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Two boys looked down the corner of a hallway making sure that there was no one there. When they saw that there wasn’t, they quickly rushed down, being as quiet as they can be in case someone came out from one of the doors that lined the hall. They went to another corridor and followed the signs.

They had gotten here extra early to avoid all of the people that would be coming to see the race. At the crack of dawn they had gotten up and head over. There were only a few stragglers here, people that wanted to make sure that they could get the best seats in the house. Thankfully they were still allowed inside the building. After that, they slipped away and began their search to find out how to get to the pit.

“Are you sure it will be okay if we do this? What if someone catches us?” Toby questioned as he looked around nervously again. He half expected an employee to just pop out of nowhere and grab them by their necks, yelling angrily and demanding to know what they were doing.

“As long as nobody sees us we’ll be fine. I promise that if something happens then I’ll take the heat for it,” Felix promised.

Felix’s words made Toby stand up a little braver. When Felix had brought it up, he had been so excited to go, but now that they were sneaking around he couldn’t help but be nervous and worried about what might happen to them if they were caught. He couldn’t bring himself to voice the desire to turn away. Besides, he still wanted to see a real race car up close.

Felix knew that they had to go andd try. Who knows they might even get to sit inside of it. That would be a story that he would be able to tell the others, especially if he got the pictures, then they wouldn’t be able to deny. He could already imagine the shock on their faces when they saw what they were

They got closer to the pit and their hearts swelled. The fear and excitement of finally getting to see and touch a real race car made their heads spin. They were so close and yet so far.

They snuck their heads out of the entranceways and saw large clean untouched grass, the stands on the other side but what caught their eyes were the pit. They could see some workers going around from one side to the other, they talked amicaly, but were ceary in a rush. They moved around from spot to the other, no doubt trying to make sure that everything was ready before the big race.

To the two of them it was almost like an enemy encampment, and they were soldiers needing to sneak in. It was thrilling in a way, even if they could get in serious trouble for trespassing. The thought of the prize they would have should they win, was too great to resist, but they refused to let it consume them. The problems with getting caught were just to much for them to consider being stupid and just rusing in.

“Alright, let’s not be hasty about this. Let’s take a minute to see and make sure that there isn’t going to be any nasty surprises.

The two watched and waited, making sure that there wouldn’t be anyone that report them to whoever might be watching. They watched and waited for a few minute, checking the time and making sure that they wouldn't be opening the stands so they could be occupied just yet. That woul have been terrible, sneaking in and managing to avoid all the guards oly for normal people to see the and get them reported. That would be the greatest irony in itself.

Felix rushed forward and Toby quickly followed behind him like a hound after its master. They made it outside of one of the sections and took a moment to look around and get their bearings. They looked around, making sure that there wasn’t anyone down a path that could lead to them getting caught.

Toby pulled on his friend's arm and Feliz quickly looked. He could see the shadow of someone getting closer and his mind scrambled. The two looked for any option that they could take.

In a quick effort without thinking, Feliz grabbed Toby and ran toward the nearest tent. They ran inside, hoping that no one had spot them entering it. They looked back, making sure that they weren’t being followed. The two listened intently to the steps, bracing themselves for whatever might happen next. For a moment the footsteps stopped and the two braced themselves, waiting for the moment that the tent flap would be thrown open and they would be staring down a large security officer. After a moment, the footsteps continued onward and they could heat them getting further away.

“Thank god,” Felix muttered.

Toby let out a breath as he turned his head and gasped at what he saw.

“What is it?” Felix questioned as he looked only to let out a gasp of his own.

There standing in front of them was the race car of Clint Daring, their favorite driver. The two of them could only gaze upon the car and admire it. The bright red and dark blue clashed with each other, almost like a yin and yang symbol. This was the closest that they had ever gotten to see one so close that was still in action.

It was something that they would never be able to post, but the fact they could have it would be enough. The only thing that would make it better was if they could get the signature for the drive or something.

“Let’s just take the picture and go,” Toby muttered hastily. He wanted to get out of here as fast as possible. They had reached their goal and were in the perfect position to take it and go.

“Relax, take a breathe. We made it this far, and now we can start taking those pictures,” Felix said as he pulled out his phone. “Alright then, now just relax and pose on the car and then I can take a picture.”

“…What am I a race queen?” Toby questioned, looking at his friend curiously.

“Oh you know what I mean!” Felix rebuffed as he rolled his eyes.

