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Dulio smiled serenely as he lounged in his seat and watched the rest of the guests interact. He enjoyed the quiet pleasant atmosphere. The rating game had ended with his victory and his team were at the Hyoudou residence to both celebrate a good game between the two teams, as well as offer his congratulations to the young man for his latest engagements with Xenovia and Irina.

The blonde reincarnated angel was sure that Issei would make a good husband to the pair that he was sure of it. Even if he didn’t know him personally he would be able to tell just by looking at him that he would be a great one for them. The love and adoration in his eyes for them was plain to see. He could tell that he was an honest sort, something that the world could always use more of.

The young man looked around the room at the rest of the guests and how they were interacting with each other. There were no hard feelings at all, no matter how far they had come. It had been a test for all of them and they had given it everything that they could.

Dulio smiled as he looked over the rest of the girls to see how they were doing. Some were chatting with each other like the other members of the harem, or with their respective families. Akeno Himijima was talking to her father and the two were having a rather awkward time doing so. Asia was having a conversation with Mrs. Hyoudou. His eyes landed on the man of the hour whose limbs were stuck between the breasts of Xenovia and Rias, while Vali tried to shove the two of them away as she forced herself between so her chest was pressing against his.

For some reason, he thought it was strange that Vali would be competing for his affection. The two of them were rivals he knew that and while that did happen in stories he wasn’t sure. There was just something about her appearance that didn’t quite match up like he was looking at a mirror or old picture. Whatever might be bothering him about it, he was sure that she was just imagining it. Just a stressful day at the office that had him worked up more than he should be. He needed to get his head fixed. He was here to celebrate and have fun at a party. This was a time to relax, not to worry about small things.

One of his teammates came up to him and asked. “Do you think we can just spend the night here? It would save us a lot of time if we could?”

“I don’t see why not,” Dulio laughed warmly. If he was being honest he would have loved to spend the night as well, but he didn’t want to impose. not that he could blame them, this was going to be a good vacation and they needed to make every moment count before they went back to work. “Though it would be best if we first got permission.”

“Right,” his teammate replied sheepishly.

Dulio and his partner went over to the young man, enjoying the tug of war between the girls. Dulio said, getting the young man’s attention. “Excuse me Issei.”

“Oh uh yeah?” Issei said, forcing himself to focus on the blonde, making the blonde angel hold a snort.

“Sorry for interrupting Issei, but we were wondering if it would be ok if we spent the night,” Dulio said.

“Oh it’s fine, and we have plenty of room for everyone,” Issei questioned.

“Thank you Issei-san, I'll make sure me and my teammates won't be a bother to you,” Dulio promised.

The last thing he wanted was to be suddenly thrown out of a nice place like this. Especially if the chefs were just as good in the morning as they were at night. Already he could taste the breakfast meal and how good it would all be when he finally got it. If he could have the five-star cooking in the morning without having to pay a dime then he would take it in a heartbeat. It paid at times to have friends in high places like Issei.

After getting confirmation from Issei, he and his teammate went back to their conversation with the others, leaving him alone. Not that he minded so much, it allowed him to sample the taste of the food without any interference. Honestly, he felt a little out of place here, considering how earnestly everyone else was talking. The blonde saw a waiter quickly walk out of the kitchen and saw trays of food resting on a table in there, making him freeze. His mouth watered despite all of the treats that he had already he was ready to have some more.

Dulio went into the kitchen, eager for what he might find in there. To his surprise he saw Irina scrambling around the kitchen, cutting dough. He blinked and was surprised that he would find one of them in here instead of out on the dance floor.

“Irinia, what are you doing in here?” Dulio questioned. He was sure that she would be having the time of her life instead of in here and cooking of all things.

“Oh I saw that we were running low on snacks and thought I could make more,” Irina responded quickly.

The blonde couldn’t help but smile. It sounded like something that she would do. It never hurt to have enough sweets to hand out to all the guests. He was sure that with how some of the guests were that they would devour every sweet that was on the table. Koneko had gone through a whole plate on her own before she had gotten distracted by something else. He was infinitely grateful to the one who did distract because it allowed him to get the last snack on the plate before she noticed. That little loli might have tried to get some revenge if she noticed that he took it.

“Well then would you like some help?” Dulio questioned cheerfully. “I might not be an expert chef, but I know my way around the kitchen, at the very least I can make a good taste tester.”

“Thank you Dulio-sama!” Irina exclaimed happily with a bright smile. “I’m sure that with you here it will end up great.”

Dulio laughed at the eagerness that the young girl had as he looked around the kitchen. It was sweet and a little infectious. He could measure ingredients and make sure that they were the right amount he could bake stuff. If it was necessary then he would gladly offer his mouth to be the taste tester and make sure that the food was alright.

“You know it just occurred to me Irina that there are plenty of other desserts out there that people could have. He looked back into the other room to see the table was still full of treats, even though Koneko and a good number of the other guests had already continued to raid it as if they were the last sweets they might have.

“Oh, I was…,” Irina trailed off, her face a bright red.

“You wanted to share them with Issei didn’t you,” Dulio stated knowingly.

Irina’s face darkened further and the blonde felt proud of himself for guessing her goals correctly. She stuttered and tried to think of something to say, but it only served to make the smile that he had larger. He knew that she would have another reason why when there were plenty of servants,most likely brought in for the party, going around and making sure that everyone’s needs were met. It was probably because of her that there wasn’t anyone in here telling her what not to do. Especially since she had become Issei’s newest bride and all. He wondered what she had said to get that one butler running out of here as he did. On second thought, it was probably better he didn't know.

