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I am so sorry for the long wait, and all, but plan to get back into this. And start doing CYOA's again. Just felt in a corner and out of groove with this one, but I feel like I have it now again.


“Alright so we’re going to make Ichigo the perfect model student,” Warden commented as he rubbed his chin. “Let’s make the people see him that way now that we know who it is.”

With a snap of his fingers, the world rippled as the influence that he had on the world spread. The people in the audience leaned forward as they looked on eagerly, wondering what would happen now and what their next set of options would be.

The orange-haired boy arrived at his campus and made his way to class. As Ichigo walked to his classroom with an apathetic look, Ichigo noticed that the students were looking at him differently from what he was used to.

“What?” Ichigo muttered, surprised by the way that everyone was acting to him. Normally they would be giving him a bit of a wide berth, but none of the people were looking at him as if he was some delinquent. Instead some of them talked about him an almost admiring way, as if he was a school celebrity.

“My my, the poor boy seems so confused by it, why don’t we help him out and show him why everything is off, and bring out the girl within him, or maybe just tweak the world a little more,” Warden laughed merrily as he sent the signal for the next round of voting to begin.


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