathe and started breathing heavily as someone wrapped their hands around her neck and slowly squeezed harder.

“...Jaune, breath, focus on the sound of my voice,” The nurse instructed. She gently took his hands, and this time the Arc scion didn’t flinch. The blonde looked at the nurse and focused on her face, infinitely grateful she didn’t have to see herself anymore.

The nurse gently led her toward the bed, ready to catch her should she need to. Jaune carefully stepped forward, not trusting her body. Her feet felt like they were wrapped in cement blocks and she wondered how she was still standing.

When they made it to the bed, Jaune crawled into it and stared at the nurse’s face. Feeling returning to her body as she breathed in and out, She focused more on her breathing and the nurse’s face, staring into her chocolate brown eyes. She could see she had a beauty mark under her eye and a faint scar on her bottom lip that went down her chin.

“Mr. Arc, as you can see the Dust mixture you made...turned you into a woman,” she said. “We performed X-rays and ran scans on your body while you were out and saw your reproductive organs changed completely.”

Jaune froze, a heavy hole in her stomach. She knew she was a woman, but to hear her insides had changed to fit her new body only made her feel worse. Her body was cold and her stomach churned as if she was on a bullhead going as fast as possible, as it looped repeatedly in the air. She felt like she was in a horrible nightmare and had yet to wake up. She kept waiting for that singular moment where the room would suddenly change, or wake up in her dorm room, sleeping in her bed, a comic on her chest. But it never came.

“Jaune?” Pyrrha spoke.

The leader of Team JNPR jumped. She let out a gasp and turned. The moment she saw her friends, Jaune wanted nothing more than to disappear somewhere and never be found again. They stepped closer and the blonde quickly turned herself over, so her back was facing them. Jaune closed her eyes and waited for the questions she dreaded to hear.

“Jaune, why are you so small?” Pyrrha asked again.

Jaune took a deep breath and slowly looked over her shoulder and it took all of her willpower to do so. She could see they were looking at her nervously, and could tell were worried for her. She bit her lips, unable to say how she was feeling right now. She didn't know what to do and wished they were somewhere else, so she could have thought things over. Jaune hugged herself tighter, her nails digging into her skin.

The nurse cleared her throat, getting everyone’s attention. Jaune jumped and looked at the woman as if she was the grim reaper.

“Physically speaking, your leader is fine, but...mentally he has to deal with a… sudden change,” the Faunus started.

Jaune turned away from the group, as the nurse sighed again and began explaining the situation to them. When she reached the end of her explanation she looked over her shoulder to see how they were taking the news. Ren looked shocked, his mouth open before he recovered. Pyrrha looked the most devastated as if someone had taken something precious to her, as if they had destroyed it, then spat on it and laughed maniacally. But it was the orange-haired bomber that disturbed him the most. Nora had an excited grin as if they had gone to an amusement park. The blonde could plainly see she was sorry for the accident in her eyes and was happy that she was okay, but there was something else in them. Something that spoke of absolute jubilation that made him scared of what it could be.

Ren noticed the way Nora was acting and sighed, feeling sorry for his leader, and a little worried about what Nora might do. When they were younger she would watch other families, especially sisters when they were out longingly. When they were alone and out of sight she would lament the fact they didn’t have their families and what she would do if she had a little sister for hours. It seemed in her mind Jaune was now perfect for filling the little sister-shaped void that she had in her life.

“Is it okay for our leader to leave?” Ren asked.

“Yes,” the nurse replied. “We ran multiple tests to see if there were any other side effects, but it appears there aren't going to be any more side effects.”

“Thank you,” Ren replied stoically with a nod as the others thanked her as well, Pyrrha mumbling the words as well.

The walk back to their dorm felt like a walk through the snowstorms of Atlas to the former blonde boy. He waited for that moment someone would come along and ask who she was. Then the awkward explanation of who she was. Not to mention the explanation to her family and her friends back home. How was she going to tell them about this, and how were they going to take it. She wanted to believe that they would still love her and accept her, but there was a small voice in the back of her head that made her worry. It told her that they might reject her and it terrified her more than anything.

“Jaune if you need anything, the others and I are here for you,” Ren said.

“Yeah, whatever you need we’ll get it done for you,” Nora cheered. “We will do anything for you fearless leader.”

Jaune didn’t say anything and continued to focus on getting to her dorm. Every step felt like a trial to her. She eyed the hallways as if expecting some monster to pop out of them. Her mind worried about what would happen if a student came out of them and saw her new form. It made her hug herself, her fingers digging into her arms.

The moment they entered their dorm, Jaune threw herself onto the bed and pulled the covers over herself. She didn’t care that she was still in her oversized uniform, which was a painful reminder of her old body. She couldn’t bring herself to do anything else, not the homework that her teachers had assigned, training, or even playing a game to try and pass the time. The new girl couldn’t bring herself to do or even think about something that she could lose herself in. She closed her eyes, wanting nothing more than this day to be over already and her old body back.

The moment Jaune opened her eyes she could feel the same cloud that hung over her yesterday was still here. Her stomach still felt heavy as if she might vomit if she moved too much. Her limbs felt heavy as if their cement blocks were wrapped around her arms. The thing that stood out the most to her was it felt like there was a void where her heart should be.

For a moment she thought her body had changed even more throughout the night, but noticed everything felt the same and looked herself over to make sure. She moved around in her bed, and to her relief, everything looked and felt the same when she moved, making some of the heaviness she felt disappeared. She breathed in and out and placed her hand over her flat chest, feeling her heartbeat, but still felt empty.

Jaune didn’t want to go anywhere this morning, especially the cafeteria. She knew people were going to talk about her accident in the classroom yesterday, and when they saw her now it would get worse. They would all know about the boy who managed to not only cause an explosion but also turned himself into a girl. It made her want nothing more than to stay here and hide out here for the rest of the year. The worst part of it was the possibilities of what her friends would say. She knew Ruby wouldn’t say anything bad, but Yang would probably get a good laugh from it. She had no clue what the rest of Team RWBY would do, but it terrified her.

It didn’t help that his team was affected by this as well, mainly Pyrrha. Ren and Nora’s words brought some comfort to her, but Pyrrha had been closed off and barely said a word to him. Jaune didn’t understand why Pyrrha was in such a depression since nothing happened to her. She was the one whose life had been changed forever, not hers. She had to learn a whole new hidden set of rules that she never would have learned as a guy. Not to mention she was going to have to deal with all the talk about her from her fellow students.

“Hey Jaune, why don’t we go out to the city and get some grub? I’ll buy,” Nora offered with a comforting grin.

“I…don’t know Nora,” Jaune said, slowly turning around to look at her bomber friend.

“C’mon the fresh air would do you some good. We will be away from Beacon and can do whatever we want,” Nora smiled.

“That...That sounds great Nora,” Jaune replied, a small smile gracing her lips.  Anything to get away from Beacon for a little while, and the weirdness she would inevitably have to face. Even if it was temporary it would give her some time to strengthen her resolve for when she had to.

Jaune got out of bed and moved to get dressed, but quickly ran into an issue when she went to put on her pants. She had completely forgotten about her clothing issue and discovered the only thing she had that fit without any issue was her hoodie. The rest of her clothes were made for a tall slim guy, not a woman of her new stature. The blonde held back a sigh and tacked on another issue she would have to deal with.

“Don’t worry I got some clothes you can wear,” Nora offered and threw some of her clothes at her.

“Thanks,” Jaune said robotically and began to put them on. She absolutely refused to wear any of the underwear Nora offered her but did accept the shorts offered. She wasn’t ready to wear a set of panties, and her flat chest would be perfectly hidden by her hoodie. It made her feel almost normal, wearing her hoodie, even if she was wearing a pair of woman’s shorts.

She checked her scroll and saw an email from Professor Ozpin, saying that she was allowed to have time off from her classes considering what happened. He understood such a change like this would take some getting used to. He also said that she would need to stop by the student resources department for a new uniform. While she might have been a boy she couldn’t wear her old uniform simply because the change in size would make it so her clothes wouldn’t fit her.

“Want to come with us Renny?” Nora questioned.

“Thanks, but I’ll stay behind to take notes,” Ren responded.

The three looked at Pyrrha and were about to ask her but stopped. She moved as if she was a drone, going through a routine as he got ready for the day. The redhead was the first to leave the room, not saying a word at all.

“...Well let’s get going Jaune!” Nora said energetically as she took Jaune’s arm and dragged her out of the room.

Jaune could only move her legs, as she followed Nora out, her heart pounding at the thought of being seen by anyone. To her amazement, Nora somehow knew the best time and path they should take to avoid people. Jaune wasn’t sure if she was doing it for her, but was infinitely relieved no one had seen them yet and hoped nobody would. When they finally made it to the bullhead, Jaune felt so relieved and happy that they hadn’t seen a single student, especially since they were the only ones aside from the pilot. She didn’t know if there was an announcement about what happened, or not, but didn’t care as long as she wasn’t seen.

Despite how much Jaune hated flying, and how her stomach churned, Jaune enjoyed the ride over to the city, especially since they were the only ones on it. She pulled out her scroll as Nora seemed to be thinking something over. She played one of the games she downloaded for times like these when she was on a family trip. She focused on it as best she could but was not able to fully immerse herself in it due to her transformation. The scroll felt awkward in her smaller hands and almost looked too large for her. When she went to press a button she had to adjust herself at the last second.

The moment they landed, Nora pulled Jaune off the bullhead, almost making her drop her scroll, but thankfully Jaune was able to put it in her pocket. Jaune found herself relaxing the more she walked around and saw everything the city had to offer. There was no one here who would recognize her like there would be at Beacon. Here she was just a…. girl going out with her friend and having a good time. No one would know she was a boy yesterday if they saw her. It was a strange thought to welcome, being thought of as a girl, but better than people knowing she was Jaune Arc, the guy who accidentally transformed themself into a girl.

Jaune was so lost in thought that she never noticed when her teammate stopped and bumped into her. She said, “Sorry Nora.”

Nora didn’t respond and it made Jaune worry about what would happen next. The blonde looked at what caught her attention and froze when she saw it was a clothing store. Normally this would have never bothered her, but she remembered the look in Nora’s eyes yesterday. She stepped forward to look at her face and saw the same thoughtful happy look in her eyes from yesterday. It made her gulp and worry about what her friend would do next. She wanted to put that off for a while longer so she could just get used to this body. She wanted to take this all in baby steps, one small thing at a time.

“We gotta deal with that clothes issue,” Nora said eagerly and grabbed the blonde’s arm before she could refuse.

Nora dragged Jaune into the store, and Jaune gulped as her teammate led her to the women’s aisle. The blonde looked for simple plain clothes she could wear and found a nice pair of jeans she could wear. Jaune looked at her friend and her face burned as Nora pulled out more cute clothes that would only make her look more feminine. Her pile was filled with dresses, skirts, pants, and slim tops that would hug her body and show off her flat stomach. The Arc scion opened her mouth to say something, but before she could Nora quickly rushed forward with the pile of clothes she chose in hand.

Nora dragged her over to the changing room, Jaune quickly managing to grab what she had picked up. The orange-haired girl forced her into an open booth and locked the door behind them.

“Try this on! I got to see you in this, it looks like it's a perfect fit for you,” Nora declared as she grabbed the bottom of her shirt.

“H-Hey!” Jaune cried as her hoodie and shirt were forced off of her by her eccentric friend. She blushed as she covered her chest and was given a cute yellow top with frills at the end of the sleeves. The blonde grumbled as she forced her arms through the sleeves of the top, as Nora pulled it down. Nora smiled as she looked her over and cleaned up the wrinkles in it.

“That really looks good on you! Are there any of these you want to try on first? How about this dress?” Nora said as she held up a pure white sundress.

Jaune gulped the moment she saw it and felt her heart pound a little faster in her chest. The look in Nora’s eyes told her she wanted to see her in all the clothes she had chosen for her. She was suddenly reminded of the many times her sisters had forced her to wear womanly clothes when she was younger. They would force her to put on skirts, tops, and more no matter how much she tried to resist. They would go on about how cute she looked, and no matter how she begged, they would force her to wear it longer until they took all the pictures they wanted. Looking back at them now, she would take them if it meant she still had her male body parts.

“Ow!” Jaune winced as a sudden sharp heat flared in her chest as if someone had hit her there. The blonde girl looked down and blinked when she saw her chest stand out a little more. It had been flat as a board a few minutes ago, but now there was a small rise there. The blonde poked them and flinched as a tiny jolt of pleasure went down her spine. She froze as her face reddened and realized that she now had a set of breasts.

“Huh, looks like you really are a growing girl,” Nora remarked and started poking them, making the blonde cover her chest and step back.

“I hope my boobs don’t get any bigger,” Jaune sighed.

“Maybe we better hold off on getting you anything major, until we’re sure you're done growing,” Nora said sadly. She had been hoping to see what Jaune looked like in all of them and deal with the clothing issue, but it looked like fate had other ideas. “Would just be a waste of money to get you some adorable outfits only to find out they don’t fit the next day.”

Jaune’s spirit dropped further at the thought of her chest getting better and having to get a bra for it. She would have preferred never having to put one on, but she knew it would be inevitable, especially depending on how big she got. More than once she heard her sisters talk about the benefits and problems of having large breasts, much to her dismay. Every time they would talk about how eye-catching they were and how it worked to their advantage at times. They would also always bring up the pain they would have if they lacked the proper support and how they dealt with it. She didn’t want to find out if Aura helped a woman deal with back pain.

Nora and Jaune put the clothes the bomber had pulled out in the return section and as they did, Jaune noticed that Nora was still looking around as if she was going to purchase something. The blonde knew she was looking out for stuff she could wear and gulped. The moment she knew her body had finished changing she would be dragged back here and forced to get new clothes. It was only a matter of time, and she would need to wear something else in the meantime. She just hoped Nora wouldn’t get some of the other girls in on it, like Yang or Coco. If all three of them came they would probably have her modeling clothes for hours and then she would be the pack mule.

The two left the store and Jaune felt lighter, and happier, so much so she felt like she could start skipping. They wandered around the city, Jaune following Nora as she looked around the stores like a small child who was on a field trip. The former male was just happy to be away from the school for now. Nora stopped again when another store caught her attention, and this time it was a sweets shop.

“Wanna get some sweets?” Nora asked with a large grin.

“That…sounds good,” Jaune replied as her stomach growled in agreement, making her blush. With all that had happened, she didn’t have anything to eat the night before and didn’t have breakfast. It might not be healthy to have, but she needed some comfort food after all she had been through. Some pie and a large ice cream shake sounded like the perfect thing to have. If she was still hungry perhaps a sundae, a piece of cake, or a slice of pie would be good to have. She would figure it out when she saw what they were serving and go from there.

They stepped inside and saw only a few people, eating cake, pies, ice cream sundaes, and more. The two stared at the menu, wondering what they should get. It didn't help that everything they offered, and the description of what went into making it sound even better. The two decided on getting several slices of key lime pie, strawberry cake, pumpkin pie, and blueberry pie. Jaune decided on getting a chocolate shake to go with it as well.

After they got their sweets, Nora and Jaune slipped into a nearby empty booth and started eating. Nora happily munched on her slices of pie, humming as she did. Jaune moaned happily as she sucked down her drink. She took a bite of her slice of pie and savored the flavor. For a moment she was able to forget her problems and simply enjoy what she was doing. The food made her feel slightly better at the moment and want more to eat.

Unknown to the blonde, her body had changed a little more as she enjoyed her sugary treat. Just like when her chest had grown slightly larger earlier, her butt was growing as well. She rose slightly higher in her seat as another layer of cushion was added to her buttocks. She moved around her seat and thought she found a comfortable more padded section of her seat. After getting settled, she focused on her meal again, intent on filling her stomach. She had to make up for the food she didn’t eat yesterday and so far this was the perfect way of doing so. When they were finished eating, they made their way back to Beacon, Nora walking behind her.

Nora blinked when she noticed that Jaune’s lower body looked a little different. She looked closer and saw that Jaune's butt stood out a little more and there was a slight bounce to her formally boney rear when she stepped. She couldn’t help but marvel at the sudden growth and remembered what happened in the store with Jaune’s breasts.

“Hey your butt is a little bigger,” Nora pointed out as she started to poke the blonde’s behind. “Looks like your boobs aren’t the only thing that isn’t done growing.”

“Wh-What!” Jaune squeaked, feeling her face burn. She quickly turned, slapping Nora’s hand away. The blonde gulped and looked over her shoulder and saw her butt truly had gotten larger. She remembered the sudden extra cushion she had in the restaurant when she was eating and groaned in realization. As if her growing chest wasn’t bad enough, she now had to worry about her butt as well. She worried about how big it would get and hoped that her bottom wouldn’t get too large.

The worries Jaune had about her butt, reminded her of her chest, and imagined herself with larger curves. She looked down at her small chest and used her other hand to trace the curves of her small butt. Right now they were easily more manageable and didn’t feel any round real bounce in her step, but she wondered what it would be like later. Would she get so big it would actually make it harder for her to walk around and do what she needed to? The image of her having a figure that rivaled a supermodel’s entered her mind and she shuddered. She wanted to be a Huntress, not a professional model!

“Alright let’s head back to Beacon. I think we should have a little nap after our little adventure,” Nora declared.

“A nap?” Jaune questioned looking at his hyperactive teammate curiously. “That’s the last thing I thought you would say. I thought you would want to go check out an arcade or go see a movie or something. And I got to go to the nurse’s office and get checked out!”

“Trust me a nice nap after having all of those sweets is going to be great. It will be great! And besides, there’s nothing to worry about. The burst will still be there and all you did was get a little thiccer. It’s perfectly natural.”

“Natural when you’re going through puberty,” Jaune muttered. The blonde doubted it would be as good as she was making out to be. The idea of going to an arcade, or seeing a movie was appealing to her and would let her stay away from Beacon for a little longer. The problem with going to the theater was she had no idea what was available and the showings. They could get tickets and then go to the theater when it was time, but they could lose track of time and then the money would have been wasted. Then again, a nap could do her some good. It would let her properly sleep off some of the stress and tiredness she would have when it ran its course. “Whatever let’s just go back to Beacon. First the nurse’s office and then a nap okay?”

“Great!” Nora declared as she grabbed Jaune’s head and led her back to the bullhead. Along the way, the blonde felt her body start to fill with sugary energy as she followed her bomber friend. When they arrived at the airship yard they saw it was filled with civilians and students. Seeing all of the students made Jaune want to run back into town, but Nora was somehow able to stealthily hide them from everyone. When they got on, the blonde was surprised to see they were the only ones on a ship heading to Beacon, but was genuinely happy and relieved they were.

When they returned to Beacon, Nora led Jaune through the halls, again somehow knowing when to move and the best time to do so. Again it surprised Jaune how stealthy and quiet Nora could be when she wanted to be. It made her nervous about what sort of pranks she could pull off if she put her mind to it. It made her wonder between Ren and Nora who was actually better at stealth. She would need to talk to her friends and find out how good Nora really was at stealth later. If they needed to do any more stealth operations then Nora would be perfect for them, especially if they needed to unleash some mayhem.

Jaune stepped into the nurse's office and gulped as she organized her words. Her face was already slushing from this conversation and she hadn’t said anything. She was not looking forward to it. She started awkwardly, “Excuse me, nurse. I need your help.”

“Is there something that I can help you with Ms…Mr. Arc?” The nurse questioned, earning a sigh from Jaune. She then narrowed her eyes as she looked his body over.

“My uh…boobs and butt grew,” Jaune squeaked, the words making her face burn brighter.

“...Interesting,” the woman remarked, looking like she wanted nothing more than to grab a drink.

“I don’t think this is interesting,” Jaune spat, earning a flat look from the nurse. The blonde instantly recoiled and looked away from her. She muttered quietly, “Sorry.”

“It’s alright just sit down while I get a needle, I’m going to take a blood sample and perform some light tests to see how your body is. After that, we’re going to test your Aura so the Aura Reader can test it and see if it notices anything.”

Jaune sat down on the best, and recoiled for a moment, because of her tush’s extra girth. She winced when the nurse’s needle pierced her skin. She breathed out and waited for her to finish. Jaune’s aura immediately repaired the damage to her body.

After taking the sample, the nurse had her breathe in and out. Tested how her body reacted, her vision, and everything else. It was almost like she was going through a standard check-up. She pulled out a machine and had her pour her Aura into it. The machine beeped as it scanned her Aura and when it finished she let go.

“Alright feel free to go Jaune. The moment the tests are finished and we have an idea of what is going on in your body we’ll give you a call. Enjoy the rest of your day,” the nurse said.

“Is there anything that you can tell me now?” Jaune questioned desperately.

“Look I’m going to need to run some tests on your blood and the Aura Reader is going to need to analyze your Aura in-depth before I can tell you anything,” the nurse sighed. “The moment that I have anything you will be called back so we can discuss it properly.”

“Ok,” Jaune said, she sighed as she stepped out.

The moment Jaune was out of the room, Nora took her hand and led her through the academy. Again the stealth abilities that Nora had shown came through. Jaune let her be led, her mind was numb to the recent revelations. Someone could have jumped out of the hallways and she wouldn’t have cared much after learning she could grow more.

When they returned to their dorm, Jaune’s tiredness dominated her as the sugar in her body disappeared. A yawn escaped her lips as exhaustion began to overtake her body. She crawled into her bed, feeling a little more alive than she did this morning and last night at least. She closed her eyes and relaxed into her sheets, feeling a little hopeful about what the next day might bring when she woke up. Maybe she and her team would go out and have a fun time, maybe they would finally meet team RWBY and explain that she was okay. Ruby had been asking about her after all. She let out one more cute small nose and then her mind was fully overtaken by her need for sleep.

“Time to wake up Jaune!” Nora yelled right in the sleeping blonde’s ear.

“Ahhh!” Jaune cried as she quickly got up and slammed her head into the bottom of the top bunk. She groaned and rubbed her head, soothing the pain she had. She looked at her friend in confusion. “Oww, Nora why did you wake me up all of a sudden?”

“Because it's time that we started your training!” Nora excitedly declared.

“Training?” Jaune blinked as she repeated the statement.

“Yeah since Pyrrha is acting out of it, it would be best if I took over your training,” Nora explained as she patted a pink duffle bag she was holding.

“Sure, that sounds good,” Jaune said lethargically with a nod.

“Great, let’s go to the gym!” Nora declared as she pulled the blonde out of bed.

Along the way, Jaune’s eyes slowly widened as she realized what she agreed to and who was training her. Nora had never been the one in complete charge of her training. Whenever she had been about to do something training-wise, it had been vetted by Pyrrha and Ren. They made sure that she didn’t do anything drastic, like use explosions for their runs, or use explosives to improve his dodging. With her unrestrained, she could only imagine the nightmares she would have after a training session with her. Still, she did need to get used to her new body when she was fighting, and training was the perfect way to do so. When they arrived at the gym, Nora led Jaune into the changing room, much to the latter’s dismay.

“What are we doing here?” Jaune angrily demanded as she managed to free herself from her teammate’s hold.

“To change into our workout clothes duh,” Nora answered as if it was obvious. “We came here to train and we can’t do that in our good clothes. Besides what are you worried about, we’re the only two people in here.”

Nora started to change out of her clothes, making the Arc scion’s face burn brighter. The moment the blonde had seen the lacy pink bra her teammate wore she turned away. A girl she might be now, but she wasn’t used to seeing undergarments like this. “C’mon Jaune, the sooner you get dressed the sooner we can get out and start.”

“But I didn’t bring any clothes to change into,” Jaune pointed out.

“Oh don’t worry I got your outfit right in the bag!” Nora said.

Jaune blinked, a little surprised Nora remembered something like that. With how quickly she ran out of the room she didn’t think she would remember to properly prepare. She went over to the duffle bag and opened it and froze when she saw the outfit inside. Inside was a black sports bra and short shorts with lines on the sides of them.

“Nora...what is this?” Jaune asked slowly and quietly as she pulled out the clothes.

“Those are your workout clothes Jauney. I got them specifically for you,” Nora replied, making the blonde blink in surprise. “You see after what happened when we were shopping yesterday, I informed the headmaster and got these clothes commissioned for you. It’s made from this fabric that’s been coated with some special Dust to make it really stretchy and adjust to the wearer’s size. So if you end up as big as me and Yang it will still fit comfortably.”

Jaune frowned at the thought of becoming as curvy as Nora or Yang but was thankful for the effort Nora was putting to help her. It was heartwarming to see how far her crazy was going to help her adapt. She looked back at the clothes Nora had gotten her and held back a sigh as she stripped out of her clothes and put them on.

The moment Jaune slipped on the top she could feel it cup her small chest, supporting her small breasts as if they were gently holding them. She slipped on the short shorts and she immediately blushed at how tightly they hugged her lower body, especially her butt, and pulled at them. When the fabric slipped from her fingers it slapped against her behind, making a small bud of pleasure go through her body. The former blonde boy smiled weakly at her teammate who grinned at her. They placed their clothes in the lockers they registered and left the room.

