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Kyle breathed in and out, wondering how much longer it would be before Kyusia, or Chirs would arrive. His heart pounded in his chest and his stomach jumped as if it was performing somersaults. He was more nervous than he would like to admit. They had talked for years and they had seemed like a cool guy with supporting him on Patreon, offering advice, and just talking about a variety of other things.

One thing led to another and when he had brought up the idea of visiting and coming over, he wasn’t against it. The big thing that he had to work out was the time and for how long. He had chosen this time frame specifically because his mother would be out for the week on a trip and thought that it would be the best time to have people over. They could do whatever they wanted and have as much as they wanted without worrying about any sort of curfew or anyone else.

The doorbell rang and he jumped. His phone went off in his pants and he pulled it out. He saw that it was a message from Kyusia that he had arrived. Kyle went over to the front door and ran his hands through his short hair and breathed out. He reminded himself that they had talked for a long time, it wasn’t as if he was just letting a complete stranger into his house. He opened the door and blinked when he saw himself in person, the image that he had in his head next to him as if to compare his imagination and reality.

When Chris had described himself online as a tall guy who stood at six feet, but he looked even bigger with how well defined his chest and broad shoulders. Even with how he said he wasn’t to muscular he looked like a guy who worked out to stay in shape. He had very short brown hair and a face that looked older then he really was, though it didn’t detract from his. He looked like he was in his late 20’s rather than his early-mid 20’s. He could see that he had a neatly trimmed beard that looked like it was well groomed and only served to add further to his masculine appearance.

The image that he had in his mind was close, but not quite, like when a person was cosplaying a certain character and managed to get the details right, but due to anime logic couldn’t fit it. The shortness of hair was longer than the jarhead cut that he had expected. The bear that he imagined was there and now that he was he could see how it was still there, despite the fact he could tell that he had shaved recently.

He had an idea of what he looked like already from that one picture of a Fem!Warden and it was pretty close. His black hair was neat and brushed to the sides. It reached the tips of his ears. He was handsome enough with a well-defined look and strong jaw. He had well-sized lips and an upturned nose. His somewhat thick-rimmed glasses gave him a distinguished look and brought attention to his chocolate-brown eyes. He was shorter than him by a few inches. He was somewhat thinner than he expected with thin arms and legs. He looked like he could have been a scarecrow if it weren't for the decent tan that he had.

“Well nice to meet you, Chris,” Kyle said slowly as if he was testing his own words in case he might say something embarrassing.

“Yeah nice to meet you too,” Chris said.

Now that the two of them were meeting in person the words that they had for each other were gone. All the sentence openers that they might have had for each other were gone, as if they hadn’t put any thought into it before. It was strange to suddenly not know what to say to each other even though they had talked to each other for months without issue. The only thing that helped them relax

“Why don’t you just come on it,” Kyle said.

“Sounds good,” Chris said and stepped into the home. He looked around taking it all in and getting used to it. He would be staying here for a while, and it would be good if he got everything memorized.

“So since your here might as well give you the grand tour and all,” Kyle said.

Kyle led him through the house, showing him where everything was in the home. He wanted to make sure that his friend knew where everything was and could feel comfortable. After showing him the living room, he showed him the porch, along with the bathrooms. Right after that he showed him where the bedrooms were and where he would be staying.

“And here is where you will be staying. I know it isn’t much, but should let you put everything that you want around and organized it without any issue. Our rooms are right next to each other so if you need anything I’ll be right by you.”

“Good to hear,” Chris said as he placed his stuff on the clean bed for the moment and looked around the room, as if he was looking for any problems. When he was finished studying where he would be staying he turned to Kyle and stared at him as if he was looking him over.

“What?” Kyle questioned, noticing the looks that he was getting from him.

“You know when you gave that description of what you looked like online and said your height, I thought we would be a little bit closer in height,” Chris said light-heartedly.

Not my fault we all can't be over 6 feet like you. What are you again 6’3?” Kyle questioned.

“Yeah that sounds right,” Chris replied.

