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Brian wandered through the mall, looking through the stores, waiting for something to come out. He was looking for a gift for his cousin, wondering what would be the perfect gift for her. He tried to recall everything that he could about her, hoping that he would be able to find something that she would like. He was sure that no matter what he got, she would appreciate the sentiment, but he wanted it to touch her heart and show how much thought he put into it.

He already had a list of ideas of what might be a good gift for her. There was no way that he was going to get her makeup when he didn’t know a damn thing about it. He had heard how some powder makeup needed to look right for the skin or else it would be off. There was no way he was going to even entertain the thought of that happening. That would just be a waste of money that he wouldn’t let happen.

Brian saw a clothing store and some out of the outfits did look nice. He was sure that his cousin would be happy with something from here. He entered the store and looked around, wondering if he would be able to find an item that would call out to him. They didn’t talk as much as they used to, but he liked to think from all of the Christmas, parties, and more that he would have a basic idea of what she would like. His first thought was to get her some jewelry, but that might be too expensive for him to get.

He entered the clothing store and looked around for a shirt that he thought would look nice. He was sure that he could find a nice top that she would like. Something plain and easy to look at If not that then he was sure that he would be able to find a way to make it work. There were quite a few long-sleeved shirts that he thought looked appealing, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to go with them just yet.

The young man looked around, getting it all mapped in his head. He knew without a doubt that he was going to avoid the lingerie section. That would be asking for trouble to happen. Pants and skirts were a no go as well. He didn’t know her pants size and wasn’t sure how it worked with skirts. So better that he get something that he could understand and not require some intense sort of thinking an understandaing.

His eyes immediately went to the shirts that he had and went over to them. He looked through them all, trying to find something that he could do that would ease the burden that was going through him.

As he was about to examine them all, his eyes landed on a woman and he couldn’t help but eye her up. She was hot, sexy, and various other adjectives that would be able to describe her. The clothes that she wore accentuated her beauty and made her look hotter then she already was. She wore a small skirt that reached her upper thighs and showed her tastefully long legs that were covered in tight leggings. Her chest was just as impressive and he could only stare at the orbs on her chest as if they were searchlights.

Blood rushed down below the more Brian looked at her and he could feel something stand at the attention that he wished wouldn’t. He turned his head away before the young woman could see that he had been checking her out. Even though he wasn’t looking at her his body continued to become hotter as if he was still checking her out. His pants tightened somewhat and he leaned closer against the rack as he looked around, making sure that no one was paying him any mind. He quickly reached down and adjusted his pants before anyone could see.

There was no way that he was going to be able to think clearly with that womqn in eyeshot.  The young man quikly went over to another section earlier and looked the clothes over. He frowned when he saw how expensive a lot of them were. Why were these shirts priced several hundred dollars? That was far to much for something like that? The price that they wanted would be enough to buy a gaming system that was brand new.

He looke through a different section of the shirts, hoping that not all of them were priced so insanely high. The more he looked the more he felt his heart fall into his stomach at the prices that he was looking at. All of them were just as insanely priced as the other section that he looked at it.

Brian desperately looked for a sale section hoping that they would be able to give him something that he would be able to work with. There was no way that he would be abe to get her something from here if there wasn’t. Much to his relief, he saw that there was a section on sale and all but ran toward it. He went to the nearest one and his eyes bulged at the price tha they wanted for it. It wasn’t as crazy as the other sections but still the price would make a sizeable dent in his wallet.

“This is insanity, who made the damn prices,” Brian muttered and let go of them. He couldn’t imagine who would be crazy enough to pay for all of them.

A feminine laugh caught his attention and he turned to see that it was the girl who he had been admiring earlier. She looked at him with a smile, but there was a mocking edge to it that made his nerves rise. He could already tell that what she had to say would be something that would annoy him with the way that she was smirking.

“You just don’t have the money and class to truly see why they are worth so much,” the woman retorted.

“Sorry if I just don’t see why these are with so damn much,” the young man snarked. He couldn’t bring himself to keep his manners after dealing with this crap. As beautiful and sexy as she was, there was only so much crap that he would be able to put with.

“If you would like I could show you why they are worth so much, but you’ll have to be my pack mule. If you’re good then perhaps I might buy you something to wear,” the woman said with the same mocking smirk.

“I think I would rather just ask an employee why they are the way they are, and then ask what they have on sale,” Brian rebuffed.