“How do you feel about the engagement?” Dulio questioned. The blonde-haired man already knew, but he wanted to hear it from her himself as if he needed to confirm it. It was obvious from the clear adoration and glee in her eyes that she was happy about it.

Irina blinked at the question before a bright smile blossomed on her face that warmed his heart. The girl suddenly went into a string of words, her voice filled with such excited glee. Every word that came out of her mouth was filled with so much love and adoration that he could practically feel it and how she felt for him.

As Dulio listened to the young woman, he wondered if there had been some more confessions that he hadn’t heard about, especially with Team Slash Dog and how they had been acting. He was close with Tobio and she had been extremely giddy the past few days, acting very much like a small puppy that had eaten a whole cake. Lavina had been talking about a possible wedding location in Italy. She seemed to have dozens of pages bookmarked and described in intimate detail every little aspect of the place as if she was the one trying to sell it. Even Vali who had been acting….nice for her. Not that she didn’t have a caring side, but right now she was outgoing about it, asking people and getting things for them without any hesitation. Honestly, it was a little nerve racking seeing her like that, but he was sure that she would revert to her usual tendencies. Still it was good to see everyone so happy and enjoying themselves. The world needed more happiness and joy in it.

“Irina, why don’t you go and enjoy yourself,” Dulio said. Don’t worry I’ll watch over the food and make sure that it's done. You did most of the work after all. I’m just making sure that they all get done.”

“No Dulio-sama, I can’t ask you to do that!” Irina cried, even if she looked like she was tempted to take up the offer. She looked back at the party as if wondering what she should do. It amused him how she wanted to rush back out there and join the party despite what she said. Well as a fellow follower of God he should help her make up her mind about what she should do.

“It’s perfectly fine, and besides this is your engagement party, after all, you should spend the day enjoying yourself, not cooped up in here,” Dulio assured. “Besides, I’m sure that while Issei might appreciate the gesture he would prefer to be with you more. Or not. After all, the other girls might take the opportunity to spend it with him.”

The young woman rushed out of the room and Dulio laughed at how quickly she moved. He swore that if his senses were not as advanced as they were then he would have said that she disappeared with how quickly she did. He snuck a look into the room and saw her cornered by her father. The young girl desperately tried to get away from him and look for Issei, but she couldn’t as he happily embraced her.

The blonde looked for the man of the hour amongst the crowd and spied him talking with a dressed-up Xenovia and Rias. He wore his usual clothes that worked well with his unkempt hair. He could tell just how strong Issei was and the type of build that he had from the years of experience that he had. After looking his body over, Dulio focused on his face and admired it. With his current wardrobe, it made all of the young man’s best features stand out and blend together perfectly.

“He does look handsome like that,” Dulio admitted. “And with how cute he looks, I have no doubt that the girls are going to throw themselves at him. Then again they usually do.”

A sudden jolt went off in his head as if he had just been zapped by a spell out in the field. For a moment, everything felt off, and every nerve in her body went wild. It was as if his senses had been dulled by a poison or a barrel’s worth of alcohol. Everything had been thrown out of whack and twisted around. The blonde man shook his head and blinked rapidly as he tried to get them back to normal. He flexed his fingers and wiggled his toes, focusing on that feeling as if it was a lifeline. The more he did, the more his body felt like it was returning to normal.

The young man wondered what could have caused that. He looked down at one of the plates of treats, wondering if something was wrong with it. After a moment, he shrugged and went back to eating it. He hummed as he again savored the taste of the delicious treat. There was no way that food this good could be the cause of whatever was bothering him. He waited to see if something would happen to him again, but as the seconds on the clock ticked by nothing happened to him again.

“My compliments to the chef,” Dulio remarked.

As the young man continued to eat his meal, his lips started to puff up, as if he was having an allergic reaction to them. It spread throughout the rest of his face, his jaw letting out popping noises as it readjusted itself from her chewing. His cheekbones shifted and rose, his jawline softening as they moved. The reincarnated angel’s nose shrunk as the changes continued and became a cute button nose more fitting for a womanly face. His eyebrows trimmed as they got smaller, becoming more womanly and neatly trimmed. Soon the young man had been left with the face of a beautiful young woman that rivaled even the greatest beauties that Heaven had to offer.

Dulio looked at the time on the stove wondering how much longer it would be before it was all done. This was one of the reasons why he couldn’t get into cooking. The waiting was always the worst part. He could always smell and taste the food as it cooked, and there was nothing that he could do to soothe it. It was as if he was being taunted by some schmuck that thought it was better than him.

He placed his hand on the stove, feeling the heat from it. For a moment he considered using his powers to help speed things up but restrained himself. Cooking was art and anything that could throw that out of order and ruin the treat. Wasted food was something that he wouldn’t dare run the risk of doing. There was no way that he would put the well-being of food on the line.

The hair that he had on his body dwindled as if the heat from the oven was enough to destroy it. The small hair on the back of his knuckles faded and disappeared and continued down the rest of his hands. He breathed out as he kept his hands there, enjoying the warmth of the oven as his body continued to lose hair on it. The changes continued up his arms, stripping them of every speck of hair, making his skin shine with a new luster that would have thrown many off. In mere moments all of the hair that had been on his body was gone, leaving it as smooth as a baby’s bottom.

It wasn’t just his arms that had lost hair and his skin gained a new healthy shine to it. Every little piece of it below his eyebrows was starting to disappear, making his clothes feel as if they were covered in sand. His face twitched as the skin there cleaned even more than it already was, making him feel as if he had stepped into a blizzard despite the cold air that he felt. Dulio shuddered and he quirked a brow, wondering what was going on with him.