Right after Kyle said that, Chris’s body changed. It was unnoticable with how small the change was. A small popping filled the room as Chris gained a few more inches to his already talp. He looked down the bed, wondering for a moment if he would be able to fit on it without issue.

The moment the door was shut, Kyle grinned as he looked down at the rings on his hand, or more specifically the ring on his middle finger. He couldn't believe that had worked even though he had been shown that it would. It was one thing to be the one to cause the change.

It was a little exciting, like when someone was getting hooked into an intense scene or the build up with one. Even now he could imagine what his friend might look like as they got further down the line. It made him excited to see where it would all go in the end, like seeing the pieces of a story all come together.

A part of him wondered if he really should continue with the idea that his creation had put forward. From their talks he knew that by the time it was over, she would have roughly the same interests as him, and the same level of perversion. There was no doubt in his mind that after it they would be able to talk with the same level of ease that they had ever since they first met. Could he really afford to let a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this go by? To get his dream girl that would love him deeply?

After a while and getting himself under control again, Chris stopped out of the room. He didn’t want to keep him waiting too long. There was so much stuff they could do and Kyle Wondered what he would look like as a girl. Every moment spent dawdling around was another moment that could have been spent doing something worthwhile with him.

“So what do you want to do now?” Chris questioned, his mind going through all the stuff that he had said online for anything that could be of use. “We could duel each other, play some games, or watch some crap on the internet.”

“Yeah those are all pretty good ideas,” Kyle hummed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you sure that my controller would be okay with your dainty hands?”

Chirs again blinked in surprise at what he said, and as Chris's arms morphed, the masculine appearance that they had reduced. The changes first started with his hands, which Kyle eyed as if they were a show that he had been watching intently. His fingernails cleaned up and gained a new shined as nail polish appeared on them as they grew longer and more feminine-looking. His fingers, which boasted quite a few calluses reduced in size as if they were sausages being trimmed. The hard skin on them going away as they gained a softness that no normal guy would have without spending a fortune on skin-care products. They had smaller womanly hands that looked completely off on his larger male body.

As he moved around the slight ripple of flesh that he had reduced as they grew. They got thinner, the fat refining into muscle. The sleeves of his shirt hung on his arms as they hung off of him, looking like they were a little large on his frame. The ends of them moved just a little over his hands despite the increase in height. The changes reached his biceps and they got smaller as the next part of the transformation commended. Just like the rest of his lower arms, the muscle that he had there seemed to refine and compact, giving them a more athletic look despite their smaller appearance.

Kyle looked his friend over wondering what would be the best step to take in the next part of the transformation. Now that he was faced with Chris again he wasn't quite sure what would be the next step to take. Well might as well continue to build up to the face and the parts that caught his attention the most. The boobs and butt should always be the climax, even if it was in real life.

Chris blinked at the comment about his hands and looked down at them. His fingernails lengthened ever so slightly, just enough to even out the rougher parts of his hands. His fingers softened as they did, though they did maintain some of the clauses that they had. When her hands finished changing they looked like they belonged on a girl that routinely worked out to stay in shape.

The young man couldn’t understand why he felt so weird right now. His clothes felt just fine on him a little while ago. Yet now for some reason, his arms felt off as if they had gotten dirt in them. Well, no matter what it was he was sure that a nice clean run through the wash would make them feel better.

“Yeah I just make sure my hands look nice,” Chris commented. It was weird when some of his friends commented about how feminine they were.

“Well, your arms fit them perfectly. And damn I can see the tone on them clearly. You make sure to keep yourself in shape huh,” Kyle commented as Chris’s arms changed next.

Chris’s arms slimmed down, losing some of the flab and flimsiness that they had. The soft flesh hardened ever so slightly as they filled with tone muscle that looked far more fitting on a woman. His biceps deflated as it went through the same change, gaining a hardness that hadn’t been there before. Chris’s arms had become long womanly toned arms perfectly befitting a woman who made sure to keep herself in the best shape possible.

“Well yeah I don’t want to be a big old blimp you know. And moving around and doing something gives me something to do and is pretty fun,” Chis explained. “And besides it can pay off quite well.”