“Oh poo with a bore like you I don’t think I would like to spend time with the way you are now. If you want to spend time with me then you actually need to look like we’re in the same class,” the woman said with a mocking smirk that infuriated him.

Before he could do anything she moved and pecked him on the cheek. He raised his hand to his cheek and rubbed where she kissed him. Despite how much he tried to fight it down, his face burned, earning a laugh from her.

“You even get flustered over something so small? Oh that’s just adorable,” the girl continued mockingly.  The woman sauntered away, laughing as she did, swaying her hips from side to side, making the full but that she had sway from side to side.

“What a bitch,” Brain muttered under his breath, unable to tear his eyes away from her full round butt. That woman looked to be the definition of an arrogant brat. Shame that all of the hotness that she had was wasted on someone with an attitude like her’s.

He would come back here and look again after he did another look around the place and made sure that he wanted to go with a shirt. The young man hummed as he tried to recall some other stuff that his cousin would like. He was sure that there would be some memorabilia that she would enjoy, maybe for a favorite franchise of her’s, or some shoes. At least he had a last resort to fall back on after he did a round or two around the mall.

Maybe something would hit him as he wandered the mall again and an idea would come. He did get his best ideas and thought clearer when he was walking around. Right now he would take whatever blessing or idea that he could get no matter who or what it came from. He left the store, his mind still going through all of the possibilities that he could get her.

Brian tried to recall the rest of the stores and what would be a good place to look. There were some more stores throughout the mall that dealt with clothes, he was sure that one of them might be a better place to shop and were more in line with his budget. Then again that store did have some nice clothes there even if they were more expensive then he would have liked.

As Brian wandered through the mall he looked around at the stores, again trying to find something that would stand out to him. With how many stores were here there was bound to be some that he had forgotten about. Even now as his eyes roamed over the stalls he was remembering what was here.

Unknown to the boy as he walked his body got smaller. The inches that he had on his body got smaller. The centimeters that he had on his body were going away. None of the passersbys or even Brian himself noticed that the world was getting larger to him. His clothes felt slightly looser on him, especially on his pants, which now hung a little over his shoes. His body finished shrinking when he became 5’7, a decent height for a girl.

Brian's eyes wandered over one of the stalls and to his horror, he saw a young girl who looked to be around his age walking toward him. He quickly sped up and looked away, hoping that she would leave him be. He put his earbuds in his ear, acting as if he was listening to music. The young man marched a little faster, hoping that it would put off the girl and that he wouldn’t have to continue and listen to whatever she was trying to sell him. The last time that he did, he somehow got roped into spending money on something that he never used. He would not let this be a repeat.

She topped right in front of him and he could vaguely hear her say, “Excuse me!”

Brian held back a sigh and for a moment cursed his mother that she had made him into a respectable member of society. He slowly pulled out the earbuds and forced a smile on his face.

“Do you have some time for to talk to you about our product?” The young woman questioned.

“...Sure,” Brian said, wondering if this might be something that he could get for his cousin.He followed her back to the stall, crushing himself for giving into her sales pitch.

Brian listened to her explain more about the product after her inital explanation, already bored of it. The young man tried to just brush her off, but she just couldn’t take the message. He nodded his head, forcing a friendly smile on his face. Every sentence that came out of her mouth was like a baseball hitting him in the face. The moment she asked if he was interested was like a sweet release.

“Thanks for telling me more about your product, but I’m not interested,” Brian replied, hoping that would be the and of the sure. Every moment listening to her words was a second longer that he had to put up with. Why the hell did salespeople like this have to be so damn pushy about their stuff.

“Then perhaps a demonstration would help convince you,” she said. She went over to the side and pulled out  container of the stuff they were selling. She popped open the lid and the took just a small dap the size of a penny.

Brian watched as she pulled out a small bit of the cream and placed a napkin next to it. She gently rubbed in on his skin and he bit back the moan that wanted to come out of his mouth from the sudden coldness. He watched as small little bits of hardened cream came out from where she watched and waited for her to explain.

As she continued to rub his skin with the cream, his body started to clean up. The hair that he had on his body below his eyebrows started to go away. The slight stubble that he had on his face receded as if every little hair there was going away. He shuddered as the rest of the hair that he had on his body

Brian rubbed the softer skin that she had massaged and could feel the difference in it. It was smoother, cleaner. It seemed a little lighter to as if it had gained a new life to it. It was rather amazing to see the difference there, and made him wonder the truth of the product.