“What is wrong with my clothes all of a sudden,” Dulio muttered as pulled at his clothes and tried to distract himself. He couldn’t understand why his clothes suddenly felt so off. They had felt just fine and fit not too long ago, but now it was as if they had become something else entirely. He pulled at every piece of his clothing as if it would somehow all get better when he pulled a certain part of it. The more he pulled on his clothes, the more natural they felt as if he was getting out the powder that was causing the changes.

Small bits of his former body hair slipped out of the legs and arms of his attire, but the boy didn’t seem to notice them. Dulio smiled as he found reprieve from doing so, and continued to pull at his clothes. The pants legs felt much better now, just like they did before. Everywhere that he pulled on his body the remains of the hair spilled out, like a hole in a bag of sand.

He opened the bottom of his shirt and raised it up. The remains of the chest and stomach hair that he might have had spilled onto the floor, not that he noticed. He quickly brought it up and down as if he was trying to get a batch of powder that had fallen on his shirt off. He sighed as he did, feeling a little better from doing so.

As he brought his shirt up and down the defined six-pack that he had morphed. The hard muscles that he had on his gut, shrinking as if he was gaining weight. They slimmed down and yet still maintained a definition that belied the change. Soon the hard abs that he had from years of training were gone and replaced with a smooth slim stomach that wouldn’t have looked that out of place on a woman.

“There we go,” the blonde muttered happily. Now that all of that was gone, he could focus on what he wanted to without any distraction. Though he would probably need to invest in some new detergent for his clothes in the future. He couldn’t have another sudden repeat like this. If he did then there was no way that it would end well. Not with everything that had happened to him.

He pulled out one of the cool bottles of soda and opened it. He chugged the drink down enjoying the sugary drink that went down his stomach. A content moan escaped him as it did. After a sip he looked at the brand to check what it was, wondering what this wonderful treat was. He blinked when he saw that it was the same brand that he usually drank. The blonde wondered why it tasted so different to him, but after a moment he shrugged and went back to drinking it without hesitation.

“Heh, must be a blessing from the lord then,” Dulio chuckled gleefully and then went back to enjoying the wonderful drink. He took another long drink of it, savoring every drop of it as if it would be his last.

Unseen by him, the sides of his waist caved in and started to slim down. The sides of his waist caved in as if he was being forced to wear a corset. His shirt hung loosely against his sides, no longer fitting as appropriately as it did not too long ago. He groaned as the changes continued as if he was getting massaged by someone who was roughly digging their hands into his sides.

The young man hugged himself as if he had punched in the gut. He rubbed his aching tummy, a slight gurgle coming from it that made him grimace. All of his insides felt off as if they were at war with themselves trying to rein for supremacy. The young man wished that he had an antacid or something that would be able to help deal with this.

“What the heck is going on down there?” Dulio questioned as he continued to rub his stomach. He doubted it was the food. There was no way that it could cause something like this. It was impossible, food was meant to bring people together through joy.

The changes to his body finally came to a close and he relaxed, as he focused on himself. He ran his hands down his slender sides, finding it strangely relaxing. Doing so showed off how much his waist had changed and was no longer the strong masculine one he had, but one more fitting for a woman with a well-developed hourglass that made his upper and lower body more prominent, even if he didn’t have much for curves. If his mid-section was on perfect display then they would have marveled at how slim his waist was and if they were women would have been envious of his new core.

“Must have been hit harder than I thought or something during that last mission,” the blonde boy figured.

Dulio looked around the kitchen wondering what else he could snack on in the meantime. There had to be more around here that he could feast on happily. Every little bit would help him enjoy himself. Besides, it would be disrespectful of him as a guess if he didn't make sure to enjoy himself. While he was sure that it wouldn't go to waste making it so they have less to worry about and he would be more than happy to help them. Maybe if there were leftovers he would be able to take some home or to the little ones at the church. He was sure that they would love that.

With no one here he would be able to eat to his heart content and not have to worry about looking professional. That was always the best thing about parties. He would be able to enjoy all of the special food that they had made without having to pay anything. It was times like these where a person could go all out cooking and make food that they normally wouldn’t. These were the times that if you were invited that you had to go and attend even if you weren’t that close. Oh, and to show your support for the people and how much you care about them. It was also that too.

Dulio went to the large fridge and opened it, knowing that there had to be something good in there that he would be able to enjoy. To his immense glee, he wasn’t disappointed and saw large plates of various desserts set up there that made his stomach growl in eager anticipation. His mouth watered as he saw pudding, plates of chocolate, and more. It was all there as if waiting for him to reach out and take it all.

The blonde immediately reached out and pulled out one of the plates and hummed as he licked it, the banana cream tasting wonderful as it danced on his tongue. He rolled the delicious treat in his mouth, enjoying every burst of flavor as if it would be his last. Even when there were little more than scraps on it, Dulio refused to let them go to waste. Somewhere in the bible, it said that it was a sin to let good food go to waste and he wasn't going to become a sinner yet. Without any hesitation or sense of manners, the boy started licking the plate as if it would be the last meal that he might ever have.

The oven went off, making the young man blink, bringing him out of his food fantasies. He turned and saw the timer had reached zero. For a moment he forgot why that was important until he recalled Irina. The sudden realization filled him about what was happening and his eyes bulged.

“Oh, Irina’s sweets!” Dulio cried as he quickly placed down the plate that he had been licking. The transitioning blonde went over to the stove and grabbed a pair of oven mitts. As he slipped them on, the blonde’s hands softened as the changes continued. His short nails grew slightly longer as they gained a new fresh shine. The years of training that he had done to hone his skills in combat in service to the Lord faded slightly. The rough calluses dwindled and got smaller, as his already healthy skin gained a new life to it. If anyone were to touch them now they would feel soft dainty womanly hands that would have made many pause in shock and admire them.