Chris flexed his arm and the muscle that he had there became prominent and even easier to see. The changing boy could only feel proud of his arms. Even if they weren’t like a body builder’s it had earned more than a few looks from people that he had met, even some of his friends wondered how he had stayed in shape. He wished that he had more useful advice that he could give them. Why did his arms just have to be athletically inclined and gifted? Even if they leaned more toward the womanly side of things.

Kyle chuckled sheepishly as he raised his own and flexed it. There was nowhere near as much tone and power there as there was in Chris’s but there was a small portion. With time and effort there might be something more there, but for now there was still a bit of flab there.

“Maybe I could give some tips then or something until you manage to start on your own. I don't exercise too much, but I do know what to watch out for so it doesn’t result in blubber.”

“I’m not fat, you know. I’m just skinny,” Kyle countered. “Not all of us can be blessed with that sort of body.”

“Oh, and what do you mean by that sort of body?”

“You know a nice toned body with a slim defined stomach and thin waist,” Kyle shrugged. “Helps sell just how much more fit you are.”

Chris’s stomach gurgled as the next part of the transformation came into effect. He brought his hand to his gut and the slight pudge that he had there refined as it tightened. It refined in his hand as if he was going through a tough training accident. He continued to unconsciously press and massage his stomach., finding some comfort from the tones. A small bit of abs formed through his gut, earning a pleased smile from him that he didn’t know the full reason why.

“I wouldn't say that considering my arms are small. Just because I got a defined stomach doesn’t mean that I’m some macho man or anything like.”

“I would say otherwise considering that strong stomach you got. And that waist too. So slender and perfect. Hard not to tell how in shape you are with them.”

Again Chris blinked at the unexpected compliment, his face heating up a little. He wasn’t used to getting so many compliments. Not that it was bad, but it was weird. More so that he was getting it from a friend.

His waist contorted in on itself making him wince. It was as if a tight belt had been wrapped around his body. His waist trimmed in on itself, losing the girth that it had. The changing boy grunted as the sudden change overwhelmed for a moment. He quickly recovered though and breathed through his nose. The sides of his shirt dropped on his sides as his waist narrowed, making the well-defined stomach that he had stand out all the more.

“Well you are right when you say that you are just skinny, but you got to build up on that. Maybe while I’m here I can help you get buff,” Chris offered. “Maybe if we’re lucky you might get a girl or two out of it.”

Kyle had to hold back the snort that wanted to come out. He would get a girl out of it, but not in the way that Chris thought he would. Though he would be down to work out. He had been wanting to get into shape, but sadly none of his friends were prone to working out. Having a girlfriend and wanting to do stuff with her would certainly help get him motivated, especially if he could see her in short shorts and other sexy workout clothes.

“Honestly, I kinda want to stretch my legs for a bit. After the long plane right, and the drive over here, my butt would like not to sit for a bit longer,” Chris replied.

“I get that, I would be happy to stretch my legs after such a long plane ride.”

“Yeah, I couldn't properly stretch or anything. I felt like I was trapped between two boulders,”

“If only they were monster girl busts instead. Then everything would be

“To be honest, I almost feel like going for a walk or something instead.”

“I get you a good bike ride or something is the perfect way to decompress and all. Besides I’m sure everyone would be happy to see your legs as well,” Kyle chuckled.

The effeminate young man’s legs changed next. His toes curled as his feet let out small pops as they got smaller, earning a low moan of relief from him as if he stretched his muscles just right/ The lower half of them thinned down as they quickly gained the same tone that his arms had. His calves refined, losing some of the jiggle that they had had. Just as quickly as the process began it was over and the changing young man was left with strong, toned calves as if they had gone through a wide variety to gain the perfection that they had.

The next portion of the transformation for his legs hit his thighs, which swelled up like balloons. He moaned as his pants strained from the growth that was happening to his lower body. It was as if all of the jiggle that had been lost from his legs had traveled upward, adding more to the hourglass figure that he was getting. He placed his hands down there and there was surprisingly less jiggle than there should have been despite the increase to their body.