Still, he wasn’t going to buy it. He already needed to worry about getting his cousin a gift and he didn’t want to spend money anymore then he needed to. Besides spending over 100$ on something that he was probably never going to use was way too much. He was sure that his cousin wouldn’t be willing to spend that much on it either.

“I’m not interested,” Brian said, feeling his nerves flare the more he had to put up with this rather forceful approach, that was honestly confusing him a little. Just so because of how hard she tried and just how she wouldn’t get the message.

“Look I’ll make you an offer. I’ll use my employee discount so that instead of it paying full price, you instead only have to pay 40$.”

“Thank you for the offer, but again I’m good,” Brian said, again feeling the annoyance and anger bubbe. He stood up from his.

“Oh then perhaps,” the woman started.

“Look thank you for your time, but I’m not interested. And I would recommend not being so damn pushy in the future,” Brian said before she could finish and stood up from his chair. Before she could say anything else he stomped away, ignoring her. He didn’t care where he was going, only that he was finally getting away from that pushy saleswoman.

“Man finally I could finally get away from her,” Brian said, happy that he no longer had to deal with such a pushy saleswoman. Still, he felt a little guilty about telling her off like that, but he just couldn’t let himself be pushed into buying something when he didn’t want to. He wouldn’t let himself buy anything he didn’t want. “Alright now back to browsing around and avoiding more damn stalls on the way.”

Brian walked through, again going back to looking around. The further he got away from that pushy saleswoman the better he felt. His mood improved as he looked around, wondering when he would find that special thing to buy. Even now the more he looked, the more he wanted to buy. All these thoughts about what he should get must be really getting him into a spending mood, even if he had wanted to make sure that he didn’t go too crazy at first.

As he continued to walk through the mall the young man’s legs started to change. His lower legs thinned down as if all of the excess material that he had lost on his calves and lower body were traveling up his diminishing frame. His thighs bloated like loaves of bread rising in the oven. They rubbed the sides of his wood as they did, and he adjusted his stance so that they were a little farther apart, putting a swing to his hips that looked strange on a man as they continued to grow. They grew to an impressive size that rubbed the sides of his hardening wood. He had long womanly sexy legs that would have been turning thigh and leg lovers on every day.

A makeup store caught his attention and the young man wandered into the store and looked around. He was sure that she would have loved some make-up. Though it would have to be on the simpler side, like maybe some mascara or lipstick. He looked at the prices and his mind went wild as he imagined the possibilities. He could make her a small little make-up kit with some of the essentials or something. She was sure that she might like that. He looked around, the prices that they wanted weren't to bad.

“Excuse me,” a woman said, getting his attention.

Brian turned and mentally braced himself for another round of annoyance. It bubbled at the surface and he struggled to keep it down before it could come out and attack

“I was wondering if you would like to try some of the makeup on and get a feel for some of the products,” the woman offered.

“Sure,” Brian said, and then his eyes widened at what he said. He hadn’t meant to say that it had just slipped out on his own. Then a thought hit him. Putting on the makeup and seeing for himself what it would look like would help him understand what he was getting. If it felt

Still, it made him glad that he was here by himself, he would never hear the end of it from his friends and get some cracks from his family about it.

“Alright let's take you to one of our make stations so that you can watch as I work,” the employee said as she gently took his arm.

Brian couldn’t bring himself to bring his arm out. He still pondered over why he was agreeing to let himself become a makeup dummy, but for a reason, he couldn’t tell he wasn’t against the idea. She gently led him over to a vanity with a mirror next to it. He sat down on the stool that they had set up. He looked at the mirror and studied his reflection, and gulped.

The young woman pulled out several bits of makeup and Brian gulped as he braced himself for the next part. He sat ram still as they worked their magic on his face. The first instinct that he had was to move away, as if they were approaching him with a knife, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. He closed his eyes as he felt the brush against his cheek.

The young man sat there and breathed out, feeling oddly relaxed as the worker applied on them as his face morphed. Every little brush against his face was hyper-sensitive and tickled as it adjusted ever so slightly. He could feel his face morph from her work, his face cleaning. It wasn’t just his skin that was softer then he expected, but also the slight stubble that he had on his chin was gone. The beard that he shaved off for his interview was gone as if every little hair on his face had been plucked. His eyes wandered to the mirror and he gulped as he watched it slowly shift. The freckles that lined his face disappeared the more makeup that was applied to his face. As lipstick was applied to his lips they puffed up ever so slightly, gaining thickness and swelled.