Jaune wondered what the first exercise would be, and if she needed to call for help. As she looked around, she noticed a few of the guys were looking at her and blushed as she futilely tried to cover her exposed skin. She especially wasn’t happy about how all the guys were checking her out but knew if she called them out on it she would be a hypocrite. When she had come here with the others she would look at the girls when they were working out and what they were wearing.

“So what are we going to do first?” Jaune asked.

“We’re going to start simple,” Nora replied. “We’re going to run around the campus.”

“That’s it?” Jaune questioned, waiting to hear some added addition, or for her to say she was suddenly joking.

“Yeah, we’re just going to run around the campus. C’mon Jaune do you really think I’m going to pull out explosives every chance I get? Now let’s start running! You take the lead, and I’ll follow you!”

Jaune looked at her for a moment, before she started running. She heard Nora following behind her and braced herself. She focused on her breathing and movement, trying to keep a steady pace as she waited for Nora to do something, but it never came. The former young man managed to find a steady pace and was mindful of how she would get the most out of her run. She recognized a point she was mindful of that she would usually stop to break out when she ran with Pyrrha, but she didn’t feel tired and kept running. Jaune grinned at passing that landmark and wondered how far she could go, intent on setting a new one. She grinned the further they got and realized they had run around a full quarter of the campus and could have squealed in joy.

A sudden warmth came over making her lungs start to burn. She started to huff and puff and struggled to maintain her pace. The blonde grit her teeth and forced herself to continue. She had made so much progress and didn’t want to stop now. This was the first huge leap in progress she had in a while and wanted to really see how much she had grown.

“Are you alright Jaune?” Nora asked behind her.

“Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Just getting a little tired is all,” Jaune answered, her face blushing heavily from how much she was pushing herself. “Let’s keep going, I got some more energy in me.”

The blonde was so focused on her run, that she never noticed her thighs were growing. The appeal of her thighs grew larger as the thin dainty legs she had gained a little more padding that added to their delectable curvature. With every step she took in her jog it was as if a little switch was hit that made them grow. The fabric at the top of Jaune’s thighs stretched, scratching against her body as they rode higher, but the wearer never noticed because of how focused she was. When they finished growing she had softer delectable thighs, that would certainly get people’s attention, but by no means outlandish.

Nora noticed the change in her leader’s thighs but didn’t comment on it. She wanted to finish their run without issue and if she did, then Jaune would stop and freak out about it. Right now her fearless leader was so focused on her training that she wasn’t sure Jaune would even notice, and if she did she would probably trip over herself. That would have been something her leader didn’t need considering everything else. Besides, it would be a shame if she broke Jaune’s concentration now. This way they both got to see how far she had come.

Soon, Jaune couldn’t keep running anymore and struggled to catch her breath. Her body ached, her thighs felt like mush, and her lungs burned. Her body was covered in sweat and her clothes felt a little tighter than they did earlier. The blonde struggled to stay standing upright as her legs trembled underneath her. She placed her hand on her thighs and blinked vaguely at the added cushion there.

“Wow, Jaune you ran so much farther than the last time we did,” Nora cheered.

Jaune couldn’t say anything as she continued to heave. It was the only thing she could do. She sat down on the ground, face burning slightly from a pud pleasure that came from her larger buttocks. The new girl then laid down on her back, letting out a pleased grunt. She stared up at the sky as her eyelids grew heavier and tried to keep them open only to fail miserably as her breathing evened out.

Jaune groaned as she woke up from her involuntary nap and the first thing she noticed was that her head was on top of a comfy pillow. Her eyes fluttered open and her tiredness quickly vanished when she saw a smiling Nora staring down at her with a tree behind her. Though she could barely see the smile over his teammate's impressive mountains taking up a majority of her vision.

The blonde gulped as her face burned in embarrassment. She couldn’t believe the position she was currently in. She had dreamed of being in such a position with his girlfriend when he finally got one. While she was a little embarrassed about her current position she realized she wasn’t as anxious as she used to be. Though she was willing to bet it had something to do with it being Nora.

“Morning sleepyhead, did you sleep well?” Nora asked.

“Just...Just a few more minutes,” Jaune giggled awkwardly, earning a chuckle from the orange-haired girl. The moment her laughter ceased the blonde frowned and wondered if that giggle was hers. It sounded so much like her sisters when they were telling jokes that for a moment she wondered if one of them was here laughing at her situation. If they knew about this she was willing to bet they at least got a chuckle out of it. Especially since they had forced him to dress up as a girl at times when he was younger.

“Sure! You passed out after our run so probably for the best that you take a breather before you try getting up and all,” Nora replied.

Jaune frowned and breathed deeply in and out to collect herself. She didn't think she had pushed herself so hard that she would actually pass out. She gathered her strength and tested her limbs movements, balling her hands into fists and moved her legs around.

When she was sure she would be fine, Jaune slowly got off Nora’s lap. She stood up and stretched in place. Her body didn’t burn as much as it did earlier, but her clothes were still sticky from all the sweat on her body. Her sportswear felt tighter and she looked at her body to make sure she hadn’t grown more in her sleep. The blonde smiled, positively gleeful that her boobs and butt weren’t any bigger, but still a little uncomfortable with how tight her clothes were. She pulled at her top a little and the fabric slipped from her fingers and slapped her chest, making her yelp. She pulled her shorts and just like her top, the fabric slipped from her fingers and hit her butt, sending out a bud of pleasure that coursed through her body like a zap of electricity.

“So now that I’m awake what now?” Jaune asked her face a light shade of pink.

“Well I was going to make you do a few more exercises, but slept for so long don’t know if we should go through them or not,” Nora said.

Jaune frowned. She didn’t want to think she had slept so long. As nice as Nora was for letting her sleep she would have preferred if her friend had woken her up. After making such progress she wanted to train more. The fact she was stronger than before was the only good thing she had going for her she believed.

“What time is it anyway?” Jaune asked.

Nora pulled her scroll out of her pocket and looked at the time. “It's about fifteen minutes till first period begins.”

Jaune’s eyes widened as if she had just seen a stampede of raging Boarbatusk coming toward her. They had professor Goodwitch for their first period. She was easily the strictest teacher amongst them all and had no mercy for late students or troublemakers. She didn’t want to get in trouble with her on top of everything else that had happened to her. The thought of earning her ire was enough to give her a sudden burst of energy and her mind scramble in case the worse were to happen.

The new Arc girl quickly started running towards their first class of the day. Her heart pounded in her chest and prayed in her mind that she would make it on time. The same burn that plagued her aching limbs returned, though it was much less prominent. She ignored and pushed herself harder, just like she did before. No matter what it took she wouldn’t let herself be late for class.

“Wait Jaune where are you going?” Nora yelled out, as she watched her leader get farther away.

“To class!” Jaune replied frantically, moving out of the way of the various students who were in her path.

Nora blinked and then giggled. With a nonchalant shrug, she quickly chased after her leader with a grin. She didn’t think Jaune would have the energy she had to keep on running even after that nap. She was able to easily catch up to Jaune without much issue and purposely stayed a little behind her. It wouldn’t have been hard to get ahead of her, but she wanted to stay behind her fearless leader in case she pushed herself too hard again. Also because it would allow her to check out Jaune’s figure again and see if it grew some more.

Nora studied her leader’s form again and grinned. She might not have been too curvy, but it hardly mattered with what she was wearing. Any gal wearing a sports bra and short shorts would catch everyone’s eye. Especially with a fresh sheen of sweat over her body that made her skin shine. She looked around and cackled madly at all the looks they were getting. She was sure some were burning the sight of the two of them and their sweaty bodies into their memories for later. Well, they better enjoy it while they can, because stuff like this doesn’t happen every day

Jaune pushed her body harder the closer to class she got. She tried to move faster and push her body harder. She knew she had new limits back when she was training earlier and wanted to explore them, but this was important. When this was over she would learn just how much stronger she had become.

The moment she saw the door to class, she narrowed her eyes in determination. The bell to signify the start of classes hadn’t gone off yet, so they could still make it. She let out a breath and moved faster and reached the front of the door. She gripped the door handle and slammed the door open.

“We’re here!” Jaune cried heavily.

“Hi everyone!” Nora greeted with a cheerful wave as she stopped behind her leader, making the leader of Team JNPR jump in surprise.

Glynda who had opened her mouth to begin her lecture stopped and turned to look at the entrance along with the rest of the class. Jaune flinched from suddenly being the center of attention and her face burned like a red sun. Her face burned brighter to the point her face looked like it was painted red, especially when some people started snickering. Her eyes looked around the room and she saw Team RWBY struggling to contain their laughter, even Weiss and Blake looked like they wanted to laugh. The blonde saw Ren sigh as he held his head in his hands.

“Mr...Ms. Arc I am glad to see you are doing fine physically,” Professor Goodwitch started, momentarily reminding herself of his gender change. “Though just because you are excused from having to attend classes for a bit doesn’t mean that you are allowed to cause a scene like this. Especially with your choice in attire, and how it is getting a rise out of all the pubescent boys in the room.”

Jaune blinked, wondering what she meant. Her eyes widened when she realized what she meant, causing her to groan and smack her forehead. She had been so terrified at the possibility of being late to class, that she had completely forgotten that the headmaster excused her from having to attend classes because of the accident.

The second half of her professor's words registered in her head. Jaune looked at her classmates and saw a majority of her male classmates now sported blushes on their faces and tried to act casual. One thing, she could tell was that all the guys and some of the girls were staring at her and Nora lustfully. The blonde looked down at her body and squealed, her blush reignited as her mouth sputtered with low embarrassed moans. She looked around the room as she tried to cover her body.

“I’m sorry, professor for the interruption,” Jaune gulped. “I’ll just take my leave now!”

Jaune turned around to leave the class, only for the doors to slam shut in front of her, making her yelp. She gulped and slowly turned to the front of the class to see professor Goodwitch holding her riding crop in her direction. Her face looked like it was carved from stone and her eyes were deadly serious.

“Ms. Arc, Ms. Valkyrie please sit down. If you are well enough to cause such a scene like this in my class then you are well enough to stay for the lesson,” Glynda said, her voice hard. “It is good to see you aren’t letting up on your studies even though you didn’t have to come.”

Jaune opened her mouth to beg her to leave the room, so she could at least put on a school uniform but stopped. Her teacher’s bright emerald green eyes looked at her without any compassion and she knew she wouldn’t budge on the issue. She gulped and nodded her head as she said, “Yes Professor Goodwitch.”

Jaune and Nora quickly walked up to their usual seats, the former to be out of everyone’s sight, while the other because of her natural exuberance. The blonde sat down between Ren and where Pyrrha would sit, while Nora sat down on the other side of Ren. The blonde girl’s face still burned, the looks she got from everyone still in her mind as if she was still in front of everyone. She kept her face low, looking at her desk as if there was salvation from her embarrassment there.

“Hey Ren,” Nora whispered so Goodwitch wouldn’t hear her. She ran her hands over her body and prodded the dark segments of her white shirt as she sniffed the air. “All this sweat on me really makes my skin look good don’t you think? And I don’t smell as bad as I thought I would, wouldn’t you agree?”

Jaune and Ren both groaned at once, though for different reasons. The reason why the former was because she would have to put up with all the stares she was getting. Even now she could feel all of them looking at her, and it made her wish her Semblance was the ability to become invisible or teleport right now. The reason the dark-haired boy was, was because the girl next to him would be teasing him for the rest of the class. Which would make it hard for him to pay attention to what their teacher was saying.

Jaune tilted her head to the left at Pyrrha’s empty seat. She whispered to Ren, “Hey Ren where’s Pyrrha?”

“She didn't leave her bed no matter how insistent I was,” Ren replied quietly. “I kept saying we should get ready, but she just told me to just go on without her.”

Jaune frowned, hoping Pyrrha wasn’t getting sick or suffering from a reaction to the Dust. The possibility of one of her teammates getting sick because of her made her stomach churn some more and hope it was just a minor cold or something. Still, there was nothing she could do about it now, and focused on class, or else she would end up on the professor’s bad side more than she already was. When she got back she could check on her for herself.

Suddenly a new thought came to her about her friends. Jaune looked down at Team RWBY and wondered why they had just laughed and didn’t seem shocked about her new appearance. While the shock of how she entered might have dampened any shock they might have had. She turned to Ren and asked, “Ren why didn’t Ruby and her team seem so shocked by seeing me?”

“I told them while you were sleeping. I thought it would be best to tell them so they could mentally prepare themselves,” Ren admitted. “I swear I only told them.”

“...Okay,” Jaune replied. The blonde was a little relieved that they would have some time to prepare. At the very least it doesn’t seem to be a widespread thing, though word was going to spread around campus eventually after she ran into the classroom with all the subtly of a Grimm stampede. There was no way her gender change was going to stay a secret and word was going to spread eventually. If not Cardin then some random student here would blab and then it would be known by everyone.

Jaune looked around the room and saw some of the boys and girls quickly look away from her, making her gulp. Others tried not to stare at her, but their eyes would dart at her and then quickly look away, only to look back at her moments later. Some tried to play it off as if they were focused on the lesson in front of them, but she saw them look at her too. She sighed, wondering if it would be like this in the rest of her classes. She muttered, “I hate being a girl.”

Her eyes wandered around the room again and stopped when she saw where Cardin and his team sat. She saw Russel and Sky looking at her with mischievous smirks on their faces, vaguely reminding her of imps from hell. Dove didn’t look at her, but the way he clearly tried to fight the smile on his face showed he was amused by what happened. It was Cardin who worried her the most. He only smirked at her, but that told her everything that she needed to know. She could only imagine all the new material jokes he would have, especially because of her current attire.

A loud slap reverberated through the room, making Jaune jump and turn quickly to her professor. She was mentally prepared to be called out for not paying attention in class but was still shocked by the suddenness of it all. The former boy glanced around the room and saw some of the people in front of her, and those who had been eyeing her jolted to look at their teacher as well. It was a small comfort, but one she would gladly take. Anything was better than being the center of attention.

“Now as I was going to say before our late arrivals decided to join us,” Glynda said, making Jaune look down, while Nora giggled. “We will be having a new student join our class. A recent accident had befallen their team and they decided to transfer to Beacon to continue their training. They’ll be joining a team, at least temporarily until a full replacement can be found. As for which team I will inform them after the lesson.”

The moment their teacher finished explaining, whispers started to reverberate around the room. As far as everyone in the classroom was aware there had never been a team of five before. It wasn’t late in the school year, but the fact it would be a full semester after doing so was attention-grabbing.

Jaune couldn’t help but feel sorry for them. She hoped all of their former teammates were okay, and that they weren’t here because of the worst possible outcome. She could only imagine how bad it had been for them, especially for the new student if they were the only one who was alive. If they were the only ones active then it must have been bad enough that their careers were over before they could officially begin. The blonde could only imagine how bad it must be for them. Especially if they were like her and wanted to be a Huntsman ever since they were a kid.

“Now I will admit that these instances while rare have happened in the past. And usually, they will stay on until a replacement is found, or if they decide to stay on. In which case, special circumstances are made for special events, but that will be discussed with the team they are assigned to.”

The talking went up again as they wondered what those circumstances were. The first thing that came to a majority of their minds was the Vytal Festival. It would be unfair if they allowed a team of five to go up against a team of four. Would they have to have someone sit out? If so then would it be for the rest of the matches, or in its entirety?

“Hey, Ren have you ever heard of a team of five at Beacon before?” Jaune asked, getting a shake from her teammate’s head.

“You can come out and introduce yourself now, Mr. Lamagne,” Glynda said, looking at the door to the teacher’s office.

The door to the teacher’s office opened and a young man stepped out. He had shaggy black hair with white streaks and blue eyes. His attire consisted mainly of a black and white tunic with blue accents, black pants, thigh-high armored boots, and a short white cape with a black edge. Aside from his boots, his left arm has a gauntlet, and he wears a set of faulds at his waist. A white and blue sword scabbard hung at his side, and red marks coat his right gloved arm.

“Yo nice to meet all of you!” the new student said cheerfully with a charming smile.

“This is Char Lamagne and he will be joining our classes. Is there anything you would like to say to the class Mr. Lamagne?” Glynda asked.

“Nah, I don't really have much to say about myself except you can call me Charlie if you want,” Char responded.

Char looked around the room and his eyes landed on Jaune. He took a deep breath as he started walking toward her. The students started to mutter as they looked him over, but he paid them no mind as he walked. He sat down next to her and nodded his head at Jaune.

“Now that introductions and interruptions are out of the way we will start the lesson,” Glynda said.

Charlie pulled out a notebook and flipped over to an empty page. He placed his stuff down and quickly got to work copying down what the teacher was saying. He listened to every word that was being said.

“Psst!” Jaune hissed.

Char turned to look at her and his eyes widened for a moment as he looked at the girl next to him. She was nothing short of stunning. He had seen her earlier, in the stands but looking at her now up close he could really see how pretty she was. He could get lost in her pretty blue eyes for years and her sunny locks looked like they had come from the heavens. Oh if there was an angel that had come down from on high it had to be her.

Char smiled at her and whispered, “Is there something I can help you with?”

“I just wanted to say hello, since you're new and introduce myself,” Jaune said. “My name is Jaune Arc.”

“Nice to meet you Jaune,” Char replied, his smile growing. “As Ms. Goodwitch said my name is Char Lamagne, but call me Charlie.”

The new student held his hand out for Jaune to shake and she did so, smiling shyly. The blonde’s smile grew when she looked into his eyes. There was none of the judgment in his eyes she had expected to see. She thought about it for a second and her smile grew when she fully realized what his as a transfer student meant. He wouldn’t know her as a former boy, or anything like that. If he did know, then he wasn’t showing it. She hoped he didn’t know about her original gender and that she could enjoy this.

Now that she thought about it, she hoped that her new gender wouldn’t change her and her friends dynamic much and make things more awkward than they already were. As weird as it may be for them she was the one who was suddenly dealing with new mounds and the lack of something between her legs. It couldn’t quite compare she felt.

When class was over Jaune couldn’t have been happier. Throughout the whole lesson, she could feel people eyeing her and looking at her and her new sportswear. As bad as that was, it was overshadowed by the fact she made a new friend who didn’t know about her old gender and what happened to her.

“Hey, would you want to meet the rest of my team and friends?” Jaune said.

“Sure,” Char responded.

“Well this is Ren and this is Nora,” Jaune introduced, pointing at the two respectively.

“Hello!” Nora waved energetically.

“Hi,” Ren said.

“Nice to meet you two, I hope we can all be friends with each other,” Char said. He looked at Nora and remarked. “I know that with you around things are never going to be boring.”

“I aim to liven things up,” Nora laughed as the group got up and made their way down the steps.

Jaune smiled, relieved that things were going well, and hoped that they would continue to do so. Nora was a nice person and Ren was accepting of everyone. The only person she wished Char could meet was Pyrrha since she was one of her closest friends here at Beacon.

“Ms. Arc. may I have a word with you and your team for a moment,” Ms. Goodwitch said. “And please let me know if you would prefer to be called Mr still.”

Jaune and the rest of her team stopped and looked at her. The blonde gulped as she stepped forward, wondering if she was in trouble again. “It's fine. Ms. Goodwitch and what is it?”

“You can relax Ms. Arc you and your team are not in any sort of trouble. The reason we are talking now is because of Mr. Lemagne actually. We had planned to have Mr. Lamagne as part of your team originally but due to recent events, we will be giving you a choice in the matter. I understand you and your team might not be inclined to, considering the accident you were in recently and probably still need time to adjust.”

“What accident?” Charlie said quickly looking at Jaune and then at Professor Goodwitch.

“I had an accident in the lab the other day, it’s nothing to worry about,” Jaune answered quickly. She didn’t want him to know about what happened to her and the fact she used to be a guy. Charlie was the first person to look at her without any sense of awkwardness or pity. He was the first person to just see her as a person and not a victim or some freak of nature. It was nice to have a clean slate with someone.

“Ahh, it's good to see you’re doing fine,” Charlie said, making the new girl let out an inner sigh of relief.

“Y-Yeah, I’m doing okay,” Jaune said. “Anyway, I wouldn’t mind if he joined our team for now. What about you guys?”

“Sure! The more the merrier!” Nora cheered.

“I don’t see any issue,” Ren said in his usual monotone voice.

Jaune smiled, relieved they were okay with adding Char to the team. Her smile fell when she remembered her partner wasn’t here so they could all say their thoughts. She sighed. “I wish Pyrrha was here so we could get her answer right now.”

“Pyrrha?” Char asked. “Is she the last member of your team?”

“Yeah, you might have heard of her. She was the winner of the tournament in Mistral four years in a row,” Jaune explained, only to have Char stare at her as if she had just talked about some random thing in one of their textbooks.

She opened her mouth to say she had graduated from Sanctum but stopped. If he didn’t know that she was a champion then she doubted he would know something like that. She hummed trying to think of what else she could say. Suddenly she had an idea, it was a little embarrassing, but it was the most noticeable thing she could think of.

“She’s the girl who's on the Pumpkin Pete's Cereal boxes,” Jaune said tentatively.

“Oh that’s who that is,” Char said. “You should have said that first. I don’t really tend to follow tournaments too much and prefer to focus on sharpening my skills or watching shows I like. I know about them, but I don’t care for the results and stuff like that.”

Jaune smiled, feeling vindication. She wasn't the only one who didn't know Pyrrha from her numerous achievements! She still remembered Weiss’s words from that day on initiation and how stupid she felt at the time after hearing all of them, but now she could take solace in the fact she wasn’t alone.

“I’m sure Pyrrha will be fine with it,” Nora said as she pulled out her scroll and sent a message to Pyrrha. “I’ll message her real quick and see if we can get a response.”

“It is nice to see you are rather accommodating to Mr. Lamagne and recent events in stride,” Ms. Goodwitch said with a comforting smile. “If you need any help please feel free to come talk to me.”

Jaune couldn’t help but smile, her body feeling put at ease by the smile her teacher had. It was a little weird seeing on her usually strict face, but it was nice. She wished she smiled a little more. It would have made her more approachable. Still, she would keep her offer in mind for the future. It would be nice to someone who wasn’t so close to her. Sometimes it was just easier to talk to someone who wasn’t directly involved or close to her, just because whatever they said was from someone not related to it.

Nora’s scroll went off in her pocket and read what she got. Her eyes wandered over the message, taking in every word of it. Her smile turned into a full-blown grin as she put it away.

“She says it's fine! So welcome to team JNPR!” Nora cheered as she shook Charlie’s hand, who laughed at her exuberance. “Wait are we still Juniper, or are we something else now?”

“You will still be referred to as team Juniper if you decide to call yourselves something else in the meantime that is up to you,” Ms. Goodwitch said. “Try to enjoy the rest of your day.”

They left the classroom and Jaune saw Team RWBY standing not too far away and gulped and breathed heavier. This would be the first time they had seen each other since the accident and weren’t sure what to think. They didn’t seem shocked by her appearance when they first saw her, but it would be another thing for them to see each other in person.

“Hey guys,” Jaune said weakly and forced a weak smile on her face as she looked the girls over. It was strange to only be several inches taller than Ruby now after being so much taller than her and some of the others for so long. Still, at least she wasn’t smaller than all of them now.

“Well not bad,” Yang whistled with a smirk as she looked her fellow blonde over. “You’ll be knocking plenty of people off their feet with what you got now. Especially in this outfit.”

Jaune couldn’t help but wilt and turn her head to hide the embarrassed blush on her face. Yang grinned and moved closer, pressing her body against the former boy’s. She ran her hands over Jaune’s body, making Jaune spasm as a blush darkened her face. Her mind narrowed on the way her friend’s bust was pressed into her back and the fact and her lower body and knew if she had her old masculinity it would start to rise.

“You might not have much up top, but that doesn’t matter when you got such a pretty face,” Yang commented and gave Jaune’s bust a squeeze. “It’s almost unfair how pretty you are.”

“Yang, stop it,” Weiss groaned as she ran her hand down her face, causing the blonde to laugh as she stepped back. She looked Jaune over again and her mouth dropped slightly. She said, awe in her voice. “I had to see it to believe it.”

“Believe what?” Char asked, his face having a noticeable flush from what he had just seen.

Behind them, Jaune begged them not to say anything by shaking her head and quickly waving her hand across her throat. She didn’t want to give any hints of her old body and make things weirder than they already were. She brought her hands up and hands together and tried to send her best puppy dog look at them.

“Oh just that you...came to class in your sportswear!” Ruby quickly replied and then started giggling. “Yeah none of us were expecting it, and the way you entered it was a little funny.”

Jaune blushed as she sucked in her lips as if she was eating a sour lemon. She didn’t mean to enter the class like that. It just happened. As if she needed anything else to be known as around Beacon. Still, this was better than him learning she had been a boy.