The young man opened the oven and was hit in the face by a blast of heat that made him pull back. He blinked and shook his head as the heat that hit him quickly passed. He had been through so much worse, especially in the middle of a fight, but it was always the initial blast that made him recoil. After shaking it off he reached out and grabbed the tray of sweets and placed them on the counter.

Dulio found a spot to put them down and after doing so took the oven mitts off, revealing smaller daintier hands befitting that of a woman rather than a handsome man. He rolled his fingers, they felt strange, as if this was the first time that he was getting a feel for them. He opened and clenched his hand, as small little pops left them as they adjusted. The bones seemed to click into place as if he had cracked them. Dulio couldn’t bring himself to stop as his body seemed to develop so many tired cracks that left him unbalanced.

It didn’t settle there as the rest of his arms morphed and changed. The muscle that he had on his arms got smaller, slimming down as if the power behind them was disappearing, but that wasn’t true. They were merely compressing down to make his body look more graceful. His forearms thinned and gained a grace that the rest of his body wouldn’t be able to have. The blonde rolled his wrists and they let out a soft popping that made him moan and sigh in relief.

He flexed his bicep and the ball of muscle that he had got smaller as well, much like a balloon when it is being deflated. It got smaller and still maintained a tone that was befitting a woman who trained a lot. He rubbed his arm, not noting the slightly new jiggle that they had.

Now that he wasn't worried about the sweets’ health, Dulio could enjoy them in their entirety. The smell of the sugary treats made the changing man moan in delight, imagining what it would be like to shove one of them into his mouth, and then another. He was sure that it would be wonderful to taste. He reached out to touch it and recoiled the moment that his finger brushed against it. The heat from the sweets made him flinch. Well, he was sure that it would be a wonderful treat after it cooled off a little.

The Joker watched the treats as if they were calling out to him for him to snack on them. He clenched his hands and his stomach growled. The first instinct that he had was to reach out and take a bite of the sweets. His kind told him how they would taste and his will was tested further. He bit his lip and a bead of sweat formed as his struggle to fight his instincts grew.

Dulio looked at the door, making sure that no one was there, especially Irina. He was sure the young girl would be mad if she saw him take any of the sweets that she had made. He was sure that whatever she might have tried to pay him back, he would be able to handle it, but with how disappointed and sad she would be it away it would eat away at his heart.

He took a careful bite out of them as if they would explode in his face if he did. The moment he did, he pulled back holding his tongue out. The intense heat from them made him wince, but he forced himself to eat it until he swallowed. He took another bite of it and forced himself to keep chewing it, even when his instincts told him to spit it out. It wouldn't be the first time that it happened in his experience and he was sure that it would happen again.

The sugary treat seemed to go straight to his thighs as they started blowing up, growing larger and pushing his balls and his shaft to the extreme. He moaned in discomfort and pulled at the hem of his pants to adjust them. He groaned as if he had just been given a wedgie, but refused to relent. No matter what he tried to do the awkwardness in his drawers refused to relent and continued to bother him.

He might need to get some new pants or work off the extra calories and stuff he had now. Though he couldn’t let his companions know that. They would tease him about it for weeks if they did. The last thing he wanted to go on was some form of diet. He would have to limit himself to how many sweets he had in a day and for him, that was synonymous with death.

Dulio took a bite of another and another, quickly eating all of the treats that he had shoved into his mouth. He grabbed another and munched it down just as quickly. He forgot the original reason why he had waited on them and continued to scarf them down as if it would be the last thing that he would do. Another bite of the delicious treats made him moan in delight.

The young man was about to shove another one in his mouth but stopped and looked at the remaining food. He looked at the pan that he had scraped them off of and did a quick headcount in his head, wondering how much of it he had eaten. Dulio frowned when he saw that he had eaten about a fifth of the delicious treats that Irina had made. He gulped what remained of the one that he had eaten and frowned, resisting the urge to eat down another one of them.

They were so good that if he didn’t have a moment of lucidity then he was sure that he would have devoured them in a moment's notice. He would need to give these to Irina before he ended up eating them all. He placed them all on a fresh plate, making sure that the amount he had eaten didn't look as noticeable. Still, he could make sure to get the recipe for them from her. He was sure that the little ones at the church would love them.

Dulio poked his head out of the room and looked for the young woman, hoping that she didn’t run off somewhere. It would become a test for him if something wasn’t done about these sweets soon. Considering how large this place was it had to be one.

He reached and focused, trying to find her power in this house and differentiate it from the others. All of the numerous high power levels bounced off of each other, making it easy to tell who was who. But those same immense power concealed the other lower ones like a blanket. He had to force the power aside and look through it until he found the more he was looking for. In moment’s he found her, among several others, but he didn't care enough to try and figure out who they were. Still while finding them would be the easy part, the hard part had just begun. He had to get there with the food intact.

“Lord please give me strength,” Dulio muttered as he worked up the will for what he was about to do and hoped that it would be enough. For once he would have to resist the base urges of his stomach to eat as much as he wanted. That was something that he had never been good about ever since he was a wee lad and was sure that he would be bad about it for the rest of his days. It just wasn’t in him, but he was sure that with the Lord giving him the strength he would be able to do what he needed to.

He left the room, protecting the plate of sweets from view. The warmth of the platter and the smell that dug into his nose made his mouth water as if he hadn't had any other treats and was being tested by them. The blonde gripped the plate that he was holding tighter, a part of him wondering how he hadn't caused the plate to shatter with how much strength he was putting into it.

