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Peter hummed as he scrolled through the database, trying to get it all sorted as he looked through it for the contact information. All of the information on the screen confused him and made him want to pull his hair out and slam it down on the keyboard in front of him.

Ever since he got into this job he had been struggling to get his footing in it and comfortable with it. All of it was so confusing and trying to keep it all organized in his head. The cheat sheet that he had made to help with the program might as well have been in another language with how little help it was for him. It was almost like he was back in one of his math classes at college again trying to follow a lesson when he was still struggling with the stuff from 3 chapters ago.

Peter ran his hand down his face as he breathed heavily, wishing that training had been more hands-on. This wasn’t how he learned the work processes at all. He was a better learner when he did it himself and got to feel for it. Hearing it all at once was all too much for him. It was like getting an avalanche of information all at once and he couldn’t put it in order. It made a job aspect that he should have been able to handle into something else entirely.

When he first read the job description he thought that he would be able to handle it since he was good with numbers and dealing with people. He had done administrative work before so it wasn't anything new. It would just be different from his old job in certain regards.

Not to say that he wasn't blind to the demands that would come with it. If he was an idiot he was sure that he would get in trouble for it. Even then he was sure that he would be able to handle it once he got into the groove of it.

To Peter’s horror, he never got into the groove of it. The work was more difficult than he thought it would be. The workers didn't pay him any mind and just went about their activities.

He didn’t think that it would be this hard. All of the numbers, equations, and everything else that came with it. It was still too much for him to get it all done at once.

Even when he was shown and told how simple it was he couldn't help but doubt it and think it was much harder than it was. It even led to him going overboard apparently and having to redo portions of his work than when he first started.

For the hundredth time, Peter wondered if he should have waited until he got lucky. Back then he still had a part-time job that was able to pay all his bills. It might have lacked job survivability and he was making less money there, but he had it all figured out in his head and was a good employee. He wondered if he called and asked, he would be let back on.

“Just have to push through it for now then you can be where you want,” Peter muttered to himself as he continued to work.

Peter focused on the screen and slowly typed what he needed onto another screen. He made sure that he got all of the information down correctly and that it was what he needed. It was better that data was correct than to rush through it and get it wrong. Then he would have to go through this stupid process all over again.

He should have been done with this work far sooner, but it was still so much for him that he just didn’t have it all down. It didn’t help him that he was anxious to turn it all in and was eying the time as if he was a prophet to a disastrous event. He was still on his third month here and he just couldn’t bring himself to relax.

As Kyle continued to work, all of the numbers seemed to get mixed with eachother. He blinked and swore that they were moving around on the screen as if someone was dragging them around. He could almost hear the numbers laughing at him as they moved.

Peter looked away and ran his hands down his face as he tried to calm his beating heart. He breathed in and out rubbing his eyes. His mind wandered thinking of silly scenarios or ideas that he could do instead.

Again he wondered if he should have taken this job. The job responsibilities seemed to keep multiplying and becoming more difficult every day. Stuff that should have come easy to him by now just didn't click, especially with the damned system that he was working on.

The only reason that he had taken this job was so after a year he would be able to transfer into a new department in the company that he wanted to be in. It sounded like a good idea at the time. Get an in with the company, learn how they work, and already be in the system. That way he would already be on their payroll and have a good impression from people inside the company who could vouch for him. Covering his expenses was also a nice bonus.

“Hey Peter,” a gruff voice said, catching his attention.

Peter slowly turned to his coworker and wondered what he had to say. The two of them had only talked a little bit. Just a basic understanding of a few words of interest, like with most of the other employees. Aside from that, they weren’t close. He didn’t feel comfortable enough talking to him and trying to make something more when there wasn’t anything there. It only felt like he would be forcing it and he would rather not do that.

“What do you need Carlos?” Peter questioned.

“The boss wants to see you in his office,” Carlos said.

“Crap,” Peter muttered as he got out of his seat. He breathed in and out, trying to keep his stampeding heart from going wild. There was no way that this could be a good thing.