“Well then put in the work and I’ll help you out there,” Chris replied, blushing slightly. Being called sexy through his thinking again. Not that he minded being called sexy. It was nice. Though he would have preferred to look more manly. The amount of time a guy had hit on him because they thought he was a girl did nothing to help him. The looks of disappointment from them did not do anything to help his self-esteem.

“Maybe later. Though would we need to go gear hunting, or is just doing some exercises that we could do here, be enough?” Kyle questioned.

“No need to go anywhere. Just a nice couple of exercises and doing them long enough and you’ll be good. So how about a couple of games? After a long drive like that I need to kick back and enjoy myself a little. We did say that we would duel if I ever came over.

“I hear that, I would be the same myself,” Kyle chuckled. “But didn’t you just say that you wanted to stretch your legs?”

“Hey I’m hanging with a friend and I’m allowed to change my mind at the drop of a hat,” Chris chuckled.

“Then if you have the right to do that then I can change my mind on a second’s notice as well,” Kyle remarked.

“Fair enough.”

The two of them shared a laugh as Kyle wondered what he should do and if now was the time that he should alter that face. Chris’s build had come a long way since the start of the transformation. He was still tall, which was fitting for the current process that he had in mind. He still needed quite a few things done and for some more stuff to come in.

Chris noticed the way that Kyle was looking at him and couldn't help but frown. He questioned curiously. “What?”

“You know in the light like this, I can’t help but notice how pretty you look,” Kyle commented.

“P-Pretty,” Chris stuttered, blushing.

“Yeah you’re really pretty,” Kyle said, the words feeling awkward coming out of his mouth, but refused to let that deter him. “You look like you could be a model.”

The young man’s face started to change. His lips plumped in size, while his nose got smaller, as if it was compensating for the change. The two changes happened at such a rate that one would think that they were trading the mass that they had with the other. It quickly came to an end when he had a cute button nose and bright blue eyes. His cheekbones rose slightly higher and softened. His jaw softed as the face of his shape altered. The changing man rolled his jaw around and it let out a low pop and as it quickly became that of a stunning woman who should have been on the front page of a modeling magazine.

“Please don’t call me that,” Chris said, blushing. He knew he was pretty, prettier than any guy had a right to be. Prettier then even a good number of girls. It had even led to some guys mistaking him as a girl, due to his face and build. Jokes from his friends about him pulling off characters like Chevalier and Astolfo from Fate. Neither of the two were characters that he was particularly into. He was a dude and would be treated like one.

“Sorry if I made things awkward,” Kyle admitted. “It just slipped out. Probably because you really are a pretty girl.”

The feminine young man blinked for a moment, and before he could voice his thoughts, he felt warm down below as his wood hardened. He gulped in his seat as the pleasing warmth grew. Even though his friend couldn't see he crossed his legs as if he was out in public and trying to hide it. More pleasure went through him from his actions, as if someone was massaging it. He shuddered in his seat and couldn’t do anything as it continued. The top of his manhood went inside of him, forming a new hole that was aching to be filled.

His balls moved against his plush thick thighs and the changing boy squirmed in a his seat with a heat filled blush that made him shudder. He gripped the bottom of his chair as if he was on a roller coaster ride as it continued to happen. Sexual moans of interest came out that made his face burn brighter

“Are you alright, Chris, you look a little warm,” Kyle said. The young man placed his hand on her forehead and looked her over worryingly. A part of him knew what it was. How could he not? When he had been the one transformed he felt like he had been thrown into a furnace.

She blushed from his warm hand being placed against her forehead. The young woman wanted to say something, but she couldn’t bring himself to. It was so out of left field for her that again it made her mind go into a dozen or so twists and turns that it left her speechless.

“Alright, I could get my yugioh cards or are we doing this online?” Kylee questioned.

“Online, that we don’t have to worry about cards we don’t have and all,” Chris responded. The thought of being pretty wasn’t a bad one. It was different hearing it from him than the others.

Kyle booted up the Switch as Chris pulled out his own. The two waited patiently as they watched the screen loaded, mentally thinking over their strategies.

As the game loaded, Chris thought over what deck she would use and what might use. He did say that he liked Heroes so it was a good possibility that they might show. Kyle looked at him, and Chris wondered what had caught his attention this time.