He found Irina and some of the other members of Issei’s harem flocked together like a pair of hens. Even from here, he could hear them arguing between each other and Issei stuck in the middle. The boy was like a deer staring down a pair of headlights. There were too many of them for him to keep track of and Dulio struggled to hold in his laughter at what he was seeing. It was amusing seeing how the boy tried to keep them all happy but wasn’t sure what to do.

Oh, the boy had a long way to go if he was going to have that happy harem ending that he wanted. With so many girls and personalities, it would make having to fit them all a challenge. Some of them might have complimented each other but with so many different people wanting affection at once it would undoubtedly lead to conflict. Well, Issei was committed to his dream and he was sure that he would make it happen. He had the charm for it at the very least. All he needed to do was figure out a good way to make it so everyone could be happy

Irina opened her mouth but stopped when she noticed Dulio. She quietly slipped away from the group, the others lost on the war for Issei’s affections to notice her, and the poor boy admiring their chests to as well. The girl rushed to him as fast as she could, as if he was an assassin about to go in for the kill. The blonde snorted at how eager she was and had to bite his plush lips to keep himself from laughing.

“They’re done?” Irina questioned eagerly.

“Yup, here they are,” Dulio said kindly and gave her the platter of treats. The young woman smiled in glee as she took them from them, only to frown moments later.

Irinia eyed the treats, making Dulio sweat inside. He gulped and prayed that she wouldn't notice that he had snacked on a few of them. She looked back at him and he kept the same serene smile that he had on, though struggled to keep it and prayed that she wouldn’t push him.

After a moment, Irina shrugged and turned away, running back to Issei, making Dulio sigh in relief. He had never felt more relieved than he did right now. Hopefully, she wasn't just pretending not to notice and would tell Gabriel or Michael about it, or even worse Griselda. Telling Griselda that he had eaten some of the food that she had made would be cruel beyond measure. He wouldn't have ratted her out if their positions had been reversed. He thought he wouldn't anyway.

Dulio couldn’t bring himself to leave just yet. He wanted to see this playout out and see if she got her reward for all of the hard work that she put into making it. And that the test of will that he had to go through did help her get what she wanted. If it didn't then he would have to ask the Lord why he was put through that.

Irina returned his smile with a happy bright smile on her face that made him feel as if the test was worth it. She shoved her way between, putting the plates right above her bust. Just as she expected, Issei’s eyes landed on them and he blinked at the sight of the treats instead of full cleavage.

“Irina where did you get these? I don't remember seeing these at the table,” Issei commented. He didn't have much say when it came to the party but he had seen everything get prepared and when he had made a plate for himself.

“Oh I made these myself,” Irina answered proudly. “I wanted to do something special for you since we'll be married soon.”

Dulio chortled as he saw the shocked look on the other girls' faces. Some of them looked like they were about to blow a gasket and others looked like they had just been on the receiving end of a trick. He might not be one for trickery, but he could enjoy a nice trick that led to stuff like this, especially when it wouldn’t affect him.

“Oh, thanks, Irina!” Issei said and moved to take one, only for Irina to stop him. He looked at her questioningly.

“Say ahh,” Irina ordered the young man playfully. She held it out for him to eat looking at him expectantly.

Issei blushed as he opened his mouth and devoured the offered treat without hesitation. Irina preened and glee as she took one and plopped it in his mouth. Issei gulped it down and smiled.

“Wow these are really good Irina,” Issei complimented.

“Thank you I put everything I had into making them,” Irina preened with a victorious smile. She took a look at the snacks and then cautiously stuffed one of them into her mouth. She moaned in delight as well, her joy growing. “They're even better than I expected.”

The other girls looked at one another, a silent conversation going on between them. They looked down at the plate, then at each other. A smirk graced their beautiful faces as they all agreed on what they were thinking. As one the rest of the girls grabbed one of the treats on the plate and then stuffed the food in their mouths. They smirked at her and let out a hum as they rolled the food in their mouths. They intended to savor their victory however they could as long as they could.

Irina squealed as if she was choking on something and then glared at the girls. She moved, forgetting that the plate of food was in her hands. She looked like she wanted to force the girls' mouths open and pry the food from it. Her fingers tightened around her plate and looked like she was about to lunge at her.

“Girls it's fine,” Issei said, getting between them all before it could escalate into something else. “We can all share them together.”

The girls smiled in glee. He grabbed one and plopped it in their mouths. The girls smiled and hummed in childish joyous glee like a pack of puppies that had finally been given a treat that they wanted.

Dulio’s smile fell the longer he watched them all interact. Jealousy bubbled in his heart the more he watched and he couldn’t bring himself to stay there and watch them. A part of him wished to join the fray and vie for Issei’s affections like all of the girls there, but he knew that he couldn't. If he did it would ruin the good mood that all of them add and drop a bombshell on Issei that he knew the boy would not like much. Even if they were friends he couldn't return the feelings that he had for him.

Dulio left the room, wishing to be alone. He knew exactly where he wanted to go and it was the kitchen where all the extra food was. He could have gone downstairs and enjoyed the rest of his party, but with his soured mood, he was sure that he would only ruin the good time that someone might be having. This was at least he would be able to enjoy it all without having to share it. He wondered if there was any ice cream in that jumbo freezer. The blonde felt like he could use a tub or three after the disappointment.

As he walked down to the kitchen there was a pull between his legs as if he had placed his hand down there and wrapped it around his holy sword. He at the feeling and rolled his shoulders back and breathed heavily through his nose. The blonde leaned against the wall and tried to steady himself as it got worse. He breathed through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. It did little to distract him from what was happening down there.