Peter got up and went to his boss’s office, preferring to just get this over with now rather than draw it out. His heart pounded in his chest as if it was about to burst. His feet felt like lead had filled them. He could almost hear every conversation that was going on around him and tell who was speaking despite how they overlapped.

The nervous young man knocked on the door and waited to hear a response, but he didn't get one. He knocked on the door a little louder and still waited to hear something. He pressed his ear against the door wondering if he might not have heard his manager Miles through the large door.

After a moment, Peter carefully opened the door, fearful of what he might hear the moment he did. To his relief, he didn't hear his boss yell at him angrily and instead heard the light tapping of thumbs against a phone.

It made the young man frown. There was no way that it could be his boss doing that. Whenever he needed to get something across he would always call instead if it wasn’t done through an email.

Peter gathered his courage and stepped into his office he saw another one of his coworkers was there, Clemont. He turned to him with bored vacant brown eyes. His thin lips set into a slight frown.

“Yo,” Clemont said as he typed away on his phone.

Clemont had been here since he began and didn't seem to care too much about it. He didn't say anything and focused more on his work when he wasn't browsing the internet for entertainment.

Though unlike him who had trouble adjusting to the workload, Clemont seemed to be generally lazy and put in the minimum effort for anything. He had heard enough about him from the other workers and the boss to know that he wasn't the best of employees, to put it mildly.

While Clemont’s work was correct, it was often late and he had to be reminded repeatedly to finish something. He had even seen him on his phone texting and browsing the web at times instead of doing his work. Something that had made group work a bothersome task for others.

Honestly, he wondered why he was still here if it wasn’t for the probation period. If people kept complaining about him, why didn’t the boss take action? It was clear that Clemont didn't care about this job in the slightest and was only doing what he wanted. Despite that, he hadn't done anything that would get him arrested or face legal problems.

It had to have been a contract that kept Clemontaround. He had to sign one such contract when he started that would keep him on. Until then the company might have had to keep him on until it expired or he did something that wound up damaging the company and costing them money. At this point, it seemed more likely for him that it was the second rather than the first.

Whatever the case was, seeing him here did nothing to alleviate the worry that Peter had in his gut about the whole situation. If anything it did more to make him worry than anything else. The fact that he was on the same level as him couldn’t have been good.

Peter tried to breathe in and out to calm his beating heart. The room got quieter as his shoulders felt heavier as if someone had placed a boulder on top of him. He focused on his breathing and tried to think of how this could go well for him. He imagined getting the news that he would be getting a raise instead even if that would be as likely as a hot babe falling into his arms and falling madly in love with him. The image made him feel slightly better, even if it was somewhat silly.

Still, he knew that his good vibes would be gone the moment that his boss entered the room. It was just how it was with any major authority. So he would enjoy how relaxed he was while he could.

Peter let himself get lost in the silliness of it all, smiling as he did. It would help him be a little more confident for whatever the conversation would be next. The cute fluffy romantic thoughts he imagined got his blood pumping a bit.

He mentally prepared his responses as best he could to whatever his manager might say. Most of them being in response to something negative. They brought down whatever good mood he had gained from his imagination running wild. The pressure in his gut continued to build like a bomb that would explode and there was nothing that he could do to make it stop. Peter breathed in and out, focusing harder on his breathing, and hoped that it would be enough for him to relax.

Peter looked at Clemont again and wondered if he knew why their manager wanted to speak with them but he couldn't bring himself to ask. They weren't close and the awkwardness about the whole thing exploded at the mere thought of doing so. Instead, he lounged in his chair and hoped that it was good news that he could expect. Though his mind told him to prepare for some bad news.

The idea of being let go came to him and he had to admit that he was admittedly less perturbed by the idea than he should be. If he was at his old job he would have been scared to death about being let go. Here and now if he did, he could say that he tried it and got let go which brought him relief strangely.

It wasn't like he had friends here anyway. The people here weren’t the best. It was almost like he was dealing with a club. When people like him and Clemont were around things would quiet down and become more subdued. Neither of them cared about trying to get into the exclusive club that the other workers seemed to have, but it would have been nice to not be seen as an outcast. It would have helped him get through his work at least if he had people that he could trust.