“Ehh not the weirdest thing I have ever seen. Back at my old school, we had this tall muscular blonde guy, running into the dining hall dressed in nothing but his underwear. At least a hundred students saw him as a heavy silence came over everyone, wondering if they were all seeing the same thing. Then when they were sure they were, everyone started laughing at the sight of him and yet this kid got in line, seemingly not minding at all being the center of attention and being mocked. One of the teachers went to him angry and demanded why he was there in his underwear.”

“What did he do?” Yang asked eagerly.

“He said he was going to get some food, and the students there just started laughing as our professor's face went through all these expressions,” Char said and then tried his best to imitate them. The group laughed and Char struggled to keep the smile on his face as he did so. “Our teacher told him to go put on some clothes and he did his best salute and then marched out of the class as if he was fully dressed, eating a banana that he had gotten from the line.”

The group burst into a fit of laughter. Ruby, Yang, and Nora were the loudest of the bunch. Weiss let out a groan, but even she was struggling to hide a smile. Blake and Ren let out small chuckles as they imagined it happening here.

“So Jaune why did you bring...Char right? Is he going to be joining your team?” Blake said.

“Yup, but like I said in class you can just call me Charlie,” Char said.

“Well nice to meet you handsome,” Yang said as she took his hand and shook it. She pulled Ruby close to her with a grin. “My name is Yang Xiao Long, and this is my little sister Ruby.”

“Nice to meet you two.”

“He’s going to be a part of team JNPR for now,” Jaune answered.

“Oh that’s good, I hope you get along well with them,” Blake said.

“I can tell I’m not going to be bored with them around,” Char chuckled.

“Yeah, they’re really fun and if you ever need any help Team RWBY will be there to help you too,” Ruby said, looking meaningfully at Jaune.

Jaune smiled, glad she could rely on Ruby if she needed anything. Blake and Yang nodded in agreement, and even Weiss as well. It was nice to see she could go to them in case she needed anything, even if they weren’t as close. She could use all the friends she could right now. Though she wished they didn’t keep looking at her with pity.

“Next period will be starting soon. We better get going, or else we’ll be late,” Ren said. “Just take the rest of the day off Jaune.”

“Right take care Jaune, Char,” Ruby said.

Ren and Nora along with Team RWBY walked down the hallway leaving the two of them alone. Her teammates were dragging the dazed Pyrrha around as if she was still lost in her trance.

Now that they were alone, Jaune wasn’t sure what to do. She knew she wanted to hang out with him, but she wasn’t quite sure what they could do, especially in her current attire. Pyrrha was still in the room and might be resting now. It limited their options since she didn’t have her scroll on her and her current attire. Still, she could put up with it for a while longer. Even if it did make her eye candy to everyone interested in her new body.

“Have you been shown around Beacon?” Jaune asked, going with the first thing she could think of. “I remember back when I first came here I had trouble finding where everything was, even with the map….Wait don’t you have to go to class?”

“I don’t have to since I just arrived. I’ll have to in a few days, today was more of an observation day, especially since I wasn’t put on a team until now. I’m still learning where everything around campus is, so having another tour would be greatly appreciated,” Charlie smiled, putting Jaune at ease.

Jaune smiled in relief and wondered what to do. In the classroom, she had thought about getting a shower and a change of clothes, but she could hold off on it for now. She didn’t want to keep Charlie waiting on her. It was far from an ideal situation but something like this gave her something to do until she could think of something more fun to do. And it would give Pyrrha time to rest and recover from whatever was bugging her. By the time they finished up, it would probably be later in the day and close to lunch. Pyrrha might be awake and going down to get some food, and the school day might be over.

The former boy mapped out everywhere she could go in her head that was important. She would save the dorms for last since he probably knew where that was already. The first place she had in mind was to go to the cafeteria, but it wasn’t the closest. After a moment she realized where they could go first.

“Alright first stop will be the library,” Jaune said.

“Lead the way,” Char replied.

Jaune led him to the library, focusing harder on her destination and ignoring the people around her. Her heart pounded a little faster as if she was on a timer. She had to stop herself from running her hand through her hair and hugging herself as she walked. A weak grin formed on her face when she saw the sign for the library.

When they stepped inside, Jaune noticed she was getting quite a few looks from some of the students, which made her a tad uncomfortable, and immediately take him to the next destination. The next place they visited was the gym, which had fewer people there than when she and Nora first arrived. It was a bit of a relief for her that she wasn’t getting the same kind of attention there that she had gotten in the library. Right after the gym, she led him to the amphitheater since it wasn’t far from it. She checked inside to make sure there wasn’t a class going on and when she saw there wasn’t she stepped inside, Char right behind her.

“And this is the amphitheater where we usually have all the fights happen under the eyes of professor Goodwitch and our classmates when we are dueling,” Jaune informed.

“Not a fan?” Char questioned.

“It's cool and we need to know how to fight obviously since we will be fighting Grimm and criminals, but I think it's a little nerve-wracking having so many eyes on you at once,” Jaune admitted.

“I get what you mean and all. And I wondered where the fighting happened. Good to know that this is where it happens. I’m sure they’re only watching you, because beat you, everyone, up and show off how strong you are,” Char asked, making Jaune giggle at the silliness

“Thanks for thinking I’m powerful and all, but so far my record hasn’t been very good when it comes to fights. I got to get better at fighting,” Jaune admitted. She has been getting better but it was slow progress. Now that Pyrrha wasn't feeling well and she had to get used to her new womanly body she wasn't sure what she was going to do for training. As much as Nora’s training helped with her body there was only so much help her mad teammate could offer. Especially since they used two different weapons.

“Perhaps I could help train you,” Charlie offered.


“Yeah what weapon do you use? I'm familiar with most simple weapons but if you need help shooting a gun or something then I’m sorry to say, but I won't be able to help much.”

“I don’t use a gun, I use a sword and shield. So don't worry about teaching me how to shoot anything,” Jaune answered

“Oh then I can really help you there,” Char replied cheerfully. He patted his sword and said. “When it comes to sword fighting I’m a guy you can go to.”

“Great,” Jaune smiled, already thinking of what their training sessions would be like. Training with him made her a little nervous, mostly because she didn’t know him very well, but she could tell right off the bat that he was nice. A warm feeling went through her at another good friend she could have, that wouldn’t be weighed down by what she had been.

Still, any training was better than no training at all and he could help her out. If he was able to get into Beacon and whatever academy he was at before then he had to be skilled. She just hoped he wasn’t going to be disappointed or give up on her after the first session.

Char looked up at the stage of the arena, imagining what it must be like as Jaune’s top and shorts suddenly started feeling tighter as if they were being stretched out. The blonde turned around so her back was to him. She looked down at her top and bit her lip when she saw her sports bra was being pushed out by her growing breasts. Jaune’s face darkened further as her budding breasts grew again. Despite how much bigger they were getting her top continued to comfortably stretch and conform around her bust as if they were gently holding them up.

“Please stop growing,” Jaune pleaded to her bust quietly, hoping Char didn’t notice her developing body.

Jaune looked at her behind and almost squealed at the sight of her bottom growing like buns in the oven. She could feel her pants stretch across her growing posterior, the fabric tickling her slightly and making her face burn brighter. It was almost as if the fabric was trying to tease her with how it traced her rounding cheeks. Jaune bit her lip and shivered as the feeling from her swelling rump only intensified further. It would have been somewhat arousing if not for the fact her new friend might see her body was changing and realize something was off. She grabbed her bottom cheeks and gulped as they continued to grow larger in her hands, feeling a plush cushion there that wasn’t there before, it spilling out between her fingers.

Her breasts and butt ceased growing much to Jaune’s relief. She didn’t have a mirror in front of her, but she could tell that her boobs were larger than Weiss’s and closer to Ruby’s boob size now. As for the butt she wasn’t quite sure who she could compare it to. She hadn’t seen most of the girl’s butts since most of them wore skirts most of the time. Either way, it didn’t change the fact her butt had grown in size and was still just as tight as when it first changed. Instead, it now had a noticeable curve to it to go with the added plush.

“Are you okay?” Char asked.

“Y-Yeah,” Jaune answered quickly and turned to face him. She smiled shakily at him, trying to reassure and prayed that he didn’t notice her body had gotten curvier. “I’m fine. Let’s just get on the tour, there’s nothing else really or you to see.”

The two left the amphitheater and moved on to the next part of the tour. Jaune continued to show him around the place, making sure she talked about every important spot and what building they were in. The comfort she had earlier was gone as she tried her best to pretend that her body hadn’t gotten curvier. Despite her shorts and top, she noticed there was a more noticeable sway in how her body moved and how much more was there. She could only imagine what it would be like if she wasn’t wearing her sports bra. The bounce of her enlarged breasts would have stood out like a neon sign in the dark, even though they weren’t that big.

Every moment she expected him to comment and point out her boobs and butt looking thicker than they did when they first met, yet he didn’t. If he did notice then he hadn’t said anything, and the fact he had such an easy-going smile only made it worse for her. She couldn’t tell if he was enjoying how she was dressed and that her curves had grown, or if he was just enjoying her company. His smile was just too genuine and nice for her to get a read on what was going on in his head, even though she really wanted to.

“And this is the school’s inner courtyard,” Jaune said as she looked around.

“I passed through this place earlier. It’s really pretty,” Char commented as he looked around the area.

“Yeah, it is,” Jaune agreed. “I come here sometimes with the rest of my team to relax, though that's a little hard at times with how Nora can be.”

“Oh yeah, I can tell she’s going to be a fun one,” Char laughed.

“She can be, though there are times where she goes a little...overboard,” Jaune admitted sheepishly. The first thought that came to her was of this morning when they were training. Then the explosions, and the energetic yells from other training sessions. It was hard to take her places sometimes out of the fear that she would end up getting banned from them if she got too excited. Ren did his best, but even so, Nora had to be watched at times or else something would happen, like an explosion.

“Hey that tree looks different from the rest of the ones here,” Char said curiously.

Jaune turned to look at where he was pointing and saw he was pointing at a large tree with pink leaves. The flowers on it were in full bloom, but even so, they stood out like lamps in the night. It was the only one of its kind here. Unlike the rest of the trees which had green, orange, red, and various other shades this one was not.

“Oh that tree,” Jaune said and walked closer to it. She placed her hand against the base of the tree and then looked up at the petals. She was tempted to pluck one of them but stopped herself. She looked back at him and explained. “No one really knows how it got here. Some think that one of the trees planted here was the wrong one, while others say it was like the rest but changed over the years. No matter what though, they say that vows of love made under this tree will last forever when the flowers are in full bloom in the spring. From what I heard around campus, a lot of people make confessions during the graduation ceremony or at the end of the school year if the flowers are in bloom.”

When Jaune first thought about it as a guy she had imagined taking a special someone here. Then with the crush on Weiss, she had thought about taking her there when she managed to woo her into giving her a shot. Now though she knew that her chances of getting with Weiss were less than zero now. She knew the Schnee heiress had zero interest in girls.

A couple flowers suddenly fell off the tree and fell onto the ground and some of them landed on Jaune’s head. The blonde blinked and reached up to her hair, surprised how by how many petals had landed on her and got tangled in her it. Her hands brushed against the soft flowers and sighed. At least it wasn't one of Cardin’s pranks. She still remembered how much of a mess her hair was when Cardin had poured a cup of soda on her. And the time he had some trash fall on her too. Still, she could only imagine what some of her sisters would have said if they had seen all those flowers on her head.

“Don’t worry I’ll get them out. Just hold still for a moment,” Char said. “You know with how they landed on you someone might think they were ornaments.”

Jaune blinked and blushed at how close Char was as he gently plucked the flowers one by one out of her hair. She stood there, unsure of what she should do. There was a part of her that told her she should just let him keep doing what he was doing, while another part said to move away and shake them out herself. It would have been rude, and it wasn’t like he was hurting her.

“There we go, all of them are out,” Char said as he tossed the last one on the ground.

“Th-thanks,” Jaune stuttered and ran her hand through her hair.

“So where to next?”

“Oh right,” Jaune said and cleared her throat. “Are you feeling hungry?”

“I wouldn’t mind grabbing a bite right now,” Char chuckled.

The two went to the cafeteria and grabbed a quick lunch to eat. There weren't too many people in the cafeteria currently, something Jaune was grateful for and was sure would change the longer they were here. They got in line and waited to get their meals. After they grabbed their meals the two of them sat at a nearby table and the blonde girl noticed again how much more cushion her bottom had. She wiggled in her seat, not sure what to make of it. As comfortable as her ass’s new girth made it for her, she didn’t want it or her breasts to get any bigger. She had heard the problems of her sisters when they hadn’t worn a bra and didn’t wish to know what that back pain was like from experience. Or to be looked at more than she already was. When they finished eating, they threw their trash away and took their trays and utensils to the return area.

Jaune wondered where she should take him next. Maybe she could take him to the rest of his classes and show him around. She showed them where some of them were. There was also the lounge, but that might lead to her secret getting out of what she had been.

A tap on her shoulder made the blonde girl jump and she turned to see who it was. Her heart fell when she saw that it was Cardin and his team who were smirking and smiling at her like a group of hyenas. She stepped back from them as if they were a group of Grimm that had snuck into the school somehow.

“W-What are you doing?” Jaune stuttered.

“Oh don’t worry Jaune I just wanted to get a nice up-close look at you,” Cardin said with a devious smirk. “I haven't gotten to see you ever since the accident and wondered if all the rumors were true. I thought people were going crazy about what happened to you. You could only imagine how surprised I was when you ran into the classroom. Got to say you were looking pretty hot back there. Was tempted to try and sneak a pic if I wasn't sure Goodwitch would notice and take my scroll away from.”

Jaune shuddered as she stared at Cardin and his team. The young woman took a step back and gulped. Before the changes, Cardin was already slightly taller than her, but now he towered over her like a forbidding statue. Cardin hadn’t given her much trouble since she had stood up to him in the woods, but she still saw him give her and her friends nasty looks from time to time. It was as if he and his teammates were waiting for the perfect moment to retaliate, and now they had it.

“Oi you seem to be making my friend quite uncomfortable,” Char said as he stepped in between the two. “Sorry for stepping between the two of you like this, but I can't help myself. Could you be a nice guy and scram, please? I’m sure that none of us would want to have a problem with one of the professors.”

“Are you looking for trouble?” Cardin demanded.

“We’re going to be huntsmen and huntresses, of course, we’re looking for trouble!” Char laughed. “It's our job to help people and kill monsters while looking cool doing so! And we have to be ready for it no matter what it might be, even if it's just some punk and his friends who think they are hot shit.”

Cardin glared at Char as he stepped closer, but the multi-haired boy didn’t say anything. Charlie only stared back at Cardin, with the same easy smile that he had the whole time, but there was something different about it. There was an eagerness in it as if he was about to go on and have a fun brawl instead of getting into trouble.

Jaune looked at Cardin’s teammates wondering what they were going to do. Just like her, they were all waiting to see what Cardin would do. If they did try to start a fight with Char then she would help Char without question. She might not be able to help much since she didn’t have her weapons, or was the best in combat, but she wouldn’t just stand by. He was standing up for her, and after everything else that already put him in her good books.

Cardin hissed before turning away. He walked past Charlie, their shoulders brushing against each other, but Char’s didn’t move. The rest of Cardin’s team followed him, shooting dirty looks at Charlie.

Their eyes landed on Jaune and she shuddered as they did. Cardin and his team noticed her reaction and they all smirked as they passed her by. The blonde watched them leave as if she was expecting that they would suddenly rush her and launch themselves at her. She braced her knees and readied herself to leap.

The moment they were gone, Jaune slouched, hating how afraid she had been, when she had dealt with them before. Why couldn’t she be strong and brave again like when she had stood up to them in the forest. Back then she had been able to stand on her own two feet, but now she could hardly think straight. This whole change had thrown her completely off and practically destroyed all of the confidence that she had gained since she started here.

Char watched Team Cardinal leave as if making sure that he wouldn’t try anything as he did. The moment they were out of sight, Char wiped his brow and sighed.

“Man am I glad they left. Thought things might get into a fight there. Would be seriously uncool if I got into a fight on the first day,” Char remarked.

“Charlie you didn’t have to do that,” Jaune said sadly.

“Meh, not the first time I would get in trouble, and with my luck wouldn’t be the last. You and he got some history or something? Looked like he was aiming at you specifically.”

“He used to bully me a while back,” Jaune admitted tiredly, looking away from him. “It wasn’t until I finally stood up to him a while back that he stopped, but now it seems like he’s going back to doing stuff like this.”

“Oh, so they’re assholes. Well if they decide to give you any more trouble then just give me a holler and I’ll help you out,” Char grinned as he slammed his fists together. “Wouldn’t be good to just let them do as they please. Someone’s got to make sure they stop since the teachers aren’t doing a good enough job of making sure that doesn’t happen again.”

Jaune could only stare at him as a smile formed on her face. The weight that she had felt seeing Team Cardinal was gone and she felt at peace as if she could go through her day and not worry about anything. That even if Cardin and his team tried anything she could take them down and wouldn’t be alone doing so. Her instincts and her mind knew that Charlie would keep his word no matter what he had to do.

A sudden warmth and rumbling came over Jaune’s body making her gulp as her body started to sweat. She wiped her brow and wondered why her body was feeling like this all of a sudden. There was something familiar about the way that her body was feeling. She knew it wasn’t a hot flash, and yet her body felt like it was in front of a heater as she was going through another one of Nora’s training sessions.

Suddenly Jaune’s face darkened as her heart went cold. Her mind went into overdrive, the last time she felt like this was when she was with Nora and they were heading out to get her some new clothes, and her boobs growing. She quickly looked down at her body and shuddered as her nipples perked underneath her top, arousing her a little with how the fabric rubbed against her hard nipples.

“Sorry I got to run, talk later!” Jaune said quickly and took off running. She couldn’t let Charlie see her curves were about to get more pronounced. Who knows how much bigger they would get this time and there was no way she was going to make a scene like that in front of the whole school. Whatever she had left of her reputation would be in the toilet and people would be eyeing her like crazy to her boobs and butt become bigger.

“Okay talk to you later Jaune!” Char said cheerfully.

As the blonde girl ran, she could feel her top and shorts get tighter and press into her body, making her breathing hitch. The jiggle of her boobs and butt got worse. Jaune gulped as she could feel her short shorts stretch across her bottom, making her mind imagine someone was slowly rubbing her ass. The same feeling of someone softly caressing her developing boobs made her moan and her hands and toes curl as she ran. She wanted to scream, but couldn’t bring herself to as she looked for the nearest spot she could examine herself privately.

She ran into the nearest bathroom and looked to make sure that she was alone. She checked the bottom of the stalls and made sure there wasn’t anyone who could be listening. The young woman’s blush grew when she noticed the greater pull that her breasts had on her upper body and frowned. She had just started getting used to what was going on down there and now it was just as out of whack as when she had first gone through the change.

“Damn it,” Jaune muttered.

After she finished checking the bathroom, Jaune went to the mirror as she looked down at her boobs, and frowned. Her twin peaks were bigger than they had been a while ago and were now the size of ripe peaches. Before she didn’t have too much of a chest, but now it looked like she had a decent set that would be able to. The young woman gulped and pressed down on her boobs, making her blush and shudder as her crotch warmed as if it was asking for her to do it again. The young woman quickly moved her hands away from her bosom as if she had just been shocked.

Jaune turned to the side and her frown deepened when she saw her buttocks stood out a little further behind her. The curve of her ass was further developed. She traced it, shuddering as she did. She pressed down and her finger went in a little deeper, feeling more cushion as another bud of pleasure went through her, which made her immediately pull her finger away. It was a little more pleasing than she would have liked to admit and didn’t want to give in to her baser urges.

“Why am I bigger all of sudden?” Jaune gulped. “Why did this have to happen twice in one day? How come it happened so close to each other?”

Jaune’s mind imagined her body’s curves growing and wondered how much bigger she would get before it finally stopped and she didn’t have to worry about getting bigger anymore. In her mind, she could easily visualize them getting bigger as if it was happening right now. The young woman gulped at the thought of them growing to the size of watermelons in her imagination and still wouldn’t stop growing. Jaune shook her head and breathed out, forcing those thoughts as much as she could, but even so, the faint image remained. There was no way she would get that big. Would she?

“Please don’t let there be any more sudden growth spurts, especially around Charlie,” Jaune desperately pleaded as she carefully cupped her chest again as if doing so incorrectly would cause it to suddenly grew larger. The thought of what she had with Charlie being ruined made her stomach twist and turn into so many knots that it would be impossible to undo as she froze.

With Char, she had a fresh slate and wasn’t the guy who got turned into a girl. She could see it in the rest of her friends, except for Nora who seemed just as happy and chipper as always. Things getting awkward between them was the last thing she wanted. Her new friend was the last bastion of normalcy that she had since this started and she didn't want to lose it now. Not when everything was so different and she was still trying to make sense of them all.

Jaune poked her head out of the bathroom and looked down the hall and wondered what she should do now. She grimaced when she saw the students in the crowd. The idea of staying in here until the next class looked more tempting every second, but even if she did, someone was going to come in here eventually, but she didn’t want to stay here. She would have to deal with the looks eventually. Leaving now would be good practice for when she had to get back into a routine.

The blonde took a deep breath and then ran back to JNPR’s dorm ignoring the looks that she was getting from the boys and girls. Her face darkened as her enhanced bosom kept bouncing around a little despite her sports bra. She knew it would be futile. With this outfit and nothing and no one nearby to offer her support the only thing she could do until she made it back to her dorm was bear it.

When she finally reached the door to her dorm, Jaune had never felt happier. The room seemed like an isolated sanctuary, cut off from the outside world. It was the only place that she felt like she felt safe right now. In here she didn’t have to deal with any of the stares, the whispers, and everything else that had been thrown her way.

“Hello?” Jaune asked as she poked her head into the room. She stepped further in, looking at the bathroom, or the closet. “Anyone here?”

“Hey Jauney how-,” Nora started only to stop when she noticed Jaune’s figure was curvier than it had been before.

“It happened again,” Jaune whined as she cupped her chest. Her bigger bust fit perfectly in her hands, making her gulp.

Still, the fact that Nora seemed to notice the difference in Jaune’s figure right away was a cause of concern for the blonde. If Nora could see that she had gotten noticeably thicker and stacked then that meant others could see the difference in her body as well. She was sure that Charlie would notice the difference in her bosom, or her ass the next time he saw her.

Nora rushed around the room and pulled out a measuring tape that she had. She grinned as she all but rushed Jaune as she wrapped it around Jaune’s chest. The blonde girl blushed and struggled not to squirm from the tape wrapped around her body. She waited to hear Nora’s verdict wondering what her new official cup size was now.

“Looks like you’re a C-cup now,” Nora said in awe. “Thought you might be since you look as big as Ruby.”

“How…how do you know that?” Jaune questioned, looking at her teammate in embarrassed horror.

“I have my ways!” Nora giggled.

The blonde gulped. She could never let any of the others know that she knew Ruby’s cup size. Yang would think she had been perving on her sister if she found out she knew that, and she was sure the blonde would get her revenge during their next combat class at least. She had seen and heard what happened when someone messed with Yang’s hair, there was no way she would find out what happened if she thought someone did something like that.

Jaune groaned as she looked down at her boobs in despair. She knew it was a futile hope considering that she had plenty of time to notice the increased amount of jiggle that she had, but she had been hoping that it was her imagination. She muttered. “Damn it.”

“Better make sure that all of your clothes fit,” Nora remarked.

Jaune groaned. She hadn’t even thought about all the clothes that she had bought. She had been so horrified and worried about what happened that the idea of her clothes not fitting her wasn’t even on her mind. She slipped on the looser and stretchier clothes that they had gotten and sighed in relief when she saw that they still fit normally. As Jaune tried on pair after pair, she did small walks around the room to make sure they fit appropriately, Nora watching her like a small child watching their favorite show. She frowned when some of them were tighter than they should be but still serviceable.

“Well at least most of the clothes we got fit for the most part,” Jaune remarked as she slipped on her a loose shirt and baggy night pants. Though she wondered how long that might still be the case. If she went through another growth spurt like that then she was sure that she might outgrow them. That would be an awkward conversation to have with the headmaster again. Still, there was one more thing that she would need to test first,

Jaune gulped as she grabbed one of the bras that she bought and breathed in. A pit formed in her gut at the thought of trying to wrap it around her body. There was only one way to be sure if it would fit or not and this was the best way sadly.

She pressed her boobs as much as she could into the cups, and they spilled out no matter what she did. The young woman frowned. That told her enough about the situation, but she had to know for sure. She grabbed the straps and tried to clip them together, but just couldn’t do it.

“Don’t worry Jaune leave it to Nora to get it done,” Nora remarked as she grabbed the clips, forcing Jaune’s hands away.