Toby leaned against the car with his arms crossed and forced a smile on his face. He waited patiently for his friend to take the picture. Felix’s phone let out a bright flash that forced the young man to blink. He rubbed his eyes as he walked over, curious about what the photo looked like. When he saw himself in the picture he couldn’t help but smile genuinely. At least when they told their friends about this they would have a cool story to tell them, even if they didn’t believe them.

“Alright now it's my turn,” Felix said as he gave his phone to his friend. He strolled over to the car and smiled. He leaned over the car and made victory signs.

Toby raised the camera and breathed as he steadied himself. He wanted to make sure that he got this right in one shot. The more time that they were here the more likely they were to get caught. It would be best if he got the picture done in one shot.

“Who the hell are you to!” A man demanded, making the two teens jump.

As one the two boys jumped and turned to see who it was, Tooby almost dropped the phone with how much of a shock that he had gained from it. They saw that it looked to be a security officer glaring at the two of them.

“And just who are you two?” The pit manager demanded again. “What are you doing here?”

Toby and Felix gulped as they looked at each other, both of them worried about what would happen next. They hadn’t planned out what they would do if they ended up in this scenario. At best the two of them had just thought about maybe running away before they

“Well? I want to hear a response or else I’ll get the cops here,” he said, making the two of them frown.

“We just wanted to see the car!” Felix quickly said, getting the manager’s attention and Toby’s.

Toby watched his friend, desperately trying to keep himself under control. He hoped that he would somehow be able to pull something out of his butt that would make this whole situation better.

The two of them struggled to keep their pace with the guard, and winced at how hard that he was holding them.

“Can you lighten up a little,” Felix gripped.

“Can't have you two running away because I loosened my grip,” the guard responded.

Toby looked at the ground, desperate for any sort of distraction that he could get no matter how small it would be. This was something that he had hoped and prayed wouldn't have happened and was questioning all of his life decisions right now. Was seeing a real race car and getting to sit in one worth the negative repercussions that came from what could happen if they were caught. He knew his parents were going to tear his hide in half the moment they heard about this.

Some of the employees looked at them curiously, as they passed before they went back to the work that they had been doing. The two felt a heavier weight rest on their shoulders as if they were a pair of prisoners. One of the employees shook their heads but had a grin on their face that made the boys feel further awkward. How often this happen where it got a smirk or just a passing glance.

They entered a section under a tent and the two boys momentarily forgot their fears who they saw. It was Clint Daring the Driver of the car talking with who they could only assume to be the head of the crew or even the owner of the team. The two of them turned curious to see who it was.

“Who are these two Frank?” The driver said, looking at the two boys and then the guard again.

“I caught these two taking a peek at the car,” the guard said, giving them a stink eye that made the kids recoil as if they had just been shocked.

“Are you with any of the other racers or teams?” The man in the fine suit questioned.

“No?” Felix responded unsurely and looked at Toby.

Neither of the boys had a clue what that meant. The way they were acting it was more like they were expecting them to sabotage the car somehow. This wasn't some sports movie where some rival company would do that. That would just be crazy and insane.

The three older men looked at each other, a silent conversation going on between them that made the boys worry. There was no way that they would be able to survive getting in trouble with their folks if they decided to bring it up to them. The two of them prayed that whatever they were pondering wouldn’t lead to any issues.

“Alright then we better get the cops to get them so they can get in touch with their parents,” Mark said.

“Now now Mark there’s no need to go that far,” Clint said. “They just wanted to come down and see the car.”

“Then what do you recommend that we do instead?” The head of the pit crew said.

Clint hummed and scratched his chin as he thought about what they could do. A smile graced his face.

“Alright, I know what we can do. Doubt you boys would want to be in trouble with the cops or your parents,” the driver said. “How about this you help us around the pit do some small minor stuff and we won’t tell anyone about what you did. In return, you guys can take a look at my car, get inside of it, take some pics, even get some signatures from me.”

The boys looked at each other, the worry that the three of them had was gone in an instant. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing, but they weren’t going to turn it down. Anything would be better then having to get in trouble.

“Deal,” Felix said without any hesitation.

“Yeah I’m in to,” Toby agreed as well.

“Alright then. See Mark no need to get any police or anything like that involved,” Clint said.

“Not your decision to make, but…I will allow it this time,” Mark said. “Alright, Frank you can go back to work now. The last thing we need is for someone else to sneak in here. Some nosy reporters or some cray fans. Still, remember the insanity that we had to deal with back in Atlanta.”