“What’s going on down there?” Dulio questioned, ignoring the animalistic urge to rub himself and hope that it would do something for him. He was at a party after all and if he was caught doing something like that he was sure that it would lead to a lecture or two. Besides, the embarrassment alone would be enough to make him want to crawl into a hole. Well worst comes to worst he could try and just mindwipe the person who had seen what he did, though the obvious problem was if they were strong. Meh, he would handle that hurdle when he got there. For now, he needed to focus on finding a nice place he could work without anyone seeing his struggle.

The blonde angel moved faster to the kitchen, spying on the party for a moment to see how everyone was doing. For the most part, the older guests seemed to be happy. They had broken off into their own groups and were still chatting about what was going in their lives.

Griselda listened to the conversation that was going on between other girls that were after Issei, talking about dates and everything else that had been going on in their lives. The wincing blonde noticed that the older holy woman was paying a particular amount of attention to the subject when it was centered around Issei.

It was easy to see why she was like that and why she was paying much attention to him. She felt the same as he did. The young girls were in a way living the dream that she wanted. His heart went out in sympathy for the older woman. Both of them had a love that they wished to give to someone, but neither of them could express it for one reason or another. The difference was that if she confessed to him that she had a change of her feelings being reciprocated while his didn’t. Maybe he should talk to her later about it. Better she tried and learn that he didn’t feel the same way that she did then languish in misery.

The awkwardness down below flared in his trousers and the blonde angel rushed faster to the kitchen, hoping that no one was paying particular attention to him. He needed to deal with this privately and he wouldn't be able to do that if someone was following him, asking what was wrong. The blonde would be thankful that they cared, but hate them for bothering him at a time when his genitals decided to mess with him.

The moment Dulio entered the kitchen he rushed to the corner and looked around, making sure that there wasn't anyone else in the room. The last thing he needed was to ruin the party for someone and make things awkward. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself or live it down if it did happen.

The blonde reached down and shuddered as if he had just had ice shoved drown the front of his pants. Everything down there felt tender as if it had been hit, by there. He shuddered as it hardened and he breathed, trying to keep himself calm down there. Despite that, he felt like he wanted to wrap his hand around it and go wild. He could only breathe as he squeezed his thighs as much as he tried to keep himself occupied.

“Why am I burning so much down there. I’ve never felt like this….excited before,” Dulio said as he struggled to keep his cool as it got harder to ignore. He had never been the most stimulated down there. Sure he had admired a few guys, but they didn’t stir him like this, and nothing that he had done would have caused him to feel like this. He wasn’t a horn dog like Issei was, but he wasn’t a slave to his desires like him. It was almost like all the years of lust that he had felt came rushing forward to desperately gain release.

With all the will that he could muster, Dulio turned away from the door and breathed heavily as he opened the front of his pants and adjusted what was going on down there. If he could notice the changes to his body then he would have been disturbed to find out that his member was now a fourth of its size and getting smaller. He reached down to fix it and the moment his fingers brushed against it a deep breath escaped him. It had a heightened sensitivity as if he had just finished going for an hour or two of fun with himself.

He pulled his hand away and allowed the fabric of his pants to adjust it for him as his dick got smaller. The fabric did little to ease him, but it was better than when his hand did. He kept pulling at the hem of his pants, feeling his weiner move around. His balls rose as what he had got smaller. It wasn’t long before the tip of his wang entered his new lips, making him gasp as a new heat coursed through his body. His balls quickly followed and entered his body. The moment they did they formed into a new set of ovaries.

“There we go,” Dulio sighed happily, feeling much better between her legs.

She still felt hot between her legs, but she could deal with that later. This would take a whole if what she was feeling was any indication, and she would certainly make a scene. She couldn’t just lock the rooms up until she was done. That would no doubt raise some red flags and get her thrown out of here. Still, she knew the perfect way to handle it, and that was by burying her sorrows in food, especially sweets. Comfort food was the best food in such times.

Dulio opened the freezer and found some joy at the sight of the various tubs of ice cream that were in there. She pulled out one after another, looking at all the flavors they had. There was chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, oreo, mint, and more. The blonde licked her lips and wondered what would be the best one to start with. Strawberry and chocolate were her best friends, especially in ice cream form. Her eyes went back to the chocolate and knew that would be the one she would start with.

The gluttonous blonde opened the jug of chocolate ice cream and began searching for something she could use to eat with. She looked around, wondering where she could find a spoon in this joint. She opened and slammed the drawers, finding various things that she didn’t need.

“There you are!” Dulio cheered as she picked up one of the spoons. She went back to her tub of chocolate and shoved her spoon in there and pulled out a large chunk of chocolate to eat. Her mouth watered and she licked her lips and shoved it into her mouth. All of the worries and sadness that she had experienced went a little farther away now that she had something sweet to focus on. It still hurt, but it was a nice reprieve from everything that had bothered her.

“Oh!” Dulio cried and turned to look over her shoulder at her flat rear. It tingled as if she had landed on it wrong. For a moment she thought a pervert touched it, which might not have been a problem if said pervert was Issei. The blonde girl almost lost the plate that she was holding. It was only thanks to her quick reflex that she was able to save the food on the plate.

“Huh, must just be a sudden spasm,” Dulio remarked and then went back to eating her food. Just like the rest that she had eaten, the food was just as delicious. She found solace in the food, her sorrows dulled as she continued to eat. She focused on the food and every little piece of the chocolate, from the taste of it, the way it melted, everything about it that made her feel better.