At first, Nora was met with the same failure, but she refused to give up. Nora heaved as she tried again, making Jaune yelp. She pulled harder, and Jaune gasped at how hard she was doing so. It was as if she was trying to shove her into a corset rather than slip a bra on her.

“N-Nora!” Jaune stammered as she struggled to stay standing. “That’s enough Nora. I don’t think it's-”

“I got you!” Nora yelled as she finally hooked them together. She wiped her brow with a grin and stepped back.

Jaune frowned at how the straps dug into her body. It was as if someone was roughly digging their nails into her body. The blonde walked around the room and her frown deepened further at how the clasp rubbed harsher against her body. There was no way that she would be able to keep wearing these things, not with how it felt like they were trying to cut into her body.

“It’s too tight,” Jaune whimpered. She reached around and tried to unhook the bra, but struggled as her bra dug further into her body. It was almost as if she was being punished by her bra for attempting to take it off.

“Don’t worry Jaune I got it,” Nora cheered as she unhooked the bra and Jaune let out a relieved sigh the moment she did.

The bra fell to the ground and Jaune sighed as sweet bliss came over. The blonde rubbed her back where the straps were and saw slight red marks that quickly faded away due to her Aura. “So much for those. Think we could return the bras?”

“Some stores are picky about it. The ones that are still in the packaging should be good. It depends on the store for the opened, some say that they will, some don’t. If any of the bras were custom made then they would refuse it outright,” Nora explained.

“Great,” Jaune sighed. “What am I going to do?”

“Well maybe one of the others could lend you their bra,” Nora suggested. “Mine and Pyrrha’s are too big for you at the moment.”

“Can I just keep wearing the sports bra?” Jaune questioned, blushing brightly. She liked the sports bra and would rather keep wearing it than put on another.

“Can’t wear one all the time Jauney and besides it’s got to get washed sometime,” Nora rebuffed goodnaturedly.

Jaune sighed as she slouched forward. She hated that her eccentric bombastic teammate had a point there. She didn’t want to wear dirty clothes if she didn’t have to, and wouldn’t start now. The last thing she needed was to reek of BO on top of everything else.

The door opened and Jaune shot up straight as she turned to the door, wondering who it was. Her heart fell when she saw the familiar two-toned hair on Charlie’s head.

“Oh hey Charlie,” Jaune greeted, forcing a smile. She prayed to every deity that she knew of that he wouldn't notice her enhanced boob size.

Charlie opened his mouth to say something but stopped. He blinked for a moment as if he was surprised by something before the same cool smile crossed his face. “Hey Jaune, hope whatever you had to run off to went well.”

That blink made Jaune’s heart fall into her stomach. She desperately tried to find out if he noticed the change to her figure. If he did notice the expansion of her body then he didn't act like it. He still had the same carefree expression that he always had when they met, but she knew something was up. Suddenly Char’s words fully registered in her head and she recalled what happened earlier.

“Oh yeah everything went fine,” Jaune chuckled weekly with a weak smile, as her mind trembled at the implications. The thought of him noticing the change to her body made Jaune shudder and remind her of her expanded figure. She looked down at her breasts again, wondering how much bigger they would be if they grew again. Would they grow another cup size, or double in size. It didn’t help that she had no clue what was causing her expansion in the first place.

She would need to make an appointment with the nurse to get examined again. Maybe the nurse could shed some light on why her figure was expanding. She would take every little hint that she could get right now no matter how small it was. Though she would need a moment when Charlie wasn’t around. She just knew that if he realized something was wrong he would worry about her and investigate.

“Hey, Jauney I’m back!” Nora announced behind Char, making Jaune jump. “Hi, Charlie!”

“Hey, Nora how are you doing?” Charlie questioned as he turned to her.

“I’m doing good, Professor Oobleck lost his stuff at a wrong answer and completely went off the subject, until the bell rang.”

“He’s the speedy guy right?”

“Yup, and because of that he forgot to give us homework!” Nora cheered.

“Awesome! Any other cool things happened today?”

While Charlie was talking with Nora, Jaune looked down at her curves again, and patted them, shuddering again at the wonderful feelings that went through her body. She hoped that she wouldn't be getting any bigger any time soon, but with how her luck has been lately, she knew better. It was only a matter of time before her boobs and butt got bigger again. She just hoped that if they did then Charlie would still treat her the same and their relationship would be fine.

“So guess I’ll be sleeping on the floor then since we don’t have enough beds,” Charlie remarked, bringing Jaune out of her thoughts.

Jaune quickly put her hands down, hoping that he didn’t notice her self-examination, and cursed herself for getting so focused on her body that she forgot there were others in the room. “We could set something up for you. Maybe share one of the beds.”

“No it's cool I can sleep on the floor just fine,” Charlie said. “Wouldn’t be the first time, and beats sleeping on the ground. Besides all of you have claimed your beds and everything. I wouldn’t want to steal them from you.”

“I have a sleeping bag you could use?” Jaune offered. “Might not be the most comfortable but it's something.”

“Thanks!” Char smiled.

“Still maybe we could switch off or something. You should sleep in one of our beds or something?” Jaune suggested.

“Maybe still I’m just happy to be here so if I need to sleep on the floor I’m willing to do it so long as I got a pillow or two,” Char chuckled.

Jaune couldn’t help but smile, finding his smile and joy infectious despite the circumstances, and was grateful to the gods that he was here. They had only met for a day, but she couldn’t imagine how she would have been able to deal with all of the changes that were going on in her life.

“Alright then new teammate it's time that we got to know each other,” Nora exclaimed

“We should probably wait until Ren and Pyrrha get back Nora,” Jaune said.

“Oh, you’re right! We can’t forget about them, then let’s just have some fun and relax until they come back! I’ll go set up some games for us to play. We can play Deadly Combat until they do! I’ll set it up!” Nora spoke.

Before Char and Jaune could do anything, Nora had already gone to work setting up the game. She turned on the screen and the game system. She went through it until she found the game and started it up.

“That sounds like it would be fun, want to go a few rounds Jaune?” Char questioned as he sat down in front of the TV. He looked at her expectantly.

“Sure,” Jaune replied, deciding to just go with the flow.

“Alright you two you can duke it out first and then I get the winner,” Nora said.

Char and Jaune took the controller and sat down in front of the screen. The two stared at the screen as they waited for the game to load. The moment it finished loading the two of them looked through the characters wondering who they should play. They went through the roster and chose their characters to play as their battleground was randomly selected.

As they waited for the match to load, Jaune smiled at Char, and the blonde’s heart skipped a beat when he returned it with one of his own. Despite how flustered she was, she never felt more at peace. This was the most normal that she felt ever since she turned into a girl and she wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world right now. Char would never be able to understand how grateful she was that he was here now.

“I swear I need a couple of drinks right now,” the school nurse said as she read the papers.

The leader of Team JNPR could understand the nurse’s grievances and probably would have joined in. Though she would argue that she was the one who was worse off. Jaune looked down at her expanded boobs and butt again, feeling as if they were a bomb strapped to her chest with how her curves had been swelling up at times.

Jaune had gotten a message from the nurse telling her that the results from the tests were in, and the blonde immediately went to the nurse’s office. She had almost bulldozed her way through the students that got in her way. The desperate need of getting some answers, made her uncaring of her actions.

“Is there anything you can tell me about why my boobs and butt have been…growing?” Jaune questioned hopefully.

“From what I’m reading from your test results, my best guess is that the reason why your curves have been…expanding for the lack of a better word is that the Dust that was in the explosion is still running through your system. So you might go through some…growth spurts at times, though there is no way to say for certain if it's random or if triggered by something specifically.”

“You assume? Isn’t there any way that you could tell for certain?” Jaune questioned hastily. “Or maybe what could be causing them to happen?”

“Kid it's not every day that a boy becomes a girl from Dust explosions,” the nurse refuted in annoyance. “This is new territory for everyone. For all, we know it is just random. It’s a wonder in itself that the Dust isn’t causing you any pain or any major body complication so that Oum for that. Ms. Arc, could you tell me about what you were doing before your…expansion? Maybe that could shed some light on this.”

“Well, they always happened all of a sudden. I would feel a nice warmth go through me, almost like a sudden hot flash,” Jaune started with a frown as she looked down at her boobs. “The next thing I know I’m…growing.”

“That’s not a lot for me to go off of,” the nurse sighed. “Ok, what I want you to do from now on is pay extra attention to what is happening when it does.”

Jaune nodded her head. The next time this happened she would pay extra attention to it. Though if she had her way then she would never have to deal with another sudden round of breast and butt expansion.

“Another one of the tests revealed that the Dust did affect your Aura to an extent,” the nurse said, bringing Jaune out of her thoughts.

“Is it a problem?” Jaune questioned hastily, terror in her voice, praying it wasn’t as bad as she feared. She already had trouble adapting to her new body, but if the Dust had affected her Aura and made it so that she couldn’t be a Huntsmen, or Huntress now she didn’t know what she would do.

“It's nothing bad, but your already immense reserves seemed to have increased in size. If your Semblance was unlocked then it might be affected as well, though we can’t say since you don’t know what it is. For all, we know it might have even given you some new abilities that aren’t directly tied to your Semblance.”

“That…would be cool,” Jaune said.

“But back to the main question: what do you think could be the cause of your growth? Think back on everything, no matter how small it might be,” the nurse commanded. “It could be the cause of your growth spurts.”

Jaune told her everything about those situations, leaving nothing out. As she told the nurse, her mind tried to figure out how it might be the cause of her expansion. If there was any way that she could get this under control then she would tell every little embarrassing detail, even the stuff with Charlie and what happened with Nora. By the time it was over, Jaune was so emotionally drained that she felt like she needed to go back to bed.

“Ok I have a small theory, but it's just a theory. I think that your growing might be related to your emotions.”

“My emotions?”

“Yeah,” the nurse nodded. “You said that you grew when you were having a good time and happy. Maybe that feeling of pure bliss might be the cause why.”

Jaune didn’t want to believe it. The reason why her expansion happened was because she was happy? That was…it was…She couldn’t find the right words to even think about how to comprehend it.

“So can I never be happy again?” Jaune questioned hollowly.

“I wouldn’t say that. Once the Dust in your system settles your growth will probably end. Look, don't think too much about it kid, but let me know if something else is going on. I would like to see you come in regularly so that we can make sure nothing else happens to your body. I’ll make it for next week, but if you feel anything before that, come in and tell me what’s wrong.”

“Ok,” Jaune said as she stood up.

Jaune left the room and frowned as she looked down at her curves through her clothing. She had hoped that they wouldn’t get any bigger, and the nurse would be able to shed some light on the matter. Instead, she was given some news about how her Aura have been affected by the dust as well and now might not ever be able to be truly happy again. She wanted to scream about the unfairness of it all.

“Hey, Jaune!” Char greeted, making her jump and turn to see him with a worried look on her face. “Are you ok? Saw you come out of the nurse’s office? It’s nothing serious I hope.”

Despite how tired and worried she was, Jaune smiled. She couldn’t help but feel relaxed in Char’s presence. The worries that she had from her conversation with the nurse seemed so far away as if they had happened months ago rather than just a few minutes ago.

“Oh I’m fine, I just needed to get a quick check-up done you know,” Jaune replied.

“I get you, hope you're not getting sick or anything that would suck,” Char remarked.

‘You have no idea,’ Jaune thought, holding back a sigh. It wouldn’t have sucked as much as finding out that you were suddenly the opposite gender. She might have gotten used to it to a certain extent, but she still wished that it didn’t happen. The bell went off, getting Jaune’s attention.

“We better get moving,” Char smiled.

“Right,” Jaune agreed with a tired smile.

The two of them rushed over to the arena for Combat Practice with Professor Goodwitch. Neither of the two wanted to get in trouble with her and knew that they would regret it if they did anything that got on her bad side.

They entered the room and saw the rest of Team JNPR sitting in the front, along with Team RWBY next to them. The teammates were chatting amicably with each other. Ruby saw them and waved them over.

“Jaune, Char you made it just in time!” Ruby cheered as she smiled at the pair.

Pyrrha smiled at the pair and seeing her commit some sort of emotion was enough to make Jaune feel better. She had been worried about Pyrrha with how little she responded to things ever since she had turned into a woman. Ren smiled at the pair as well but didn’t show much else. Still, that smile meant a lot coming from him with how much control he kept over his emotions.

Weiss and Blake sent their own means of acknowledgment to the two of them. Just a nod of hello from Blake, and a groan from Weiss. Jaune wasn’t surprised by the latter's reaction. Considering the way that Weiss had reacted when she tried to go on a date with her so she could see why.

It was Nora and Yang that worried Jaune the most with how they were looking at them. They had a playful grin, but there was something in their eyes that made Jaune shudder. The blonde recognized that look and had seen it plenty of times with her sisters when they were gossiping and talking about their relationships. The Arc heiress knew that she was going to have to make sure that they don’t get any funny ideas. There was no way that she was going to let them play matchmaker when she had enough on her plate and wasn’t looking for a relationship.

The two quickly sat down by them as more seats were being taken up by the rest of their classmates. Professor Goodwitch entered the arena and the class started up. Everyone wondered who would be fighting who and waited with bated breath.

The first couple of matches were between people that they didn’t know, but they still made sure to pay them attention. With the Vytal Festival on the way they could end up fighting them, and every bit of information would be useful. Especially against people who everyone knew would be greater threats.

Cardin’s teammate, Sky Lark got utterly destroyed by Nora who cackled madly as she stood on top of his downed body with her weapon raised. She earned some weirded-out looks from most as Glynda sighed and used her telekinesis powers to get her off of him, which lead to her getting berated, but Nora didn’t care.

Glynda assigned Ren to fight Blake. The match had been interesting and neither RWBY or JNPR were sure who would win. Still, the two of them supported their respective teammate. In the end, Blake turned out to be the victor because of her clones.

“It’s alright Ren, you’ll get her next time,” Nora soothed as she patted Ren’s back, though the young man didn’t seem bothered by it at all.

“The next match will be between Dove Bronzewing, and Char Lamagene,” Glynda announced as she pulled the images of the two up.

“Alright time to show off what I can do,” Char smiled.

Char leaped from his seat and landed in the arena with grace and then unsheathed his sword. He cracked his neck and pointed the tip of it at Dove challengingly. Dove glared at Char for his antics.

“Mr. Lamagne please enter from the respective entrances next time,” Glynda ordered.

“Sorry but thought it would be cooler and faster if I entered like that,” Char chuckled, getting a flat look from her and a growl from Dove.

“Get ready,” Glynda ordered.

Dove immediately got into a fighting stance, while Char didn’t move his sword and still kept the same loose combat stance as the rest of the onlookers watched. Jaune had to admit that she was excited to see Char fight, and could see the others were as well.

“Fight!” Glynda ordered.

The two combatants charged. Dove was the first one to attack, but Char easily blocked the attack with his sword, and then knocked him off balance with a punch. Dove growled as he stumbled back only to receive a swing from Char’s sword that made his Aura flash. Char refused to let this moment go to waste and continued to keep the advantage, forcing Dove to continue to be on the defensive.

Jaune watched him fight in awe. It was almost like watching Pyrrha in a way. None of her teammate’s moves were wasted and Charlie didn’t seem to use his Semblance to make his advantage even greater. Each attack was focused and precise with a strength that kept sending Dove reeling. The blonde wished that she could have fought with the power and skill that he had. She paid closer attention, mesmerized, hoping that she would be able to find some sort of insight in his fighting that she could learn from to be better.

Dove stepped just out of Char’s sword and then fired the gun on his sword, only for the multi-haired colored boy to jump to the side and avoid the gunfire with expert ease. Dove kept firing at Char, but Char kept running around, avoiding the Dust rounds from the weapon. He was getting closer to Dove who moved back to try and keep his distance from his opponent.

When he was close enough, Char leaped and kicked Dove in the head. The green-haired boy went skidding across the ground as his Aura lowered again. Char stepped forward and again swung his blade with both hands around the hilt. The blade nailed Dove in the chest and sent him flying into the wall again, as his Aura dropped into the red.

“That is enough! Char Lamagne is the winner,” Glynda announced.

Char put his sword on his shoulder as he went over to Dove. He offered his hand to the downed boy. Dove looked at Char and then at his hand. He shoved Char’s hand away and then forced himself to stand up on his own. The swordsman merely shrugged as he looked back at Professor Goodwitch.

“Mr. Lamagne you fought with great skill and made sure to keep the pressure on Mr. Bronzewing, but you weren’t utilizing everything that you had in your arsenal. You never used your Semblance even though you were in the prime position to do so and ended the fight quicker,” Glynda lectured.

“Ehh maybe, but thought it might be better to pull it out if I was in a jam rather than in a spar like this. You might think it's insulting or limiting yourself, but isn't it better not to over-rely on it? And I would rather not use something like that unless it was needed.”

“Understandable, but there is a difference between wisdom and arrogance. Make sure that it isn’t coming from arrogance when you are fighting,” Glynda rebuffed. “Even the greatest of huntsmen and huntresses need to make sure that they aren’t needlessly limiting themselves.”

Char shrugged, but still kept up the same smile that he had since the start of the match. He looked at Dove before he sheathed his sword and then walked back up to join his friends, this time through the official entrance.

“Way to go Char!” Nora cheered gleefully.

“Well done,” Ren smiled as he clapped for him.

Jaune smiled as she clapped for him, and inwardly let out a sigh of envy. She wished that she could fight with the same skill and ability that he and Pyrrha had. Maybe then she wouldn’t have been such a burden on her team or dread these fights so much.

“The next match will be Jaune Arc vs Cardin Winchester!”

The smile that Jaune had was immediately replaced by a horrified jaw drop. Her heart fell into her stomach which now twisted and churned as if a whirlpool had formed in it. The young woman looked at her opponent who smirked maliciously at her. She unwittingly gulped as her body went cold as if she was out in the snow in her undergarments.

“Breath Jaune,” Pyrrha advised as she patted Jaune’s shoulder.

Jaune did as she was told and breathed in and out to calm down her stampeding heart. The blonde stood up and her team followed her to the locker rooms as she breathed in and out to calm herself. Her steps felt heavier than they usually did as if cinderblocks weighed her down. She had fought Cardin numerous times and even though she knew that there wouldn’t be any major accidents with Goodwitch watching, Jaune felt as if she was about to fight for her life. She went down to get her equipment, focusing on every step she made and trying to keep her nerves from getting the better of her. When they arrived at the locker room, they saw Char standing there, and he blinked when he saw them.

“Oh, so whose fighting in the next round?” Char questioned.

“Jaune is fighting in the next one,” Pyrrha questioned.

“Oh cool, can’t wait to see you kick some ass Jaune,” Char smiled.

Jaune smiled despite how nervous she was. His mere presence helped her relax, though she wished that she could say with certainty that she would beat Cardin with the same confidence. All of the times that they had fought came rushing forward and with them every loss that she had. The time that she had told him off came again and she relaxed. She had only taken advantage of his shock and told him to back off. It was a small one, but it was a victory all the same.

Jaune grabbed the handle of her ancestral sword and her nerves abated further. Crocea Mors was comforting to hold in her hand, the familiar metal giving her strength. She looked back at her team who were giving her encouraging looks.

“Hey you got this,” Char said comfortingly, clapping her on the shoulder.

“Yeah, you’ll kick his butt!” Nora encouraged cheerfully.

“Just…stay focused on the match and remember everything you learned,” Pyrrha advised with an encouraging smile.

Jaune stared at the entrance to the arena. Her grip tightened further on the handle of her weapon, her knuckles turning white. She was worried that she would make a fool out of herself again. The blonde raised her sword and shield and braced herself for the fight as best she could, knowing that she would only be able to do it when the fight started.

She stepped into the arena and breathed, or at least thought she did as she stared at him. The young woman could feel everyone’s eyes on her and ignored them as best she could. The Arc heiress focused solely on him. If she was going to win, she had to. If she let herself get distracted then she would lose in an instant.

“Are you ready Mr. Winchester?”

“Ready teach,” Cardin replied cockily.

“Ms. Arc?” Glynda questioned.

“Yeah,” Jaune sighed as she tightened her grip even further, her hands trembling from how hard she held her ancestral armaments.

As she waited for the match to start, Jaune started to think about Cardin in every regard, personality, build, fighting style, and more. Cardin had towered her after transformed state, but now that she was about to fight him again, he looked even more massive than he already was. Still, she wasn’t going to let that stop her from doing her best to win the match. She knew who she was facing and what he was like. She just had to think about how to exploit it.

“Begin!” Glynda announced.

Jaune raised her shield and as she expected Cardin went on the offensive. She blocked his mace and she immediately tried to counter with a swing of her sword, but he batted the swing of her sword. She tried again and continued to go on the offensive so she would have the momentum in the fight.

Cardin parried her sword and then rammed his body into her, making her stumble back. The blonde tried to think of something she could do to turn this around as he stepped closer with his mace raised. Acting on instinct, Jaune quickly brought up her shield, interrupting his swing, and then swung her sword into his side. The familiar flash of Aura went off as she could hear his Aura meter decrease, but she didn’t look at it. The blonde smiled happily. She got him this time, which meant she could get him again.

The blonde girl tried again, and this time he was able to parry her attack, but she didn’t let that deter her. She continued to try and hit him, and he was able to block her attacks. Again Cardin used his bulk to throw her off balance and she was able to recover in time to block another swing of his mace with her shield.

Jaune raised her shield and managed to block. She hit his face with the guard of her sword and followed up with a swing of her sword that drained more of his Aura. She kept swinging her sword at him again, but he kept parrying the blade. The blonde stepped forward to bash her shield into him, but he shoved her away before she could. Jaune stumbled back, her shield lowering as he came at her again. She raised her sword and quickly fixed her footing, stopping his mace before it could hit her.

Their weapons sparked as they moved across the other, both of them refusing to give the other an inch in this clash. Jaune glared. She had been doing better than she thought she would and all of the bad experiences came rushing forward as she imagined making him pay for all of the bullshit that he had put her through and tried to put her team through.

“Wonder how can Char stay with a transformed freak like you?” Cardin questioned lowly so only Jaune could hear him.

Jaune didn’t answer and knew that he was just trying to get into her head. She couldn’t let him do that. He was just trying to make her loose focus. She went to stab him and he side-stepped her sword. The next thing she know her Aura flashed, but she didn’t let that stop her. She kept her cool and continued to try and hit him, only to get another hit and scrambled to form some defense.

The blonde panicked and moved to get back on the offense so that Cardin wasn’t the one controlling the battlefield. Jaune kept attacking, trying to drain more of his Aura. Cardin parried her blows, avoiding the blows with expert ease. The pit in her stomach grew as her nerves build, especially when he smirked deviously at her.

“He doesn’t know, does he? I wonder what would happen if someone told him?” Cardin whispered, smirking maliciously.

Suddenly, Jaune lost all sense of focus. Her body relaxed, and the thought of her being in a fight escaped her as fear devoured her heart. The next thing she knew, she saw a flash as her Aura flashed and she was on the ground. She saw Cardin’s mace come down and she closed her eyes as it slammed into her, seeing a flash of her Aura go off.

“Winner! Cardin Winchester!” Glynda announced. “Mr. Winchester, while your form has further improved, your form got sloppier the more aggressive you got. Make sure not to get too lost in the heat of the moment, or else you will leave yourself open to be countered.”

Jaune sighed as she forced herself to stand up again, wishing that the ground would just swallow her in a large hole. She could already hear her fellow students muttering under their breath as their eyes judged her.

Despite that, Jaune’s attention was focused on Cardin. The blonde would be lying if she didn’t say that the foul expression on his face brought some vindictive glee to her. It was just like back when Cardin had been afraid back in the Emerald Forest when they were collecting sap.

“Ms. Arc while you did perform better than the last couple of times. Your footwork still needs work and you’re still swinging too wide. You’re leaving yourself off balance when you are.”

Every word was like a stab to the heart for the young girl. Jaune knew that it was meant to help her improve, but after all that she had been through, she couldn’t help but take it harsher than what it was. It was more like a word shiv that had been thrusted into her rather than just advice to help her improve. Despite how much it hurt she still took the words to heart, knowing that they would help her down the line.

“That will be all. You both may return to your seats,” Professor Goodwitch said.

“Yes ma'am,” Jaune replied and then trotted back to the locker room with a heavy frown. She had wanted to win so bad and yet she had failed when she had wanted to win the most. She stepped back into the locker room and saw her team was there waiting for her.

“Hey, Jaune, are you ok?” Char questioned.

“Just disappointed in myself and losing to him…again,” Jaune sighed. Even when she had come so far, she was still being bested by him and all.

“Relax, you’ll get him next time.”

“Yeah what Char said!” Nora cheered.

“I won’t. Not with the way that I am currently. I need to get stronger,” Jaune admitted.

“Don’t worry the Nora training regime will help bring you up to par and make you the best in the class,” Nora yelled giddily, making Jaune pale.