The ticking of the old clock that his manager had above his desk grated his nerves. It was almost like he was back in school waiting for the principal or one of his teachers to come in and start the day.

“How much longer?” Peter wondered.

“Relax he’ll get here when he gets here,” Clement said as he continued to stare at his phone.

Peter looked at him and then sighed as he looked away. He knew that but he wished that it wouldn’t take so long.

The door clicked open, making Peter almost jump out of his skin. It was like the blade on a guillotine had been raised and the executioner had walked in. He turned to the door with a forced smile that he struggled to keep up at the sight of his manager.

His manager Miles had slicked black hair and a well-trimmed and even beard. No hair was out of place. The bright blue eyes that he had revealed nothing of what was going on in his mind. He wore a fine-pressed black suit that looked like it had just come out of the store with how neat and clean it looked. Everything about him screamed professional.

The more Peter looked at him the harder it was to keep up the forced politeness. The frown and despair that were inside of him demanded to come out. Memories of his time with him came rushing forward and refused to give up.

Miles had never been outright malicious to him, though he had been short and to the point. It made it hard for Peter to ask him questions and feel as if he was being tested rather than learning how to use the system and everything else. It served to infuriate and make his nerves jump more than they were.

During the training period, he had been to the point and showed him how everything worked. Whenever he thought about going to him for help, he would look at him with clear disappointment and mutter under his breath. It made him even harder to approach as if he was going to talk to some sort of grim specter that would drain all of the life out of him.

The other workers didn’t provide him with much help either. All of them would make some excuse about why they couldn’t provide some help and then go back to what they were doing. They even straight up lied to him when they were on break, or go back to what they were doing as if he hadn’t said anything to him at all. Those lazy bastards.

“I’m so sorry for the wait gentleman. I had to take a phone call,” his boss said as he took his seat behind his desk.

“Sir,” Peter said formally.

Peter stood up straighter and breathed out as he tried to look as professional as possible. No matter how this ended or where it would go, he would look nice and professional while doing so.

Peter’s eyes darted over to Clemont, wondering if he was as nervous as he was. His coworker didn’t shift at all in his seat and simply sat there as he waited.

‘Does he want to get fired?’ Peter wondered. It was the only explanation that he could think of why he wasn't worried at all. He wished that he could see some hint of it in his head. At least then he would know that he wasn’t the only one suffering.

“Do either of you have an idea why you were called here?” Miles questioned.

“No sir,” Peter answered, dishonestly. He had a few thoughts, but now, would prefer to keep them to himself for now.

“No,” Clemont answered simply.

“The reason I called you two into my office is that we have reached the end of the probation period for you too.”

Peter blinked. Has it been that long already? He couldn't quite recall. He hadn’t paid too much attention to the calendar. It was insane to hear that he had lasted long enough to make it through the probation period. He thought he would have been dismissed a while ago.

“I am not going to lie to you gentleman, the output that you had put into your work has been…disappointing,” Miles said, his voice filled with disappointment.

Peter could only shuffle in his seat as he gulped. His toes curled and his heart clenched as if he had just been struck by a friend. He had been expecting those words but he still wasn't happy to hear them.

Clemont didn't say anything and continued to eye the manager without any fear. The only inclination that he was nervous, was the slight gulp that came from him.

“There are two options for you gentlemen,” his manager said. “You can either be let go after this week and still be compensated for your time here. The second option is that you can go through a new company training program that has been set up that will hopefully make the two of you into model employees.”

He was almost tempted to go with his first option of just quitting the job. So he could afford to do that. He already got his rent secured for the next month and had a little nest egg in case he needed it. Still, he wasn’t blind that something could go wrong. Life had an annoying habit of throwing unexpected curveballs when you least expected it, he learned.

Peter’s mind went crazy and imagined something happening. What if something happened to his car or him. He might not be able to pay off the bills that came with it if something were to happen. He didn't know his parent's finances, but he didn't want to go begging for money.