With every bite that she had, her flat behind grew larger as if an air hose had been placed between her cheeks and turned on at full blast. As her bottom grew larger, her cheeks rounded out and gained a curviness to them that wasn't there before. The young woman’s underwear dug into her bottom and she moaned as it strained on her well-developed thighs. She wiggled her lower body, and her ass bounced side to side. Her pants strained against her ballooning cheeks, making her moan lightly. Lewd thoughts of Issei entered her mind and imagined that it was him who caressed the developing curve of her ass. Her booty finished growing when it became a huge thick round ass as if she had shoved some ripe apples down her tight pants. No matter what she did there would always be some bounce to her wonderful ass that would make those attracted instantly go hard.

Dulio frowned when she saw that she had run out of ice cream, and still felt depressed. She needed another jug of ice cream. She went back to the freezer and pulled out the strawberry that she had. She shoved her spoon in it and repeated the process, savoring every little piece of the strawberry ice cream as if it would be her last.

Dullio’s small chest grew larger as she continued to eat her meal. The young woman moaned in pleasure at the taste of the delicious sweet and her chest feeling wonderfully light. Her flat chest softened and pushed forward as she continued to eat. It was almost as if all of the sweets were going straight to her body again. Her top strained the more her breasts grew, the outline of her chest becoming more visible as the seconds passed, not that the hungry blonde noticed. She was far too invested in the delicious food, savoring every bite as if it would be her last meal. Dulio adjusted her stance as her bosom’s weight continued to grow. Her developing bosom finally finished growing when they became an amazing magnificent G-cup that eclipsed the size of her head and would have made just as wonderful pillows.

They easily rivaled Gabriel's wonderful bosom, who was hailed to have the finest breasts in Heaven. She had heard it but didn't mind it too much. She took it as a sign that she was blessed by the lord.

The ditzy angle had wanted to compare for herself their busts and see who was the larger between the two of them. She had wanted to say no, but one doesn’t just say no when one of the strongest angels, especially one of the leaders comes up to them and asks them to do it. She was sure that would have been a sight that would have made quite a few of the Lord’s servants fall if they had seen it. Not that she would blame them. If she had been a man she might have too.

The door opened and Dulio froze. She turned to the door, her spoon still in her mouth and her cheeks stuffed with ice cream. She saw that it was Griselda there, staring at her just like she would in his younger years when she was catching her doing something he shouldn’t. She didn’t say anything and Dulio continued to eat her food, as she slid the spoon out of her mouth. She swallowed the ice cream in her mouth and stared at Griselda, still waiting for her to do something.

“I thought that I might find you in here.” Griselda sighed, making Dulio smile sheepishly, a lightr blush evident on her face.

Small sweat formed on Dulio’s body as she waited for what would happen next. She prayed that she wasn’t about to get a lecture from her. There was only so much that she would be able to take. If all of the other fights she had been through wouldn’t be the end of her then she was sure that Griselda would kill her.

“Relax, I was looking for you because Irina and Xenovia wanted to talk to us privately,” Griselda informed.

“Did they say why?” Dulio questioned as she put the lid back on the ice cream jug.

“No, but knowing those two it might be for another training session,” Griselda sighed tiredly.

“You say that like it's a problem,” Dulio responded.

“It isn’t,” Griselda sighed. “But I’m worried about how far they go considering that Issei has died  for a second time. The girls pushed themselves farther than they needed to and she worried that they would reach a breaking point with how desperate they were to get stronger. They would all need to talk to someone to help set them straight, lest they end up hurting themselves.”

“Then we'll just have to make sure that they keep their heads on straight,” Dulio said.

“I suppose we shall,” Griselda answered. They were meant to support one another and as long as they were together, and helped one another she was sure that they would be able to best. wandered through the house until they found an office room.

“Are they already in there,” Dulio commented as she looked at the door.

“They wanted to speak to us in here, that way they wouldn't have to deal with any prying ears.” “Irina told me that she would go get Xenovia.”

Dulio could understand that. They probably didn't want to bring down the mood to the other guests. She certainly didn't earlier and still didn't want to burden the others. Maybe after this, her and Griselda could go to a bar and talk. They might get hit on by some guys, but it was better to stay in the house where all the romance was going on until they were tired.

The door opened to their confusion, and before they could say anything the two older women were shoved into the room. The two saw Issei, and before they could say anything the door slammed shut behind the pair, making a loud bang. As one the two jumped in surprise from how fast it happened. The lock on the door clicked and outside the door, they could hear magic going off. The two knew that the three of them had been locked inside.

Griselda quickly turned around and reached out to the door and tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. She jingled the handle and growled when it didn’t open despite her best efforts to make it happen.

Dulio stared at her companion’s efforts, not at all perturbed as she should be. Instead of trying to break out she looked back at the only other person in the room and saw Issei chuckling sheepishly, but not at all worried. She quickly put the parts together and realized that whatever had just happened he was in on it. Or perhaps more likely he was the one who had devised this situation.

Griselda stopped her attempts and let go of the door. She still had a dark look on her face, and she breathed heavily through her nose. She walked over to the two of them, grumbling under her breath.

“When I get those girls they are going to be in for quite a punishment,” Griselda muttered darkly.

“I’m sorry about all the cloak and dagger,” Issei admitted honestly. “But I was hoping that I could get the two of you alone for a moment so we could talk about something.”

“Talk about what?” Dulio questioned, her heart skipping a beat. She wondered what it was that required them to be alone and the more her mind went through it all, the more her heart pulsed in her chest.

Issei didn't answer and simply smiled as he put his hand in his pocket. He pulled two boxes out of his pocket that made the two of them stop what they were doing. They stared as if they were about to see a pair of bombs go off. The girls stood there like statues as if they modeling for some artist that they couldn't see.