“What do I have a bug on me or something?” Chris questioned.

“Sorry but you have such nice long blonde hair,” Kyle commented sheepishly.

Chris blinked again and was thrown off by the praise and tried to respond to the praise as his hair changed. The roots of his hair gained a brown tint to them that quickly shifted into a lighter shade of color. As the color shifted, his hair grew longer, tickling his ears as it did. It brushed against his cheeks, making his nose twitch. It ticked his back as it billowed down his back like a golden waterfall until it reached his butt. Right after it finished growing, his hair moved as if it had gained sentience. It quickly styled itself into a long ponytail that went down his back instead. A small schrunchie formed in his hair that kept it in place.

Chris blushed and moved his new long blonde hair over his shoulder so it wouldn’t get in the way. He quickly looked at the screen, as if hoping that would be able to provide him some form of salvation. To his relief he saw that the game had fully loaded and was ready to be played.

“Ok no more distracting me mister,” Chris ordered. “It’s time to duel!”

“As you wish then,” Kyle chuckled as he began their match.

Kyle hummed a tune as he played the game, thinking about how well things were going, not to focused on the duel they were having. He was genuinely happy, but it wasn’t just because of that, but also of how far along Chris was. She was now genuinely a girl and so close to reaching the end. All that was left was to bring a par of things into this world and then his best girl would be here in all of her glory.

Now that he was down to the last parts of the transformation he wasn’t sure where to stare. His first instinct was to give her a perfect ass, especially since he loved big butts. Though if he did that right now, wouldn’t it be like getting straight to dessert instead of one of the main dishes? It was a hard decision for him and one that just continued to get worse. Might as well give his soon-to-be girl a nice rack. Though what should he say to cause that growth to happen?

“Surprised you keep your controller so close to your chest like that,” Kyle commented.

“Oh and why is that?”

“Just with those boobs in the way, thought you might have some trouble. There have been those times with the keyboard and all,”

Two small points immediately became noticeable and pushed the front of her shirt out. The outline of a pair of well-developed breasts appeared. They continue to grow larger and larger like a pair of balloons being filled with helium. They stretched against her tops and made her squirm. Her arms moved closer together and she twitched in her seat. Her pecs softened and pushed against her shirt. She moaned as a sudden heat went through her body. It made her mess up and place a card that she didn’t want to put down on the field. She gulped as she tried to get her body under control and focus on the match, but her fingers twitched and gripped the controller tighter.

“Are you ok?” Kyle questioned.

“I’m fine,” Chris answered, her voice coming out in a husky tone as her genitals burned for attention. “Just make your move.”

Kyle shrugged and went back to focusing on the game, his eyes darting back to the growing boobs that Chris was getting. He would quickly do what he wanted and tried to think of how to win. Though it was no longer the ore reason he continued to play.

When he finished his turn, Kyle turned back to Chris and shamelessly stared at the growing tits. Right now they were currently the size of apples and yet they were still growing to sizes that made his mouth water and blood travel down below. Even when they became the size of fully ripe apples they continued to grow. He wanted to reach out and cup them, but he didn’t want to creep her out or anything. The bottom of her shirt rose as her breasts continued to get bigger, looking like they were rivaling her head’s growth. The young woman was forced to adjust her arms as they pushed her controller further away. Her breasts finished growing when they became a huge F-cup that looked like she shoved some melons down her shirt.

Kyle grinned happily, really wanting to motorboat those wonderful boobs. They were huge, massive, attractive, like magnets. If he was in an anime world he would have wondered if they had their own gravitational pull.

“Well, that’s another duel for me? You got anything to drink?” Chris asked.

“We have some soda and water in the fridge,”

“Great,” Chris said and shot out of her seat. “Would you like anything?”

“Nah I’m good, I guess,” Kyle responded.

Chris walked to the fridge and as she walked, Kyle stared at her small flat rear. It wasn’t a bad thing, but it could certainly use some work. He remembered a saying that he heard from a recent anime. That he was a man whose type of girl was tall girls with big asses. Truly he did agree with that man of culture, that she said was from that one anime Jujutsu Kaisen. Tall girls with big asses was the way to go, but why not go with big boobs as well. Get the best of all worlds.