“We better get back to our seats before Goodwitch gets angry with how long we’re taking,” Ren said.

“Right,” Pyrrha agreed quietly.

The others went ahead of her, and Jaune sighed as she wiped her sweaty brow. The fight between her and Cardin went on in her head along with what she could have done instead that might have given her the win. Again Cardin’s words went through in her head and she groaned as every alternative in the battle she could have done disappeared. She forced it away as best she could and focused on the fight, but the poor girl couldn’t get Cardin’s words out of her mind. Jaune clenched her fists.

“I’m the weakest in the class and I’m holding my team back,” Jaune muttered to herself sadly with a bit of anger, looking down at the ground.

Char heard what she said and stopped. He turned back, looking at her worryingly. He quietly went back to her, making sure that the others hadn’t noticed him.

“Hey Jaune I got to ask, do they say that you are?” Char questioned seriously, getting her attention.

“Huh?” Jaune questioned, and then blushed as she realized that she had been muttering out loud and that Char had heard her.

“What you just said. Do they say that you are holding them back?” Char repeated, looking right into her eyes.

“No, not at all,” Jaune answered quickly and sincerely. “They say I don’t and that I’m more of a strategist, but I want to be more useful than just the brains of the operations you know. I want to contribute more to the fight.”

“Then you don’t have to worry about holding them back, but if you want to get stronger Jaune then I’m willing to train you Jaune,” Char replied, making her look at him in shock. “I can teach you how to fight better with your sword and give you a little advice for your shield, but I’ve never fully trained with a sword and shield.”

“That would be great!... The whole training bit I mean not you being that experienced in fighting with a sword and shield,” Jaune chuckled nervously.

“Alright, just name the time and place and we can start whenever. Maybe before lunch, or after that way we aren’t going to run and run the risk of throwing everything back up. That would be so uncool,” Char chuckled.

Jaune smiled as she already imagined the possibilities. She was sure that the weekend would be the best time to do it. Her heart soared and knew that with his help the two of them would be able to get her to a point that she would be able to make up for her less than stellar track record. Again there was just something about his words that just told her that everything would work out.

The blonde breathed through her nose and slammed her thighs together as she could feel the familiar heat build between her legs before her expansion. The blonde sucked on her lips so hard she looked like she had taken a particularly sour lemon. She bit her lips and whimpered as she tried to keep the moan that desperately wanted to come out down.

“Y-Yeah that sounds good,” Jaune quickly said. “D-Don’t want to get on the professor’s bad side. Let me just put my sword back and then I’ll be with you guys.”

“Right see you then Jaune,” Char said and then followed after the others.

The blonde girl mewled, keeping the gasp that wanted to come out down as her bottom grew larger, pushing her pants to their limits. She could feel her thighs get slightly bigger as well as if compensating for the change to her posterior. The blonde squirmed again and brought her enlarging thighs closer together as she struggled to prevent her arousal and nervousness from showing.

Jaune let out a low squeal as her breasts grew again, pushing harder against her breastplate. She could feel the weight of her chest growing and quickly adjusted her stance so they wouldn’t pull her upper body down. The blonde looked down and watched as her cleavage grew larger and more noticeable. It was hard to see her boobs because of her attire, but there was a smidge of it visible. Every new bit of boob flesh that became visible was like a hard gut to the punch for her. The heat in Jaune’s body continued to build and one of her’s hands moved to cup her breasts, but the breastplate prevented that. Even so, it was as if someone was softly massaging and caressing her breasts. The heat and arousal was only further increased by how the soft fabric of her jacket moved against her sensitive breasts as if they were teasing her. To her relief, her breasts finished growing.

Jaune ran into the nearby bathroom and took off her breastplate and examined her enhanced curves. Now that they were no longer restrained, Jaune could see that they were now the size of large fully ripe apples. The sight of her boobs made the former boy frown darken, the extra visible cleavage annoying her as if she was listening to some stupid cracks from Cardin. Now that the blonde could see her chest in its entirety, Jaune knew that she was now a D-cup. She had enough experience doing the laundry and seeing some of his sister’s bras to know on sight how big she was now. She wasn’t happy to know that she was now getting closer to her family’s usual cup size.

The blonde could only sigh again and wonder for the hundredth time how much bigger they were going to get. Her expansion had to come to an end soon. There is no way this could keep happening. Still, until it did finish, she’s gonna need to do something about them, especially if she’s gonna go train with Char.

It was going to get harder for her to hide these damn sweater puppies with how big they were. If she were to put some binding on them that would make them more manageable. Then her hoodie and her chest plate would be enough to hide the curves that she had. At least she hoped they would, even if they did go through another damn growth spurt. If they did, she wasn’t sure if that would be enough.

“Adjust your stance a little, bend your knees just a little,” Char ordered gently as he adjusted her posture.

Jaune raised her sword and shield, blushing at the feeling of her arm against her chest. Despite how hard she had tried to get used to it, she just couldn’t quite get used to it. Whenever she raised her shield to her chest, she always brought her up and placed it right against her boobs.

That led to another more recent problem that she was having. Her boobs. The way that she had to bind them down and force her armor down to do so had been a bit of a challenge for her. She had tightened the straps as much as she could to make it fit, but even so, the straps of her armor were still too tight across her chest. The straps roughly dug somewhat into her body, but not unbearably so or in a way that hampered her breathing. She would need to get the straps redone or the armor refitted to help her soon. Maybe Ruby or one of the school instructors would be able to help.

“Now break down your stance and then go back into it.”

Jaune went back into a relaxed position and then took a few steps forward, after doing so, she immediately went back into her fighting pose. She held her breath as Char stepped forward and looked her body over. She waited for him to say if she did it right or not as her mind scrambled, wondering if there was something off about it and wondering if she should adjust it.

“There we go,” Char praised. “Now you’re getting it.”

Jaune smiled, happy that she had gotten it. Every little step made her a little stronger and better to deal with anything that happened in the future. It was nice to hear him compliment her like this. She could tell that she had gotten stronger with how things have been going for her with these training sessions and Nora’s workouts.

Nora’s insane training methods had been paying off for Jaune, much to her relief. The exercises that would have had her reeling had become more bearable. The burning and way her body had ached from them had been easier for her to deal with. As much as she wished not to go through them again, she would be lying if she said that they weren’t effective. Hopefully, soon she wouldn’t need to keep going through it. If she did, she wasn’t sure she would be able to survive it at the more intense levels that her bombardier teammate was pondering. Or if the Academy would be reduced to cinders by the time Nora was done putting her through the wringer.

“Now then what is your Semblance anyway? I haven’t seen you use anything that could be it, or is it something more on the passive side?” Char questioned curiously. “It's something that we should consider as well. Perhaps you could implement it in your fighting style.”

“I….don’t know what my semblance is,” Jaune sighed tiredly. She was still having zero luck in finding out what her semblance was. Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t seen Char show off what his Semblance was, or even talk about it. She knew Nora and her teammates, but she still didn’t know his.

“Ahh sorry I asked then,” Char replied sheepishly.

“I’m surprised you waited until now to ask,” Jaune admitted.

“A former teammate of mine was a bit cagey about it so didn’t want to press on it, unless I had to,” Char answered.

“Oh…So what is your Semblance Charlie?” Jaune questioned.

“I’ll let you see for yourself,” Char said with a smirk as he drew his sword and turned away from her. He raised his sword, almost as if he was a hero in a story challenging a monster. He put his other hand on it and brought it back over his shoulder.

Jaune was about to ask what he was doing when suddenly the blade of his sword was covered in a large amount of light that made her gasp. It continued to glow brighter as if it was becoming a pillar of light.

Char swung his sword and it sent out a blue beam of light that ravaged their training ground. It was like a tsunami as it destroyed the ground underneath it and sent out a cloud of dirt and dust. When the light passed, there was a large patch of ravage that showed left nothing there. It went into the woods and knocked over some of the trees before it dispersed.

The young man turned to face another direction and suddenly several blue and red pillars formed next to him that formed into red and blue-winged lances. They moved on their own, vaguely reminding him of Ruby’s friend, Penny, and how she fought with her weapons. The tips of the spears pointed outward. Just like when Char swung his weapon, the multiple lances fired their own beams of light that ravaged the land as if some giant Grimm was stomping around madly.

“So how was that? Pretty cool right?” Char questioned with a grin.

“...How powerful can you make that?” Jaune gaped.

“Let’s just say that I can ruin a couple city blocks at least, but that would tire me out real bad,” Char answered with an easy-going chuckle.

Jaune shuddered as she imagined being on the receiving end of that, as she thought over the uses for it. She could easily see how useful that would be in a fight, like having them flank his foes before firing or stabbing into some Grimm. It would certainly help them out with the Vytal Festival if he was on their side. Hopefully, he didn’t have another team by then,

“Are you ready for the warm-up?” Char asked as he raised his own sword. “I know that’s pretty cool, but we’re here to help you.”

“I guess, but please don’t use your Semblance. I need practice learning how to fight no dying,” Jaune pleaded sheepishly.

“Don’t worry I promise I won’t use it,” Char laughed. “I’ll keep this to physical skills only.

Jaune smiled as she tightened her grip sword and shield. She wasn’t nervous like she was in combat class. Without all of the eyes on her, she felt better, as if she was free to act as she wanted and didn’t have to worry about any expectations. Now she was just training with a friend to sharpen her skills and found it even a little relaxing.

“Ready?” Char smiled.

Jaune nodded her head and then waited for him to attack her. The blonde watched as Char raised his sword and slowly swung the sword at her as if he was moving in slow motion. Jaune raised her weapon to block it. His sword gently crashed against her’s and then he slowly pulled away. They continued to take it slow, with Char’s attacks being easy to predict and coming at the blonde in one direction or the other.

When they first started this exercise, Jaune questioned why they did it, considering how much crazier fights could and would be. Charlie told her that he wanted her to get a feel for her weapon and how it felt as she swung it. It was a small exercise but doing so at a faster speed allowed her to know what it was like and feel what was going on with it in the middle of a fight.

As they continued, Char increased the pace of his swings, and Jaune moved to match him. They got faster and the blonde was able to thankfully keep pace with them. Char wasn’t trying to hide where his swings were going and thankfully that made it predictable for Jaune to react. The blonde’s reaction time increased the longer they went on. Her face hardened, her eyes sharpening with determination to prove herself. It soon reached the point where her body was acting on its own as it moved to block his attacks.

After a bit, Char stopped and Jaune did as well, feeling pleased with herself. Her arm burned slightly and the sweat that she had on her body multiplied. She took a sip of her water and felt her body cool down slightly.

“Now then time for a real spar,” Char said as he raised his sword.

Jaune gulped but forced her nervousness down. This was only a spar and not one against Cardin and his cronies. Charlie wasn’t going to do anything mean and mock her like they did. Besides this was how she would improve.

Char charged at her sword, making Jaune squeal at the speed that he moved. His sword clashed against her shield and she instinctively retaliated. He parried the strike and then moved for another.

Jaune breathed and focused on how he fought as she blocked another attack and then another. It was almost as if he was dancing around her with how he fought. She was surprised that she was still able to keep up with him, but she knew that the only reason why was because he wasn't going all out. If he did then this fight would have been over already.

Jaune struggled to find an opening to attack and change the flow of the battle. Char swung his sword at her again and she blocked with her shield. It continued like this and made her glad that she had it. The blonde girl stepped back, moving just out of range for another of Char’s attacks, and then went in for a thrust as she tried to think of a way that she could turn things around to her benefit.

As Char jumped back to avoid her attack, Jaune instinctively channeled her Aura into her weapon and swung. To her shock, a giant red and black wave of energy left her sword that destroy the ground underneath it.

Char's eyes widened at the slicing wave of Aura heading his way. The young man activated his Semblance, making his sword shine brightly. He swung his sword and it sent out sent a wave of blue light at her’s.

The energy attacks collided with each other and sent out an explosion that sent out an immense wave of dust that forced the two to cover their eyes. Their clothes and hair ruffled from the force of the wind. When it was over, the two slowly opened their eyes and looked at each other in shock. Neither of them expected what would happen. The former boy looked down at her weapon in shock and awe.

There was no way that her weapon had been the one to do that. She would like to say it was her Semblance, but there was a gut feeling that told her that it wasn’t. The coloring didn’t look right either. When they had tested her Aura it had come out as a yellowish white color instead of the black and red color that had. Instead, it looked just like the vial of Dust that she had made before it exploded and changed her into a girl. She poured her Aura into her weapon and focused on it. On summoning it again, she noticed that it felt different from what she was used to as if she was calling on something else.

“Whoa! That was so damn cool Jaune!” Char praised eagerly, bringing the blonde out of her thoughts. “I thought you didn’t know what your semblance was? Why didn’t you tell me that you could do that?”

“I…I didn’t know I could do that,” Jaune admitted, still staring at her weapon.

“Seriously well hot damn, now you have another badass move in your arsenal,” Char cheered. “That’s going to be useful no matter what the situation is! Man, you’re going to look even cooler than you already are when you use it.”

Jaune looked down, blushing profusely, but smiling at the compliment. She wasn't used to getting any kind of compliments when it came to her fighting skills. Her friends did tell her how she had improved but it wasn't the same and more about how she improved. Still, it was always nice to get a compliment, especially about her combat abilities.

She imagined a horde of Grimm or Cardin being on the receiving end of her new attack and grinned mischievously at the thought. The thought of Cardin screaming in terror was enough to make her let out an almost mad giggle. Maybe she could do that to him the next time they fought in Goodwitch’s class and then he would finally get the message to leave her and her friends alone.

“How did you do it?” Char questioned.

“I just poured my Aura into my sword and then it got covered in energy and then bam it happened!” Jaune explained not sure what else to make of it.

Charlie hummed as he scratched his chin. He didn’t say anything and stared off into the distance, lost in thought. Suddenly he snapped his fingers and the young woman wondered what he had in mind.

“Why don’t you try pouring your Aura into me?” Char questioned.

“Is that possible?” Jaune asked, wondering if she had missed that part in one of her classes. She knew Ren could use his Semblance on others, but none of the teachers or his friends said that you could pour Aura into people.

“Normally no, but why not see if you can do it anyway? Nothing wrong with trying it out at least,” Char remarked.

“But what if you get hurt?” Jaune gulped, worried about what might happen if she did. The young woman shuddered at the image of him accidentally be lit on fire or sent flying from her new power.

“I know you wouldn’t hurt me, and besides we don’t know what might happen. Nothing could happen, something bad might happen, or something good. This is important Jaune and knowing what could happen is good for you to know. Besides I’m sure that my Aura would protect me if something goes wrong and I know you’ll immediately get help if something does,” Char reassured. “So I know things will be ok in the end.”

“...Ok,” Jaune said tentatively hoping for the best. She placed her hand on his shoulder and then poured her Aura into him. Unlike when she had poured her Aura into her weapon, the Aura that surrounded her body was its usual whitish-gold color. The young woman gulped, fearful but hopeful nothing bad would happen since it wasn’t blackish-red color. She watched as Char’s eyes widened and he suddenly stood up straighter, making her gulp

“Whoa! Jaune I feel supercharged,” Charlie yelled, making her stop and yelp. He quickly pulled out his scroll and hooked his Aura to it. “Alright now do it one more time!”

Jaune did as she was bid and again noticed that her Aura was the same usual shade that it was. She poured her Aura into him and watched his scroll as she did. To her shock and awe, she saw that his Aura reserves were larger than they had been before and were getting larger the longer she held. It was getting to the point that it was almost too much for the machine to read and they quickly stopped.

“So that’s why I’m getting so pumped. Jaune I think your Semblance allows you to amplify the Aura that you’re using or a person’s Aura,” Char said gleefully. “Hence why you can boost me up and attack.”

Jaune looked down at her hands as the Aura around them disappeared. If what he was saying was correct, then, she could already think of the numerous ways that it would be useful for her and her team in a fight. Still, she needed to test something.

Jaune turned her back to him and put some distance between them as she raised her sword. She poured her Aura into it and paid rapt attention to it. This time though, when her Aura formed onto the blade it was the same red and black color that it had been when she first did it. She raised her hand as she imagined a ball of Aura forming and it did. She let her mind run wild imagining that it was going to attack Grimm that she imagined surrounded her.

The ball turned into a raging fire as the same reddish-black waves formed around her and lashed out around her like she was the center of a whirlpool. The wind it kicked made her hair and clothes flutter, but Jaune’s mouth dropped in awe. She closed her hand into a fist and the ball of dark Aura suddenly exploded like a bomb had gone off, destroying the ground around her. The moment it passed she stumbled and breathed out, shaking her head from the sudden tiredness.

“Must be a side effect,” Jaune muttered quietly, feeling far more drained than when she had been amping Char. It had to be dependent on what she was using it for and she was using her powers. It was the only thing that she could think of that would explain the different colors. The nurse did say that her Aura would be affected so that had had to be it. She would need to make an appointment and tell her about this recent development.

“Or maybe not, but damn you looked so cool!” Char gushed.

“N-No I think you’re right when you brought it up!” Jaune quickly sputtered, a dark red blush quickly forming, her heart fluttering from the praise. “I think it's just another angle or aspect of it.”

“Well, then we’re going to have to refine that part of your training. If you can do something like that without a weapon then imagine all of the other cool stuff you could do with one!”

“Yeah, but I think that's enough for the day. That was a great workout, thanks for helping me Charlie,” Jaune thanked gratefully.

“Not a problem Jaune, happy that I could help you out,” Char smiled. “I’m glad that I could spend so much time with you and help you out. I know this might be an awkward question after all the recent revelations and all, but would you like to go out sometime?”

“Go out?” Jaune questioned before she blinked and realized the other meaning in it. Her face burned brighter as blood rushed to it. “Do you mean…like a date?”

“Do you want it to be?” Char questioned, for the first time sounding nervous.

“I…I would like that,” Jaune answered, smiling. She had never thought that she would date a guy, but with Charlie, she could easily see the two of them together on a date, after how he had been there for her every step of the way.

To Jaune’s horror, a sudden warmth came over her that centered on her boobs and butt. Jaune gasped as her face darkened from how pleasing it was. Despite that, she found no joy from it as terror filled her entire being.

“N-No, not now!” Jaune cried desperately.

Jaune squealed in terror as she could feel her clothes tightening, and her body expanding. Her pants dug deeper into her buttocks and legs, making her wince as she could feel her ass balloon, her underwear riding deeper into her behind’s crack. Her growing boobs pushed against her breastplate, causing the straps of her armor to painfully stretch and scratch across her body, and she whimpered as they roughly scratched her body, despite her jacket and shirt protecting her skin. It got harder to breathe the bigger her boobs got. The blonde girl swiftly grabbed the straps of her chest plate and tried to undo them, but the growing weight and size of her honkers made it harder for her to undo them.

“Charlie…help,” Jaune got out as took deep breaths of air to fill her lungs, still struggling to undo them.

Charlie blushed but quickly rushed to her side and moved to get the other strap. The young man blinked at how taut the straps of her armor were. He frowned as he tried to slip his finger under them, to get a better hold on it but he struggled to do so.

“Why are these so tight?” Char muttered as he continued to tug on the straps, until he was finally able to pull it off, right as Jaune got the other. With a loud snap, her breastplate went flying off, making Jaune’s boobs bounce at the sudden jerk.

For a single moment, Jaune smiled as she took deep heavy breaths of air, filling her empty lungs. The tightness in Jaune’s lungs vanished as she greedily took heavy gulps of air. The pain from the straps and the slight marks from her armor around her body decreased by the second, softening due to her Aura. Again the former boy could only thank every deity that she could think of for making Aura a thing and how much it helped her body recover.

When Jaune’s lungs were filled to the brim, she noticed the immense bounce of her boobs that was becoming more prevalent. The blonde slowly looked down and saw to her horror her chest was still growing larger. She looked up and saw Char was staring at her, or rather her ballooning boobs with a dark blush on his face.

“Damnit,” Jaune groaned as she slouched forward, making her new DD-cup cleavage that she had plain for Char to see. She quickly realized the error of her stance and stood up straight, earning another delighted jiggle from her boobs. The young woman gulped as she examined her boobs again and watched as they stopped growing when they became the size of large cantaloupes.

Charlie had a dark blush on his face and closed his eyes as he cleared his throat. He could feel Char junior rise and quickly fought to keep it down. The young man gulped and breathed heavily through his nose as he tried to keep himself focused on what he needed to do and his words., though that only made it worse for him. It was hot seeing Jaune’s boobs grow and would be stuff he fantasized about for years to come, but still, boobs weren’t supposed to grow that big so quickly.

“Jaune, why did your breasts…bigger?” Char questioned, unable to tear his eyes off her larger bust. He knew that she wasn’t that big when they first met especially since she had only worn short shorts and a sports bra when they first met. Even with her jacket, the curve of them was plain for him to see, especially with how her top showed off her breasts, he could tell that she had grown a lot since then.

Jaune knew that she couldn’t hide it from him anymore. All of the effort that she had put into making sure that he never knew what happened had been wasted. Tears welled in the corner of her eyes and she sniffled, feeling the well of her emotions grow and the dam to keep them under control about to burst. She braced herself to run so she could cry but before she could, he leaned closer to her with a look of concern and placed his hands on her shoulders, and gently pulled her closer.

“It's okay,” Charlie soothed as he wiped Jaune’s tears away with his free arm. After doing so he pulled her into a gentle hug, which she returned, holding him tightly.

The two of them held each other for some time. Char didn’t say anything and just continued to rub circles and pat her back, telling her that everything would be fine. Jaune was grateful for his presence and was happy that he was holding her like this. The tears that she had died down, but the nervousness she had remained, dreading when it would pass.

The moment Jaune finally got her emotions under control she moved out of Char’s strong comforting arms and told him everything. How she used to be a guy, the accident that transformed her into a girl. The way that her body had been ballooning with her curves getting further developed. How she wanted to keep this hidden from him out of fear of what might happen now that it's out in the open. It all came gushing out her mouth like a waterfall, and she even trailed off at times to random tangents, before getting back on track. He never once interrupted her and allowed her to say everything that came to her mind, even if it had no substantial meaning.

Jaune waited fearfully to hear what he would say to her now that he knew the truth. She braced herself for the worst but hoprf to every god that it wouldn't happen. Things had finally started to feel normal again after so long. Pyrrha was talking again and seemed to have some emotion in her words. The students that eyed her with awe and muttered behind her back when they thought she couldn’t hear them had quieted down, even if there was talk about her expanding figure, and she had gotten used to her new gender. She should have known that something like this would happen. Life just liked to pull this sort of thing on her when it goes her way for a while.

“Ok,” Charlie said with ease.

“Ok?” Jaune questioned, wondering if she heard right. Right now her heart felt like it was on a ledge and one word or sentence would push it over the edge and make it shatter into pieces. “What do you mean ok?”

“Just…ok,” Char repeated again as he shrugged his shoulders. “Is it weird? Maybe, but you’re you and I care about you a lot and a gender change isn’t going to change that. No matter what Jaune, I'm going to be with you to the end of the line, so sorry not sorry, but you’ll just have to put up with me.”

The blonde girl didn't say anything as the heavy burden that she had been carrying this whole time disappeared. She teared up and sniffled again, but this time it wasn’t in sadness. Her heart blossomed in joy and she felt like she was on a cloud now that she didn’t have to worry about him finding out.

Suddenly, Jaune jumped forward and hugged Char as tightly as she could, crying in joy. Charlie cried in shock as she held him as tightly as she could, her arms wrapped around him as if she was a giant boa constrictor. She needed to hold him close right now, to feel his strong body against hers. She could feel her body heat up again, but she didn’t care and continued to hug him as if this would be their last moment together.

The same heat that went through Jaune’s body not too long ago returned with greater power, but she was far too focused, far too happy to care as her body expanded. Her breasts expanded against her chest as if trying to push the two of them apart, and it made the blond hold him tighter. She refused to let go of him as her face burned in embarrassed arousal. She needed to hold him in her arms and she wasn’t going to let her getting sexier stop her from doing so.

Jaune could feel her pant get tighter around her lower body. Her thighs pushed harder against her pants and strained against how tight they were becoming. The waistline of her pants tightened around her rear and dug into it, making her wince slightly. The back of her pants dug tighter against the curves of her butt to the point that her pants looked like they were a size or two too small, even though they already looked like skinny jeans.

The multi-colored-haired boy’s face darkened at the swelling balloons that were pushed against his body and tried to keep his second calm. All Char could do was what he had done before  and hold her he patted her back and rubbed circles on it. As he did he admired the way that her body felt against his. The soft hair that tickled his face, the size of her arms, and how they wrapped around his body, even if she was forced to adjust how she did so because of her boobs. Everything about her was perfect.

When Jaune finally calmed down enough she let go of him and looked down at her engorged boobs. They looked like they were rivals for Yang’s wonderful balloons with how big they were. Her beasts were easily larger than any of her sisters and pulled on her upper body even more with their new weight, though she didn’t mind it as much as she would have just a short while ago. The young girl knew that her breasts had to be an E-cup now with how looked to be larger than some honeydews. She looked at Char, wondering what he thought, and gulped.