The more he pondered, the more it didn’t seem like a bad deal, and maybe he would be able to put in an anonymous complaint with them about his boss. With the way things were, a shake-up here might be for the best. If this was how they did training for their new workers then it had to have led to the less than savory attitude that the office had.

Not to mention the way that other employers might see him. Seeing that he had been fired from a company would not look good if they did a background check. It would make getting a job harder. And who knows how long it would take him to find another one.

“I’m… willing to go through with it,” Peter sighed after a momentary pause.

The manager and Peter looked at Clement to see what he would have to say. He scratched his chin, his eyes darting between them.

Peter waited to see what he would have to say about the whole thing. It was almost as heavy as waiting for his boss to arrive. He wanted to reach out and hear what he had to say, hoping that he would be able to open his mind and give him a new perspective that he hadn't considered before.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” Clemont sighed. He lounged in his seat looking bored out of his mind.

“Fantastic to hear gentlemen,” their manager smiled. He went to his desk and pulled out two pieces of paper. He placed them down on the table in front of the two and placed pens by them.

Peter took the paperwork and signed without hesitation. After doing so he looked at Clemont and watched him finish signing the paperwork.

“Excellent gentlemen now that is out of the way we can begin the next step and truly begin your new training,” Miles said.

“So will we be doing this on the clock, and traveling to a new place?” Clemont questioned.

“No there is no need to travel anywhere,” Miles responded without hesitation. “The training will be happening here and is on the clock, so you don’t have to worry about missing any work.”

Peter let out a relieved sigh, happy he wouldn’t be missing work. He would have been peeved if he had to go to those special events and would be missing money that he could have earned from it. The more money that he had in his bank account the better off he would be for the future, especially if this program didn’t go how he hoped it would.

A cold feeling came over the pair. They gripped their chairs tighter as if they would fly out of their chairs if they didn’t. The tired look that Clemont had moments ago vanished in an instant. He looked around the room with wide eyes. Peter eyed his boss with new energy and struggled to remain still. The two of them couldn’t help but move their legs as if ants were crawling into their pants. The brunette boy gripped the chair tighter and had to stop himself from scratching his arms which now demanded to be scratched.

Unknown to the pair the hair that they had on their bodies was going away. It was as if someone was taking a razor and moving it over their skin. Every trace of hair below their eyebrows was going away. Even then their eyebrows trimmed and became neater, cleaner.

The dark shadow that Clemont had on his face was going away. Without the beard shadow, it brightened as if every root of hair that had been there was being taken out. He twitched and gripped the chair tighter. In seconds His face was as clean-shaven as possible and without the hair there Clemont’s babyface appearance was easy to see.

The pair’s skin cleared up with it and the imperfect skin they had cleansed, losing every scar, mole, and anything else that held it back. There wasn’t a slight trace of the hair that had remained on them at all below their eyebrows. In moments, the pair’s skin was free of even a shadow of body hair, leaving it as smooth as new velvet.

“Now then the transition period for this will be different and somewhat intense, but once that passes you will find it to be quite nice from what I’ve been told,” Miles informed.

Peter could only imagine how different it was after hearing it and worried about what it would be like. The sudden change in their schedules. The classes that they would have to take. It would have to be like going through the training period all over again. Though he hoped that unlike last time this one would be more in-depth and he wouldn't feel penalized for asking questions.

“Would we need to go somewhere?” Peter questioned as his hair brightened. A slight reddish violet tint entered his hair which was becoming more prominent. It was like a filter had been applied to his hair and was being messed with. The purplish-red in his hair became easier to see as time passed. The changes to his hair finished when it became a dark-reddish violet mane of hair that would have stunned others by how silky and exotic it looked.

The moment it finished changing color it billowed out behind him as the volume of his hair suddenly increased. His hair moved behind the head of the seat and traveled down it as it grew. He breathed out as his hair tickled the back of his neck and the tip of his ears. It continued to travel down the chair at an immense pace. The strands of hair moved closer together and a scrunchie appeared there that kept his mane of longer hair together. Just as quickly as the changes started it ended, his hair now stylized in a long ponytail that reached down to the end of where his butt would have been were it not for the chair.