“Yes!” Dulio cried as she took the one for her.

“I would…if you would be willing to,” Griselda said calmly, choosing her words carefully. Despite that, it was clear to see how joyous she was about it. She smiled and took the ring that was meant for her.

Issei slipped the rings on their fingers and then stepped away, letting them admire their rings. He smile, happy beyond measure that they said yes.

“Oh thank you!” Dulio cried and pulled the brunette into her bosom, smashing her face into her chest. She purred happily and saw Griselda shooting her a look, but she didn’t care. She was just so happy that she could cry right now and tears formed in her eyes.

Issei gasped for air and stepped back as he breathed deeply with a bright smile on his face. A lover of boobs he may be, but even he needed air. He pulled out his phone and sent a text off to someone. The two older women wondered who it was before the door unlocked and the magical power behind it suddenly disappeared. Griselda eyed the door suspiciously as if it was a bomb that was about to go off. She took a cautious step forward and then another.

Before she could touch the door, Issei rushed forward, quickly moving past the two older women before they could reach it. He grabbed the handle and turned to them with a sheepish grin. “I should be the one to get the door for the two of you. It’s the right thing to do as a gentleman.”

“...You aren’t planning to give them a warning are you?” Griselda smiled sweetly at Issei, which sent a smile down his face.

“I...I don’t think I need to,” Issei chuckled sheepishly. “If anything they probably went off ahead of their own free will.”

“Hmmm...Xenovia might be a knucklehead, but she has good instincts,” Griselda admitted. “Still I don’t like to be on the receiving end.”

Dulio just laughed at the reaction. She probably would have sold the two girls out if she had been in Issei’s place. Better them than her having to deal with one of her lectures.

They stepped out of the room, and the first thing Dulio noticed was a pouting Vali shaking Ophis around by the scruff of her jacket demanding from her. “Why did this happen again?!”

“Vali-chan please stop!” Asia cried as she tried to stop her but Vali was too strong for her and didn’t slow down at all.

If Ophis was at all perturbed or annoyed by what was happening to her, she didn’t show it. The Infinite Dragon still had the same bland emotionless look on her face that she always did. She didn’t say anything and just looked ahead as if she was waiting for what was happening to her to end.

“What did we walk in on?” Issei wondered aloud.

Vali turned toward the door as she stopped shaking the loli dragon. She let go of the powerful dragon and Ophis landed on the floor without issue. The older-looking girl opened and closed her mouth, muttering words none of them could hear correctly.

The small dragon went back over to the dessert table and went back to munching on the food. She kept grabbing treat after treat and munching on it whole.

“Are you alright Ophis-chan?” Asia questioned as she kneeled to her level, so she was eye-level with the small dragon.

Ophis stopped her munching and after a moment she nodded to the blonde. She went right back to eating, and the young woman smiled as she did. Asia rubbed her head as if Ophis was her little girl.

Dulio cooed at the cute interaction and admired Asia’s bravery. As cute as Ophis was there was no way that she would be able to do the same. Though seeing all of the food at the table did get her pretty hungry. Her stomach growled again and she decided to give in to her current lord. There was so much good food here that it would be a waste if she didn’t continue to take part in it and enjoy herself.

Whatever it was that they had missed, it seemed to have passed as a calm fell over the room. Vali ran over to the table to be by herself, getting stared at the occupants in the room.

The party continued into the night. With every hour that passed more of the party, guests left the building and headed back to their homes. Soon it was just Issei and all of his lovers that remained for the most part. Throughout the whole time, Dulio couldn't take her eyes off of the ring. Her heart blossomed every time and she couldn't keep the dopey happy grim that she had off of her face. It was like a dream come true. She was sure that she had his attention because of her breasts, but this was more than she had ever hoped. Ever since she realized her feelings for him, she thought that she was doomed to fail since he was surrounded by so many girls already. If this was a dream then she didn't want to wake up.

Dulio watched the Hyoudou matriarch and patriarch leave the house, shooting a hopeful look at Issei and a thumbs up. It was clear that they were hoping that their family would be on the way to expanding when the night was over.

Issei yawned and looked at the time on his phone. He didn’t think that they would be staying up so late. Still, he would be lying if he said that he did have fun today. Everything had gone as he hoped it would. He would have to thank Irina and Xenovia for letting him do this. It no doubt made the other girls so much more surprised.

“Think we should all head to bed?” Issei questioned.

All of the girls quickly got changed or stripped off their attire and fought to be the ones to sleep beside Issei for the night. They tossed their attire to the side of the room and then leaped onto the massive bed.

Dulio managed to fight through the girls and get to Issei’s side. She hummed in glee as she snuggled against him, her boobs pressing against his body. The warmth that was radiating from his body was enough to make her feel as if she was resting in front of a fireplace snuggling up to the best damn teddy bear in the world. The only thing missing would be a cup of coco then she would be content, especially if Issei was next to her.

She didn’t at all mind the pillows that were pressing against her back or the glares that she was receiving from the other girls. She had received such looks from others for one reason or another. She found it a little amusing the looks that she would get.

“No more Ophis, please no more,” Vali muttered under her breath in her sleep.

Dulio could only wonder what sort of dream the Lucifer descendent was having to have that sort of reaction. She had never been one to beg and she doubted that she would have started anytime soon. Even if it was to get Issei’s affections for something. The girl had her pride and she would let nothing stop her or embarrass her, and begging was certainly like that.

Well whatever the case was, the blonde was sure that it didn’t mean anything. It was probably just some weird dream that she was having from whatever happened with Ophis. She did shake the small girl around as if she was a toy after all and could only imagine what the dragon loli had done to make her react like that.


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