Frank nodded his head and set his eyes on the two teens one more time. He turned around and then continued on his way.

“Alright then now before we get this deal truly underway we have to do the classic sign of all agreements. A handshake,” Mark sad, and held his hand out for the pair to take.

The two boys stared at it, again finding it a little odd that was s=hoe he wanted to seal the deal. Felix was the first to get over the strangeness of it, and stepped forward. He took MArk’s hand and shook it strongly.

Toby sighed as he cautiously stepped forward and shook Mark’s hand. His grip wasn't as strong, but the young man still felt as if there was something wrong. There wa just something about the whole situation that made

“Alright with that we have a deal,” Mark said.

The two boys suddenly felt like they had been dunked in cold water. It didn’t help with how Clint and Mark were looking at them. There was something more in their eyes. Clint’s eyes looked more eager then Mark’s. The way that they were looking at them there was something expectant, malevolent in them.

Suddenly the two older men started to look a little smaller to the two teenagers as they grew in height, getting older in the process. They could feel their clothes trace against their bodies, the hem of their pants legs, tracing their ankles. Their shirts getting tighter, and the small sleeves on them riding slightly higher. The boys pulled at their shirts, trying to pull them back down to where they were originally, but they wouldn’t go back down. When they finished growing, their clothes felt uncomfortable and dug into there bodies as if they had slipped. The two men still looked taller than the two of them, but the gap between their heights had been reduced.

“W-what the…why did the two of you suddenly get smaller?” Toby questioned fearfully. He looked all around his body and desperately tried to get himself under control. So much of this q

We didn’t get smaller, you just got larger,” Mark answered plainly, not at all perturbed by the sudden change in their stature as if it was completely normal for two teenagers to suddenly grow.

They shuddered as another bout of the changes came over their bodies. Again they felt as if someone had dunked a large they could see that the hair they had on their arms was goig away. They looked beyond their shirts and pants, trying to see what was happening down there. They could only watch in horrified awe as they watched the skin that had lined their bodies starting to disappear. They rubbed their skin and shuddered at the new softness that they felt from there. It was far smoother and cleaner then it had been before in their lives. Even they had been kids it hadn’t been so smooth.

“Well that's a good start,” Mark remarked as he continued to watch the transformation.

“What do you mean a good start?” Felix questioned.

“I mean exactly what I said and that this is a good start for you,” Mark repeated, having absolutely no hesitation.

Toby opened his mouth to say something, but before they could say anything, another cold surge came over him and pulled down on his shirt to try and put it back.

The boys' nails felt off and they looked down to see their nails that they had paid little care to at best changed. They grew longer and refined, the uneven messy edges with dirt underneath started to disappear. They gained a fresh new shine as if nail polish had been applied to them.

The changes spread to their limbs and their hands got smaller as one, the large masculine digits they had becoming thinner female ones that looked far more appropriate with how long their stylish nails were. They wiggled their fingers as the palm of their hands shrunk and changed. They could feel their palms changed as well, as if they trying to keep up with the rest of the changes to their hands.

When it was over, their hands could only be described as womanly. All of the roughness that they had from the fights that they had with sticks, punches, and more. They looked like they could have been used in a commercial with how clean they were.

“Our hands!” Toby cried in absolute terror as he looked at his hands. He looked at Felix who stared at his hands as if they were some wild monster.

The changes continued up their arms and they could only stare as their forearms changed just like their hands. They got thinner, softer. Their biceps got smaller, deflating like a pair of balloons, but hardening as they lost some of the flab that they had, making their arms look more refined and toned. Their shoulders let out a crack as they got smaller, loosing some of the width that they had and making their frames look smaller.

“Our arms!” Toby cried as he continued panic and rapidly feel all over his arms.

Felix could only stare at his altered limbs, unable to fully process what had happened to him. He slowly moved his digits as if he was feeling them for the first time. He could feel that he was moving his fingers and seee that they were moving, but his mind just couldn't make the connection that they were his despite all of the evidence that said they were.

“Don’t worry the rest of your body will be following soon enough,” Mark said as if that was supposed to go on the two boys down. “I swear that your bodies will look fully natural once the transformation is over.”

The two boys stumbled as their legs shifted as if they were standing on an uneven floor. Their toes felt like they were being touched by someone as they changed in their shoes. Their feet got smaller and their toenails changing the match along with the rest of their feet becoming smaller petite womanly my feet.