Clemont’s rusty red mane of hair changed tint as well. A small dash of yellow appeared there and became brighter. The dark yellow bits of hair spread upward, becoming more noticeable. He ran his hand through his changing locks. His fingers seemingly destroyed portions of his original hair, as if it was wiping grime of a desk. With every scratch of his head more of his original hair color was replaced with the bright new sunny locks of hair that looked like spun gold. When he finally moved his hand from his hair there was nothing left of his original hair.

Right after it finished changing color, Clemont’s hair grew longer, tickling the back of his neck as it did. He reached up and grabbed the growing mane of hair, jumping in shock.

“You are paying attention, yes?” Miles questioned.

“Yes sir,” Clemont said and didn't take his eyes off of his boss.

“Good now then where was I?” Miles muttered as he scratched his chin.

The two boys face changed next. Their features softened as the shape of their faces changed. Their jawlines softened, losing the well defined masculine features that they had shift. Their noses crunched as they got smaller and becoming cute feminine noses. Their lips plu,ped in size and became fuller lips with a noticeable plumpness. A sudden itchiness came from their eyes that made them rub their eyes as they changed. Peters became a bright blood red that would have caused people to stop and stare, while Clemont’s became a bright green that looked like emeralds.

Peter pulled at the hem of his pants. They suddenly felt off on him, clingier, rougher as if they hadn't been in the wash for a long time and were covered in dirt and grime. He tried to keep a straight face, but it was getting harder with every second. Even now his lips twitched as he struggled to keep his desperation under control.

Clemont shimmied in his seat, wiggling his lower body. He stretched his legs out and then brought them back together, his resolve twitching. His eyes twitched and his lips quivered downward. A slight moan came from him until he managed to force all of his emotion down.

The two boys stretched their legs out, which let out cracks as they reformed. Their feet let out low popping noises as they wiggled their toes. Their feet became smaller, becoming more feminine as they lost the largeness that they had. With every pop, they lost more of the masculinity they had until they became small womanly feet.

Their forelegs shifted and changed as they became more streamlined. The muscles softened in some places while they hardened in others. The two changing boys groaned slightly as another cool wave came over them as if they had just finished an intense stretch.

“The fuck is going on?” Clemont muttered.

The changing pair looked down and the two watched as their thighs ballooned. Their pants strained from the growth of their thighs. It was like they had slipped on a pair of pants from a couple of years ago that had perfectly back then. More cushion appeared down there that to their shame and horror made their seats more comfortable. By the time it came to an end, the two of them had supple delicious thighs that looked like they had put on some weight that had been on their lower bodies.

The former brunette's eyes widened at the sight of his changing legs and knew that something was wrong. Panic blinded him for a second as he wondered what he should do.

“Sir,” Peter started feebly, hoping that he would be able to help.

“Please don't interrupt me,” Miles ordered, his voice having a slight edge that made Peter bite his lips.

Peter wanted to say that something was wrong, but the words were stuck in his mouth. He whimpered as his hips moved side to side. He knew there was something wrong, but he couldn’t voice it. It was as if his ability to speak had been violently chained and nailed with railroad spikes. Everything about his body felt off and it only continued to get worse as the itchiness that assaulted his body became more demanding.

Peter and Clemont laid their fingers out flat and stretched them out as wide as they could. Just like with their legs, they let out a low popping noise. They went cold as if they had dunked them in water and visibly shuddered as a cold spasm went down their spines.

Their nails grew longer and refined. Any unevenness that they had in them was disappearing. Their nails shined brighter as a fresh coat of nail polish appeared on them. Their fingers let out low cracks as they got smaller, the length and width of them getting smaller. The two of them had gained dainty womanly hands that went well with their new legs and transformed cores.

