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“Alright, you ready to do this?” Conner questioned.

“Yup,” Ryan smirked. “Will be more than happy to see you doing all the chores again.”

“We will see about that,” Conner returned with a challenging smirk. “I’m pretty sure that I’m going to win this time, while yo will have to work around the place and all.”

Three months had passed since the last competition that they had to decide who would be the one to do the chores.

Both of them were lazy and didn’t want to do the chores. They were more than willing to do what they needed to for their own rooms, but couldn’t work up the nerve to work with the same intensity for the rest of their place.

So they decided that they would do something different that would be fun for them while at the same time ensuring that the place would get cleaned. They had discussed what they would do and then eventually came to the conclusion that they would do a random competition.

After doing so they had ironed out all of the rulings so that they wouldn’t be able to wiggle their way out of it with some loose wording. They had even written up a contract and had gotten it signed and notarized. The two of them were committed to making sure that the contract had been upheld and that they wouldn’t have to do the chores.

It might just be while they lived together but it was still important that they got it all ironed out. That way the other wouldn’t be able to wiggle out of the rules since they put a lot of thought and effort into it, even getting their friend involved who had legal expertise. It had honestly been amusing when they had brought it to their friend who had been a lawyer and wanted his expertise applied to it.

Conner grabbed the jar that they had chosen to hold their ticket of events and shook it up. The pieces of paper bounced around inside and tumbled. After a few powerful strong shakes he placed the jar down at the center of the table and looked at them.

The two of them had come up with a random assortment of stuff that they would have to do from having a tournament in a fighting game to have to take part in some questionaries. They were supposed to be fair and the best way to do that was by not allowing either side to prepare for the challenge. Neither of them could recall how many there were inside, or every activity that they had put down together. The only thing they were sure of was that both of them had put down an activity that they both thought up. The two of them were bound to have thought up the same thing.

“And now time to find out who would be the decider,” Ryan sighed as he raised his arm.

“Yup,” Conner agreed as he raised his own.

One,” Ryan started.

“Two,” Conner continued.

“Three!” they both said in unison and then brought their hands up and down

The two did rock paper scissors to see who would be the one to pull from the jar.

Ryan emerged the victor of the first round and smirked as he readied for the second. Now he just needed to get the second one and then the competition would be decided by his hand.

Conner emerged the victor of the second round and smirked as he did, but it quickly fell. The two of them looked at each other, as they raised their hands for the final round. The two didn’t move and merely eyed the other as if they expected the other would cheat by throwing their hand out early or later. The ticking of the clock in the kitchen resounded in the room,

“Ready?” Ryan questioned. It would be best to just get this out of the way now rather than just let it build up.


They raised their hands and brought them up and down. The two of their hands were in perfect unison as they moved up and down. Ryan threw his hand out and held his hand out for paper, while Conner’s moved into a scissors position. The moment their hands stop and solidified, Ryan groaned as he brought his hand down face.

“Looks like the competition is in my hands this time,” Conner said and put his hands in the jar as he looked away. His hand rifled through the drawer, feeling around. He pulled out multiple ones and slid them back in one by one.

The moment Conner found a ticket that he had confidence in he pulled it out. He opened the ticket and looked to see what it was. After a moment he smirked and looked at Ryan, who couldn’t help but gulp as he waited to see what it was.

Conner didn’t say anything as he placed the paper down on the table and then slid it over to Ryan, who hesitantly turned it over, fearful of what he would see. Ryan’s heart fell when he saw what the competition was and knew that the chances of him having to do the chores just skyrocketed. The ticket said drinking competition.

“Shit,” Ryan cursed and realized what he had to do now. He wiped his brow and tried to think of what he could do to put things in his favor. There was little that he could do to turn things around and would be struggling the whole way.

“You know how it goes. You’ll just have to deal with it,” Connor said with a smile.

“Alright, I’ll set up the cups,” Ryan said. At least then he would be able to set up the drinks. Perhaps if he chose something that he liked it would give him a slight edge.

“Actually I was going to save this for later but now works good,” Conner remarked. He went to his room and came out with two large massive cups that he could see were filled with a liquid.

Ryan wondered what he was going to pull out and then frowned when he saw him come back out with two massive king-size drinks, frowning at them. He must’ve pulled them out of the fridge that he had in his room.