The changes continued up the rest of their legs refining and slimming down to match. The two boys adjusted their stance as best they could to make up for the sudden shift in their lower bodies stumbling as they did. It was almost as if they were learning how to stand for the first time. They wanted to complain but worried that it would break their focus and they would wind up crashing under the hard ground.

Their thighs bloated and grew larger, swelling with fat that made the two boys squirm. The extra jiggle from their thighs, further unsettled the two and they could do nothing but stumble as if ants were crawling on their legs. Their panic only served to make what was happening to them all the more apparent as the jiggling from their thighs grew. They became huge delectable meaty thighs that would have a tractive wiggle to them no matter how they moved that would make blood pump in sexual arousal for many.

“Our legs,” Felix gaped, feeling his private parts were mashed against his thighs. He gently prodded them as if they would explode if he touched them too hard. He flinched the moment his fingers brushed against them but then went back to prodding them. It was as if his fingers had gained a mind of their own and he couldn’t force them to stop doing it.

Toby kept flailing around as if the ground was on fire making the change to his limbs stand out to him as if they were neon signs. He tried to stop himself, but the shaking coming from his body was just to much for him to stop. He hugged himself and all that did was make the new softness of his skin more apparent. It was as if he was in a lose-lose situation no matter what he tried. He desperately wished that he could wake up from this nightmare. It had to be one. It was the only way that he can make sense of all that had happened.

Felix groaned as his face ached in pain and the rest of his skull felt as if someone was rapidly clapping their hands against his skull. The young man could only moan as the bones in his head shifted. He could feel his jaw move out, and his cheekbones rise higher as if someone was pinching his cheeks as hard as they could.

“My face!” Felix cried, horrified by what he felt happen to his face.

His eyes felt like soap had gotten in them and he groaned as he rubbed his eyes, desperately trying to get rid of the bruning that plagued his eyes. He mewled as he tried too force them open, hoping that would be enough. It just made his eyes burn harsher. The more he rubbed them, the more the color in his eyes shifted. The once bright green orbs looking redder. When the changes to them came to an end His eyes were a bright fiery red color.

Toby was in just as dire straits as his own face shifted around, making wince and feel like a sneeze was about to come out of him. He held his face as it morphed in his hands. He whimpered and mewled as the once-proud features that outlined who he was morphed. He brought his hands to his nose and held it as it crunched inward and got smaller. Along the back of his fingers he could feel his lips grow as they swelled with

The two boys can only admire each other spaces lost in their beauty of them. They blushed and bit their full lips. If they had seen these faces on girls at their school or magazines they would have fallen hard. They were the source of many fantasies that they imagined in a variety of scenarios of sexual and romantic.

“Relax it’s coming along,” Clint remarked. “Just enjoy yourselves.”

The boy's balance was thrown off as if they had suddenly jumped onto a platform. Their shoes looseness their feet got smaller toes laying out small cracks they did. They could feel the material loosen and easily manage to slip their tiny petite feet out of them.

They stumble again as the transformation of their legs continued. They could feel it hit their ankles and with a loud crack they suddenly got smaller. Their calves were the next thing to change as the loose flesh that they had tightened and changed. Their claves refines as muscle their suddenly replaced it.

The two of them would swear that they could see the mass that had been their travel up their legs and stay on their thighs. Their thighs ballooned and grew larger, making the two boys panic as they struggled not to let it get the better of them. They squealed and patted their developing thighs, flushing from the heat that was coursing through their bodies. Their thighs growth pushed against the sides of their anatomy and they squirmed as if they had been shocked. They hadn’t had the experince of a thigh job like this despite knowing that it was their own. Tier thighs finished growing when they became thick plush thighs that would be perfect to be used a pillow.

“Please stop this!” Toby pleaded as he desperately stepped forward, almost toppling over from how fast he was moving and his new legs. His legs felt so similar and so different from what they were before and when he tried moving fully experienced the changes.

“Sorry, but we had a deal and I intend to see it through,” Mark responded.

“Besides why stop now when you two will look so much better,” Clint agreed.

Felix’s brown hair brightened, the small bits of hair that he could see were becoming a bright silvery color. It spread throughout the rest of his hair as if he had dunked his head into a can of paint, except for one that was on the right side of his head, which gained a slight red shade to it, that was becoming bighter.

His hair finished growing when it reached down to his waist. His hair moved as if Mark or Clint had touched it and styled itself into twin tails. The moment it finished doing so, metal clips formed that kept it in place.