The muscle in their arms got smaller as their arms thinned. The muscles they had were disappearing, thinning down and streamlining to be as nice as possible. Their biceps deflated like a pair of balloons that were losing the air in them. Their shoulders let out a low crack as they moved closer together, adding further to the feminine appeal that the two of them had.

Peter had a dark blush on his face and his body felt like it was on fire. Everything about him itched, so much so he wondered how his hands weren't all around his body with his nails digging into his skin. He felt like he needed to move. To go somewhere no matter where it might be. If he could go somewhere private then he would be able to scratch himself to his heart's content.

The redhead licked his lips, imagining that he was up with some handsome guy and a pretty lady. Their hands tracing his body and entering every hole that they could. God, it made his body even hotter than it already was. He was half tempted to make the offer to his boss and if that failed then to ask around the office and see if anyone would be interested.

“Why am I so horny?” Peter muttered as he desperately tried to get his body under control.

Peter blushed at the sight of the hardwood there and gulped, hoping that his boss wouldn’t notice. It would ruin whatever goodwill that he had built up he was sure of and then he would be let go. He wondered what he should do. If he tried to undo the tightness in his pants that would get the attention of his pants. If he tried to put his leg over it he was sure that he wouldn't be comfortable with it. No matter what he tried to do he just couldn't think of a way that would let him not get noticed.

Suddenly the tightness in his pants was going away, making Peter blink. The new redhead looked down and his breath hitched as he felt something slither into his body.

“What?” Peter muttered dumbly as he saw the lump that was his boy's and shaft getting smaller.

The sudden looseness did little to comfort his mind. The curiosity and fear that he had about what was going on down there got more intense. He breathed in and out as his eyes quickly went from his boss to his boys, worried about what was going on down there.

He quickly reached down and felt the remains of the lump. There was less resistance there then he was used to. He padded around the area, trying to imagine what was there into his skull. Despite how hot his face was, he paled at the change. It was like what he had down there had been reduced to half his original size and was getting smaller. His balls felt smaller than grapes and his shaft even was almost like a small nub.

Peter’s breathing picked as he kept his hand there, uncaring of how it may look to his superior. He had to know what was going on down there.

“Ahh!” Peter gasped as his third leg retreated into his body. He slouched in his seat with uncharacteristic laziness. It was as if he had been drained entirely of any extra energy that he might have. He wondered how he hadn’t fallen out of his seat yet with how tired he was.

Clemont let out a loud gasp as his privates fully converted into a moist vagina that was ready to be used. He continued to tub his thick thighs together, unable to stop himself from doing so. He vaguely recalled the proper manners that he needed, but with how addled he was getting he was honestly wondering if he should bother. The curiosity that was there about what it would be like to take things to the next level was overwhelming.

Peter’s mind came down from his transformation induced high slightly and processed what happened. He blinked and brought his thick thighs together to feel for his junk. He gulped at the loss of feeling down there and instead felt only strong wetness from there that made him pale.

“I’m a girl,” Peter whispered, the words coming out hollow, but the truth in them coming out as strong as possible.

The new redhead brought her legs together and preened at the jiggle that came from them despite the oddity of it all. Her legs tingled with a need to be touched. It was like a demanding itch that required to be scratched. Her fingers twitched and curled as they reached and pulled on the cloth. The fabric moved across her body and she couldn’t help but imagine that it

“It's gone,” Clemont gasped, making Peter jump. Clemont pushed her thick thighs together and moaned as she bit her lips. She squeezed her thighs and with every press, her new nether regions warmed, and swore she could feel something tail down her thigh. It was almost as if her new cootchie was asking for more attention to come her way and play with her as if she was a life-sized toy.

“It's fine, neither of you needed your dicks anymore,” Miles commented.

The two employees turned to him in shock. They blushed at the blunt sudden admission of the change. For a single moment, the heat that had clouded their minds made it impossible for them to respond properly. It reduced just enough and then they looked at him as if he was Satan who had crawled out of the floor for the pair.

“You know about this?” Clemont demanded, glaring at his superior. Though with the way that she was sucking on her lips, greatly reduced the intimidation factor of it.