The tape around the top had been torn off and he sighed as he stared at the drink. He would’ve loved having a cup like this if he was allowed to drink at his own pace when he was gaming or something. I would’ve saved them so much time to get something later.

Just like when I did rock paper scissors the two of them sat across from each other. Connor held the handle of his drink with eager glee that brimmed up a surface. Ryan held the handle on his mug but wasn’t as excited as he raised and lowered it experimentally.

All right here are the rules, Connor started. The first one to finish their mug is the winner. The moment you puke it up you’re out. If you spill plenty of your drink then you’re out.

“Crystal,” Ryan sighed as he again looked at his cup

“Alright ready? Set. Go!” Conner said and then started chugging down his drink.

Ryan didn’t start and instead spent it looking down at his drink. Imagine all of us going down in his gut and didn’t like it.

Knowing that every second counted and that he had given him an exceptional lead Ryan quickly started to guzzle down the liquid in his cup.

He hated this part when he was losing and felt like he was going to puke after he got it all down.

“C’mon quit stalling and drink it already,” Conner ordered as he stopped taking a drink. “Otherwise you’re going to lose.”

Ryan sighed and then took a deep breath and started chugging it down. It tasted better than he thought it would be but it hit his gut like a solid punch to the gut as he tried to drink it all down. There was just so much of it there in the way that I went through him only made it harder. Despite how hard it was for him he didn’t give up and continued to check it down struggling as he did so. He wanted to drink more to get it all down as fast as possible but knew if he did he’d run the risk of spilling it all over himself. It took all that he had to keep going at the pace that he was.

“Done!” Connor cried as he slammed his mug down.

Ryan inwardly ground but continued to drink it down though he slowed his pace. Now that he wasn’t trying to get it all down as quickly as possible he could actually savor it. The drink was better than he expected it would be. It had a slightly weird aftertaste but it wasn’t unpleasant; it was almost as if he was drinking liquid smores. For a single mom and he could taste a graham cracker and then would be hit by a marshmallow and chocolate.

The moment that he finally finished that kind of came fast enough and Ryan slammed with a drink down onto the table letting out a groan. A burp escaped him that made him feel as if someone had punched him in the gut and he needed a moment to catch his breath.

“Not bad. That wasn’t so hard for you was it?” Conner questioned sarcastically.

“Shut up,” Ryan spat angrily. “You know how much trouble I have with this.”

“Yeah I do, and that's what you get for losing.”

Ryan glared at his friend. He knew that he should have cheated again. Next time he would make sure that he won again.

Suddenly the young man felt as if he was standing in a blizzard. He gulped and wondered if it was a side effect from drinking that damn king-sized cup to quickly. He looked down and heard another gurgle coming from it as a pressure-formed that made him groan in pain.

“What the hell is wrong with me?” Ryan said.

The gurgling and noise from his gut grew stronger and he held it as it got worse. It was as if h had been punched in the gut so hard that he was about to throw up. He gulped and let out a hiccup as he brought his hand to his gut. The moment he held it, he noticed something was off about his stomach. There was a little less flab that was there before.

“Huh, what happened to my stomach?” Ryan questioned aloud.

He raised his shirt and flinched when he saw that it was slimmer than it had been moments ago. Ryan pressed his finger against his stomach and his finger went in less than it would before. It seemed harder, but not with much muscle, but more on the toned side. The changing boy raised his shirt and gasped when he saw that his stomach was getting smaller. The slight muffin top that he had worked on getting rid of was going away. In any other circumstance, he would have been glad to see it good, but in this situation, he could only be horrified by what was happening.

“What the fuck?” Ryan cursed, shocked by what had happened to his stomach. There was no way that his stomach could change so much so rapidly and his throat immediately went dry again as if he hadn’t drunk anything at all in days.

“Relax, there’s nothing to worry about,” Conner responded.

“You know what’s going on?” Ryan demanded, but then shuddered again as if someone had just dumped a jug of soda over him. The young man instinctively hugged himself and then blinked when he noticed the lack of hair that he was touching. He moved his hands and saw that where there should have been. The skin that he had was clean unusually so every blemish that he could’ve had on there was gone as if it had been removed from his body.