Toby’s brown hair brightened as well, but didn’t take a silvery shade. Instead it gained a more blonde tone to it and continued to change color as his hair traveled down his body. He could feel it tickle his back and shuffled around as he did, trying to keep his body under control. His hair finished growing when it reached down to his buttocks. The moment it did, his hair finished changing into a bright beach-blonde.

“Such exotic hair is certainy going to help you two out,” Mark remarked. “It will be hard for the two of you not to get attention.”

Felix opened his mouth to being begging as well, but he felt a pull between his supple thighs that made him pale, and looked at Toby who seemed to be just as scared as he was. The two of them shuffled in place as they tried their best to let it get the better of them, but with how the two of them were struggling it was clear to the men in the room what was happening now. The lumps that represented their manhoods in their tight pant got smaller and it took all that they could not to fall to the ground. Their hands brushed against their junk and they flinched as if they had been punched down below.

The two boys could only watch in horrified trepidation about what was happening to their privates. They squirmed and stumbled as they struggled not to let it get to them, but it waas a loosing battle. They moved around and sashayed ther bodies as if their were ants crawling in their pants. With a loud wet slurp they gasped as the tip off their privates entered their bodies.

For a moment the two had pleased grins on their faces that were fueled by dark blushes, only to pale as realization hit them. Gone were their manhoods and in their place was warm hungry pussies that ached for attention. The two boys struggled not to let their hands down there and press down on them, but their loins burned for attention. They reached down and pressed the front of their new nether regions through their pants.

“Alright now we can begin the next step and bring in those curves and more feminine features,” Clint said excitedly.

“Don’t get ahead of yourselves Clint. The first thing we’re going to do put them in some proper attire, then we can bring in the money makers,” the pit manager said.

The two women even in their transformed induced haze could make out what was being said by him and what it meant. They gulped, their loins burning hotter then they ever did before.

Eugen could only groan as her pants crawled up her body as it ccontinue to tighten. The zipper of her pants faded, consumed by the new color as it melded into the rest of her attire. As they got smaller the dark blue color of her pants morphed. They slowly shifted color and changed from a dark blue and gained a slight reddish tint that was becoming more prominent by the second. By the time that it reached her upper thighs, the remains of her former pants had become a pair of bright red booty shorts that would have made it impossible for people not to take a look at her ass. Even then the change to her attire continued and get smaller. To Eugen it was almost like her pants were devouring the bright red fabric between.

The girl panted heavily with an aroused pleased smile. She wiggled her aroused rear, feeling the extra sway coming from it that fueled her desires and crave more. The way that the fabricc moved down there made her feel more alive and whole then she had in a long while. The outline of her cameltoe become visible to see and yet it still continued to dig into her body. By the time that her pants had finally stopped shrinking, they had become a bright red thong that did nothing to hide her flat posterior.

Enterprises pants crawled up her legs as well as they changed along with her shirt. They got tighter as they, showing off her developed legs. The top of her pants merged, with her shirt, which was clinging tighter to her frame. She tried to pull the two apart, but no matter hard she pulled it stretched to compensate. Her underwear charged and became a tight bikini bottom that

When it was finished, her had become a tight form-fitting one piece. The two new race queens would be getting the attention of all who looked at them with their current clothes.

“Their we go, now the curves will be coming in,” Mark said, much to Clint’s glee.

Their exposed pudgy stomachs started to refine, loosing the flab that they had there. They groaned and held their stomachs as they did. Their hands an fingers went in less then they should have. They pressed down, their admiration and horror at what was happening down there, making their minds freeze as they took it in. There was no way that any of the girls cores would be able to compare to. It would be like comparing a normal high schooler to a fitness model. They swore that they could even feel a slight muscle that was there that they hadn’t felt before.

Their waists caved in and the two groaned as they did their best to handle themselves. They placed their hands on their waists and as they did, they struggled to keep themselves from heaving at the change to their bodies. It was as if someone was holding them in a bear hug and squeezing the mass on their body together to ensure that it was all compacted. By the time that it was over, they had slim sexy waists that could only belong to professional models.

“Good everything is coming along marvelously,” Mark remarked as he examined the curves that the two of them had. A grin formed on his face the more he observed the pair. Yes, so far the two of them were developing exactly as he hoped that they would. When the two of them were finished changing, he was sure that they would be nothing short of a knockout.