“Now suck on them,” the woman said.

Brian sucked on his lips and then stopped, making them let out a low pop. He ran his tongue over them and could taste the lipstick on them. It was better than he ever could have expected and the taste was something that he could stand. He could tell that his lips were fuller and for some reason that filled him with glee.

“Now then let’s put a little eyeliner on you and some makeup,” the girl said as she picked up some eyeliner.

Before Brian could even think about saying no, the employee already began her work. He could feel the edge of the liner brush against his face and he stayed still. There was no way that he was going to let something happen with it so close to his eye.

As the woman worked her magic, Brian could feel his eyelashes grow as a heaviness entered his eyes, almost as if he was getting tired. The young and forced his eyes open, refusing to go back to sleep, despite how boring it was.

In truth the reason why there was a heaviness in them was because his eyes were changing color. The bright green shade of his eyes started to change color, as if a new one was being brushed over them. Small trails of blue entered his eys that grew larger and subverted the green color. When she put dow the pen to admire her handiwork, Brian had beautiful bright baby blue eyes that would have attracted much attention and highlighted her soft features.

“And with that, we’re done,” the worker said with a proud smile. She grabbed her shoulders and moved him so that he was facing the mirror.

Brian jumped in his seat at how nice he looked. Gone was the rougher male face that he had for 20 years. In its place was the perfect example of feminine beauty that would have been one he would have dreamed out. The feminine boy knew that he should have been horrified about what he was seeing, but if he was being honest that was the furthest thing that he was feeling right now. It was exciting, thrilling as if he was seeing someone else there, even though he knew that was himself.

Brian could only stare at his altered face and raised his hand to his cheek. He traced the edge of his jaw wondering if this was real. Despite all that had happened to him he was shocked to find out. A smile formed on his face. The makeup only made his wondrous face look even better than it was before. Any girl that thought she was the prettiest of them all would be in for a rude reckoning when she arrived.

The boy blinked at the thought. Did he just think of himself as a girl? Oh well, might have just been a slip of the mind. He was pretty enough to get anyone that he wanted.

That only spoke volumes of how much prettier he was now that he thought about it. Why should he only be pretty enough to outdo boys. He was better then both boys and girls.

He left the store with a small bit of makeup. Naturally, he didn’t need anything to improve on perfection, but there might be a bit that would require him to make himself even more stunning than he was. After all, it would be hilarious to see a bunch of people pass out in shock, or throw themselves at him to do what he wanted.

Brian admired his own reflection and blew a kiss as if it was supposed to be for us special someone. Pride went through him at how great he looked and knew that he would be able to get anyone that he wanted. The perfect eyes, the perfect nose, all of it was perfect to get what he wanted. Now that he had some stuff, he should head back to the store. Why go through all of the trouble when there already was a good place that he could go to that would give him everything that he needed.

As he wandered back to the store that he had first looked at for a gift his stomach and waist started to change. His stomach tightened as the flab that he had there reduced. The sides of his waist caved in and he breathed heavily through his nose as the beginning of an hourglass figure formed. It made the change to his stomach stand out even further refine.

With every step it seemed that his figure became a little more feminine, the slenderness of his waist growing, the tone on his stomach better. Everything about it was being improved upon.

When he arrived at the store, Brian felt an eagerness go through him that he hadn’t felt in a while. He recalled where he had looked earlier and went over there again. That had some decent clothing that were worth his time and would make him look even better.

He looked through the clothes, already having an idea of what he should get. He pulled one assortment of clothes off and grabbed another that caught his eye. This time Brian had much greater vigor as he did, and didn’t mind the prices at all.

Now that he was looking at the clothes he could see them all in a new light. It was easy for him to tell what went well together. It was as if he was seeing all of them in a new light that made it all click in his head. He knew what went well together, what would have brought out the best features that he had, and show off his curves. It all came so easily that he couldn’t stop himself, even if he wanted to. There was so much that he could wear that he wasn’t sure what would be the best thing to start with. Oh well he had all the time in the world to try on his clothes.

He went into the dressing room and grinned as he looked himself over in the mirror, admiring his figure. The curves that he had would certainly help in getting some lovely attention that he should rightly be. In the right clothes, he would be able to take center stage whatever he wanted. Thankfully he could still give everyone enough attention to get their attention. The young man quickly took off his clothes and kicked them to the side for sure we’re going down at the mere thought of wearing them again.

“Rather walk around naked than keep wearing these damnable things,” Brian said. He was sure the world would appreciate him strutting around naked.