Ryan exam and the rest of his body and saw that his skin was off and looked paler and just like his arms, they were cleaner then everywhere he looked. It suddenly had an unnaturally clean shine to it that most certainly wasn’t there before the competition. He ran his hands over it and his stomach shattered at how soft and smooth it was almost like soft velvet.

“Connor, what the hell did you put in my drink? I feel off?” Ryan said as he wiped a batch of sweat off his brow.

“Don’t worry about it,” Conner replied without any hesitation.

“I’m going to worry about it!” Ryan yelled.

Ryan’s waist suddenly pinched inward and he yelped as it did. He brought his hands up and traced the changes that were happening to his body. The tone that his stomach had gained from the recent change became even more pronounced as the change continued. When the changes had finished, his waist had become so slender and sleek that even though his hips were boring and there was nothing up top, he still had a slight hourglass figure.

His hands looked smaller than they did just a mere few minutes ago. The rough calluses that he had her in from the workout sessions that he had with Connor were disappearing. His nails that were an uneven mess from a habit that he had of nail-biting were getting longer as they cleaned. They had become long, even, neatly trimmed nails that were a far cry from what they usually were.

The changes to his limbs didn't stop there as the decently toned muscles that he had on his arms were getting smaller as if they were fading away. Ryan pulled on the thinning limb and could feel that it was tighter and healthier than it had been before they hardened further. It was weird to feel such a difference in skin tone, and it made him worry about what would be coming next.

The rest of his arms changed as they got thinner and gained the same sleekness that his hands had. Ryan shuttered as he observed them intently unable to fully process what was happening to him despite how far along he already was. He pulled on his forearms and could feel the muscle that was hidden inside them. It traveled up to his biceps in the bowl of muscles that were there deflated and got smaller like a pair of balloons losing air.

A coughing fit Ryan that made him struggle to catch his breath. He sucked on the saliva that was in his mouth desperately trying to get rid of the rough patch in there, but it only continued to get worse.

“Oh my God Connor!” Ryan cried his new sensual voice making him blush. Sexy was the first word that came to them after hearing it come out. It had such sensual appeal that would have made many cream themselves.

Connor coughed and felt little Connerrise at attention as his pants tightened. He was almost tempted to ask Ryan to talk dirty to him. Just to mess with him of course.

Ryan’s face burned and he patted his face in a mad panic and the softer skin hat he felt there earned a scared moan from him. He pulled at his cheeks and shuddered at the familiar, but strange feelings that were coming from them. It was as if his face was being roughly wiped with an old ratty towel. Every inch of his face was being rubbed and he wanted nothing more than for it to end.

The moment it finally stopped was practically a godsend to him. A deep sigh came out of him as his face stung as if it had been pinched and twisted all over. It was ending ar faster than it should have, and if it wasn’t for that he would have gone to get an ice pack out of the freezer.

“Oh my,” Conner muttered with a blush as he stared at the beautiful face that Ryan had gained. He knew that the results would be good, but he didn’t think that it would lead to this, not that he was complaining.

Ryan looked at a nearby picture and saw his reflection in the frame, making him let out a surprised gasp. He stumbled back, unable to take his eyes off of himself. His jaw opened and closed and that was enough to tell him that the person in the mirror looking back at him was himself.

Staring back at him wasn’t the face of a young man, but a beautiful woman that should have been on the covers of magazines. Everything about his new face was one that oozed sexual appeal and would have been the reason why men went to wars. The full lips, larger eyes, the perfect facial shape to make everything come together. It all blended so well together that it would have made many people go hard as she filled whatever fantasies that they had to him.

His short blonde hair darkened and he gulped as it brushed down his hair. Ryan shuttered as he felt a tickle his ears and then the back of his neck. The first image that he had of it was like spiders were crawling on his body and he wanted nothing more than to swap them away. A slight blue appeared in it as if it was like hair dye. It continued to grow longer and tickled his back as it did. Ryan pulled the growing mane of hair that he had and flinched, wondering how more it would grow. After he took it, he rubbed the strands of hair and gulped at the new softness that it had. He took the time to examine it and marveled at the softer silkier hair of mane of hair.

“Why do I have dark blue hair?” Ryan commented and wasn’t sure what to make of it. He ran his hands through the long silky hair and wasn’t sure what to make of it. It was so soft and silky that his hands felt like they had minds of their own how well they admired them.