Char cleared his throat and pulled at the collar with a dark blush. When he was helping her get that top off of her he wasn’t expecting to see that. And he certainly didn’t expect to feel what it was like for her body to grow against him. Still, it was one of the hottest things that he had ever seen in a long while.

Jaune looked down at her expanded boobs and then examined her bloated butt, groaning in annoyance. Her butt cheeks which had a refined tone like a firm peach now stood out behind her like a pair of large ripe apples. She swayed her hips and could feel the new extra stuffing move from side to side. Her butt bounced and she could feel the jiggle from there that made her gulp. Just like her breasts, there was nothing that she would be able to hide her booty with how thicc it was now.

“Has…that been happening quite a bit?” Char couldn’t help but ask.

“It…happens from time to time,” Jaune answered. It had been happening a bit more lately, but he didn’t need to know that. “It should end soon…I hope.”

“You hope?”

“I got to check with the nurse’s office. They’re the ones who have been checking me up on me and all. That experiment is probably why I could do that…Aura wave thing. They said that it affected my Aura and made my reserves even larger, and might have affected my Semlbance as well. Guess we can say that it did for certain now.”

“Well then at least you got something pretty cool and useful out of it,” Char smiled.

“Yeah,” Jaune sighed. She had to look at the positives and being able to send out Aura beams was definitely a cool power. “So when do you want to go on that date?”

Char smiled and told her everything he thought that they could do for a date, Jaune listening intently. Jaune wasn’t sure what to say at the moment, but she was sure that they would figure it out. Everything he said sounded so good that he wasn’t which one was the best thing they could do. She wanted him to enjoy their time together as much as she did.

Jaune nervously gulped as she followed Yang to the clothing store that she had in mind. Ozpin had given her a stipend so that she would be able to update her wardrobe and get clothes that fit her properly. She could only wear the school uniform and her sports bra and short shorts so much, this way she would be able to get clothes that weren’t as revealing and needed more options. She needed some more clothes if she was going to go anywhere, especially since her date with Char was coming. The blonde girl was sure that he would love the sports bra and short shorts, but she would rather not show off like that.

After hearing that and her latest growth spurt her fellow bosomy blonde had decided to treat her, or rather take her to a store that would be able to help her. With how big Jaune had gotten none of her clothes fit right anymore. Though she wondered if it was more because it was a free shopping spree that made Yang want to help her since Ozpin would be paying for it all.

The nervous pit in Jaune’s stomach grew at what would happen next and knew it would because Yang had the same happy grin that her sisters had in these situations. She had plenty of experience going to the mall and shopping for clothes when she was forced to come along with her sisters when they had something in mind. It was weird to go out shopping with another girl that wasn’t her mother or one of her sisters. Usually, she would have become the pack mule and depending on the sister, the model for some of the clothes that they wanted to wear. In her sister’s words back then, if a guy could make them work then they would look absolutely stunning on any woman that wanted to wear them had been their logic. Though she wondered how much of that was because she was truly modeling for them, or because they wanted some blackmail on her. With them, it could have been both.

“And here we are!” Yang cried cheerfully as she pulled Jaune into a store called Busteez.

Jaune almost stumbled from how hard and fast Yang was pulling, her but was thankfully able to keep herself upright. Yang threw open the door and a bell went off, and Jaune blinked as she shook her head and tried to reorient herself.

After Jaune recovered, she looked around the store wondering what they had. Sure Yang had told her that it was a woman’s clothing store for bigger girls like, but she hadn’t specified the type of clothes that they specialized in.

Jaune’s face quickly darkened as she looked at all the clothes and her eyes landed on the lingerie section. She blushed as she took in some of the more scandalous outfits that were on display. The sexy undergarments left little of the mannequin’s figure to the imagination. There was even a heart-shaped hole in the underwear for one!

The flushed girl looked away from that section and saw to her relief, saw a section that had more casual clothing and nearby one designated for Huntresses. She looked at the mannequins there and just like the one in the lingerie section, the clothes that were being shown off were clearly designed for bigger boobed girls in mind and showed quite a bit of cleavage. None of the clothes there would fit girls like Weiss, Ruby, and maybe even Blake. She was sure that Pyrrha, Nora, Yang, and now unfortunately her would be able to find something here.

Jaune’s face burned to an atomic red, wondering what kind of mad house she had thrown herself into. She groaned, wishing that she was more prepared for this.

“Alright time to get shopping!” Yang cheered and rushed into the clothing section, leaving Jaune behind.

Jaune watched as her friend marveled over the clothes, choosing some for herself and Jaune. The eagerness and childish glee on her face reminded the former boy of her sisters when they went out shopping. They would all go crazy and gush about the clothes and how they looked. She was grateful that she only had to deal with Yang and not any of her sister's antics. They would’ve been here for an entire week treating her like a dress-up doll if they were.

“What are you waiting for Jaune?” Yang questioned.

“Oh just need a moment is all,” Jaune chuckled weakly.

“Ahh well you better get looking Jaune or I’ll just grab everything that I think would look nice on both of us,” Yang teased.

Jaune got the message and quickly began looking through the clothes. She hoped that there would be a pair of jeans that would fit her curvy frame. The only pants she had that fit her were stuff like yoga pants, leggings, and her workout short shorts but they were tighter than she would have liked when she was out in the field. It had honestly reached the point that she was considering wearing pants alternatives. She had worn skirts and dresses before when her sisters had gotten her roped into wearing them for one reason or another. The blonde let out a sigh. She couldn’t believe that she was considering wearing those now so she could fight in them.

“Hello ladies could I help you?” a woman asked.

“Hey, we’re mainly shopping for my friend here!” Yang said cheerfully with a grin as she pulled Jaune close to her, the side of their boobs mushing together. “She needs a brand new wardrobe and I’m looking to see if there’s anything else I want!”

“Oh I see,” the woman smiled. “We can certainly help with that. Do you know your measurements miss?”

“I don’t know exactly off the top of my head,” Jaune admitted. She had been hesitant about getting this part done, more so because she wasn’t ready to apply a number to her. Her boobs were the second largest set of breasts that she had seen, only behind Goodwitch in terms of size. She might have known the general cup size, but even then that knowledge made her shimmy awkwardly as she hugged herself.

“Not a problem, we can go into one of our dressing rooms, get your measurements, and then go from there,” the older woman said. “Please follow me.”

The employee took them to one of the available dressing rooms and then pulled out a roll of tape. “Take off your top please.”

Jaune blushed as she did what the woman wanted. She flinched as the employee took her measurements. The cold tape made her shudder and it made her curves ripple. The former boy heard Yang let out a moan of awe at the sight of her curves unleashed.

“Ok, we have a wide variety of clothes for women that are built like you. What are you looking for exactly?” the employee questioned as she wrapped the tape around her waist.

“I need something that’s more on the durable side, and won’t break so easily when I’m fighting,” Jaune said. “I’m a huntress in training and with my career field, a lot could happen. But I also need some clothes that can stretch and won’t be ruined.”

“I understand and we can provide that. Our clothing is made of top-of-the-line fabric that ensures Huntresses don’t have to worry about their attire in a fight. “And you don’t have to worry about that. The clothes we sell her stretch and can adjust, no matter what size you are. Why some of our stuff could even hold watermelons without any issue.”

“Hopefully it won’t come to that,” Jaune muttered.

“Have you thought about going with a more revealing outfit?” Yang questioned eagerly. “We both know that you got the bod for it.”

“I don’t think the Grimm are going to be attracted to me in that regard no matter how curvy I am,” Jaune deadpanned.

“Yeah, but it could throw off some bad guys that you fight out in the field. Huntsmen and Huntresses help the police and deal with bandits and other stuff from time to time. Let me tell you there have been times where people have been more willing to talk and some bad guy gets distracted because of my girls,” Yang laughed as she raised her breasts.

Jaune didn’t respond, her eyes drawn to Yang’s girl as she thought about it. She would rather not be known as a sexpot huntress but could see the benefits of it. If she were to show up some of them would be thrown off by her curvy frame and the size of her breasts. Besides she would rather like to be able to breathe and wear comfortable clothing rather than try to hide her body at this point. Trying to do so would just make it harder on herself at this point.

“How about you try it out? Instead of some pants why not a skirt, short shorts, or a bikini bottom. That way you would be able to go for a swim while being decent,” Yang suggested.

“Could I get a yellow or white bikini?” Jaune questioned.

“Most certainly,” the employee replied.

“That a girl,” Yang complimented with a thumbs up.

Jaune sighed, feeling like she was shopping with her sisters again. The same cheerfulness that Yang dived into getting the clothes that she wanted was so reminiscent of them. Though with her sister there would have been some teasing remarks and snapping of pictures by now if that were true.

“Why the hell are blondes so damn busty,” the employee muttered under her breath as she went away.

Jaune winced as her face darkened again. She couldn’t help it. It was the Dust’s fault!

“Wonder how she would feel if she knew that you were a guy,” Yang muttered.

“Yang no,” Jaune ordered flatly.

“Oh come on imagine the reaction that she would have if she learned that! Her face would be priceless!” Yang smiled.

“As if she would believe it anyway,” Jaune snipped. “She would probably think that you’re crazy more likely.”

“Yeah, but we do have some old photos, I’m sure that might be able to convince her if I put on the Yang charm.”

Jaune didn’t say anything but looked flatly at her friend. Even if she did do that she doubted that would be enough to convince her. Not with her body. She didn’t like the idea of her broadcasting what gender she had been before.

“Okay I get it I’ll drop it,” Yang replied, making Jaune smile.

The door opened again and the employee returned with two pairs of swimsuits. One of them was a bright yellow and the other a pure snow white.

“Here are two swimsuits that would fit you, and look nice,” the employee said, and raised them up so that Jaune could study the two of them.

Jaune looked them over, both of them appealed to her, but she wasn’t sure which one would be better. She was sure that she wouldn’t have to worry about any accidents with either of them. She took them and rubbed her hands against the fabric and hummed, happy about how nice it felt, knowing that if she put it on she would be comfortable with it.

“Do you have an idea for the rest of your outfit?” The employee questioned.

“Well, I have an idea though I'm missing some parts of it in my head,” Jaune answered.

“Then why don’t we come back here after we get it. We can get the rest of your clothes sorted out in the meantime,” the woman said.

“I guess you’re right, and this would let us see a little more,” Jaune agreed.

The trio went through the sections of clothes, and as they did Jaune and Yang pulled out clothes that had caught their eyes and the employee took them. Yang would occasionally have Jaune look at what she pulled and either place it in her pile or say Jaune should wear it.

Jaune noticed that there were several pieces of cloth hanging on a rack and went closer to it. She looked through them and found that several of them had hoods on them as well. She looked at one of them without a hood and managed to find the tag. The blonde girl blinked when she saw that it said that was a cape.

“You guys have capes?” Jaune questioned in surprise.

“Yeah we stock several capes and cloaks for people to buy,” the lady informed.

The young woman looked at the clothes and then the cape again. Jaune imagined wearing one as she went around Remnant. She could imagine seeing the cape billowing behind her like a superhero as she went from town to town protecting people. The thought made Jaune grin as she pulled out one that she thought would go well with her clothes.

“Really a cape?” Yang questioned with a teasing grin.

“It looks nice, and I think it would help complete the outfit,” Jaune defended as her face flushed a little. It would help keep her warm when she went out to places like Atlas and could be used for a variety of reasons, like as a blanket. Besides she wanted to wear a cape when she went out on missions and such.

“That’s a good point. Glad to see that you're getting into this little shopping spree,” Yang laughed.

They continued to go through the clothes, and still, Jaune just couldn’t find a pair of pants that felt right and completed the outfit. The blonde only got further frustrated with it when she found a pair of nice white and black boots. After finally managing to get most of an outfit together she still wasn’t sure about what she should wear for pants with her huntsmen attire.

“Don’t worry Jaune we’ll figure it out. Maybe we already got it and we don’t even know. Besides, I think we got enough to get a few outfits set up,” Yang commented. “Might as well see if they all fit and then go from there.”

The former boy looked at the clothes that the employee and Yang were holding and gulped as she nodded. It wasn’t that she was afraid or nervous about putting them on. She had worn the sports bra, short shorts, the female school uniform, and other feminine clothes for a while now and had gotten used to it. Her fear stemmed from the possibility that it would lead to another hour-long fashion show that she would be forced to go through. They made it back to the dressing room they had first used, placing the clothes they have picked up on the small bench.

“Could you please leave the room?”  Jaune questioned.

“Whatever you want Jaune,” Yang said and left, the employee following her, though looking at the blonde curiously.

The moment they were gone, Jaune went through the clothes that they had picked and slowly sorted through them to see which one she would put on first. The reason she did so slowly was that she wanted to get them all organized, especially with the main outfit she had in mind. When she was finished sorting the clothes, Jaune slipped on the yellow bikini that she had set aside earlier and as she hoped, the bikini comfortably supported her abundant sensual curves.

After doing so, she slipped on the top and cape that she had chosen. She pulled on the stockings and the boots. Every article that she had chosen for this outfit she slipped on. She even put on the wraps that she thought would go well with it and help complete the look.

The blonde girl studied herself in the mirror one last time, making sure that it all fit and looked nice. Jaune couldn’t help but be in awe of herself and smiled as she turned to the side and then faced the mirror again, watching how the outfit moved in it. With these clothes, it was easy for Jaune and others to see her massive canyon of cleavage that she was on display. It surprisingly bothered her less than she thought it would. So too the fact that her bikini bottom was on display as well.

“Hurry up Jaune, we want to see the goods!” Yang ordered excitedly.

Jaune jumped from the sudden demand but then sighed. She better not keep Yang waiting any longer. If she did, Yang might decide to break the door down.

Jaune stepped out of the dressing room, wearing a black coffee-colored cape with white markings at the top left over a white and yellow, high collared coat with black linings that were held by a double strap with a buckle yin yang logo. The coat exposed the top of her breasts, revealing a tantalizingly large amount of her cleavage. A burgundy sash and two small brown leather straps crisscrossed at the bottom of her stomach. She wore a yellow bikini bottom that exposed her thick thighs and the curvature of her ass. On her legs were dark grey thigh-high stockings socks and white boots that had black coffee-colored lining the top of them adorned with black straps. Around Jaune’s neck was a black choker and a silver necklace. Her left arm was covered by white bandages and black leather straps.

“So how does it feel Jaune?” Yang questioned as she admired her friend. “Because I got to say you look amazing. You’ll be knocking guys, gals, and Grimm dead.”

“It's…different, but I like it,” Jaune remarked as she walked around. It was different from anything that Jaune had worn in her life, but it wasn’t bad. The clothes were comfortable and were pretty cool looking. “Though I think I would prefer it if I wore real pants.”

“What are you crazy Jaune! The bikini bottom helps complete the set,” Yang refuted. “Besides it's not as if you’re showing off your panties or anything.”

“Yeah but,” Jaune started as she looked down only to be greeted by the sight of her massive cleavage. She sighed in resignation. She still wasn’t used to being able to see her own feet just yet, but she was getting there.

“Well, you know the old phrase if you got it, flaunt it,” Yang cheered. “And you definitely got it!”

“Please don’t remind me again,” Jaune groaned with an embarrassed blush. It was hard enough to ignore the jiggling coming from her boobs and butt. Everything that she did earned a delightful jiggle from her body that would have made her male body go wild with how sexy it was to somebody else. She didn’t need anyone else to point it out, especially out in public.

Jaune walked around the place, getting a feel for how her her clothes moved on her body and finding out if there was anything wrong with them. She focused intently on how she felt as she did. The clothes didn’t ride her body at all. In fact, they held her bosom perfectly fine and even supported them in just the right way. The way that the coat moved behind her brought a grin to her face as she imagined herself saving some people from Grimm or some criminals with it billowing behind her.

After a bit, she entered the changing room again and studied herself in the mirror.

She looked at her reflection, again taking in her curvy form. The embarrassment that she had about the outfit at first was replaced with a strong cool confidence that made her feel stronger than she had in a long time.

“You know what? I think I’ll keep it like this,” Jaune admitted. After seeing herself in the mirror and how her clothes felt, the young woman couldn’t imagine changing them for something else. Everything felt perfect and came together perfectly in terms of design that it would be a sin if she tried to change it, even if she wasn’t wearing proper pants.

“Yes! I knew that you would make the right choice in the end Jaune!” Yang cheered as she stepped forward and wrapped her arm around Jaune’s shoulder and pulled her close.

The former blonde boy blushed as she could feel Yang’s massive bust pressed against her chest. She looked down and her face darkened further at getting a perfect eyeful of Yang’s fair immense cleavage. After a second the rest of the situation hit her and she knew that if anyone saw the two of them with even a hint of interest in the female body, they would have been aroused like crazy.

“Can I leave the store wearing these?” Jaune questioned.

“Sure! Just pay for the and you can walk right out of the store with them!” The employee answered, with a slight blush. “We can even deliver your old clothes to your current residence if you want.

“That would be perfect,” Jaune smiled.

“Now then let’s take one more gander around the place. There might be something else that we need.”

“I guess,” Jaune sighed as she joined her friend.

Jaune and Yang looked through the rest of the store to see if anything else would catch their attention. The blonde brawler noticed that there were a few more things that she wanted like a swimsuit that complimented her hair and a nice top. Jaune looked through the clothes and found a few more nice clothes that were added to the pile.

Once they had found everything that they wanted, they paid for everything with the stipend Ozpin had given them. Thankfully the store could deliver the rest of the clothes that they had bought and would thankfully be delivered to Beacon later. With everything settled, The two left the store, Jaune feeling tired and a little flustered now that she was walking around in her new outfit.

As they walked Jaune could see and feel the eyes of both men and women watching her as she passed. She blushed from all of the attention that she was getting as she did her best to ignore it. She clenched her hand into a fist. She knew that this would happen, and yet she hadn’t expected that the reaction and looks she got would be this strong.

“Man can’t help but feel jealous with all the attention that you’re getting,” Yang commented as she focused on a particular part of Jaune’s new body.

“I-It’s not like I’m trying to,” Jaune blushed. She could feel the eyes of her fellow blonde on her bust and gulped. She covered her chest as best she could, but all she did was make her already immense bust look even larger than it already was. “They just keep bouncing.”

“Yeah you’re not going to have any luck with stuff like that,” Yang deadpanned. “Just relax and enjoy the walk. It’s not like you can hide them no matter how hard you try. Besides, you have been eyeballed by the school for a while. How is this any different?”

“I...I never wore so little before,” Jaune gulped.

“Even when you ran to class in just that sports bra and short shorts?” Yang smirked, making Jaune’s blush grow. “I would say that compared to that, you’re wearing a bit more than that.”

“Well...you are right there,” Jaune sighed, hating that she had to admit that. “But these clothes feel like they’re trying to draw people’s eyes to my boobs, and thighs.”

“Kinda are, but is that a bad thing? And what's wrong with that since you did like the outfit?” Yang questioned. “With how big you are it will be nothing short of a miracle to hide them.”

Jaune frowned as she looked down at her immense chest for what seemed like the hundredth time today. She didn’t want to admit it, but Yang was right in that regard. She could have put on dozens of shirts, sweaters, and even a few jackets over herself, and yet there would still be hints of her bust If she tried to hide them now I’d be more likely that the gods themselves would come down and make her a deity then her fully concealing her girls.

“Look, just think of Charlie and imagine him admiring you instead,” Yang advised with a kind smile. “Remember you like the outfit and I’m sure that he would love you in it, though he would probably love you in anything.”

Jaune blushed at the thought of Charwking over her form and again looked at her attire. She closed her eye and imagined that it was him that she was walking toward. Charlie had a bright smile on his face as he got closer to him. She imagined that it was him in front of her, and the unease from being by everyone disappeared.

The new Arc heiress smiled as she imagined that it was just jer and Char, standing across from each other. She added a promiment sway to her hips and put a little more bounce to her bust as she stepped. In her mind’s eye, she could see him blush and his jaw drop, making her giggle at the reaction that she wanted from him. Jaune wanted to take it a step further and move more seductively to see how he would react then. She giggled naughtily and readied herself to move.

“Man you want him bad,” Yang giggled, breaking through Jaune’s fantasy. “You were walking with such a strut in your step as if you were trying to show off and get attention. Might want to remember where you are though. The last thing we need is a cop or something getting on our case.”

Jaune’s face darkened to the point it would put a neon sign to shame. She hadn’t been walking that bad, had she? Oh god, she probably did. How could she lose herself in her fantasy with Char that much? Sure they were close and they were going to go out on a date soon, but they weren’t like that.

“Well don’t worry Jaune. You can do plenty of that later when you’re on your date,” Yang remarked with a Cheshire grin that looked like it ate a canary.

“Stop!” Jaune groaned.

“Oh come on I’m sure that whatever your thinking would be fun to make real,” Yang smirked. “I know Char would love it.”

“Cease,” Jaune demanded.

“But the both of you would enjoy it very much,” Yang smiled. “If you want I can give you some tips or ideas.”

“Desist!” Jaune ordered, making Yang laugh heartily.

Yang continued to tease Jaune on the way over to the airfield, much to the former boy’s chagrin. Yang wouldn’t let up and even told Jaune some ideas that she could do to make herself look even sexier. Jaune covered her ears as she continued to walk, but could still hear her to her dismay. And even though Jaune wouldn’t admit it to Yang, she did listen to the blonde brawler's advice and would put them in her scroll later.

They got on the bulkhead that would take them to Beacon and again Jaune looked down at her body and came face to face with her immense cleavage. It was so weird to see her cleavage so exposed, especially after how hard she tried to hide her girls at first. It was strange thinking of how big she had become. It seemed like only yesterday that she was flat as a board, but now she couldn’t see her own feet past her glorious twin mountains. It was stranger to her that she found herself minding them less than she would have not too long ago. The short-haired blonde looked around and saw Yang pull out her Scroll and started typing away on it.

“Who are you texting?” Jaune questioned.

“Just letting the others know that we’re done shopping and coming back,” Yang replied. “Some of them are curious about what you’re wearing now.”

“You didn’t send them pics?”

“And ruin the surprise, hell no. They’ll see you when we get there.”

When they arrived at Beacon, they got off of the Bulkhead, and again eyes were on Jaune, and again Jaune focused as if Char was the one who was gazing at her. She breathed out and raise her head, refusing to look down. The bounce of her busty bodacious body was noticeable to her, but not all-consuming. The only thing she focused on was getting to the dorms and making sure she didn’t put on too much of a sexy saunter.

“You’re learning,” Yang commented with a grin. “This time you only added a good bounce to your body and sway to your hips to get attention instead of sending out a message that you’re a hungry beast.”

Jaune held back a sigh but was happy that she was able to restrain herself to some extent before she could do anything to arousing. The last thing she needed to be thought of by the student population was that she was an easy girl that anyone could get with. She already had a rep as the curviest girl on campus and she didn’t need that on top of it. The only person that she was interested in having a romantic relationship with was Charlie.

They went up to Team RWBY’s room where they knew that the others would be. Before Jaune could open the door, Yang grabbed her hand. Jaune blinked and turned to her fellow blonde curiously.

“Wait here for a sec,” Yang ordered. “You deserve a proper introduction to go with your new outfit.”

Jaune opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, the blonde brawler slipped into the room. The girl could faintly hear the others greeting her, but didn’t say anything. Jaune sighed and ran her hand down her face as it heated up ever so slightly.

“Introducing the new and far more fashionable Jaune Arc,” Yang announced and opened the door.

Jaune entered the room and waved shyly at her friends. She watched the others, wondering what they would say now that they saw her in her new clothes. She felt some vindication when she heard them gasp and begin admiring her.

“You look so cool!” Ruby gushed. “You look like you could be a ninja or a hero from  a game!”

Jaune blushed at the praise but smiled at the complements. All of them were staring at her, and taking her outfit in. Nora and Ruby rushed over to get a better look at her, while the others walked briskly closer. Still, she noticed that there was one member of Team RWBY that was quiet.

Jaune looked at her former crush and saw that Weiss was staring at her immense boobs as if it was some hated foe. The white-haired girl her head away from Jaune’s massive rack and looked down at her own small chest.

“Damn it,” Weiss muttered jealously.

Despite all of her efforts, Jaune couldn’t help but snort. That immediately caused Weiss to look at her and snarl like a feral as she glared at her angrily. Jaune’s amusement immediately died down and was replaced with a scared look.

“Where’s Charlie?” Yang questioned. “He should see what his favorite gal looks like in her new clothes.

“W-what?” Jaune stuttered, turning to her fellow blonde as if she had just said something sacrilegious, her face darkening. She wasn't ready for him to see her like this. She needed time to prepare her heart and steal her nerves before he saw her.