With a loud snap, the former boys hips suddenly widened, giving the two girls a developing hourglass that was bound to get attention from many guys and gals that looked at them with even a drop of hot blood. The two looked down and saw their hips widening every few seconds. Wide hips that be perfect to add a perfect sway to well-developed bottoms if the two of them had anything that was worth showing off down below.

“Now we reached the home stretch, just enjoy yourselves girls and everything will be great,” Clint assured them.

The two boys continued to roll their hips, their fingers sending sensations that they couldn’t quite handle. Both of them felt like they needed more. A horny part of them wanted the transformation to continue so that they could experience more of the situation. Everything about their body burned, especially their crotches and their chests.

As if waiting for the perfect moment to build, the heat that they felt inside their chests seemed too grow. The new girls looked down at their chests and blushed when they saw their nipples poking through their tops. Their arms were pushed away by their tops and they could only watch as breasts formed on their chests that got larger by the second. The girls could only stare at the cleavage that was forming and becoming plainer to see.

“Those are looking nice,” Clint muttered, his eyes locked on their swelling bustlines.

The two girl panted in heat like dogs in heat as they shook their bodies, unable to stop themselves from doing so. Every slight ripple of their developing butt, and thighs made the squeal and filled them with greater glee.

They carssed their developing chests, which quickly grew too large for either of the girls too fully hold them The more that they felt the happier that they were. They grinned happily. The pleasure coming from their breasts further clouded their minds as they continued to knead their growing bsuts like lumps of dough. Their booobs finally ffinished growing when they became huge massive F-cups that rivale their noggins in size.

“Hot damn Mark you couldn’t have made a pair of sexier babes if you tried,” Clint remarked unable to tear his eyes away from the absolutely massive pair of tits that the two of them had now. “Eugen and Enterprise sure are going to knock everyone’s socks off.”

The two names rang through the girls mind like a gong. A loud ripple went through them that left them completely struck dumb by what they heard. The very traces of their old identities that they could vaguely recall through the sea of lust that envelope their mind took what remained of who they were and chained it down.

Suddenly the heat and pleasure that they felt erupted from their asses and the two of them looked a their buttocks. They watched as their asses balloned outward, gaining further roundeness as a tone that wasn’t there before. The girls held their bottoms and groaned as they did, their fingers dug into their ass flesh, which grew larger, and much like their asses had grown far to large for their hands to contan. Their fingers caressed the flesh their and they moaned as they fonded it further, rougher. The growth of their asses slowed until they were lef tiwth huge big bottoms that stood out like shelves behind them. A person could have bounced a quarter off of their fine asses and it would gain quite a bit of distance.

The girls transformation had finally come to an end. They leaned against each other for support, their boobs pushing against the other as if they were vying for dominance. The girls smiled saucily at the heat that was coursing through them and looked at them. Eugen raised her hand and gestured for the two of them to come closer.

“Hot damn these two be smoking,” Clint remarked, his eyes locked on their large busts.

“They are. Perfec to be the race queens of the company. But I think that they’re missing something,” Clint remarked.

“Are you sure? I think the way those two are looking right now is perfect?” Clint said as he fondled the twin tailed girl’s rear.

“Yeah, we want them to be sexy, but not look like sluts when they’re out on the track. They can where something like that for the swimsuit catalogue. Either way you can have some fun with them later. But right now we need to give them some more clothes. Honestly Eugen’s top is fine, but we need to give her a little something more for down below,” the director said. “One second.”

With a flick of his wrist the two of them were given a set of clothes to go with what they were wearing. A checkered skirt that went over the red bikini bottom that she wore, the strings attached to it still plainy visible. Along with it they gave her a dark blue jacket with red on the inside. A pair of long thigh-high boots that complimented her plush thighs.

For Enterprise they exposed some of her sides to anyone that would be lucky to get a look a her. They gave her a pair of small gloves and a jacket to go with her one piece. A much smaller pair of boots formed around her feet that made her a little taller and a cap formed onto of her head as her hair styled itself into a ponytail and slipped through the whole.

“There we go, now that is something that's sexy enough to get attention without looking like we are trying to sell sex,” the director said. “Now then girls go and wow the crowd and bring all the attention to us.”

The two voluptuous young women strutted their stuff, enjoying the hollers of the people around them. They interacted with the crowd, smiling, and laughing as they felt the hungry eyes of all hot-blooded people on them. They stood by the car, making sure that their busts were on full display and the curves of their asses were plain to see. They were meant to bring attention to the show and get the crowd excited for what would come next and they would make sure to make the people superfans by the end of it.


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