“Bigger booty be good wouldn’t you agree Chris,” he muttered gleefully.

Just as he hoped, his new girl’s rear expanded as it gained another layer of padding that pushed her pants out slightly.

“Bigger,” he said again.

He watched as her butt expanded a little more, the roundness of her ass becoming more prominent.

The young woman’s face darkened further as her butt felt like it was being massaged. She leaned against the counter and fought an aroused groan that wanted to come out of her mouth.

“Bigger~” the young man sang lightly.

The girl's bottom swelled again as if a button had been pressed, making the girl shimmy around, wincing at the growing tightness in her pants. She pulled at her pants to try and alleviate the tightness, but it only got worse. The front of her pants pressed down on her aching crotch and it only served to fuel her desires more. She could feel herself dripping down there and shame and arousal fueled her.

The pants stopped moving and yet it was clear her ballooning rear wasn’t. More ass flesh appeared at the top of her pants as if it was a person trying to climb a mountain. He could only imagine how huge her ass would look when it was finally free of their tightening prison.

“Thicc enough to make her pants burst,” he said and licked his lips at the thought. It was something that he had only seen in anime like High School DxD. He had never thought that he might see it in real life, but if there was ever a time that he would get to see it then he was sure that this moment would be it.

Right after he said that her lower body changed, but this time it wasn’t just her butt that was growing, but her thighs two. Her bottom cheeks and leg pillows swelled as if they were balloons being filled with helium. More of her juices poured down between her legs as she continued to breath heavily. Her pants darkened at what was happening, but she couldn’t stop herself even if she wanted to.

An aroused moan left her lips, but she forced herself to think about the situation. She wasn’t sure how much longer she would be able to take off this before something bad could happen. She reached down, somewhat glad that she had something to fill her hands and focus on. She struggled to undo the button, despite her best efforts. A groan escaped her that one part frustration and the other part sexual stimulation.


“Ahh!’ the girl cried in glee at what suddenly happened to her pants.

A rip formed in the center of her pants. Another tear appeared on the side of her plush thigh.

A hole appeared against her cheek. It was as if a damn had been broken. The tips and tears continued to grow, merging together as if someone was trying to make them. Her pants loosened and soon the tears had become too much for it to remain and fell onto the floor. A pleased groan escaped her lips and she leaned against the counter for support, glad that she no longer felt like her lower body was being chocked.

The young man watched with eager glee as her lower cheeks bounced, finally free of the confines of her prison. It was a sight that made the already proud erection that he had all stronger. It looked like she might have taken some of his clothes and put them on. It was a sight that would have made many men cream their pants, especially with how her moist snatch was visible with her bright red underwear.

A cold draft suddenly went over her lower body and making the woman blink. Her blush darkened further, this time in embarrassment when she realized that her underwear was now completely exposed to him. She looked down and her face burned to match her underwear as the full situation hit her.

“I...I need to find something to wear,” the woman gulped and went to her room.

“I don’t think it's too much of an issue,” Kyle said, watching her bouncing rear lustfully.

The young woman blushed, not sure what to say to that. It was strange to get compliments like that

“It...It might not be much of an issue since we’ve known each other for a long time, but…” the new woman trailed off, as if she was thinking about what to say.

“It's alright, do whatever makes you feel comfortable.”

“I’ll be right back,” Chris said and quickly ran off to the guest room.

The new thicc young woman went to her dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans for her to wear. She slipped them on and breathed as she pulled them up.

“Come on,” Chris groaned as she kept pulling up on her pants, and yet they still wouldn't go up past her thighs. She was sure that these pants had fit before she had gotten on the plane.

Kyle couldn’t help but peek into the room and found himself instantly hard at the sight of her wiggling rear. The immense ass was like an enticing idol, calling out to him to grasp. It wouldn’t have looked out of place in one of those rap videos with sexy girls in the background. With the way that her ass was bouncing she certainly could have played the part spectacularly.

“Well, you could just put on the zero suit? You always say that feels so great on your body,” Kyle remarked and grinned as he knew what would be coming.