“He forgot his scroll in our Nora so went to get it,” Nora answered with a mischievous grin. “He’ll be back any second now.”

Jaune opened her mouth to say something as she turned to the door, right as it was opened again by Char. The blonde swordswoman stiffened and stared at Char as he came to a full stop. The blonde girl didn’t move at all and just she stood there as her face darkened, unable to turn away from him as if she had been turned to stone. After what seemed like an eternity to Jaune, she tried to cover herself, but all she did was make her boobs look bigger with how she tried to hide them.

“Holy shit,” Char said as he took her in.

Yang sent a thumbs up at Jaune with a proud smile, making the former boy gulp, still, Jaune’s heart fluttered in glee. She did want to hear his thoughts on her attire, but not like this. She was so going to pay her back when they spared again with a barrage of aura waves at her. That should make her realize not to do something like this again.

“You…look absolutely amazing,” Char admitted adoringly. Her outfit was absolutely perfect in his eyes. “So…cool.”

Jaune’s face immediately went crimson at that comment and a dumb goofy smile came across her face. The blonde opened and closed her mouth, making noises that should have been words. She had been worried that he wouldn’t like her new attire because of how revealing it was. She should have known better that she didn’t have to worry at all about her looking bad. With her body, she could make anything look good, and with these clothes, she looked like she could have been a goddess. For once she was grateful for how curvaceous her body had become.

A flash of a scroll and a giggle caught their attention and the two turned to see that the other bosomy blonde had taken a picture of the two of them.

“Going to send these to the others,” Yang smiled.

“Thanks, Yang!” Nora cheered with a cheeky grin.

“Yang!” Jaune cried and chased after her fellow blonde, while Char watched amused.

Char smiled, happy to see Jaune so at ease. Ever since he had met her she had been rather squirrely, afraid, and lonely, despite having her friends. He had wondered why until he had seen Jaune’s growing boobs. The moment he found out and comforted her, he was happy to see how he had helped Jaune with her burden. He wanted her to be happy, and that was why he was going to do everything that he could to help her have fun and enjoy herself.

Jaune sat next to Charlie as she watched the fight between Pyrrha and a member of a team she didn’t care about, wondering when it would be her turn. The blonde girl wondered who she would be fighting. She went through all of the people in the class, mentally imagining what a fight between them would be like and what to watch out for.

All of Team RWBY had gone up and fought already so thankfully she wouldn’t have to worry about fighting one of them. She doubted her chances if she had to fight any of them, despite all the training she had gone through. As strong as she was now, she doubted that the strength she had gained would be enough to turn things around if she were to fight any of them. Thankfully the rest of her team had their matches as well so she wouldn’t be fighting one of her friends.

A cry came from the guy Pyrrha was fighting as his Aura dropped into the red. Jaune smiled. Pyrrha won her match without getting hit once, just as she expected. She had the top record in the class, even against Yang, and hoped one day that she would be able to rival her.

Jaune watched as Pyrrha helped her opponent up as Glynda went over the fight and what the two of them would do. She listened to the advice, even if it might not be for her, she might be able to get some use from it. She needed every scrap of help she could get, and if it applied to someone else then it did double for her.

“Jaune Arc will fight Cardin Winchester,” Glynda announced.

Jaune looked at Cardin who sat on the other side of the arena and looked at her with a triumphant look. She stared at him with a heavy frown, refusing to show any fear as her will steeled, determined to win. Cardin frowned at her and she struggled not to let a smirk that so desperately wanted to come out appear. It was refreshing to be the one to get under his skin after all that he had done to her. The young woman blinked when a hand was on her shoulder and turned to see that it was Charlie who was looking at her with the same charming grin that made her heart swell with hope and glee.

“You got this,” Char said as he squeezed her shoulder.

“Right,” Jaune agreed with a small smile. She had been busting her butt off training so that she wouldn’t hold the others back. Now it was time to prove to herself that she was worthy of being their leader and that she belonged here.

Jaune’s friends cheered for her as she went down to the arena, determined to win this fight. The blonde could feel everyone’s eyes on her, but she paid them little thought and continued to walk with confidence. Right now she had to keep her head in the fight instead of letting it go all over the place. The young woman breathed as she readied herself for the fight that was about to happen. She was nervous about this match, but she would be lying if she said that she wasn’t a little excited as well. It was time to get some payback for last time and the rest of the crap that he had been pulling.

When she entered the arena, Jaune stared at Cardin, her grip on Crocea Mors tightening. She drew the sword from its sheath and raised it as she kept the sheathe on her hip. She could have used her shield, but for now, she would only use the sword.

Char had brought up the idea of using her sword’s sheathe as another melee weapon, something that she had heard and seen done. Besides she had gotten a hang of fighting with just her sword and would bring out her sheathe as a surprise attack or sudden defense. If Cardin got so focused on her sword that he forgot about it then it would be the perfect way to surprise him.

All of the memories from her training sessions with Char and the others came rushing forward. Every small piece of advice from her stance, how she swung her weapon, and what she should be mindful of in a fight was at the forefront. Now it was time to see if all of the training had paid off in a real fight.

Jaune focused on Cardin, who was smirking at her. The blonde girl didn’t give him any satisfaction and refused to show her fear to him. Instead, she focused on the battle ahead and what her victory would look like when she won. How proud the others would be when they saw her win and the glee of knocking Cardin down a peg. Jaune got into a stance and readied herself for Cardin’s charge, knowing he would do so when Ms. Goodwitch told them to start.

“Begin!” Glynda exclaimed.

Just as Jaune expected Cardin ran toward her and Jaune moved to meet him. She dodged the swing of his mace, focusing on his whole body instead of just his weapon. Charlie and the others had drilled that into her, making sure that she understood that even though they had weapons, people could still punch or kick you.

The blonde girl was always mindful of where she was stepping as she blocked and parried his blows. When she wasn’t sure she could parry the blow she blocked and winced from how her body shuddered. Cardin’s strikes had more power than Char’s, but he lacked the control that her boyfriend did. The attacks that Cardin had were wilder, instead of focused, and that made them easier to parry and block. Blocking with her sword, went against what she was used to, but she had grown used to it, at least to an extent.

When he swung at her again, Jaune went under it and swung her blade and nailing his side, and followed up with a second. She went for a third strike as he swung at her again and Jaune ducked under it. The blonde girl moved like a viper and quickly stepped back after delivering a flurry of attacks that made his Aura drop considerably.

Jaune’s boobs bounced in her top, but she had gotten plenty of time to get used to their bounce. She was glad that she had taken the time to train in this outfit. If she hadn’t she was sure that the way her boobs were wildly bouncing around in her top would have distracted her.

As she went in for another strike she noticed that Cardin’s eyes had lingered on her breasts. She couldn’t suppress the disgusted shudder that Cardin of all people was checking her out. Still, it had distracted Cardin long enough for her to get behind him.

“Not in a million years,” Jaune muttered scathingly as she swung her sword at his back, making him stumble forward.

Cardin growled, and swung his mace wildly at her, making Jaune smirk vindictively. It was nice to be the one that could get under his skin and mess with him after all the bullshit he put her through.

Jaune moved to hit him again, and the armored brute used his mace to block her attack. She stepped closer and moved to hit him with the guard of her sword, but Cardin shoved her away before she could. The former boy stumbled back and before she could do anything, Cardin’s mace roughly hit her side, making her Aura flash as she was forced back.

Jaune shook her head and quickly recovered. Her eyes widened as Cardin’s mace came at her head. She quickly ducked and took a quick step forward as she thrusted her sword at him. The bully twisted to the side and she turned her sword and then swung her weapon in the direction that he moved, nailing his side. The young woman swung her weapon at him again, trying to get him but Cardin was able to block the attack.

Jaune frowned and let out a low growl, but she didn’t let her anger get the better of her as she pondered what she should do next. She put some distance between them as Cardin followed after her, the blonde avoiding or blocking his attacks as she considered her options.

Suddenly an idea came to Jaune and she smirked vindictively. She hadn’t planned on using this, but after all that he had done, Cardin deserved something a little more…devastating. And who better to show her new trick off against than someone who didn’t know about it and deserved it right to the face.

Jaune readied her sword for an upward slice as the buxom blonde poured her Aura into her weapon. She then swung her sword at him, sending out a wave of energy that made the bully stop and stare at the attack wide-eyed. The blonde smirked maliciously at the shocked stupid look on his face, even more so when the attack connected and he let out a scream. She watched him fly into the other wall and get embedded into it.

“Winner! Jaune Arc!” Glynda announced.

“Yes!” Jaune cheered gleefully, even jumping in the air about it. The young woman could feel the bounce of her immense breasts, but she didn’t care. The only thing that she could think about was her victory and finally beating Cardin.

She had the worst record in the combat class, most of her victories stemming only from luck. It wasn’t that she was useless in a fight, but this was one of the few times that she had emerged the victor and it was because of her skills and abilities. She laughed when Cardin let out a groan, still stuck in the wall. Maybe now he would finally leave her alone since she could kick his ass and launch energy beams at him if he did to piss her off.

“You have improved massively Ms. Arc. Your stance is now far more stable, and you aren’t overreaching when you swing. Your attacks have far more confidence and your defenses are better. However, the moment you lost control of the fight, it took you some time to recover. Make sure that you work on keeping the momentum when you fight and recover faster in a fight,” Glynda advised. The professor had a proud smile on her face as she used her powers to get Cardin out of the wall.

“Got it, professor! I’ll work on improving that in the future!” Jaune cried as ran back to her team, pumped about her victory.

The moment she was back with her friends, Jaune leaped into Char’s arms and kissed him on the lips, earning a cheer from Nora and Yang and a cute awww from Ruby. The busty swordswoman placed her head on his chest and smiled as she closed her eyes. Being in his arms felt so perfect and wonderful as if she had gone to heaven. She could stay like this forever. Her glee grew when he rubbed her face against his like a content cat.

“I wouldn’t mind holding you like this as we watched the rest of the fights?” Char offered, making Jaune smile happily.

“I would love that,” Jaune admitted.

A familiar warmth came over that made Jaune’s face darken further. She looked down and watched her boobs swelling again. Jaune let go of Charlie and stepped back, unwittingly allowing him and the rest of her friends to see her growth. She bit her lips, smiling slightly a wave of pleasure came over her as she examined her butt and could tell that it was growing as well. The young woman gently swayed side to side and could feel the difference as her bikini bottom adjusted for her swelling cheeks.

Jaune snuck a look at Charlie to see how he was reacting to her growth again. To her glee, Charlie had a blush on his face and was unable to tear his eyes away from her. She could feel every new centimeter on her bust along with the new weight. It was almost as if Charlie was massaging her chest as they grew. The thought made her groan as she unconsciously massaged her expanding ass. Just as quickly as her breasts started growing, their growth came to an end when they became a massive F-cup that looked to rival her own noggin’s size.

Jaune frowned as she studied her attire and how it felt. She moved her hands from her bottom and pulled her at her top and bikini. The clothes thankfully still fit just as fine as when she first got them, which was a good thing. Well if she had any doubts about how good that place was they were long gone and she would be a regular for them from now on. Jaune’s flush grew when she remembered that her friends were here as well. All of their eyes were bugged out and had light blush on their faces, though Nora looked a little more awed.

“Right this is the first time that you had seen it happen in person,” Jaune muttered.

“So that’s what it looks like seeing it,” Yang commented awkwardly. “And I see why you asked for stretchier clothes.”

“Well looks like Yang is not the biggest anymore,” Nora commented.

Yang squeaked as she turned to the hammer wielder. She turned back to Jaune and looked at her breasts, then looked at her own breasts. To the long-haired girl’s horror, she could see that her breasts were noticeably smaller than Jaune’s ballooned boobs. She leaned forward as if she had just lost an important game. She muttered despondently. “So this is what it’s like.”

Weiss growled again as she looked down at her chest and placed her hands on them. She quickly moved them away as her hands balled into fists and then stomped away from the group. She muttered under her breath, her words unintelligible.

“Wait, Weiss! Where are you going?” Ruby asked.

“Don’t worry, she just couldn’t handle the boobs,” Nora snickered mischievously.

“Yeah, just give her a little bit and she’ll be back to her normal self,” Yang agreed.

Jaune gulped and rubbed the back of her head, wondering if she should chase after Weiss. She didn’t mean to ruin her mood because of her boobs growing. It just happened with how happy she had gotten.

“But Jaune don’t let us or your boobs stop you from making out with Charlie,” Nora smiled as she patted Jaune on the back. “You should enjoy yourself and be happy after a hard-earned victory and putting that jerk in his place.”

Jaune smiled and then quickly pecked him on the cheek again. Charlie preened happily from the kiss, making him pull her close, earning a surprised squeal from her. Jaune quickly relaxed against him, before looking at her breasts again.

“Man you two are already kissing even though you haven’t gone on your first date yet. I wonder what the two of you are going to be like after you do,” Yang commented.

The former boy’s face lit up in embarrassment and excitement. Even though the two of them hadn’t officially started dating yet she was more than happy to admit that she saw Char as her boyfriend. They did agree to go on a date and that meant they were a couple right? Well, whatever the case was as far as she was concerned they were and she was so happy that he was in her life.

“Well I intend to make it a great one, and have no intention of it being anything less than amazing,” Char smirked.

“It’s a good thing you’re such a gentleman otherwise you would be breaking hearts left and right,” Yang smiled.

The rest of the day continued at a nice easy pace. The rest of the classes for the day were thankfully easy and didn’t have any unwanted surprises. When their last class was over for the day, Jaune and Char broke off to train some more. Now that Jaune knew she was getting stronger, she had no intention of stopping now that she was seeing her improvement.

The two of them had spent most of their day at the training ground working on improving. The two of them laughed as they spread, going through the motions, quickly dashing to and away from each other as if they were playing a game instead of sparring. When it had gotten dark the two of them decided that it would be best if they headed back to the academy, which earned a loud noise of agreement from their stomachs.

Jaune and Char were walking back to the academy to get some food when Jaune’s scroll went off. She pulled it out and froze when she saw the number. Jaune gulped as she breathed in and out, staring at the number as if it was from the Brother of Darkness. It was her mother’s number.

The young woman recalled how many times her family had called and she had ignored it. She would just let it ring until it finally stopped, unable to breathe as it did. With how many times she had called, she was surprised that none of them had come down to see why she hadn’t been responding.

Now that Jaune thought about it, she wasn’t even sure that they knew what had happened to her. She hadn’t bothered to ask the headmaster if he had sent any word to them about her condition or not. He didn’t find out about her fake transcript so maybe he didn’t inform them.

Every ring on the scroll sounded like an alarm bell going off to the Jaune. The blonde girl’s heart tightened with every ring and she gripped her scroll a little tighter as she wondered what she should do. She wanted to talk to her, but second thoughts came rushing to her about why she shouldn’t. Maybe she should think more about what she wanted to say. Perhaps it would just lead to an argument that she wasn’t ready for. Excuse after excuse came to her and the conflict within her grew, but she didn’t want to ignore it now. This time she would bite the bullet and finally talk to them after being away for so long. They had a right to know what happened to her and how she had been doing, especially after her transformation.

“Could you stay close?” Jane asked.

“Of course,” Char replied with a smile.

Jaune smiled and then took a deep breath as she accepted the video call. She prayed that it would go well. She wasn’t sure if she would be able to handle getting called a freak or disowned by the family now. Especially since she took the family sword and ran off.

A picture of her mother Azura came up, making Jaune freeze as her confidence completely evaporated. She and her mother looked so similar now. The two of them had short hair, though her mother’s hair was slightly and went down to the base of her back and lacked the messiness that hers did. Both of them were on the busty side, though her mother was now a few cup sizes smaller than her, something that she could see with relative ease through the sweater and shirt that she wore.

Neither of the two said anything as they looked at the other. Her mother‘s eyes widened as they took in her form, and Jaune gulped as she waited for her to say something. She felt like she was being judged as her mother looked her body over. After a moment, her mother’s shock passed and the older woman relaxed. She put on a strained smile.

“It’s good to finally see you Jaune,” her mother, Azura said.

Jaune blinked. Surprised that her mother wasn’t horrified to see that her son had become another one of her daughters. Then what she had said bounced in her skull.

“You knew?” Jaune questioned, unable to say anything else.

“Ozpin has been thankfully keeping us in the loop about your health and how things have been going for you,” Azura sighed.

“Oh,” Jaune said dumbly, unable to say anything else about it. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that. She had thought that they didn’t know what had happened to her. At least it had helped ready them for this, and she didn’t have to explain what had happened to her.

“Did you get him this time?” A male voice asked that she knew was her father’s voice. Hearing it now made Jaune freeze and gulp as her body jerked. She could vaguely see her father Duncan on the screen, but even though he was farther away she could see his body in its entirety. The strong muscular build that he had from working the field and being a former huntsman. He wore a loose plaid shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots as if he had just got back from working on the field. Jaune’s nerves tightened further as her father got closer to the screen. Jaune’s mother turned the scroll so that her husband could see and Jaune had to bite her lips to stop herself from crying out no. Her father froze when he saw her, while Jaune felt as if she had fallen into the block of ice.

Duncan smiled at her, and that smile put Jaune at ease a little. She was still worried about how he would react after seeing her for so long. She did take the sword and just ran off after she told them she would be going to Beacon.

“Jaune?” Her father questioned.

“Dad,” Jaune said weakly and then gulped. She couldn’t help but internally wilt. “How are you?”

“I’m fine. I’m happy to see that you’re ok,” Duncan admitted.

A moment of silence came over them as they tried to think of something to say. Jaune easily noticed that her father was looking her over and studying how different she was now that she was a girl. Even though he had been told and probably seen pictures.

“I have to admit I’m surprised to you wearing something like that,” Azura remarked, breaking the silence then frowned as she mentally berated herself.

“I get what you mean. I didn’t think I would wear something like this at first, but it grew on me,” Jaune smiled. “I’m just happy I was able to find clothes that could fit me. A friend of mine took me to a store there for girls built like me and showed me around to help build my wardrobe, though I think she used me as an excuse to go on a shopping spree. With how she was acting, it was just like being back home for a little bit.”

Duncan smiled tiredly as he ran his hands down his face and muttered something that Jaune couldn’t hear. Even so, she blushed, willing to bet that it was about her outfit. Funny, whenever she had been shoved into a girly outfit as a boy he didn’t mind it so much, but now that she was he had some issues with it. At least she could make her father sweat a little.

Azura placed her hand on Duncan. He looked at her and sighed. He took a breath and sat up straight, looking at her.

“It was so hard waiting for you to call or anything,” his father said slowly. “I thought that I might haven’t done enough for you. I remember how you looked before you left. The look of disappointment and silent anger you had when you took off with the family sword and shield. I wanted to make things right with you, but wasn’t sure what to say and waited for a better time. Then this happened and I wasn’t sure what to do or how would you feel even talking to us, especially since you didn’t answer our calls. I’m sorry I didn’t try to talk to you sooner.”

Guilt welled in Jaune’s chest. She hadn’t meant to worry them as she had. She just couldn’t bear to face them. Not after she ran away from home with the family sword. Then the whole becoming a girl thing only made it worse.

“I’m sorry too,” Jaune said, the words coming out on their own. “I shouldn’t have avoided you like I did.”

“How have you been adjusting?” His mother questioned. “If you need any help I can come over and get a hotel. We could catch up and talk in person and have a personal day.”

“I have been doing better and that sounds nice, but you don’t have to rush over. It was hard when this first happened, being smaller, none of my clothes fitting and how the school looked. At least I didn’t have to get used to these at once,” Jaune answered, her words coming out awkwardly as gripped the bottom of her breasts.

“What?” His father questioned.

“My boobs didn’t start out this big,” Jaune explained blushing slightly. “I was originally more on the petite and flat side, but as time passed I just kept getting….thiccer.”

“Right I remember now. That…must have been an experience,” Azura remarked.

“You have no idea,” Jaune sighed tiredly but had a small smile.

The three of them took a moment to collect themselves. Their faces went through a variety of expressions as they thought over what to say now.

“So how have things been on the homefront?” Jaune questioned.

“Things have been going well,” Duncan admitted. “Your sisters keep asking about you and want updates about your… situation. They’re surprised that you stayed that long.”

Jaune couldn’t help but smile smugly, happy that she was able to surprise her sisters. If they thought that she would come back after the first week if Beacon didn’t pan then they would have been sorely mistaken wrong. There were multiple huntsmen academies for a reason after all and she would have tried again at one of the other ones. Even if Beacon Academy was the best and her first choice.

“How have you been? Did you make a lot of new friends there? What are they like?” Azura questioned excitedly.

Jaune smiled as she thought about all of her friends and Charlie. If it weren’t for them then who knows how she would be. She didn’t know who she should start out with.

“Mom, dad where did you guys put the…Is that Jaune!” Someone exclaimed behind her parents.

“What!” Another one of her sisters exclaimed, faintly heard in the background.

Another blonde-haired and blue-eyed girl appeared, almost knocking the two adults over to get a better look at her. Multiple people were in the background and quickly ran over to the screen. It was like watching a stampede of deer as they rushed into the room. Her siblings swarmed around her parents to get a better look at her.

Jaune could feel her face and ears darken at all the attention that she was getting. The former boy pulled at her collar, ignoring her bust as she did. She gulped and waited for them to say something. She smiled at them sheepishly.

“Hey guys,” Jaune greeted weakly. “I hope you’re alright?”

None of them said anything, and Jaune’s nerves grew again. She looked at her parents, silently begging them to say something and break the silence.

“What the fuck Jaune! Why do you have such big boobs!” one of her sisters, Jade yelled, bringing the rest of them out of it.

“I-It’s a side effect of the Dust! It just led to me getting this big!” Jaune blushed. “You shouldn’t just yell stuff like this. Shouldn’t you be more concerned that I turned into a girl!”

“I would be if my former brother didn’t wind up having the biggest breasts out of all of us,” Jade rebuffed.

“Can I get a sample of it?” Another one of his sisters, Coral questioned.

“You should be more worried and scared about what might happen if you did take it,” Jaune groaned. “I turned into a girl because of this stuff and for all we know you might end up as a guy because of it.”

“Hey you turned out fine and you got the curviest body I’ve ever seen,” Coral shrugged. “As far as I’m concerned that is worth the risk.”

Jaune could only stare at her sister in absolute disbelief. She looked the rest of her family over and saw that just like Coral, a few of them seemed to seriously consider taking it as well. The former boy could only stare at them in disbelief.

‘Are big boobs really that important?’ Jaune wondered. She did like big boobs don’t get her wrong, she didn’t think it was a matter of life or death like her sisters made it out to be. At least her parents were still acting sane.

“To get things a little back on track Jaune,” Azura said, breaking through the awkwardness, much to Jaune’s relief. “It doesn’t matter what you look like. You will always be my child and I will always love you.”

“Yeah you dummy you’re stuck with us till the end of your life so you better remember it,” Coral said.

The rest of Jaune’s family nodded with a bright smile, pulling each other closer. Some of them wrapped their shoulders around each other, while others ruffled their heads.

Jaune could only stare at them and sniffled, wishing that she was there and berating herself for being so stupid. All of the worry and fear that she had about how they would react was gone in an instant. She felt like an idiot for thinking that they would call her a freak and cut her out of their lives. She should have known better than that.

Char sent her a smile and a thumbs-up, earning a happy laugh from the former boy. She was so happy and gleeful that they didn’t care what she looked like right now.

Warmth came over her body again and Jaune looked down at her boobs again with a flat look as if they were an uninvited guest. It was almost as if it was always looking to come in at the worst possible time and ruin the good mood. She pinched the brow of her nose and sighed.

“Here we go again,” Jaune muttered.

“Again?” Jaune’s father questioned. “What do you mean again?”

“Just give it a minute,” Jaune groaned and seconds later her boobs started growing. “My uhh…boobs have been growing from time to time.”

Jaune looked away from her bust as her boobs grew, and focused on her family to see how they were reacting. Just as she expected her family was shocked to see her breasts growing again like a pair of balloons being filled with more air. They stared dumbly, unable to take their eyes off of her ballooning bosom. It made her laugh seeing the shocked expression on their faces. It might have been a little vindictive but they deserved a good shock for thinking that she would come right back. Her cheer earned a flat look from some of her family while some of them continued to be slackjawed by her developing melons. Jaune looked back down when their growth slowed and saw them finished becoming a huge G-cup that put some watermelons to shame.

“That was what I meant when I said I didn’t have to get used to them all at once,” Jaune admitted. “Sports bra and stretchy tops became my friends since that bit was discovered.”

“Do you know the trigger?” Coral questioned, all of the eagerness that she had before, seemingly gone.

Jaune bit her lips. She wasn’t sure what to say about it. How could she tell them that pure happiness was the reason that she kept getting curvier and curvier? That would only make them more curious and worried at the same time.

“I think I got an idea but I’m going to keep a lid on it for now.”