“Because dark blue hair is nice,” Conner commented.

Ryan glared at him but didn’t say anything. He wouldn’t admit it, but it did look nice, but if it was on anyone else he would have liked it. The soft bright sheen that it had was nothing short of astounding.

When he finally found the words he wanted to say, Ryan’s hips snapped out wider, making him waddle for a moment until he found his balance again.


He looked down at them and gulped at how wide they were. The tear that had formed in the sides of his pants were  They were easily the widest set of hips that he had seen in his life. They easily could have belonged to a supermodel with how big they were

“Fuck I like these pants,” Ryan commented staring at the exposed flesh from the new holes in them.

“Ok, that wasn’t intended. I’ll own up to that.”

“Oh so now you take ownership of this situation!”

“No, but I will reimburse the pants since they were innocent in all this.”

“Oh but I’m not?” Ryan spat.

Ryan’s feet tingled and he gasped as he was forced to lean on the counter to support himself as the transformation continued. He shuddered as he tried to fight the assaulting sensations, but they were relentless. They let out low cracks as they wiggled of their own accord. His toes got smaller and the rest of us feel compressing into a smaller, more feminine frame. You could clearly see the changes happening to them and heaved as they did. They quickly became small petite women they feared that looks completely off from the rest of his male legs.

That wasn't to be long as the rest of his legs began to slender as well and they let out a low crack. The suppleness on his calves grew, but gained a fitness that wasn’t there before as they legend. He couldmt help but move them as he watched observing how far they had come.

His thighs changed next, growing larger, filling with the same fat tone muscle there that accentuated the changes that had happened to the rest of his legs. The changing boy could only touch them repeatedly in horrified admiration about the growth that they had. His pace quickened as the ripple that came from them increased.

Ryan can only stare at the long sexy legs that he had now. They could only belong to a woman with how shapely they were. Every little motion that he produced made the secular thighs that he had a ripple and show just how large they were. He gulped and knew that they were only a sign of the rest of the body that he would have that would no doubt look like it belonged to a fertility idol.

“Damn man those are some sexy ass legs,” Connor commented.

“Stop staring at them you ass!” Ryan demanded, but it sounded more like an embarrassing squeal rather than an order.


Ryan opened his mouth to order him again but a hot feeling erupted between his legs that made him slam his thighs together. The feminine man God does he thrusted forward as an electric surge went through his body. He looked down and blessed as he saw his manhood stand at attention and knew what was about to happen next as a pull went on down there.

The pull between his legs only got worse and there was nothing that Ryan could do nothing to stop himself from rubbing his erection like a hungry animal. The feeling that went through him was so good and pleasing that he quickened his pace.  It was as if he was getting the best blow job in the world from the finest pair of lips that were sucking with just the right amount of pressure without being painful. His thighs trembled with the wonderful arousing feeling that went through him.

“So does it feel any different at all or…,” Connor asked, his words trailing off. “I am genuinely curious about this.”

Ryan glared at him hatefully and if she wasn’t so tired would’ve jumped him. Sadly the next stage of the transformation didn’t take long to start. Another wave of heat hit her that made her groan.

Ryan’s butt tingled and she breathed heavily through her nose. She mewled as she looked over her shoulder and saw the back of her pants was pushing outward. The seams of her pants strained against her body as they continued to tighten around her body. Her underwear dug into her crotch and her ass, tightening deeper as if someone was giving her a wedgie. Ryan pulled at the back of her underwear and tried to make herself more comfortable, but her underwear quickly became uncomfortable again. Her pants dug painfully into her body and she wished for some form of release.


The changing woman blushed again as the noise went out through the room again. A hole had formed in the back of her pants and exposed her straining underwear as it developed further. The tear in the back of her pants continued to get larger with how massive her ass had gotten until it finally to a stop.

Ryan stared at her booty unable to take her eyes off of it. Her new massive buttocks stood out behind her like a pair of footballs that were taped to her behind. It would have been the things of legend, something people would talk about until the end of their days. Hell she would have found it enchanting if it wasn’t her own/

“Hot damn,” Conner commented, his eyes locked on the immense rear that Ryan had now.