He looked himself over in the mirror admiring his perfect naked form but then his eyes went down below and a frown adorned his face. Despite how perfect his body was there was still that one little smirch down there that ruined the image of perfection that he was. Guess the gods had to do something to give him a flaw, even if it was a larger one.

The boy bucked his hips and imagined that it was some rich handsome stud that was worth his time that was playing with his body down below. He could feel what was happening down there rise and his eagerness grew, at what was happening. The changing boy rubbed his scrotum and balls, enjoying the electric shocking sensations that went through him. He could only continue to increase his rubbing as his scrotum got smaller, his eagerness for what would happen next grew. Why should he be the one to bear this thing when he could have something far more fitting for the beauty that he would be.

His scrotum entered his body and something new take its place that made him feel so alive. His balls quickly entered his new hall before he had a moment to fully take it what happened. A sexual gasp came out of her mouth and she was forced to lean against the wall as your body one week in the knees. She looked down and saw a new vagina form down that was eager for use. The young woman pressed down on her new folds and moaned in delight at what was there now.

The woman saw her wallet had slipped out of her pants and was changing. It slowly grew larger and as it did it changed color. The black color brightened as white streaks formed that were taking over. She watched a strap form at the end of it that grew longer. The change quickly ended when it became a White purse with small bits of gold on it.

The new woman went rifling through her purse wondering what she would find in there. She looked at her ID and saw a picture of her new self staring back at her. Next to it though she watched is the name on the ID morphed, her name Brian getting replaced with the name Bell.

“Bell sounds like a good name,” Brian, or rather Bell wondered.

She didn't at all mind the sudden loss of her manhood, far too enraptured by the sudden new femininity that she had. It clashed so much with her glorious looks that it simply had to go.

Now her body was perfectly free of the issues that had plagued her since the transformation had started. There was nothing ugly bout her body. Everything was eye-catching in one form or another. Even if her hair was short and a bland color, she could easily make it work and turn it into a stylish bob or something suitable she had it grown out and made it a wonderful mane of hair that would further cement her as a perfect woman among lacking dorks.

As if responding to her thoughts, her hair started to grow longer. She could see the curles of her chocolatey brown hair grow longer and tickle her neck and ears as they did. She giggled, enjoying the sensation of her hair against her body. She

“Owww,” Bekk said in awe as her hair changed color. She could see small little bits of silver form in her hair, but she didn’t waver. It wasn’t the color one associated with old age, and she trusted the transformation. It hadn’t led her astray yet and she doubted that it would start now. The only thing it would do was further bring out her beauty and make her a perfect woman that would and should be admired by all.

Her hair continued down her and she turned around so she could properly see how long it was getting. Her smile blossomed the further down her hair went and brushed the top of her back. She could feel her hair soften the further it went. It was almost like she was feeling a silky pair of clothes wrap around her body.

Her hair finally finished growing when it rested just above her flat buttocks. The girl gagged and strutted around in the changing room. She could feel her hair tickle her flat buttocks and preened as it did. She could easily imagine that it was some nice handsome guy that was playing with her heiny instead.

“Much better,” the woman commented as she moved the soft silvery locks of hair behind her ear. With this wonderful head of hair that she was sporting now she could style it in so many wonderful ways with so many wonderful outfits that she was spoiled for choice. Not that getting spoiled was wrong, it was better to be than to be dirt poor.

Bell preened with her new long silvery white hair that would make it all but impossible for her to be dismissed or ignored by anyone. Already she wondered if she should go to the salon and get it styled. Or if she should just play around with it.

She looked at her clothes again and wondered what would be the best outfit to start with of the bunch.

Bell picked up the panties that she had picked out and slipped them over her legs. She marveled at how the underwear went up her legs and so softly kept her rear end. She clipped the bra on with such as if she had done it for years. It was strange to be wearing something like this but she didn’t mind at all. It was something she was gonna have to get used to but she didn’t have the luxury to let her girls run free.

Her butt jiggled and she jumped as if something had gone up her flat butt. Once again she turned to the mirror, with her backside facing it. She saw her bottom balloon and grow larger. The panties that she wore retreating further into the crack of her ass as her ass swelled. Bell licked her lips as she watched and caressed a growing curve of her booty. Her finger was almost magical as a dead making her press down harder on it and her body jerk again as another surge. Temptation of slippery fingers into her bottom hall room as her but toned further. When the growth of her hindquarters slowed she had a huge shapely ass that stood out behind her like a shelf. She spanked herself and adored the way that it bounced. Anyone lucky enough to get a look at this thing due its sheer size.