“It’s nothing perverted is it?” Duncan questioned, his voice rising heatedly.

“Dad,” Jaune moaned. A slight snicker came from Charlie making her look at them slightly for a moment. He smiled at her and she couldn’t help but return it.

“I noticed you seemed to be smiling at someone else,” Azura commented inquisitively. “Mind showing us whose with you?”

Jaune’s face darkened and she couldn’t help but run her hand through her soft sunny locks as she wondered what to do. If she showed Charlie to them then she would open herself up for another round of teasing. If she didn’t then they would keep bothering her until she cracked, probably bringing up embarrassing secrets. Ending the call suddenly would be the same as making her sisters bald, a death sentence, and she didn’t want to stop talking to them just yet.

The blonde girl groaned and braced herself, knowing that after she did this she would be hounded for more information and teased by her siblings. She could already hear all of the silly stupid remarks in her head, making her body sweat a little. Still, after ignoring their calls for so long, she figured she should give him something.

The former boy slowly turned her scroll around so they could see Char. Some of them gasped at him and she could see their jaws drop and eyes widen. Char waved at the Arc family on the screen.

“Hello!” Char greeted.

“This is Char,” Jaune answered. “He’s been helping me a lot.”

“Is he more than a friend,” Coral asked with a Cheshire grin.

Jaune’s smile strained and knew that she was about to blow their mind. Her sisters were gonna hound her for every bit about him anytime like a hoard of hungry puppies. Still, the initial shock might be a little funny if they made some funny face.

“We…have a date planned,” Jaune admitted slowly.

Excited gasps came from her sisters and her mother looked at her with bright eyes and Jaune’s blush burn brighter. The urge to slam her head into a wall was becoming increasingly more appealing and knew that the next time they talked it was going to be more intrusive. The former boy ran her hand through her hair and was grateful that their questions kept overlapping with each other, making it hard for her to respond. She would just let them get it out of their system.

“All right, settle down girls, settle down,” Azurá ordered lightly.

Jaune’s sisters thankfully quieted down, but that did little to stop their curiosity. Jaune could see it in their eyes plain as day that they had more questions for her.

“Next time we talk I want to hear everything about the date, how it went, how you felt, oh I want to know everything,” Azura gushed.

“I do too,” Duncan said, though, unlike Jaune’s mother, Duncan’s voice sounded more on edge, almost angry about the whole thing.

Jaune couldn’t help but laugh sheepishly. With the way her father was speaking, she couldn’t help but be reminded of the way that he was acting whenever his sisters brought a boy or a girl home that they were dating, like when Saphron came in with Terra and how territorial he had been. Speaking of her older sister she should call her when she gets a moment.

“Have you guys called Saphron?” Jaune questioned. “Does she know about what happened to me?”

“Oh right she doesn’t,” Jade sighed and then wiped her brow. “She’s going to be pissed when she finally hears about it.”

“That’s a call for another day I feel,” Jaune gulped. She was sure that it would be another taxing call. The two of them were close and she was sure that it would end nicely. Still, the awkwardness of the whole situation would be present like a bad rash.

“Don’t worry I’ll break the news to her and tell her that you have been busy adjusting to it and all,” Azura soothed.

“Thanks, mom,” Jaune smiled tiredly.

“Well I’ll let you and your friend continue whatever you're doing and whatever plans you got. I’ll call tomorrow and we can all talk a little more. Maybe get Saphron in on the call as well,” Azura smiled.

“That would be great.”

The rest of the Arc family said their goodbyes and the call ended. The moment it did, Jaune sighed tiredly. That had been more draining and more relieving than she thought it would be. She would say that it ended on a good note. Even if her sisters would be teasing her to high heaven and demand more info from her the next time they talked for the next couple of weeks.

She wasn’t looking forward to that conversation even if she was excited about their date. She knew that she was going to be on the phone for hours with how her whole family looked. And that was just for the date itself, she could only imagine how long it would be with everything else that had been going on with her life at Beacon. Still, she was happy that she finally got over the first big hurdle and could talk to them again.

“Should I be there for the next conversation too?” Charlie questioned as he stepped closer.

“It might be better for your sanity if you aren’t there,” Jaune replied. “If you are then you'll probably be interrogated till next week by my father.”

“Well since I am serious about you and want to be that special someone, it might be best to be there then,” Char chuckled with a smile.

They didn’t say anything else and basked in the silence merely enjoying the other’s company. She leaned into Char’s body and smiled gleefully, even letting out a small purr as if she was a cat. Char smiled and patted her hair, making her smile grow.

“I didn’t think you would purr like a cat,” Char chuckled as he increased his head patting.

“Your head pats are nice,” Jaune admitted with a faint blush.

“If you want I'll give you all the head pats you want,” Char chuckled, making Jaune preen, smiling gleefully. “Your family seems nice. Hope I get to know them well.”

“They’re the best,” Jaune admitted. “So what do you want to do now?”

“I would be perfectly happy if we just cuddled for a bit,” Char brought up, a slight blush on his face.

“I wouldn’t mind,” Jaune replied, her face darkening.

“And to think that we haven’t even gone on our first date yet,” Char chuckled.

Jaune snuggled closer to him. There was one thing that she knew for sure and that she was even more eager for this date than she already was. Everything just growing so great and she adored every second that they spent together.

“So then still want to train or would you like to go back to the dorm?” Char questioned. “I know how draining it can be to do anything after an intense conversation so…”

“I’d still like to get some food,” Jaune answered. “I need something in my tummy with all the fun we had.”

“Well then milady let me carry you there,” Char smiled. “No sense in wasting your energy before we get to the dining hall. Besides a princess like yourself deserves a nice rest after all the fun we had.”

“I can handle myself just fun you, joker,” Jaune laughed. “I got two working legs that can take me there without a problem.

Char suddenly moved. He moved one of his arms to the small of her back and the other to her thighs, lifting her up without issue. The blonde instinctively leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him to keep herself steady as her face became a dark red.

“Whoa!” Jaune cried. “W-What are you doing?”

“I’m carrying you,” Char answered simply, though his face had a small blush on it as well. “I wasn’t joking about carrying you. Now then we better get going if we want to have any food.”

“I…I can walk by myself!” Jaune stuttered as she squirmed in his arms, but he held her with ease. “Put me down!”

“Sorry, we can’t afford to waste any time!” Char replied as he started running with a bright smile on his face. “Have to keep moving!”

Jaune pouted as she buried her blushing face in his chest. She smiled and nuzzled against his chest, unwittingly pushing her bust against him. She would be keeping this from her family. The teasing she would have to go through about it just might counter the glee and joy that she was being held like this. This was just as fulfilling as she hoped it would be, even if her position was reversed from what she thought it would be.

Jaune looked at the time on her scroll again as she paced around, wondering how much longer it would be before Charlie would get here for their date. Charlie had stepped out of the room because he said he wanted to make sure that all of the arrangements he had for the night were still correct and didn’t want her to overhear. She should feel more at ease since it was Charlie, but she couldn’t help but be worried. She wanted this to go well. More than anything. Charlie was the first person to make her feel normal ever since she had become a girl. Even her team and friends made her feel like she was a stranger trying to sneak her way into their group before they all adjusted and yet when she was with him she felt normal.

The girl stopped and moments later Jaune’s curves settled. She didn’t notice the bounce of her boobs and butt, far too focused on what was on her mind. She looked away from her scroll and noticed her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her to get a better look. Looking at herself now, she recalled what her body was like when she first started and how it was now.

If Jaune were to compare who she was then to how she was now the differences were plain as day, especially with how much she had developed. She went from being a petite girl with no curves to being the biggest on campus, even rivaling if not surpassing Professor Goodwitch. It was such a stark contrast that she still wasn’t sure what to make of it, even if she was no longer bothered by how curvy she was.

The blonde bombshell looked at her figure and imagined it being even sexier than it already was as she imagined another growth spurt coming over her. Every time she had been in complete and utter bliss her curves ballooned and made her sexier than she was minutes ago. If she did this and their date was as good as she hoped it would be, she was sure that she would get bigger once again.

Jaune looked down at her breasts and butt and wondered for a moment if she should do this. Did she want to be with him enough to do so, even if her body would get curvier? She could break this off, maybe make an excuse for why they couldn’t. She frowned as a powerful wave of guilt and sadness hit her at the mere idea of stopping this now. It would be nothing short of cruel to try and end the date when they were going out in less than an hour. Another thought came to her, one where some other woman was hanging off of him, leeching of him and earning his affection in ways that made her heart quicken. It reached its peak when she thought of him kissing someone else romantically. There was no way that she was going to do that to him.

Jaune balled her hands into fists as a strong determined look crossed her face. Being happy was worth a few extra pounds. Even if her boobs and butt became the size of bean bags because of this she would see it through and have the best damn night of her life. She stepped out of her room and jumped when she saw her teammates there, staring at her.

“Guys please don’t just stand there staring at the door. It's creepy,” Jaune informed.

“Excited?” Pyrrha questioned.

“Yeah,” Jaune replied and then admitted. “Though I am a little nervous since its my first date and all.”

“You got this!” Nora cheered, patting Jaune’s back. “And if he does something that he shouldn’t do then we break his legs!”

“There will be no leg-breaking!” Jaune ordered sternly.

The room jumped at the sudden heat in Jaune’s voice, looking at the blonde as if she had become professor Goodwitch. Jaune blinked after a moment and then smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“Got it, we will not break Char’s legs,” Ren smiled.

“Good to see you taking charge fearless leader,” Nora smirked.

There was a knock on the door that made Jaune jump and moments later Char stepped into the room. He had a nervous smile that he normally never had on his face.

“Hey sorry to keep you waiting. Are you ready Jaune?” Char questioned.

Jaune gulped but smiled at him as the nervousness that she had returned. She took his arm in hers, his limb pressing slightly against one of her immense breasts. It earned a wave of embarrassment from her that made her face pinken.

“If you want I can move my arm,” Char offered

“No this is fine,” Jaune admitted with a gulp.

Jaune gently pulled Char along and the two walked to the Bulkhead field, eager about their date. The blonde woman walked with confidence and stride that made her bust bounce slightly and get people to stare at them. They were eyed by the student body as they passed but the lovebirds focused more on their destination rather than the people.

“Lucky bastard,” one female student muttered, earning a nod of agreement from a male one.

Jaune snorted as she leaned against him and Char smiled as he savored the warmth from her body. The two could smell the shampoo from the other and enjoyed the scent. The smell of strawberries from Jaune, and the smell of cherries from Char.

“So where are we going?” Jaune questioned.

“I was first thinking something fancy, but then I thought that you would prefer something simpler,” Char remarked.

“You were right,” Jaune smiled. “On a first date, I just want to go to a nice joint with good food. If this was a special kind of date then maybe I would like to do that.”

“Totally get you,” Char laughed. “And happy that I knew you well enough and that my instincts haven’t dulled.”

When they landed, Char led her through the city until they arrived at a restaurant called Kenny’s. Jaune looked around curiously. It was an older design with a checkered black and white floor. Black seats and booth with red cushions. It was almost like they had gone back in time 20 years or something.

“It looks nice,” Jaune commented.

“Hello welcome to Kenny’s do you have a reservation?” A waitress asked, looking the two of them over. Her practiced smile struggled for a moment when she looked Jaune over, and even more when she noticed how close she was to Char.

It didn’t go unnoticed by Jaune, who hugged Charlie a little tighter. She looked at the waitress flatly, as if she was a predator who would try to steal him away. She would make sure that she knew that he was already taken.

“We have a reservation, Charlie is the name,” Char said, not noticing the increased protectiveness Jaune had.

The waitress nodded her head. She grabbed two menus and led the pair to an empty booth in the corner.

“So how did you learn about this place?” Jaune questioned as she slid into one side of the booth.

“This is actually an old haunt for my family. When my parents first started dating this was where they would go frequently. So whenever we came to the city, my folks would always take me here,” Char answered with a fond smile. He looked the menu over. “Feel free to order whatever you want Jaune. I’ll pay for it.”

“Are you sure?” Jaune questioned.

“Absolutely,” Char answered. “I don’t got to worry about money. My family got a couple businesses and investments that have done wonders for us. Plus we also got some old money to help us out as well. We might not be loaded like the Schnees, but we got enough to live comfortably.”

“Nice, my family also comes from a bit of old money as well, though my family lives on a farm now. We don’t have to worry about any disasters or anything.”

“That’s good to hear. So got any embarrassing stories you’re willing to share about your family?” Char questioned.

Jaune hummed as she wondered what to say. A smile came to her face along with an unladylike snort as she imagined her sister's reaction to it. Her smile gained a mischievous glint as she said. “I’m sure I got a few stories I can tell you.”

She began telling the story of Saphron and an accident that she had gone through a while ago. How some of her other sisters wound up making her look like a clown. After she finished her story, Char told her about a time that his father had gone out and bought a nightstand for his mom. He had to put it together since it came disassembled, only to spend hours not sure what to do since he was too prideful to read the instructions.

They took a momentary break to place their orders, Jaune ordered a bacon cheeseburger with fries. Char placed an order down for the dame. After doing so, they went back to telling each other another bit of their past, laughing the whole time.

When their food arrived, Jaune immediately began to devour her food. She hummed happily as she chewed, savoring the food that she had. She noticed that Charlie was looking at her as he ate his meal.

“What?” Jaune questioned.

“Heh,” Char smiled as she looked up from her food. “Just happy to see that you’re still willing to eat what you want and not worrying about everyone else and what they might think.”

The two laughed and went back to eating their meal. In between bites of their meal they continued talking about their past. Throughout their meal, they continued to tell jokes and talk about their families and tell stories. Before the two of them knew it they had finished their plates.

“Would either of you like some dessert?” The waitress questioned as she took their empty plates.

“Up for it?” Char questioned.

“We already had shakes,” Jaune laughed.

“That isn’t a no,” Char smirked.

“....If you want to split the banana sundae I would be down,” Jaune blushed.

“There you have it miss,” Char laughed.

The waitress nodded and ran off with their empty plates. The two of them lounged in their seats as they waited.

“Hope I’m doing good so good so far,” Char said.

“Trust me you’re doing wonderful.”

“Well that’s a relief,” Char sighed, his smile growing

Jaune pondered what to say next. She was having a wonderful time with him and didn’t want it to end.

A frown formed on her face as she recalled one important piece of her past. The one being how she got into Beacon. Fear entered her mind and told her how him learning that she had lied her way into Beacon would destroy their relationship. She didn’t need or want to tell him and yet it was as if she was holding some deep dark secret as if she had killed his parents. She could take it to her grave, and yet she felt like she had to with how guilty she felt. It was as if she had held it from him, even though they hadn’t met each other at the time. A thought entered her head. He accepted her when he learned that she had been a guy and that was way more impactful than this. She needed to know how he would react to that. If he accepted her when he learned how much of a faker she was then she felt like she could move forward.

“I faked my way into Beacon,” Jaune admitted slowly.

Char blinked and leaned forward. The previous laziness that he had vanished in an instant. Alertness and surprise filled his being and were plain to see as if he was wearing a sign around his neck.

“What?” Char questioned. He looked around, making Jaune blink.

Suddenly Jaune gasped as her jaw dropped. She hadn’t even considered the fact that someone might have overheard them like when Cardin did so far back. The blonde looked around in a panic, praying that they hadn’t been overheard. To her relief, it seemed as if everyone was too busy in their own conversations and meals.

“I managed to have someone make some fake transcripts for me and used them to get into Beacon,” Jaune continued quietly, so only Char could hear her.

Char didn’t say anything. He ran his hand through his hair as his jaw opened and closed. He cleared his throat as the initial shock passed.

“Thanks for telling me,” Char answered. “And don’t worry your secret is safe with me. Is there anyone else who knows? I don’t want to accidentally reveal it to someone who doesn’t.”

“Pyrrha knows,” Jaune admitted, and then frowned. “Also Cardin and his team do.”

“They know?” Char said in shock. “How do they know of all people? No way you would have told that jackass this.”

“Cardin overheard me telling it to Pyrrha when I admitted it,” Jaune sighed. “He used to blackmail me with it until I stood up to him and dealt with some Grimm. Still, I’m surprised he hasn’t told anyone.”

“Maybe he can’t,” Char offered.

“What do you mean he can’t?” Jaune questioned.

“Does he have a good reputation?” Char asked.

“...no, no he doesn’t. He’s a known bully. Why do you ask?”

“Maybe part of it is that he knows he won’t be believed,” Char answered. “With a reputation that he’s a bully, it would put everything he said into question and get him in trouble. Might just be trying to save his own neck by refusing to take you down is my guess since he knows he can’t get away with it.”

Jaune hadn’t thought of it like that. If that was true then she had to give Cardin more credit than she thought and would have liked. Though she doubted he was smart enough to see it like that. Still, as long as it keeps her at Beacon she wouldn’t be complaining about it.

“Here you go one large banana sundae,” the waitress said, bringing Jaune out of her thoughts. Their waitress placed their large banana sundae between them. “Enjoy.”

The two of them quickly began eating the sundae and their tongues were barraged with various flavors of ice cream. Light fluffy ice cream danced along their tongues as they ate. The various flavors danced around their tongues, the banana coming in as a soft aftertaste.

Char raised his spoon to Jaune, the blonde blushed but then bit down on the piece offered to her. Jaune took a spoonful of it and then offered it to Char, who gleefully bit it. The two kept offering pieces of ice cream to the other.

“That was delicious,” Jaune remarked as she patted her stomach.

“Yeah,” Char agreed. “Might have to roll me out of here.”

“You would have to roll me out first,” Jaune giggled.

“I wouldn’t roll you out. I’d carry you out instead,” Charlie smiled, making her blush. “If you want I can do so again?”

“No thanks,” Jaune squeaked, even if part of her wanted to say yes.

Char laughed as he paid the bill and the two of them left the boy, their bellies full. As they walked back to the bulkhead that would take them to Beacon, Jaune smiled as she thought about her day.

Everything about today could only be described as perfect. It had been nerve-wracking before they finally went, and before its time seemed to have been a slow crawl. The time that they spent together was astounding, magical with how warm and fluffy she had been as if she stepped on a cloud. There wasn’t anything that she could find at all wrong today. Everything had come together so magnificently that she could only be pleased with everything. And she knew how to make everything even better.

The two of them made it back to Beacon and walked across the courtyard, still holding each other and laughing when Jaune noticed the Sakura tree. The leaves on it looked as if they were lit up by how the lights lit them up, giving it an almost ethereal look. The blonde stepped closer so she could get a better look at it. She admired the bright pink leaves that were on it and took a picture, knowing that her family would love it. She fondly recalled that first day with Charlie and everything else about it, especially with how the sakura tree was right now. There was something magical in the air that told her this was a special place.

Jaune felt a pair of arms around her slim waist and she relaxed against Charlie, her smile became stronger, more relaxed. She placed her hands on his arms and felt them up. The blonde stood up on the tips of her toes and planted a kiss on his lips as she closed her eyes. With one of her arms, she wrapped it around the back of his head so it would remain where she wanted it.

The feeling of his lips against her eyes was nothing short of complete and utter bliss. She wanted to feel more of him against her. Char opened his mouth and she used the opportunity given to her and slipped her tongue inside his. He gasped in shock and Jaune grinned, her glee growing at being able to surprise him.

After the initial shock, Char recovered and returned her affection as he wrapped his arms around the small of her back. He pulled her close, almost not noticing how her immense breasts were pressed against his body.

Neither of them could tell how much time had passed, not that they cared. They were far too focused on each other and every little thing about them. The clouds moved, allowing the full moonlight to further brighten the leaves on the sakura tree as if it was approving of the affection displayed.

The two finally broke apart when they needed to breathe. The eagerness to explore each other's bodies faded away and was replaced with a gentle need to hold the other.

Jaune looked down and wondered if she would grow again with how happy, loved, and protected she felt right now. She stared at her bust, waiting for the moment that she would finally start growing. The seconds became minutes and yet there was no familiar warmth or increasing bounce from her bust.

“Hey, I didn’t grow this time!” Jaune squealed happily.

To make sure, Jaune turned herself around so that her butt was away from him and looked at her booty as she shook it. To her glee, her bottom didn’t have any extra padding there and was just as thicc and round as it had been before she went on the date. Char pulled her close again and nuzzled her cheeks, making her squeal again.

“I hope you’re not disappointed,” Jaune said with an embarrassed flush.

“Why would I be disappointed?” Char asked as he continued to nuzzle her cheek. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”

Jaune’s face brightened at the comment as she smiled and then planted another kiss on Char that the young man returned without hesitation. He let out a content moan, feeling more complete than ever before. He wanted to keep doing this for as long as possible and feel this again and again.

The two moved their lips away from the other, but Char refused to let her go. He still held her close, the scent of her lavender shampoo hitting his nose. Not that the blonde girl minded that. She was perfectly happy and content to be in his arms and wanted to stay here longer. She was sure that he liked the feeling of her impressive boobs pressed against him anyway so they won!

“Those were my first kisses,” Jaune admitted with a blush but the smile on her face was prominent like the sun.

“That was mine too,” Char admitted.

“So then what do you want to do for our next one?” Jaune asked.

Char’s mouth dropped for a moment as the smile on his face. The joy in his heart multiplied a thousandfold. He felt like he had just won the lottery, got blessed by a god, and had his greatest wish come true all at once.

“Yes!” Char cheered gleefully.

Jaune laughed but was just as giddy as he was about their relationship. Ideas came forward about what they could do for another date. The movies they could see, the games they could see, and many other romantic scenarios they could do, especially since they liked the same hobbies.

She could only imagine what prom would be like when they finally got to it. She knew that it would be a blast. Though she would have to get a dress. One that would be able to fit her curvy frame. She knew that was going to be no simple thing. Though she knew that no matter what it looked like, Char would love it, and she would absolutely adore going to prom with him and the many dates that she was surer would come in the future.


“Thanks for coming over and watching the kids for us,” Jaune said gratefully.

“It's no problem, and you know how much me and little Summer love being with Nero and Jenna,” Ruby said as she gently bounced the boy on her chest.

Jaune sighed as she ran her hand through her hair again. She and Char were going out on their honeymoon and had called Ruby to watch them for the night.

Jaune looked down at the tight black dress that she wore that had a small veil over her breasts. She pulled at her dress making sure that there wasn’t anything out of place. It did little to hide her curves, not that she cared. It was comfortable like she had slipped on a glove.

After making sure that her appearance was immaculate, Jaune peeked into the living room and smiled at her husband, who was focused on the kids. Char was holding their baby girl, Jenna in his arms as she reached around with a pair of blocks. Jenna had inherited her father’s two-toned hairstyle, though instead of his black hair, Jenna had her blonde hair mixed with white.

Across from him was a small girl that looked like she was a small baby Ruby. She reached up to him and Char patted her head, earning a cheerful laugh from the other babe.

Jaune turned back to Ruby and saw her little Nero wake up. Much like Jenna, Nero was dressed in a blue onesie. He patted Ruby’s chest and frowned. He looked around the room, and his eyes landed on her. He reached out to Jaune with tired eyes, letting out a frustrated squeal. Jaune quickly went over and took them from Ruby’s arms. He smiled the moment she took him and placed him gently against her breasts.

“You had a long day didn’t you?” Jaune questioned.

“Momma…has bestest boobies,” the sleepy child muttered.

“N-No don’t say that,” Jaune said, but her baby just sleepily snuggled deeper into her bosom.

The blonde woman sighed but smiled at her baby. He probably got it from his father. With how wild Char was a night with their nightly activties and how eagerly he played with her breasts she wouldn’t expect anything less. He ruffled his soft tufts of black and white hair, as he slept peacefully.

Once she was sure that her baby boy had fallen asleep, she carefully handed him back to Ruby. The two of them entered the living room and Char looked up at her along with Jenna.

“It's time to go,” Jaune told him.

“Alright then,” Char said as he lifted Jenna off of him. “We’ll be leaving for a little while princess.”

“Mommy and daddy have some important stuff to do,” Jaune told her little girl.

“Ok,” Jenna said sadly. “Promise come back soon?”

“Don’t worry we will be back soon,” Jaune soothed and kissed her baby’s head, earning a delighted smile from her.

“If you need anything let us know Ruby,” Char stated.

“Don’t worry I’m sure all of us will have a wonderful time,” Ruby smiled. “You two have fun and enjoy yourselves. That’s an order.”

“You weren’t my team leader,” Char rebuffed good naturally.

“Semantics, now shoo!” Ruby waved them off.

The husband and wife left the house, smiling and laughing happily. They pulled each other close as they left the house. They carefully shut the door. The last thing they wanted was to wake up Nero from his nap. The moment he did, he would cry until they stayed.

Jaune smiled, eager to enjoy the night with the love of her life. She squealed when she felt his hand fondle her full rear, and she pinched his strong toned butt with her finger. She was sure that the night they would have while the children were sleeping was going to be the cherry on top.


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