“Sure you don’t just want to see me in something sexy?” Chris questioned.

“And you struggling to get some pants on over your blimp of an ass isn’t sexy?” Kyle chuckled, making her blush.

“Would you give me a moment please,” Chris chuckled? “No peeking mister.”

“Whatever the great bounty hunter wants,” Kyle chuckled.

The former man chuckled as she went to her room. She sighed happily as she shut the door behind her. The young woman went through her bag again and pulled out the Zero Suit. She pulled on it, stretching it out, as if this would be the first time that she would wear it. It was strange she remembered wearing this quite a bit, and yet it felt as if this woud be the first time that she would put it on.

She looked at the door, half expecting to see him there watching him. She had to admit that she was a little disappointed that he wasn’t there to watch her. She would have made sure that he got quite ths show.

The young woman slipped on the zero-suit and shuddered as she felt it cling to her wonderful curves. It left nothing of her wonderful figure to the imagination. She managed to get it over her just as impressive boobs and was pleased to see how well they conformed around her bountiful bust. It was amazing how well they managed to keep her nipples hidden. Still, she wasn’t going to complain about it. She needed some modesty.

The blonde admired herself making sure that she looked perfect. She cleaned out her clothes, removing any wrinkles that might have been there. The blonde giggled as she did.

She pulled at the tight fabric that was riding up her buttocks, giggling slightly. She could imagine the looks that she would have gotten from everyone if she stepped outside, especially the looks that she would have gotten from Kyle. Big boobs and butts got his attention like a hungry wolf with a large t-bone steak, and she had both. She had been hoping to save this for later in the night, but she could put this on now. Besides, he did like seeing her in it. She could tell with the way that his eyes were going over his body as if it wasn’t obvious. When she was satisfied, Chris stepped out of the room, throwing her long hair over her shoulder. She stepped back into the room, Kyle focused on her phone.

“Ready Kyle,” Chris announced.

The young man turned to him and he immediately froze. Kyle was struck dumb by the sight of her and the young woman couldn’t help but preen in glee as if she was a peacock. She walked over to Kyle with a seductive sway in her hips and a bounce of her bust. She looked him over and licked her lips. Oh she couldn’t help but feel positively giddy.  gleeful. If she didn’t know any better then she would have thought he never sw heer dressed like this before.

“You look amazing as always Samus,” Kyle said with an honest smile.

The new woman blinked and opened her mouth to correct him, but instead, a glazed look appeared in her eyes. It was as if a pebble had been thrown into the metaphorical ocean that was her mind.

As she stared at him with a dazed look, her mind changed completely, her past as Chris, completely molded into new memories. Gone were the memories of her being born and raised on earth. Instead, she remembered being born and living with her parents before the  Her childhood learning how to fight, and then her first mission when she became a bounty hunter. Her new memories easily solidified her new identity in her head.

She was Samus, the best intergalactic bounty hunter ever and she was here to enjoy her vacation time with the best man in the whole solar system.

She had decided to take some vacation time after going through another arduous journey through some more old Chozo ruins. And what better place would there be for a vacation than earth. After another rough week she needed some time tor elax and enjoy herself.

Thankfully she didn't have to worry much about things like pirate invasions, at least for now. Swarmed by some forces or people who knew of her reputation. Here on Earth, she was just Samus Aran, the best girlfriend with the cutest boyfriend as far as she was concerned.

“Would you be willing to give me a show?” Kyle questioned shyly, his voice filled with hope.

“Of course~,” the blonde said seductively and turned around so that her huge blue booty was up against him. She placed her fat ass down on his hardwood and enjoyed the feeling of it against her body.

Kyle sighed in content, watching eagerly. He was a lover of both boobs and butts, but this would be something that he would never be able to get enough off.


Samus moaned and stumbled from the slap but didn't seem at all angry. A smile quickly formed along with a bright blush. She turned around and kissed him partially on the lips and he returned her affection with just as much passion. Her hands roamed over his form enjoying every little bit of his body just as he enjoyed hers.

In the back of his mind that young man vaguely knew that this would be trip that he would never forget and enjoy every second of it.


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