Bell groaned as a hot pressure formed on her chest. The young woman looked down at her chest and saw her nipples were poking through her top. They grew larger, like a finger that was slowly pushing harder against the back of them. She groaned and brought her hand up to one of her nipples and pushed down on it.

“Ohhh,” Bell groaned as she could feel the pressure on her chest finally release. She giggled as she watched her chest push out like buns in the oven. She grinned when she saw the outline of her breasts form and continue to expand. She adjusted her stance to better deal with their growth and stood up straighter, showing her developing bosom off better. It was strange but it was pleasing. She massaged her chest and her breasts growth seemed to increase. She laughed as she shook her chest savoring the increasing jiggle. Her boobs finished growing when they became a huge F-cup that rivaled soccer balls.

Bell let go of her mountainous chest and watched as her breasts drooped. She was perfect in every way imaginable. They stood out out on her chest like two giant boulders that rested on her chest. It was like she had a pair of giant boulders on her chest that deserved nothing but the pure admiration from that could gaze upon them. They pulled on her back, but she didn’t care at all with

She did need a bra that would support her girls. She pulled it out and immediately put it over her girls again. She clipped the bra with expert ease as if she had done this dozens if not hundreds of times.

Bell leaned over, exposing the top of her fair cleavage out to herself. The young woman giggle and imagined that it was some nice handsome stud that be doing everything she asked of them just to get a look at her bust. The thought of some nice hunky man was enough to make her crotch worm more as if someone was playing and teasing her down below. She licked her lips. Perhaps before she was done for the day she should consider getting some boy to entertain her later, or something. A girl like her though deserved only the best.

She was sure that there would be someone here who could meet at least the minimum of her requirements. It was a big mall out there and there was bound to be one guy out there who could at least meet one of her requirements here.

Well now that she was officially a woman and had all of the wonders and sights that came with it.  She truly did need something better than the rags she was wearing now. Probably throw them in the nearest fireplace or trash can. Only the desperate and cheap would wear something like these.

Bell immediately pulled out the first back clothes that she had set aside. A simple white blouse and a long black skirt that would hide one of her legs from view, but had a long cut. She slipped the top on and struggled with the buttons, the girth of her breasts making it hard for her to get them on a little, but she smiled, thinking it would be fun to see. The moment she did, she clipped the skirt in place. She posed in the mirror, sticking out the leg with the cut on the side, exposing her leg.

After taking a few selfies of her and then she took off her clothes and put on the next set.She pulled out a brown sweater that was cut around the neck and shoulders. I slipped on the matching sleeves that came with it. The next thing she grabbed was some brown stockings that she pulled over her legs and slipped on the skirt that complemented it. After doing so she wrapped the belt around her slim waist. She pulled out a red beret with a matching red and gold scarf. To finish it off she put on some black heels that made her stand taller.

She took several more selfies of her in this entire making sure that it will show off her bust and after doing so she again stripped to put on her last outfit. The last outfit she put on was a back sleeveless sweater in a dark blue skirt. She pulled on some long bye-bye white stockings that hugged her legs as well as her. She slipped black boots over them and tied the lases. She put on a short blue skirt that just barely reach the end of her bum and then pulled out a brown jacket with the flooring for a collar completing her look.

Bell couldn’t have been happier. With how perfect they all looked she would just get them all. She looked out of her room and grabbed the nearest employee by the arm.

“Can I pay for the clothes I’m wearing?” Bell questioned, though the tone made it clear it wasn't a question.  The young woman quickly rushed off to fulfill her request, making her giggle.

Oh right she still needed to find something for her cousin to wear. The young woman decided that she would get it out of the way, so that she could do as she pleased.

Bell looked through all of the clothes looking for the most expensive and nicest piece of clothing that she could find for her drabby nerdy cousin. It would go a far way into making sure that it

“Might as well get her something that will look half decent on her, who knows it might be what finally makes her look passable,” Bell giggled as she threw the article of clothing over shoulder like a rag.

It was only fair that she get her cousin something decent. After all if they were going to be seen together then she needed something nice to wear instead of the fifth-rate threads that she had a habit of buying. If only her cousin had the money to afford to throw out and get a wardrobe that was passable like her and her friend. She’ll just have to wait for her hand me downs before she could get something that would be passable.


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