“Of course I do. It is expected as part of the training program that you would be molded into new forms and new mindsets. Instead of going through a cost-extensive and time-wasting effort to hopefully shape up employees, this was chosen instead. It was deemed more cost-effective to simply transform the employees that are behind into model ones,” Miles answered. “In both meanings of the terms.”

“How are we being turned into girls?” Clemont demanded as he bit down on his lip, his hand shaking as he fought the urge to reach down and fondle his new hole. He bit his lip trying not to let the hunger down there get the better of him.

Another jolt resounded through the girls which made their bodies shudder. They reached down below, their nookies wanting more attention.

“Fuuuuck,” the new blonde moaned desperately.

“This transformation is part of the agreement that you two signed just now,” Miles explained as he showed the contracts to the pair. “Though by this point I don't think either of you care to read the contract to make sure.”

Neither of the two reached out to take it from him. They were too focused on their fondling to pay it much mind if any.

“Would you two please stand up?” Miles questioned.

Despite trying not to, the new girls stood up, twitching and squirming as if someone's hands were tracing their curves, pinching their thighs and anything else that could earn a reaction. Their smaller bodies on perfect display. They vaguely noticed that Miles towered over them, but had far more important things on their mind. Like the horny heat and how they could quench its first.

“Very nice,” Miles remarked as he circled around the pair like a doctor looking his patients over. “The contracts are working exactly as they are supposed to.”

The two girls blushed at the attention that he was giving them. Clemont moved at a faster pace, her snatch dripping with fluids and wetting the front of her pants.

“It wasn’t just that though. You see with the stress of office life and the hardships that come with it, having some beautiful women around would certainly boost morale. It would also allow us to avoid having to deal with avoiding problems. Plus you two manage to keep your jobs so this can only be a win that all of us agree on,” Miles continued with the same grin.

Peter groaned as her butt swelled against the confines of her pants. The former man could do nothing as they did except massage her bottom as best she could. She moaned gleefully at the strong addicting sensations that came from her posterior. She increased the pace of her massaging, losing herself more into it faster than she did it. All sense of decorum was blown out of her foggy mind by the sensational sensations her expanding booty was producing.

When her booty’s development had come to an end, Peter now had a large fuckable ass that could have bounced a quarter off of it. The pants did very little to hide it, even though they were made for someone larger, they failed to hide her curvaceous lower form. The tone and muscle that was in there kept becoming more prominent and gaining attention. It was only when it became a tight toned perky rear that would have been able to smother men with ease.

The new redhead frowned as she continued to please herself. It finished far too soon for her liking and she needed more. The hunger that she had wasn’t satisfied and she wasn’t either. She needed more. She looked at her fellow and admired Clemont’s bottom.

Clemont’s ass was just as impressive as the redheads. Even if it seemed to lack just a little bit of the muscle. It would have been in the running to win competitions for being the finest ass in the world. If a choice between the two’s shapely behinds had to be made then it would entirely depend on preferences.

Miles groped the pair's rears and they gasped in delight. They wiggled their butts in his hands, enjoying his groping like wanton whores. They moved to grind against his hand even more.

“Wonderful, absolutely wonderful,” Miles groaned.

Suddenly the pair stopped as the heat centered on their chests. They licked their lips in eager anticipation, the heat and itchiness no longer a foe, but a welcome friend that told them what to expect in the coming second.

As one, their pecs softened as they pushed out, their nipples poking through their tops like small darts. Small orbs became visible that grew larger and the roundness of their new boobs became easier to see. The girls moved in tandem and groped themselves. The weight of their developing busts pulled down on their backs, and they adjusted as best they could. It only served to enhance how the pair felt as they took in those sensations. Peter’s chest finished growing when her breasts became a huge enticing E-cup bust that looked like she had shoved a pair of melons down her shirt.

“Yes, very nice,” Miles commented, his eyes locked shamelessly on Peter’s chest.

Peter smiled, happy with how nice it was.