“Ohhh!” Ryan moaned lewdly as her nipples burned. They felt like they were being twisted and pulled on and she squirmed and shimmied around. She tried to cover them up so they weren’t poking through, but the moment her hands touched them it was enough to make her shudder and her crotch heat up as if she had just creamed her top. She moved her hands away and looked down. The new woman gasped when she saw engorged nipples poking through her top like erasers that were being pushed against them.

“And now we get to the best part,” Conner commented, his eyes locked on her chest.

“Don't stare!” Ryan demanded.

Ryan could feel her chest begin growing and gulped. She was forced to stand up straighter, something that went against her usual slouched posture. It was strange for her and went against everything that she would normally do, but it was eight that or fall.

Her shirt dug tighter into her body and she winced, wishing that her boobs would stop growing and that she would get some release. No matter what form it might take it would be better than having to feel as if she had put on some of her old clothes.


A button went flying off and she blushed a bit of cleavage formed there. She tried to pull it close so that it wouldn’t be seen, but it was an exercise in futility. Whenever she covered and let go, her shirt would go back to its original position and then expose more of jugs on her chest that were getting more exposed by the second.

“Always loved seeing that sort of thing in anime and games,” Conner commented, with a smirk.

Ryan ignored him as she focused more on. Her breasts. She pressed down on them hoping that would do something to stop their growth, but all that did was send a wave of heat through her that made her squirm again. She loosened her grip and moaned as the pressure from her shirt built up again.


Another button went flying through the air and she blushed harder as she tried to close the new window of cleavage that was only getting larger.


Ryan sighed and gave up, knowing that it would be impossible for her to mend the gap that had formed there. All she could do was bear it as it continued to get larger. She examined the immense amount of cleavage that had formed there, as her shirt continued to tighten around her body again.

Thankfully the development of her bustline had finally started to slow and she grinned. The tightness of her shirt finally started to slow down ans she relaxed as it did. Soon this would be over and then she could try to figure out how to stand with these boulders pulling her down.


“Really?” Ryan groaned in exasperation as she stared down at her boobs crossly. “You had to lose one more button?”

“I fail to see how that’s a problem,” Conner chuckled with a grin.

“Of course, you wouldn’t!” Ryan yelled as the breast growth that she was going through had finally started to stop. She focused on that feeling, mentally counting the seconds until it finally came to an end. The moment that the finally toped growing was like a godsend to the woman as they finally settled on the immense I-cup breasts that put many watermelons to shame.

Ryan could only stare at the massive mountains of cleavage that was on full display now, the areola of her nipples showing. With how big they were there was nothing that she could do to hide them. She could put on dozens of shirts and jackets and at best she would only make people believe that she had apple-sized breasts instead of huge watermelons that she now bared. With them fully out in the open like this, she couldn’t even see her own feet. The young woman groaned as she moved around, watching how the gigantic hooters that rested on her chest reacted to her movements. She bit her lips when she saw the noticeable ripple of her breast flesh. Every little thing she did, made her tit flesh bounce and ripple as if it was a cup of water.

“How the fuck am I supposed to get anything done with these things?” Ryan griped.

“Relax you’ll have plenty of time to get used to those boobs,” Conner commented.

“How am I supposed to last 3 months with these?” Ryan wondered. Already her back ached from how heavy and big they were.

“6 months actually,” Conner corrected.

“6 months? What do you mean 6 months? That's not the agreement!” Aki yelled a she quickly stood up, only to make her gigantic boobs bounce again.

“It is when you cheat,” Conner said flatly, making Ryan stuffien in shock.

“What do you mean?” Ryan questioned hesitantly.

“Remember when I said I wouldn’t take ownership of the situation. That is why. I know that you cheated on the last competition so this whole thing is on you,”

“You… you knew about that?” Ryan questioned fearfully as her body started to sweat a little more.

“Yeah, but instead of calling out on it, I thought that I would bide my time and wait until your guard was down,” Conner replied with a grin. “Then I found a nice store and decided to punish you in a spectacular way.”

“Don’t you think this was a little much then?” Ryan asked desperately.

“Nope, this way you’ll make sure not to do it again. And I get to see a sexy babe like you work around the place for the next six months. This is a dream come true for me.”

“And a night mare for me,” Ryan said, knowing that it was going to be a long six months.


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