Peter and Miles looked at the blonde to see how she was doing and to their shock, saw that her bust was still growing. Boob flesh became visible between the buttons of her blouse and the top of her bust. The top button on Clemont’s blouse went flying one after the other as more of her fair cleavage was exposed to the world. The blonde blushed and tried to close her top with her fingers, but no matter how hard she pulled, her cleavage would get further exposed as her breasts continued to push out. The buttons on her chest continued to strain as her bosom ballooned to sizes that enraptured all of them. Clemont's face burned brighter as they continued to swell. The former boy bit her lip as a mixture of arousal and embarrassment went through him. Her boobs finally finished growing when her jugs finished growing into a huge G-cup that rivaled watermelons.

Where Peter’s looked like they rivaled her head, Clemont’s looked like they rivaled watermelons. Clemont squeezed them a few times, savoring every burst of feeling from them as if it was a drug giving her latest high.

Clemont panted with a dark heavy blush on her face. She brought her hands up and pressed down, squeezed, and pulled on them. The former man loved the feeling of her breasts being played with like a toy. Every little spark of heat from then was like a godsend to the blonde beauty that made her crave more like a wanton whore.

After a few more tentative slow teasing, she finally moved her hands away from her voluminous chest, the sides of her shirt dangling from the sides. Her pert erect nipples were exposed, allowing everyone to see them in their full glory.

“Now then excellent, simply excellent,” Miles commented as he looked over thier fully changed forms like a shark. “Though before you can begin you must wear the appropriate attire. To wear such ill-fitting clothes wouldn’t be good in an office setting.”

The remains of Peter's shirt merged. The line that separated them disappeared as both sides blended. The breast pocket that she had on her shirt disappeared. The sleeves on Peter’s shirt got smaller. They traveled up her arms, making him giggle as they did. Soon they were completely gone and she was left in a bright clean snow white sleeveless top.

A stylish black belt formed around her waist with a gold buckle that made her jump. The top portions of her pants thinned as they moved. A slit opened on the side of them that exposed a portion of her plush thighs and made it easier for her to move. The lower portions of her broken pants thinned as formed black stockings that hugged her voluptuous legs. The top of them shrunk and settled on her thighs.

The shirt that Clemont wore changed and adjusted to her new proportions. Much like Peter’s top, it shrunk as well, but only to the point, it conformed to her new smaller size. It fit snugly around her arms. The buttons returned to her blouse and took their place on her shirt. Threads locked them in place and made sure that they wouldn't leave. Even though her chest was fully concealed it did nothing to hide how big she was in the tit department. Especially with the perkiness that they had.

Her pants tightened around her body as they conformed to her new curvy frame. The pants did nothing to hide the curve of her bum and thighs. Not that anyone would be complaining about how perfect she filled the sexytary fantasy.

“One last thing and then you two are done,” Miles commented. He reached into his desk and pulled out two blank IDs.

He threw them at the pair and they caught them. The one that Clemont held said Artoria, while the one Peter had said, Sam.

“Just put those on and then two are ready,” Miles smiled which grew as they did what they were told. He walked to the door and opened it for the babes. “Now then I think it's time to reintroduce you two to your fellow coworkers to avoid any confusion.”

The two women nodded airely. It would be nice to see their coworkers again. They stepped out of the office and with one sharp whistle Miles got the whole office’s attention. Their coworkers turned all at once and smiled at the sight of the two beautiful women which they returned.

“Gentlemen I am happy to inform you that the company retraining program is in effect. For the time being Peter and Clemont are Sam and Artoria. I trust that you will not let this impede your work, lest you wind up in the same position,” Miles informed.

The workers continued to look at the two new women and many of them found themselves getting hard at the mere sight of the two of them. Their eyes rested on their large busts, slim waists, and big asses that would get a lot of attention. They looked like sex goddesses that had descended from the heavens.

The two beautiful women looked over the crowd imagining themselves in a variety of positions as they did their absolute best to keep up office morale. In the corporate workplace, it could be quite draining from time to time if workers didn’t have ways to cope. If they could do anything to help their fellow employees then they should. Especially if it benefited them.


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